An Emerging Pattern


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
It has been the policy of this administration to openly denigrate and in some cases isolate media outlets it sees as an obsticle to their agenda.

Unfortunately, too many people did not recognize the unprecedented, with the exception of perhaps Nixon, action of a sitting president criticizing reporters and political commentators as Obama did almost as soon as he began occupying the White House.

Could you imagine Bush insulting and marginalizing MSNBC, and then have his AG sign a warrant accusing a MSNBC reporter of possible treason and then lie about his involvement in investigating journalists to Congress?

This administration has a pattern of harassing and intimidating those in the media that does not comply with the narrative set out by the WH.

[ame=]The Laura Ingraham Show - Investigative reporter says WH official cussed at her over ATF scandal - YouTube[/ame]

CBS News confirms multiple breaches of Sharyl Attkisson?s computer

This administration has demonstrated clearly the reasons why the federal government can not and must not be trusted with the vast amount of power it has unconstitutionally granted itself under the NSA PRISM program.

Contrary to the false polls almost instantaneously released after the reporting of the NSA domestic spying program, a solid majority of Americans do not support this program and fear it will be abused for political purposes.

More Americans Disapprove Than Approve of Government Collecting Phone Records

57% Fear Government Will Use NSA Data to Harass Political Opponents - Rasmussen Reports?
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It has been the policy of this administration to openly denigrate and in some cases isolate media outlets it sees as an obsticle to their agenda.

Unfortunately, too many people did not recognize the unprecedented, with the exception of perhaps Nixon, action of a sitting president criticizing reporters and political commentators as Obama did almost as soon as he began occupying the White House.

Could you imagine Bush insulting and marginalizing MSNBC, and then have his AG sign a warrant accusing a MSNBC reporter of possible treason and then lie about his involvement in investigating journalists to Congress?

This administration has a pattern of harassing and intimidating those in the media that does not comply with the narrative set out by the WH.

The Laura Ingraham Show - Investigative reporter says WH official cussed at her over ATF scandal - YouTube

CBS News confirms multiple breaches of Sharyl Attkisson?s computer

This administration has demonstrated clearly the reasons why the federal government can not and must not be trusted with the vast amount of power it has unconstitutionally granted itself under the NSA PRISM program.

Contrary to the false polls almost instantaneously released after the reporting of the NSA domestic spying program, a solid majority of Americans do not support this program and fear it will be abused for political purposes.

More Americans Disapprove Than Approve of Government Collecting Phone Records

57% Fear Government Will Use NSA Data to Harass Political Opponents - Rasmussen Reports?
It's the Chicago way of getting things done.
[ame=]White House Economist Accused of Threatening Bob Woodward also Berated CNN's Jessica Yellin - YouTube[/ame]

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