Zone1 An Example of a White Individual Taking Personal Responsibility

The implications of evolution are consistent with the assertions of hereditarianism:

Hereditarianism is the doctrine or school of thought that heredity plays a significant role in determining human nature and character traits, such as intelligence and personality. Hereditarians believe in the power of genetics to explain human character traits and solve human social and political problems. Hereditarians adopt the view that an understanding of human evolution can extend the understanding of human nature.

Your Social Darwinist/Eugenisist crap was debunked after WWII.

No one believe that shit anymore.
Yet it's conservatives who doubt evolution, Climate Change, etc.
I don't doubt either one and I'm an atheist, as I've told you before. But the fact remains that reality has no bias. Any biases are entirely our own. Besides, there are many other ways liberals avoid or disbelieve reality.
Your Social Darwinist/Eugenisist crap was debunked after WWII.

No one believe that shit anymore.
Eugenics was discredited by association with the Nazis. It was never "debunked." It is not a science, but a school of thought.
Your Social Darwinist/Eugenisist crap was debunked after WWII.

No one believe that shit anymore.

The New Eugenics, 2021​


Samuel R. Bagenstos, University of Michigan School of Law
Originally published as Bagenstos, Samuel R. "The New Eugenics." Syracuse Law Review 71, no. 3 (2021): 751-763.

And after the Holocaust, when it became clear just how much Hitler had looked to American eugenic practices as a model, our Nation seemed to turn away from them in horror.​

But eugenic ideas and practices never went away, and they have been increasingly prominent during the last half decade. The election of Donald Trump was the crucial turning point, though his election perhaps did more to reveal the lingering eugenicism in American society than to bring it into being. Trump himself has repeatedly endorsed eugenicist ideas. His administration relied on eugenics-era precedents in seeking to bar immigration by those who might become a “public charge.”...

These developments highlight the persistence of eugenics in the politics, law, and culture of the United States, nearly a century after the end of the original eugenics era.

Eugenics was discredited by association with the Nazis. It was never "debunked." It is not a science, but a school of thought.
Nope, it was utterly debunked.

Also roundly condemned by all decent people.

That Trump is trying to resurrect racist garbage to play on the insecurities of white people is a sad commentary that future multi-racial generations will look back on with scorn.
Nope, it was utterly debunked.

Also roundly condemned by all decent people.

That Trump is trying to resurrect racist garbage to play on the insecurities of white people is a sad commentary that future multi-racial generations will look back on with scorn.
Decent people do not rely on name calling and insults.
The time has come for white Americans. Nobody wants to keep hearing how ending racism is going to take time. If whites had preached such patience while being under the thumb of Britain, America would still be a British colony. Why should nonwhites in this country continue waiting for whites to end racist behavior and seriously enforce the laws written to stop it?

Here we see an example of a white person taking the personal responsibility she has to call out her people for the wrongs whites have committed. She was not alive for the colonization or slavery, but she doesn't use that as an excuse to dismiss her responsibility to fix the damage caused by those things. This ain't about being guilt ridden. So if you can't take the same kind of responsibility....

Time?? Fuck that. Bub...blacks keep getting worse. Racism will never end. Racist blacks are destroying America at a record pace. Reducing racism starts with you. First step is to stop being a black racist, bub. But you can't do that cause you got slave mentality.

slave dream.jpg
The time has come for white Americans. Nobody wants to keep hearing how ending racism is going to take time. If whites had preached such patience while being under the thumb of Britain, America would still be a British colony. Why should nonwhites in this country continue waiting for whites to end racist behavior and seriously enforce the laws written to stop it?
White, Asian, and Hispanic racism will end when blacks stop reinforcing it with their high rates of crime, illegitimacy, and academic failure.

We are waiting for blacks, for the first time in history, to behave and perform as well on the average as we do.

I don't doubt either one and I'm an atheist, as I've told you before. But the fact remains that reality has no bias. Any biases are entirely our own. Besides, there are many other ways liberals avoid or disbelieve reality.
Liberals and those to the left of liberalism, avoid reality when they try to suppress the writings of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur, Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and j. Philippe Rushton. Then they have the nerve to accuse conservatives of "book banning."

If I ws a high school civics teacher I would want to assign my class to read Professor Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior,"

but liberals would not let me.
Liberals and those to the left of liberalism, avoid reality when they try to suppress the writings of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur, Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and j. Philippe Rushton. Then they have the nerve to accuse conservatives of "book banning."

If I ws a high school civics teacher I would want to assign my class to read Professor Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior,"
Then we should all be grateful that you aren't a teacher.

The problem with these guys is that they had crank theories that the academy rejected, which is why "Race Realism" has as much academic credibility as "Cryptozoology" and "Scientific Creationism">
Nope, it was utterly debunked.

Also roundly condemned by all decent people.

That Trump is trying to resurrect racist garbage to play on the insecurities of white people is a sad commentary that future multi-racial generations will look back on with scorn.
Future generations would look at the large body of scientific proof for race realism, and wonder why so many people pretended that race realism was not true.

Moreover, future generations will consider the growing number of people who cannot be educated, and who are congenitally unemployable, and wonder why we were not practicing eugenics much earlier.

The Nazi effort to exterminate the most accomplished 0.2% of the world's population was the very opposite of what advocates of eugenics advocate.
Future generations would look at the large body of scientific proof for race realism, and wonder why so many people pretended that race realism was not true.

Is the Klan respected today?
Or the Confederacy?

Racial equality is inevitable.

Moreover, future generations will consider the growing number of people who cannot be educated, and who are congenitally unemployable, and wonder why we were not practicing eugenics much earlier.

Nope. The reality - 99% of the human race is individually useless. We can all be replaced.

Used to be it took real talent to operate a cash register. Now, not so much. POS systems to most of the work. I can do three times the work now with computers than when I did the same work manually in the 1990's. Technology enhances people's shortcomings, it doesn't expose them.

The Nazi effort to exterminate the most accomplished 0.2% of the world's population was the very opposite of what advocates of eugenics advocate.

Dr. Goebbels could make the argument against Jews that you make against blacks, and he had 2000 years of history to back him up.

Is the Klan respected today?
Or the Confederacy?

Racial equality is inevitable.
What is inevitable is the advance of scientific truth. As most Negroes continue to disappoint optimistic assessments of their ability and behavior geneticists will explain why.

Nope. The reality - 99% of the human race is individually useless. We can all be replaced.

Used to be it took real talent to operate a cash register. Now, not so much. POS systems to most of the work. I can do three times the work now with computers than when I did the same work manually in the 1990's. Technology enhances people's shortcomings, it doesn't expose them.
What matters is that bar codes reduce the need for cashiers.
Dr. Goebbels could make the argument against Jews that you make against blacks, and he had 2000 years of history to back him up.

The intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as 'clever' and in a certain sense he has been so at all times.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Chapter XI, "Nation and Race"
What is inevitable is the advance of scientific truth. As most Negroes continue to disappoint optimistic assessments of their ability and behavior geneticists will explain why.

Again, no one considers your quack science worth studying... I mean, I guess you can head out there with the Bigfoot Hunters.

What matters is that bar codes reduce the need for cashiers.
You are making my point.

The intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as 'clever' and in a certain sense he has been so at all times.
Again, if they were smart, they'd have avoided the genocide.
You are making my point.

Again, if they were smart, they'd have avoided the genocide.
My point is over your head. Bar codes reduce the need for unskilled labor. So do industrial robots.

The Jews were outnumbered, but you enjoy gloating about the Holocaust.
My point is over your head. Bar codes reduce the need for unskilled labor. So do industrial robots.

Not, it shows how technology lessens the need for intelligence or a work ethic.

The Jews were outnumbered, but you enjoy gloating about the Holocaust.
I really don't get worked up about any human tragedy, and there have been plenty. If I did, there are groups far more sympathetic than the Jews to get worked up over.

Of course, if we had Cambodians running Hollywood instead of Jews, we'd get more than one movie about the killing fields, and it wouldn't just be about how a white person was inconvenienced.

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