An Example of Disinformation Designed to Deiscredit Tea Party Folks


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have had Tea Party friends show me this video at least a dozen times on FB and elsewhere.

It is a stupid lie that is designed to discredit them, not Obama.

Here is the full speech and the relevant comments begin around 2:00 and the specific part that seems to affirm authoritarian regimes is at 3:30.

It is easy to see that Obama said nothing of the sort the first video tries to claim.

People, don't be gullible and believe a thing without verifying it. Always go to the primary source before passing some screed along.
Excellent catch, Jim. I'm impressed. You only have about 6000 distorted Obama viral videos left to comment on.

I think you are missing the key point, though. Those who produced that distorted version do not care if they are found out. They know that a significant portion of the people who see and forward that tripe will have internalized it by the time they press "send". If you were to call these dupes to you have done here.....on your Facebook will not find widespread contrition. The deed is done.
Twisted and out of context crap is all the tea people and the rest of the right have. If they were honorable and trust worthy, it wouldn't be that way.
The best part about this thread is that the guy who represents "personal responsibility" is trying to pawn this distorted video off on those who oppose the Tea Party. It was.....he claims....designed to discredit "Tea Party folks" as they send it out to all if their friends. The video is like hypnosis. When a tea party person sees it, he or she is compelled to pass it on.

What an awesome conspiracy!
The best part about this thread is that the guy who represents "personal responsibility" is trying to pawn this distorted video off on those who oppose the Tea Party. It was.....he claims....designed to discredit "Tea Party folks" as they send it out to all if their friends. The video is like hypnosis. When a tea party person sees it, he or she is compelled to pass it on.

What an awesome conspiracy!

The FBI and libtard activists have long used disinformation tactics, dweeb, such as libtard professors appearing at Tea Party rallies wearing racist T-Shirts and another who posed with Taylor Swift when she was first breaking out at a party and the libtard wore a Tshirt with a Swastika on it as though Swift knew and was OK with it.

And my comment in the OP is not directed at the libtards here like you, but to conservatives to get them to check things they pass along better.

You are a hopeless ideologue, why should I care what you think?
Twisted and out of context crap is all the tea people and the rest of the right have. If they were honorable and trust worthy, it wouldn't be that way.
Yeah, because Planned Parenthood is not selling baby body parts, and Hillary is not lying about her emails, and Obama didn't lie about you being able to keep your insurance and doctor if you like them.

Go fuck yourself, idiot.
Why have Tea Party sites posted the edited and distorted version? Who "designed" the edited and distorted version? The Tea Party could not be discredited except for the fact that they used the distorted version on their sites to discredit Obama.
Libtards have posed as Tea Party people many times.

Jack Davis ran in New York as a "Tea Party" representative though no one elected him, he just called himself that. In the three previous races he ran as a Democrat. His 9% he split off from the GOP in a GOP 'safe' seat cost the GOP the win.

Democrat Kathy Hochul wins House seat in New York special election

"With nearly 90% of precincts reporting, Hochul has 48% of the vote, Republican Jane Corwin 42 %, self-proclaimed Tea Party candidate Jack Davis 9 %, and Green Party candidate Ian Murphy 1 %....
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus argued the presence of a third party candidate was a factor in the race.

"Corwin ran a strong campaign in spite of facing a Democrat and a Democrat posed as a Tea Party candidate, both of whom sought to distract from the central issues in the minds of voters: restoring our economy and creating jobs," he said in a statement. "If we have learned anything from these results, it is that Democrats will stop at nothing to preserve the status quo in Washington, which is propelling our country towards bankruptcy."
Twisted and out of context crap is all the tea people and the rest of the right have. If they were honorable and trust worthy, it wouldn't be that way.
Yeah, because Planned Parenthood is not selling baby body parts, and Hillary is not lying about her emails, and Obama didn't lie about you being able to keep your insurance and doctor if you like them.

Go fuck yourself, idiot.
You are confirming BULLDOG's comment. You present your opinions which are based on speculative opinions as if they are facts. Even if some of your claims hold some truth to them, they are still not verified facts, but only opinions. All of them have been presented by the Tea Party, if not always, at least most often with gross distortion.
People, don't be gullible and believe a thing without verifying it. Always go to the primary source before passing some screed along.

Sadly, too many voters are lazy and don't verify claims, and simply accept them if they support their beliefs.
Not to mention cherry-picking "evidence".
Not doing their intellect much of a favor ...
You are confirming BULLDOG's comment. You present your opinions which are based on speculative opinions as if they are facts. Even if some of your claims hold some truth to them, they are still not verified facts, but only opinions. All of them have been presented by the Tea Party, if not always, at least most often with gross distortion.

Planned Parenthood is selling baby body parts: FACT, though they try to do a little CYA claiming this is only 'tissue donations' to science when PP was caught red handed on video negotiating prices.

Hillary is lying about her emails; FACT though her partisan supporters are claiming it is all about nothing, Hilalry was a classified information trained SECRETARY OF STATE and knew that foreign reports containing intelligence they were sharing are automatically considered classifed and, though it is a fact they were on her unsecure server, she continues to insist she had no knowledge of there being classified emails on that aserver. That is simply an obvious lie. You can call it opinion all you want, but to any fair minded nonPartisan person it is obvious that she is lying.

Obama lied about you being able to keep your insurance and doctor if you like them; FACT again, Obama knew it wasnt true when he said it, and that is a lie, even in Democrat lingo.
Jim will have credibility when he denounces the distorted videos his ilk have posted since day one, thousands of them.

Bend over, Jim.
Jim will have credibility when he denounces the distorted videos his ilk have posted since day one, thousands of them.

Bend over, Jim.

Yeah, and these Democrats aren't posing as KKK either?

You libtards are such lying pieces of shyte.
Jim, when you denounce the thousands of distorted videos by your ilk, we can talk respectfully, For the now, you get a metaphorical boot up your ass.
Jim will have credibility when he denounces the distorted videos his ilk have posted since day one, thousands of them.

Bend over, Jim.

Yeah, and these Democrats aren't posing as KKK either?

You libtards are such lying pieces of shyte.


Weird, for YEARS CONservatives claim the reason they lose NATIONAL elections is because they aren't "real" CONservative or farrrrr enough right, but you Klowns support Trumpster???? lol
I have had Tea Party friends show me this video at least a dozen times on FB and elsewhere.

It is a stupid lie that is designed to discredit them, not Obama.

Here is the full speech and the relevant comments begin around 2:00 and the specific part that seems to affirm authoritarian regimes is at 3:30.

It is easy to see that Obama said nothing of the sort the first video tries to claim.

People, don't be gullible and believe a thing without verifying it. Always go to the primary source before passing some screed along.

Tea Patsy's don't need to be "discredited", they are the low info crowd who "believe" and use simple answers to complex issues, like their leader, Failin Palin
You are confirming BULLDOG's comment. You present your opinions which are based on speculative opinions as if they are facts. Even if some of your claims hold some truth to them, they are still not verified facts, but only opinions. All of them have been presented by the Tea Party, if not always, at least most often with gross distortion.

Planned Parenthood is selling baby body parts: FACT, though they try to do a little CYA claiming this is only 'tissue donations' to science when PP was caught red handed on video negotiating prices.

Hillary is lying about her emails; FACT though her partisan supporters are claiming it is all about nothing, Hilalry was a classified information trained SECRETARY OF STATE and knew that foreign reports containing intelligence they were sharing are automatically considered classifed and, though it is a fact they were on her unsecure server, she continues to insist she had no knowledge of there being classified emails on that aserver. That is simply an obvious lie. You can call it opinion all you want, but to any fair minded nonPartisan person it is obvious that she is lying.

Obama lied about you being able to keep your insurance and doctor if you like them; FACT again, Obama knew it wasnt true when he said it, and that is a lie, even in Democrat lingo.
Again, distortions ans speculative opinions. Just because you call zygotes, fetuses and tissue a baby doesn't make it true or a fact. The fact is, scientifically and technically those were not babies. You have distorted the story by referring to a fetus as a baby. Your other examples use the same kind of distortions.
I saw the full speech when it was given.

I've recently seen the edited version posted on FB and have been lightning fast in letting whoever posted know that it's taken out of context
Jim will have credibility when he denounces the distorted videos his ilk have posted since day one, thousands of them.

Bend over, Jim.

Yeah, and these Democrats aren't posing as KKK either?

You libtards are such lying pieces of shyte.

You are getting carried away with trying to show how dumb or dishonest Tea Party people are. No rational person can believe those are Mexican Democrats trying to trick people into believing they are members of the KKK. They are obviously mocking Trump and the KKK.
Tea party fights for deregulations, low taxes on the super rich at a time of record profit and more of the same crappy policies of the past 40 years in economics. Funny how the 40's, 50's, 60's into the 70's that had 60% taxes on the riches also had the biggest middle class, biggest industry in world history and best everything. Maybe it is time to tell the tea party to go fuck its self and go back to those times???

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