An Example of Disinformation Designed to Deiscredit Tea Party Folks

Wow, a half intelligent response from you. I guess you can do it if you put your few functioning gray cells to the task, but I shouldn't get carried away, I guess.

Conservatives complaining about being mis-characterized. Oh that is rich. There are about 400 threads a day lying about Obama and Hillary.

There are quite a few lies being spread about them, yes, but that is what puzzles me; there are so many truthful things that are dreadful about those two, why would anyone bother to make things up? They are both liras, con artists and frauds, posing as champions of the working class while they take hundreds of millions of dollars from Wall Street bankers and financial firms. Obama has fucked over the middle class from the day he swore his oath and Hillary will do the same thing again. I think that is one reason that Sanders now leads her in New Hampshire.

Its why Hillary will win next Fall...the public is inoculated from any further catterwalling from the GOP since they've been whining about her for 25+ years now.

I doubt that Hillary will get the nomination, dear. The momentum is not going her way at all.

Thats what you get when you cry wolf folks. Enjoy it.

No one is crying wolf except the Dims every election yelling that the GOP is going to reduce blacks to slavery, women to domestic servitude and build death camps for Jews. Every year it does not happen.

Dimbocrats are the queens of crying wolf.

Liras! It's a new one folks! Obama and Clinton are both liras!

Oh, NOT a scientific definition like the link I gave...

And why do you think that scientific terms should displace vernacular terms that have a history stretching for thousands of years?

Is there a scientific definition for 'over educated moron'? Because that is what most of them are.

Thousands of years versus science? Science for $500 Alex
Oh, NOT a scientific definition like the link I gave...

And why do you think that scientific terms should displace vernacular terms that have a history stretching for thousands of years?

Is there a scientific definition for 'over educated moron'? Because that is what most of them are.

Thousands of years versus science? Science for $500 Alex

Defining the use of words in vernacular language use is not within the scope of science, dweeb.
Oh, NOT a scientific definition like the link I gave...

And why do you think that scientific terms should displace vernacular terms that have a history stretching for thousands of years?

Is there a scientific definition for 'over educated moron'? Because that is what most of them are.

Thousands of years versus science? Science for $500 Alex

Defining the use of words in vernacular language use is not within the scope of science, dweeb.

"A vernacular or vernacular language is the native language or native dialect of a specific population, especially as distinguished from a literary, national or standard language, or a lingua franca used in the region or state inhabited by that population."

Good thing we can use SCIENTIFIC definitions for what a fetus or zygote is versus a baby, you know what that is right Bubs, it isn't a clump of cells!
Oh, NOT a scientific definition like the link I gave...

And why do you think that scientific terms should displace vernacular terms that have a history stretching for thousands of years?

Is there a scientific definition for 'over educated moron'? Because that is what most of them are.

Thousands of years versus science? Science for $500 Alex

Defining the use of words in vernacular language use is not within the scope of science, dweeb.

"A vernacular or vernacular language is the native language or native dialect of a specific population, especially as distinguished from a literary, national or standard language, or a lingua franca used in the region or state inhabited by that population."

Good thing we can use SCIENTIFIC definitions for what a fetus or zygote is versus a baby, you know what that is right Bubs, it isn't a clump of cells!

No, scientific definitions are malleable based on who dominates or controls the scientific community.

It never pays to give scientists control over things that far exceed their scope of training and activity.

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