An excellent explanation of left and right, and how the left must lie about it.

Not a major problem for a White man you mean. Are you Black? I wonder if actual Blacks would agree with you?

Racism isn't holding blacks back, the democrat party policies and control over education is the problem.
In electoral politics it is the end of the democrats........
So tell me Nostradamus, when and how will it happen? Don't forget the GOP hasn't elected a President with a majority of voters since Dubya's second term.
So tell me Nostradamus, when and how will it happen? Don't forget the GOP hasn't elected a President with a majority of voters since Dubya's second term.

If the number holds....2024 should be the first year.........
If the number holds....2024 should be the first year.........
Not very convincing even if the GOP takes back the House and Senate in the mid-term elections. No matter how bad the Dems look, if Trump is the GOP candidate, my money is on the Dems.
I had the same fucked up “education” and was mislead to believe Hitlers Socialism was “right wing” ideology

Hitler broke with the Socialists in 1926. By 1933 he was killing them or putting them in concentration camps.
Hitler broke with the Socialists in 1926. By 1933 he was killing them or putting them in concentration camps.

No, he didnt. I have posted everything you need to know about the socialism of the national socialists.

Fighting against the international socialists didn’t make the national socialists not socialists…..the German socialists did not care about socialism in other countries, they only cared about Germany.
Hitler broke with the Socialists in 1926. By 1933 he was killing them or putting them in concentration camps.
So he was just like Leftist Founding Fathers Stalin and Mao, but that makes him a right- winger???

Are the keys on your Bizzaroland computer all jumbled?
With all this disinformation and name calling, the only conclusion an objective observer would be able to take away is that both the "left" and "right" are indefensibly and egregiously in historic error and need to be transcended.
This is one of the best breakdowns of the lie that Republicans are fascists…….the author goes into detail about the left/socialists and their lies about the political spectrum……..

When the fact is mentioned that the Nazis and Commies agree on every point of theory and practice, and disagree only on minutia, the Leftists quickly explain that the line describing the spectrum of possible political opinions was actually a circle, on the grounds that whatever trait it is that the spectrum actually measures, an extreme amount of it is the same as an extreme lack.

Such a trait does not exist, of course, so this circular spectrum is designed to be nonsensical.

This idea of a circular spectrum, which runs all the way from one kind of totalitarian socialism to another kind of totalitarian socialism, was taught as gospel in the schools in my youth, and reported as fact in newspapers.

Rightwing” refers, in America, to those upholding the Enlightenment theory of government based on natural law as articulated in the opening clauses of the Declaration of Independence.

In Europe, “Rightwing” refers to those upholding the post-Reformation nation-states, with established churches under the rule of monarchs, the aristocratic class, or some combination of the two.

Socialists come in two flavors: international socialists, called communists, and national socialists, called fascists.

The Nazis of Germany were the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Note the word Socialist.

The Fascists of Italy proposes a collectivist program where all individualism was subordinated to the state, hence the term, “fascist” which refers to the fasci, a bundle of sticks which can be each broken separately, but not when bound together.

There are those who see the modern liberal system as being little more than a continuation of the project of the Enlightenment, which is to destroy traditional institutions.
The designation of Left or Right, originally born in the politics of monarchic France, was co-opted by the Socialists to apply it to themselves, in order to cloak their totalitarian death-cult dogmas in the glamor and demeanor of pro-liberty and pro-equality measures popularized by the writings of Locke and Montesquieu and the success of the American Revolution.

Only by avoiding definitions, can the confusion of terms continue.

As used by Leftists, the word “Leftist” refers to any who support the overthrow of traditional institutions, monarchic or republican, the free market or the established church or the nuclear family, in favor of Socialist revolution, and “Right” refers to any opposition to that overthrow.

Since Hitler and Mussolini, both of them ardent socialists, preached the overthrow of traditional institutions in the name of halting Communism, the Communists listed them as “Rightwing” alongside the Monarchy, the Papacy, Established Protestant national churches of Europe, Imperial Japan, and the anti-monarchical disestablishmentarian republicans of America.

Garbage. Total and complete garbage and lies. Fascism is and always has been a far right extremist political movement which includes hyper-patriotism, white nationalism, the demonization of "others", and misogyny.

Your desperation and denial are pathetic.
Garbage. Total and complete garbage and lies. Fascism is and always has been a far right extremist political movement which includes hyper-patriotism, white nationalism, the demonization of "others", and misogyny.

Says the ignorant lying leftard.

Your desperation and denial are pathetic.

Says the ignorant lying leftard.

Maybe crack a book before flapping your yap.
Garbage. Total and complete garbage and lies. Fascism is and always has been a far right extremist political movement which includes hyper-patriotism, white nationalism, the demonization of "others", and misogyny.

Your desperation and denial are pathetic.

Wrong......fascism is socialism, you doofus.....that is left wing.....

This lie about fascism was started by idiot. Mussolini was a lifelong communist......
Garbage. Total and complete garbage and lies. Fascism is and always has been a far right extremist political movement which includes hyper-patriotism, white nationalism, the demonization of "others", and misogyny.

Your desperation and denial are pathetic.


Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Is an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.

Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.

Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)
Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Is an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.

Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.

Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)

Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
As should be plainly evident to all but the dimmest brainwashed leftard
Binary thinkers are self-made prisoners. There is only 'good' and 'bad'. Everything they like is 'good', leaving 'bad' for whatever they even mildly dislike. When such a one thinks of himself as to the right politically, automatically everything 'bad' is 'left'.
'Right', 'good'; 'left', 'bad'.
Nothing done in the name of 'right' can be 'bad', so nothing done in the past can be labeled 'right' if it turned out to be 'bad'. There is no nuance, no distinctions, no exceptions. That would make things complex. It would make thinking necessary.
Hitler and Stalin shared many similarities. One of them is that almost nothing either said can be trusted.
So he was just like Leftist Founding Fathers Stalin and Mao, but that makes him a right- winger???

Are the keys on your Bizzaroland computer all jumbled?

Not in the slightest. Hitler was never a socialist, and hated communists. He only signed peace agreement with Stalin to keep from worrying about attack from the rear.
Says the ignorant lying leftard.

Says the ignorant lying leftard.

Maybe crack a book before flapping your yap.

I've cracked hundreds of books on history, economics and the history of WWII that you would be well advised to read. You might look at what happened in South American after the CIA installed right wing dictatorships there in the 1970's, and the governments went hat in hand to the IMF and the World Bank.
Not in the slightest. Hitler was never a socialist, and hated communists. He only signed peace agreement with Stalin to keep from worrying about attack from the rear.

I've cracked hundreds of books on history, economics and the history of WWII that you would be well advised to read. You might look at what happened in South American after the CIA installed right wing dictatorships there in the 1970's, and the governments went hat in hand to the IMF and the World Bank.

Hitller was a socialists as were the national socialists.....they hated communists simply because they didn't care about the rest of the world, the way the international socialists did, and they fought them for control of dip shit. that south America has left wing dictatorships they are doing just fucking moron.
Hitller was a socialists as were the national socialists.....they hated communists simply because they didn't care about the rest of the world, the way the international socialists did, and they fought them for control of dip shit. that south America has left wing dictatorships they are doing just fucking moron.

There is no difference between authoritarian dictatorships on either end of the political spectrum. The right wing dictators in South America began a reign of terror by murdering all opposition leadership, in broad daylight and in public view, to silence the liberal movement. It worked. Political leaders, lawyer, and university professors were all tortured and murdered. It was no different than Stalin or Mao. All were corrupt and murdered their people at will.

There is no authoritarian nation in the world doing well economically. NONE.
The main tenant of FASCISM is their utter HATRED of the LEFT.

This is why this DISHONEST OP will, under NO circumstances, post the DEFINITION of the term Fascist.
Wrong. That is not the main tenet of fascism. He was right when he said that commies and fascists always lie.

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