An "Historic" President

The fact that our economy was losing 750,000 jobs a month on the day Obama assumed the presidency was indeed historic
The fact that our economy was losing 750,000 jobs a month on the day Obama assumed the presidency was indeed historic

right...we were worse under Carter..poor OBama he campaigned for the damn job..We knew he wasn't up to "historical" snuff for it

but you'll go right on making excuses for him
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General Motors is alive.........Osama bin Laden is dead

taxpayers money saved general motors union jobs and they still owe us money..

so all you have is, Bin Laden is dead


And if left to Republicans, GM would have been left to fail

Thanks President Obama for preventing another Republicans Depression
General Motors is alive.........Osama bin Laden is dead

taxpayers money saved general motors union jobs and they still owe us money..

so all you have is, Bin Laden is dead


And if left to Republicans, GM would have been left to fail

Thanks President Obama for preventing another Republicans Depression

GM would filed for reorganization LIKE many other companies have and would've been FINE...

but that would've put Obama's Union buddies asses on the line of fire..

I'm sure the Democrat sheep base will eat this lie from you but not everyone is stupid
My guy works for Ford at a Ford Plant up the street from us..

they have a bumper sticker that says, Buy Ford we didn't need taxpayers money

and that is what the American people should do....screw buying GM
taxpayers money saved general motors union jobs and they still owe us money..

so all you have is, Bin Laden is dead


Tax payers paid for the Iraq fiasco, caused the lives and limbs of tens of thousands of young Americans.

Not Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Those Union emplolyees will pay taxes, buy goods and contribute to the economy and health of the nation. As would have those 4,500 young men and women if they had the opportunity.

I don't give a shit...I'm not in a Union and it's not mine or any other citizens duty to bail their asses out..
we haven't even gotten a , thank you..that money was stolen from us by Obama to give to his Union buddies who supported his campaign

Of course you give a shit, each time you post.
Tax payers paid for the Iraq fiasco, caused the lives and limbs of tens of thousands of young Americans.

Not Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Those Union emplolyees will pay taxes, buy goods and contribute to the economy and health of the nation. As would have those 4,500 young men and women if they had the opportunity.

I don't give a shit...I'm not in a Union and it's not mine or any other citizens duty to bail their asses out..
we haven't even gotten a , thank you..that money was stolen from us by Obama to give to his Union buddies who supported his campaign

Of course you give a shit, each time you post.

oh stable your high horse, you've broken it's back..
Ain't (tea baggers, gun nuts, righty nutters, patriots, vets, American values believers, white Americans, white immigrants, religious right, flat earthers, birthers) awful?

Another post by a stupid, anti American and hypocritial lying liberal.

See we both can play the game, douche.

'cept mine is original and you're little more than a parrot. BTW, points to consider. I'm a Vet, are you? I'm a CAL graduate, did you finish high school; I have an advanced degree from SFSU, did you go to Jr. college? I don't lie, why do you? And, there is nothing hypocritical about my comments in re Stephanie. She's an echo of herself, nothing original, nothing substantive - gee just like you.
24 years in the 82nd Airborne. And you think because you have a degree youre better than me? LOL prove a lie I have told because everything I said about you is true and you prove through your posts.

Boy dont ever think your better than me. I have chewed up and spit out your betters more than once. I cant tell you how many times a West Point grad got his ass handed to him by me during training I was conducting, acting like a stupid jerk know it all like you, for being an inexperienced dumbfuck. BTW, you didnt go to WP did you?

Nope, I was a squid. Warm rack, hot meals and hot showers. I did serve with guys (lifers) who used fuck in every sentence they uttered, some knew their job very well (and that's about all) when they were sober.

I don't know you, nor do I believe I'm better than you (whatever that means). I simply defended myself, you called me stupid I offered evident that I'm not. BTW, I kept my cool, and you're acting like an insecure middle school punk with a chip on his shoulder.
The fact that our economy was losing 750,000 jobs a month on the day Obama assumed the presidency was indeed historic

right...we were worse under Carter..poor OBama he campaigned for the damn job..We knew he wasn't up to "historical" snuff for it

but you'll go right on making excuses for him

Post the economic numbers at the end of Carter's term
Why is that on the webz every arm chair tough guy was a Navy SEAL, the 101st etc.?

That's not to say the two arguing in this thread weren't. Just saying.
taxpayers money saved general motors union jobs and they still owe us money..

so all you have is, Bin Laden is dead


And if left to Republicans, GM would have been left to fail

Thanks President Obama for preventing another Republicans Depression

GM would filed for reorganization LIKE many other companies have and would've been FINE...

but that would've put Obama's Union buddies asses on the line of fire..

I'm sure the Democrat sheep base will eat this lie from you but not everyone is stupid

Sure......reorganization during an economic collapse of the financial sector. It has never been done without liquidation of assets.

Obama saved the auto industry
The fact that our economy was losing 750,000 jobs a month on the day Obama assumed the presidency was indeed historic

right...we were worse under Carter..poor OBama he campaigned for the damn job..We knew he wasn't up to "historical" snuff for it

but you'll go right on making excuses for him

Post the economic numbers at the end of Carter's term

Better yet, posting the economic situation when Carter took office is enlightening. An economy so bad that a new word was coined to describe it: STAGFLATION
historic dividing this country and a historic failure as a decent human being in not caring FOR ALL the people he represents...he cares only for those who donated to his campaign


An "Historic" President
Derek Hunter | Jul 07, 2013

President Obama is “historic.” That refrain has been beaten into our heads time and again since Jan. 20, 2009. This is historic, that is historic. Everything is historic. We’d probably know even more “historic” stuff if only we – and not the National Security Agency – had the job of reading journalists’ private email. But they’re right, Barack Obama is an historic president, and the Hindenburg was an historic dirigible.

What we hear far less about in the media is the fact that, by almost every method of measure, this historic administration has been an unmitigated “historic” disaster.

With the latest round of unemployment numbers, we’ve just passed the longest recorded stretch of unemployment above 7.5 percent. We’re well on the way to nationalizing 20 percent of the nation’s economy and making the federal government the sole arbiter of our health care. We’ve turned out backs on allies and embraced enemies. Things have gone so horribly wrong that the only thing missing to make this truly “historic” is news President Obama has taken up the fiddle.

It was announced this week, conveniently at the start of a long holiday weekend, that President Obama was delaying the start of the employer mandate portion of his signature legislative accomplishment – the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. By delaying the implementation of this portion of the law, something not provided for in the law itself, the president has moved from ignoring laws passed by his predecessors (DOMA, immigration) into the rarified “historic” air of ignoring laws he passed himself.

But more than the historic aspect of it, it’s incredibly damaging to millions of Americans, which may well be the point of the action.

Obamacare has always been a means more than an end. The progressive dream of a single-payer health care system is the end, but it’s an end the American people never would accept all at once. But, if the system in which they found themselves failed so miserably, maybe even collapsed, single-payer would be a much easier sell.

Here’s how it could play out.

Obamacare was a mess from inception, one that would never work. Costs for both consumers and the government skyrocketed when the opposite not only was promised but offered as one of the main justifications for passage. Another was to provide coverage to the uninsured, but the Congressional Budget Office estimates that even when fully implemented Obamacare would leave 30 million Americans without health insurance.

all of it here
An "Historic" President - Derek Hunter - Page 1

Yes, but other than that he is OK in my book.

So he single handedly destroyed the country. (Shrug)

Haters are gonna hate. :cool:
Prevented a Depression
Saved the financial sector and auto industry
Signed the first comprehensive healthcare bill in is even named after him
Repealed DADT
Ended the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
Killed bin Laden and dozens of other terrorist leaders

Looks Historic to me
Prevented a Depression - Depends on how you define "Depression". Statistics from the government are intentionally skewed.
Saved the financial sector and auto industry - Gave billions to overseas banks. Didn't allow market economics to work. Rewarded crappy business practices with tax payer money.
Signed the first comprehensive healthcare bill in is even named after him - Doomed millions to economic disaster.
Repealed DADT -Hitler placed queers in his SS too.
Ended the Iraq and Afghanistan wars - Not really, the mercs, and company men will still be there plotting.
Killed bin Laden and dozens of other terrorist leaders - Kills 100s of women and children by drone for a few bad guys.

Looks Historic to stupid people to me.
personally i do NOT like him because he being a mulatto, ignores his WHITE heritage, in fact he hates his white side.

i do not like him due to his constant lying about his muslims faith, after openly admitting "my muslime faith"

i have 99,998 more reasons i do NOT like the son-of-a-bitch.., do you want to read them all ??

He's allowed to lie about his Muslim faith under taqiyya.

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