An idea on the Middle East


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
The middle east is a ridiculous quagmire that I couldn't hope to fix, but - - here is an idea that may help: The Saudi's and other oil rich nations could loosen up their purse strings just a bit and throw some financial support for their Muslim brothers and sisters in the Palestinian area bordering Israel by building infrastructure i.e., roads, housing, food aid, hospitals, and other basic needs. Too many Palestinian people live below the poverty line through no fault of their own. A wealthier and more vibrant Palestinian people would bring about stability to the entire region, foster trade and better relations with Israel, and well as make Palestinians living in Israel feel more secure about moving back among their own people. The oil rich Arab nations could easily afford to do this.

The middle east is a ridiculous quagmire that I couldn't hope to fix, but - - here is an idea that may help: The Saudi's and other oil rich nations could loosen up their purse strings just a bit and throw some financial support for their Muslim brothers and sisters in the Palestinian area bordering Israel by building infrastructure i.e., roads, housing, food aid, hospitals, and other basic needs. Too many Palestinian people live below the poverty line through no fault of their own. A wealthier and more vibrant Palestinian people would bring about stability to the entire region, foster trade and better relations with Israel, and well as make Palestinians living in Israel feel more secure about moving back among their own people. The oil rich Arab nations could easily afford to do this.

nice but naive
The middle east is a ridiculous quagmire that I couldn't hope to fix, but - - here is an idea that may help: The Saudi's and other oil rich nations could loosen up their purse strings just a bit and throw some financial support for their Muslim brothers and sisters in the Palestinian area bordering Israel by building infrastructure i.e., roads, housing, food aid, hospitals, and other basic needs. Too many Palestinian people live below the poverty line through no fault of their own. A wealthier and more vibrant Palestinian people would bring about stability to the entire region, foster trade and better relations with Israel, and well as make Palestinians living in Israel feel more secure about moving back among their own people. The oil rich Arab nations could easily afford to do this.


The Saudis have been supporting the Palestinians since 1948. As Saudi Arabia prospered they increased their support. Currently KSA spends more on foreign aid per Capita than the US.

Israel has to seek justice and peace for the Palestinians for any strategy to work..
The middle east is a ridiculous quagmire that I couldn't hope to fix, but - - here is an idea that may help: The Saudi's and other oil rich nations could loosen up their purse strings just a bit and throw some financial support for their Muslim brothers and sisters in the Palestinian area bordering Israel by building infrastructure i.e., roads, housing, food aid, hospitals, and other basic needs. Too many Palestinian people live below the poverty line through no fault of their own. A wealthier and more vibrant Palestinian people would bring about stability to the entire region, foster trade and better relations with Israel, and well as make Palestinians living in Israel feel more secure about moving back among their own people. The oil rich Arab nations could easily afford to do this.

The Palestinian Leaders have Billions of dollars which they choose to use to buy weapons to use against Israel.

They choose to not have their own Electrical Company. Or water sewage, etc. They are very dependent on Israel for that.

When the leaders finally are changed with people who actually care for the people, and not the destruction of Israel, then... there may be some negotiation for peace, and Gaza and Areas A and B will see improvement in everything.

For now, UNWRA is in the way. Hamas, PLO, PA and Fatah are in the way of that peace. They choose wealth, the ones they make for themselves, to improving the lives and stopping the endless education of hating Jews and destroying Israel .

So, the leaders are very wealthy, but wealth is not helping most in Gaza and the PA, because the leaders, and all who do have money there, are happy for it to stay that way.

Which is why so many in Gaza and WB are leaving as soon as they can, via Israel, never to return.
The Palestinian Leaders have Billions of dollars which they choose to use to buy weapons to use against Israel.

They choose to not have their own Electrical Company. Or water sewage, etc. They are very dependent on Israel for that.

When the leaders finally are changed with people who actually care for the people, and not the destruction of Israel, then... there may be some negotiation for peace, and Gaza and Areas A and B will see improvement in everything.

For now, UNWRA is in the way. Hamas, PLO, PA and Fatah are in the way of that peace. They choose wealth, the ones they make for themselves, to improving the lives and stopping the endless education of hating Jews and destroying Israel .

So, the leaders are very wealthy, but wealth is not helping most in Gaza and the PA, because the leaders, and all who do have money there, are happy for it to stay that way.

Which is why so many in Gaza and WB are leaving as soon as they can, via Israel, never to return.

Gaza is pretty crowded. Most who live there are refugees from the West Bank. I don't know about the money. They have built infrastructure in the past which Israel destroyed. I had hopes for the Palestinians when oil was discovered off the coast of Gaza, but Israel took that and started killing fishermen.
Gaza is pretty crowded. Most who live there are refugees from the West Bank. I don't know about the money. They have built infrastructure in the past which Israel destroyed. I had hopes for the Palestinians when oil was discovered off the coast of Gaza, but Israel took that and started killing fishermen.
Nice fiction.

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