An Image Of A Child Can Change The Way We See The World


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Recently, a particular photograph has gone viral. The body of a 3 yr old child drowned and washed up on the beach. Photographs can become iconic for a tragedy or cause and focus attention. What's happening with migrants fleeing ISIS, the Syrian civil war, Iraq and Libya and other nations is at an all time high. It's one thing to look at numbers and feel the enormity of that cost, but another when you see a photo of a person and realize - these people are just like me. They might have been educated professionals before the conflict, teachers, or maybe blue collar workers. They have families, children they love. I'm not sure what is worse - the photo, or the aftermath - a father who lost two lovely young children and his wife to drowning in a desperate attempt to escape hopelessness. Geez what a choice :(

A photo of a child brings it home.

An Image Of A Child Can Change The Way We See The World

The Holocaust - Ann Frank

The Vietnam War - "Napalm Girl"

Aylan Kurdi


At least this seems to be opening people's eyes to the desperation of these refugees.

More than 4 million syrians and 3 million Iraqi's have fled. Most have ended up in Turkey, Lebenon, Jordan. Turkey has spent more than 6 billion on direct aid.

Refugees of the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's interesting is how many various countries have taken. Germany has taken some 105,000 but countries like the US, with far larger land areas and less densly populated - a mere couple thousand.

Estimated number of illegal immigrants that progressives want to give citizenship to is somewhere between 10-20 million...

illegal immigration numbers - Google Search

That's a far cry more than 100,000 and no consideration is being given to those who have waited to come here legally for years if not decades. The latter of which I'm more than willing to grant access too. Let's say 10 legal immigrants for every illegal immigrant that the progressives desire to grant amnesty too.



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