An IQ of 100

IQ tests dont always mean a whole lot.
My wife has a higher IQ than I do by a long shot,in fact she got an academic scholarship to Princeton.
Yet she has damn near zero common sense.
An example..we were driving down I-10 and the wind was blowing like a SOB.
I mentioned this to the wife and she pointed out the guy on the motorcycle riding next to us and said......yeah look at that guys jacket it's really flapping.
Another blonde moment..I asked her how much film we had left on the camera,she looked at the camera and asked me what "L" meant. I told her to turn it over.
Yet she can do complicated math formulas in her head that I'd need a calculator to even begin to figure out.
IQ tests dont always mean a whole lot.
My wife has a higher IQ than I do by a long shot,in fact she got an academic scholarship to Princeton.
Yet she has damn near zero common sense.
An example..we were driving down I-10 and the wind was blowing like a SOB.
I mentioned this to the wife and she pointed out the guy on the motorcycle riding next to us and said......yeah look at that guys jacket it's really flapping.
Another blonde moment..I asked her how much film we had left on the camera,she looked at the camera and asked me what "L" meant. I told her to turn it over.
Yet she can do complicated math formulas in her head that I'd need a calculator to even begin to figure out.

Intelligence is "common sense" more accurately called "Sense".
Understanding and being able to make sense of a problem in order to solve it.
I have an IQ of 147, this the latest test I took.

So I have a question.
What makes the "Average IQ" so attractive to other people ?
The average IQ is 100.

Just a reminder, 100 is very first number with three digits !
Compared to how I function, how most people I have ever dealt with on a daily basis as equals function... 100 is fucking slow as molasses.

An IQ of 90 is considered dull.... 100 is just 10 points higher than DULL, scientifically, and 85 is getting near retarded, if it isn't retarded.

The average person that I know has an IQ ranging from about 118, up to about 160.

So what is with all these complaints in marriages, when the spouse has an "above average iq".. especially regarding people with Asperger ?

So what the fuck is the attraction to people with just an "Average IQ" ?

Most people don't find preoccupation with IQs very attractive, even smart ones like me :)
That is not something I ask a person usually. Lol. Hey baby, what's your IQ? :D

I got all the stats covered; ya dig?

IQ tests dont always mean a whole lot.
My wife has a higher IQ than I do by a long shot,in fact she got an academic scholarship to Princeton.
Yet she has damn near zero common sense.
An example..we were driving down I-10 and the wind was blowing like a SOB.
I mentioned this to the wife and she pointed out the guy on the motorcycle riding next to us and said......yeah look at that guys jacket it's really flapping.
Another blonde moment..I asked her how much film we had left on the camera,she looked at the camera and asked me what "L" meant. I told her to turn it over.
Yet she can do complicated math formulas in her head that I'd need a calculator to even begin to figure out.

Intelligence is "common sense" more accurately called "Sense".
Understanding and being able to make sense of a problem in order to solve it.

Well than you'll have to explain how she went to Princeton for free.
And you apparently missed the part where I said she can do extremely complex math in her head.
If thats not being able to "make sense of a problem in order to solve it" I'm not sure what is.
Seems to me that IQ tests only measure linguistic and logical-mathematical abilities....what about musical genius? or athletic genius? How about a really good counselor that knows how to get to the root of peoples problems? Those areas are not tested. I'd rather be a well rounded, balanced person than a "genius" who's an emotional cripple.......:thup:

According to the
"Theory of multiple intelligences"
there at least 8 types of intelligence: musical–rhythmic, visual–spatial, verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, bodily–kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
IQ tests dont always mean a whole lot.
My wife has a higher IQ than I do by a long shot,in fact she got an academic scholarship to Princeton.
Yet she has damn near zero common sense.
An example..we were driving down I-10 and the wind was blowing like a SOB.
I mentioned this to the wife and she pointed out the guy on the motorcycle riding next to us and said......yeah look at that guys jacket it's really flapping.
Another blonde moment..I asked her how much film we had left on the camera,she looked at the camera and asked me what "L" meant. I told her to turn it over.
Yet she can do complicated math formulas in her head that I'd need a calculator to even begin to figure out.

Intelligence is "common sense" more accurately called "Sense".
Understanding and being able to make sense of a problem in order to solve it.

Well than you'll have to explain how she went to Princeton for free.
And you apparently missed the part where I said she can do extremely complex math in her head.
If thats not being able to "make sense of a problem in order to solve it" I'm not sure what is.

Then you're flat out wrong that she doesn't have any sense.
IQ tests dont always mean a whole lot.
My wife has a higher IQ than I do by a long shot,in fact she got an academic scholarship to Princeton.
Yet she has damn near zero common sense.
An example..we were driving down I-10 and the wind was blowing like a SOB.
I mentioned this to the wife and she pointed out the guy on the motorcycle riding next to us and said......yeah look at that guys jacket it's really flapping.
Another blonde moment..I asked her how much film we had left on the camera,she looked at the camera and asked me what "L" meant. I told her to turn it over.
Yet she can do complicated math formulas in her head that I'd need a calculator to even begin to figure out.

Intelligence is "common sense" more accurately called "Sense".
Understanding and being able to make sense of a problem in order to solve it.

Well than you'll have to explain how she went to Princeton for free.
And you apparently missed the part where I said she can do extremely complex math in her head.
If thats not being able to "make sense of a problem in order to solve it" I'm not sure what is.

Then you're flat out wrong that she doesn't have any sense.

I said "common sense" you apparently lack that as well. That and reading comprehension.
IQ tests dont always mean a whole lot.
My wife has a higher IQ than I do by a long shot,in fact she got an academic scholarship to Princeton.
Yet she has damn near zero common sense.
An example..we were driving down I-10 and the wind was blowing like a SOB.
I mentioned this to the wife and she pointed out the guy on the motorcycle riding next to us and said......yeah look at that guys jacket it's really flapping.
Another blonde moment..I asked her how much film we had left on the camera,she looked at the camera and asked me what "L" meant. I told her to turn it over.
Yet she can do complicated math formulas in her head that I'd need a calculator to even begin to figure out.

Intelligence is "common sense" more accurately called "Sense".
Understanding and being able to make sense of a problem in order to solve it.

Well than you'll have to explain how she went to Princeton for free.
And you apparently missed the part where I said she can do extremely complex math in her head.
If thats not being able to "make sense of a problem in order to solve it" I'm not sure what is.

Then you're flat out wrong that she doesn't have any sense.

I said "common sense" you apparently lack that as well. That and reading comprehension.

Can't write well, can't read well. 147 IQ. Hahahaha. People sure are gullible.
I have an IQ of 147, this the latest test I took.

So I have a question.
What makes the "Average IQ" so attractive to other people ?
The average IQ is 100.

Just a reminder, 100 is very first number with three digits !
Compared to how I function, how most people I have ever dealt with on a daily basis as equals function... 100 is fucking slow as molasses.

An IQ of 90 is considered dull.... 100 is just 10 points higher than DULL, scientifically, and 85 is getting near retarded, if it isn't retarded.

The average person that I know has an IQ ranging from about 118, up to about 160.

So what is with all these complaints in marriages, when the spouse has an "above average iq".. especially regarding people with Asperger ?

So what the fuck is the attraction to people with just an "Average IQ" ?

First, I'm pretty sure no one here believes you.

Second, you have never, not once, posted anything that would lend itself to making people believe you.

Third, if you were truly as smart as you think you are, you wouldn't feel the need to brag.

Fourth, some of the smartest people I have ever met are some of the biggest ignoramus' I have ever met, so IQ is not indicative of anything.

Finally, no one believes you and you are a complete ignoramus.

Go on, continue with your lies...
I have an IQ of 147, this the latest test I took.

So I have a question.
What makes the "Average IQ" so attractive to other people ?
The average IQ is 100.

Just a reminder, 100 is very first number with three digits !
Compared to how I function, how most people I have ever dealt with on a daily basis as equals function... 100 is fucking slow as molasses.

An IQ of 90 is considered dull.... 100 is just 10 points higher than DULL, scientifically, and 85 is getting near retarded, if it isn't retarded.

The average person that I know has an IQ ranging from about 118, up to about 160.

So what is with all these complaints in marriages, when the spouse has an "above average iq".. especially regarding people with Asperger ?

So what the fuck is the attraction to people with just an "Average IQ" ?

First, I'm pretty sure no one here believes you.

Second, you have never, not once, posted anything that would lend itself to making people believe you.

Third, if you were truly as smart as you think you are, you wouldn't feel the need to brag.

Fourth, some of the smartest people I have ever met are some of the biggest ignoramus' I have ever met, so IQ is not indicative of anything.

Finally, no one believes you and you are a complete ignoramus.

Go on, continue with your lies...

Usually people with high IQ can compose a grammatical sentence that expresses a coherent thought.

I think Blue Jay 28 has the IQ of a blue jay, about 28, which is pretty high for a bird; not so great for a human.
I have an IQ of 147, this the latest test I took.

So I have a question.
What makes the "Average IQ" so attractive to other people ?
The average IQ is 100.

Just a reminder, 100 is very first number with three digits !
Compared to how I function, how most people I have ever dealt with on a daily basis as equals function... 100 is fucking slow as molasses.

An IQ of 90 is considered dull.... 100 is just 10 points higher than DULL, scientifically, and 85 is getting near retarded, if it isn't retarded.

The average person that I know has an IQ ranging from about 118, up to about 160.

So what is with all these complaints in marriages, when the spouse has an "above average iq".. especially regarding people with Asperger ?

So what the fuck is the attraction to people with just an "Average IQ" ?

First, I'm pretty sure no one here believes you.

Second, you have never, not once, posted anything that would lend itself to making people believe you.

Third, if you were truly as smart as you think you are, you wouldn't feel the need to brag.

Fourth, some of the smartest people I have ever met are some of the biggest ignoramus' I have ever met, so IQ is not indicative of anything.

Finally, no one believes you and you are a complete ignoramus.

Go on, continue with your lies...

Usually people with high IQ can compose a grammatical sentence that expresses a coherent thought.

I think Blue Jay 28 has the IQ of a blue jay, about 28, which is pretty high for a bird; not so great for a human.

There is that...
I'm sorry, I think it is a pretty shallow and shitty person who would choose their friends based upon their IQ. How stupid is that? A test that has to do with angles and math, etc. ???
IQ tests dont always mean a whole lot.
My wife has a higher IQ than I do by a long shot,in fact she got an academic scholarship to Princeton.
Yet she has damn near zero common sense.
An example..we were driving down I-10 and the wind was blowing like a SOB.
I mentioned this to the wife and she pointed out the guy on the motorcycle riding next to us and said......yeah look at that guys jacket it's really flapping.
Another blonde moment..I asked her how much film we had left on the camera,she looked at the camera and asked me what "L" meant. I told her to turn it over.
Yet she can do complicated math formulas in her head that I'd need a calculator to even begin to figure out.

Intelligence is "common sense" more accurately called "Sense".
Understanding and being able to make sense of a problem in order to solve it.

You are obviously not as intelligent as you think you are, as common sense has absolutely NOTHING to do with your IQ. There are many "absent-minded" geniuses out there. Lol.
I have an IQ of 147, this the latest test I took.

So I have a question.
What makes the "Average IQ" so attractive to other people ?
The average IQ is 100.

Just a reminder, 100 is very first number with three digits !
Compared to how I function, how most people I have ever dealt with on a daily basis as equals function... 100 is fucking slow as molasses.

An IQ of 90 is considered dull.... 100 is just 10 points higher than DULL, scientifically, and 85 is getting near retarded, if it isn't retarded.

The average person that I know has an IQ ranging from about 118, up to about 160.

So what is with all these complaints in marriages, when the spouse has an "above average iq".. especially regarding people with Asperger ?

So what the fuck is the attraction to people with just an "Average IQ" ?

Most people don't find preoccupation with IQs very attractive, even smart ones like me :)

If this poster is being honest, he or she obviously has nothing else going for him or her. Probably just some socially inept dork. :D
Could you imagine saying to someone, oh sorry, I can't hang out with you anymore. Your IQ is TOO low for me. Lol. How silly.

A low IQ causes people to not think before they act, and to not take in the big picture of things before making very offensive judgments and preconceived notions, and offend people with them.

And the selfish idea that you get to voice your opinion about your partner's family, without thinking about how that makes your partner feel, and without thinking that the person you don't like is MORE important to her, than you are.

That's how a low IQ can ruin a relationship.
So how long has your S/O been cheating on you?
Could you imagine saying to someone, oh sorry, I can't hang out with you anymore. Your IQ is TOO low for me. Lol. How silly.

A low IQ causes people to not think before they act, and to not take in the big picture of things before making very offensive judgments and preconceived notions, and offend people with them.

And the selfish idea that you get to voice your opinion about your partner's family, without thinking about how that makes your partner feel, and without thinking that the person you don't like is MORE important to her, than you are.

That's how a low IQ can ruin a relationship.

How foolish you are. Lol. What is all this talk about a partner? For one thing, I'm a woman. My IQ does not really matter in a relationship as long as I'm not a retard. Most men are VISUAL creatures and they want beautiful women, not women who are geniuses. Of course, like I said, unless the person is an utter retard, but that's not always the case either as I have witnessed many men chasing down women who are . . . shall we say would probably score MUCH less than 100 IQ. :D

Why do you think nerds like you try to get rich? So you can score with the dork brainy woman? NO, so you can use your money (as that is ALL you would have going for you) to try and score with the beautiful women. :) True story.

You are obviously not as intelligent as you think you are, as common sense has absolutely NOTHING to do with your IQ. There are many "absent-minded" geniuses out there. Lol.

Can you do me a solid, Chris and help me find my car keys?

I know they must be here somewhere.

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