An offer from the fringe


VIP Member
Jan 30, 2014
Here it is, the prize is bragging rights to say that you converted one of the lost souls .....

What I would like to see ( if it exists ) is photographic proof that the rubble pile at ground zero was indeed 15 ( or so .... ) stories high.
in addition it would be extra cool to obtain actual documentation of any tests at ground zero for explosives and what the results of said tests were.
and also if there is any documented accounting for the aircraft, that would also be a + here. And I'm not talking about random snap-shots of aircraft bits but something that approaches what was done for Pan Am 103.

What do you have ?
Here it is, the prize is bragging rights to say that you converted one of the lost souls .....

What I would like to see ( if it exists ) is photographic proof that the rubble pile at ground zero was indeed 15 ( or so .... ) stories high.
in addition it would be extra cool to obtain actual documentation of any tests at ground zero for explosives and what the results of said tests were.
and also if there is any documented accounting for the aircraft, that would also be a + here. And I'm not talking about random snap-shots of aircraft bits but something that approaches what was done for Pan Am 103.

What do you have ?

When you demanded photos of the debris of the planes, I showed you an entire gallery of images of debris so compelling that it was accepted as evidence in court.

You ignored them all. Along with all images showing any debris from any source. For no reason.

You demanded proof that the debris pile was higher than 'street level'. I showed you the eye witnesses testimony of FDNY fire fighter Fred Marsilla who climbed the massive debris pile you say never existed.

You completely ignored him. For no reason.

We showed you 43 different views of the South Tower being hit by flight 175.

You completely ignored them all. Every single view. Every camera. Every recording. Without exception and for no reason.

You ignore any evidence that contradicts your narrative. Any testimony, any witness, any debris, any picture, any expert on scene.....if they don't say what you believe, you ignore them. You're going to need to convince us that you won't do the exact same thing again with your latest 'challenge'. As your record of desperate, willful ignorance is essentially perfect.
Obviously, lacking answers to my simple questions, somebody has attempted to defend the official fairy tale by posting a long rant to complain about me...... Does anyone who reads this forum have INFORMATION?
if so, lets see it.
Obviously, lacking answers to my simple questions, somebody has attempted to defend the official fairy tale by posting a long rant to complain about me...... Does anyone who reads this forum have INFORMATION?
if so, lets see it.

You've been given answers to a litany of questions in the past. You ignored them without exception if they don't match what you already believe.

So why would this be any different? Indications don't look you've already ignored eye witness testimony confirming the 15 story debris pile because it didn't match your beliefs.

Fred Marsilla, FDNY fire fighter gives an eye witness account of the 15 story pile of debris you insist never existed. He even climbed it. Can you give us a single reason to ignore him....and instead believe you?

Remember, you have absolutely nothing to back your narrative. While Mr. Marsilla as there.
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Where is the photographic evidence of a 15 or 20 stories high rubble pile?
where is the accounting for tens of tons of aircraft wreckage?
a few random snap-shots of aircraft wreckage does NOT constitute accounting for the aircraft.

This forum is VERY sparsely populated, why should I post to some total backwater forum that has no traffic?
Where is the photographic evidence of a 15 or 20 stories high rubble pile?
where is the accounting for tens of tons of aircraft wreckage?
a few random snap-shots of aircraft wreckage does NOT constitute accounting for the aircraft.

This forum is VERY sparsely populated, why should I post to some total backwater forum that has no traffic?

You ignored every picture of the debris, without exception. You'll first need to explain why you ignored entire galleries of images of the plane debris, even pictures of the corpses of burned passengers. And you can't. They didn't fit into your belief system. So you pretended none of them existed.

But why would we pretend with you?

You asked for evidence that the pile was 15 stories high. I gave you the testimony of Fred Marsilla, a FDNY firefighter who had climbed the very pile in question and was an eyewitness to its height. You ignored Fred entirely.....for no particular reason.

You'll need to give us a good reason why you ignored the LAST evidence I gave you before demanding that we give you more evidence to ignore. Especially that you have nothing backing your own claim that the debris fell to 'street level'. Just you citing yourself. And your record of willful ignorance is perfect. You've ignored every single source, every picture, every witness, every expert, every report, every gallery of images, every video that contradicts what you want to believe.

But this time its different, huh? I'll stick with the eye witnesses over you citing yourself on a topic you clearly don't understand.
Obviously, lacking answers to my simple questions, somebody has attempted to defend the official fairy tale by posting a long rant to complain about me...... Does anyone who reads this forum have INFORMATION?
if so, lets see it.

Truther 101.....Post challenge, ignore response
Rinse and repeat
Pretty much. And what's amusing is that Spammy still can't back his claim that the debris fell to 'street level'. No witness, no picture, nothing. See, providing evidence to back up one's claims is only for every one *else* to do. Never the conspiracy theorist.

And they wonder why their arguments are so consistently underwhelming.
Here is the way this works, I produce a pix of ground zero with an aporx 3 stories high rubble pile and people complain that the pix was taken after the clean-up operation had been in progress therefore the full 15 or 20 stories was not there.
HOWEVER, as an AMERICAN citizen/taxpayer ( etc... ) do YOU personally approve of the fact that 9/11/2001 is so poorly documented?
Here is the way this works, I produce a pix of ground zero with an aporx 3 stories high rubble pile and people complain that the pix was taken after the clean-up operation had been in progress therefore the full 15 or 20 stories was not there.

What pics? You've presented nothing.

And why did you ignore Fred Marsilla? He was there. Anyone genuinely interested in the truth wouldn't just ignore an eye witness who climbed the debris pile that you insist never existed.

But you did. Why?
It would appear that only two others bother to actually read and respond to this forum, so whats the big deal. anyhow .... the "cous de gras" for this whole thing, would be for the faction that supports the official version of events to produce PROOF that it happened the way that it was alleged to have happened. I'm talking documentation rather than arguments from authority & random snapshots of things that should have been properly documented.
It would appear that only two others bother to actually read and respond to this forum, so whats the big deal. anyhow .... the "cous de gras" for this whole thing, would be for the faction that supports the official version of events to produce PROOF that it happened the way that it was alleged to have happened. I'm talking documentation rather than arguments from authority & random snapshots of things that should have been properly documented.

It would appear that you ignored Fred Marsilla for no particular reason. You asked for evidence. Eye witness testimony is most definitely evidence.

Your problem is that you ignore anything that doesn't match your beliefs. Just like you ignoreed FDNY fire fighter Fred Marsilla's eye witness testimony of climbing the very pile of debris that you insist never existed.

Now why would I or any rational person ignore Fred Marsilla, who was there. And instead believe you, who wasn't?
To address this bit, if Fred Marsilla is the only one to have made the statement about the height of the rubble pile, you have a sample size of 1, and no photographic evidence to support it. sorry about that but your buddy Fred could just as well have been mistaken, exaggerated .... or? but without photographic documentation of the condition of ground zero post collapse, there is a huge void in the information and given all the other factors in this case, like I said before, NO information is NO information so we have to look at other factors to draw conclusions about what happened and as for my conclusion on the subject, WTC1,2 & 7 were blown up and the whole hiajcked airliners story is a scam!
On the subject of Fred Marsilla's testimony ..... I will go on the possibility that given the 22 story tall Marriott Hotel that was WTC3 being right next to WTC2, the rubble from WTC2 could have, and indeed probably did, pile up against the side of WTC3 and form a pile that one could climb and observe the scene from aprox 15 stories up ( or more ) HOWEVER, I stand by my earlier statement about the lack of documentation, in that WHY are there no documentary pix of the site right after the collapse event? This is a serious void and can only be accounted for by noting that there are people with all sorts of things to hide and so desire the cloak of secrecy to keep them from being prosecuted for their crimes.
Do you guys realize you are just repeating the same thing over and over? Arguing over proof/evidence or lack thereof is not solving anything. Put your money where your mouth is, both of you. Thank you.
Do you guys realize you are just repeating the same thing over and over? Arguing over proof/evidence or lack thereof is not solving anything. Put your money where your mouth is, both of you. Thank you.

Proof plenty is found in the video of the alleged "FLT175" shown penetrating the south wall of the South Tower without slowing down at all. additional proof is in the fact that in "collapsing" both towers accelerated as they descended and WTC7 had 2.25 sec of free fall acceleration, just how do you expect a "collapse" event to produce those sorts of results, not to mention the fact that all three skyscrapers were totally destroyed.
The facts support ..... 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB
Do you guys realize you are just repeating the same thing over and over? Arguing over proof/evidence or lack thereof is not solving anything. Put your money where your mouth is, both of you. Thank you.

Proof plenty is found in the video of the alleged "FLT175" shown penetrating the south wall of the South Tower without slowing down at all. additional proof is in the fact that in "collapsing" both towers accelerated as they descended and WTC7 had 2.25 sec of free fall acceleration, just how do you expect a "collapse" event to produce those sorts of results, not to mention the fact that all three skyscrapers were totally destroyed.
The facts support ..... 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB
What I meant by proof is none was provided in this thread so both arguments are moot.
I personally don't doubt 9/11 was an inside job.
What I meant by proof is none was provided in this thread so both arguments are moot.

So making statements about the rate of "collapse" of WTC1,2 & 7 and also the fact that the "crash of FLT175" is impossible as shown on TV, these bits are not facts?
What I meant by proof is none was provided in this thread so both arguments are moot.

So making statements about the rate of "collapse" of WTC1,2 & 7 and also the fact that the "crash of FLT175" is impossible as shown on TV, these bits are not facts?
You saying there's proof doesn't prove anything. I believe it was an inside job but you need to provide proof (legitimate links) for those who don't.
I get it
we need the 27 eight X ten color photographs with circles & arrows and an explanation on the back of each one ...... I can dig it.....
oh well ......

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