An Op Ed for the two party supporters

I'm not sure Kaz is necessarily a Trumpster, but I'm pretty sure he sees any support of a dem policy akin to ..... communism
Your insistence that I am Democrat, or a leftist, or whatever boogieman you're jerking off to at the moment, tells me all I need to know about your judgement and reasoning skills. They've been consumed by your screeching fear and cowardice. And everyone who doesn't join you in your defeat is reminder of what you've sacrificed. No wonder you hate us so much.
The rule has applied since Escalator Day: You're either an obedient Trumpster or you're an Evil Hitler Deep State Swamp Commie.

They simply don't recognize or understand anything else.

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.

Check out the leftist PROG who takes a step-back on his own because he's too big a coward to admit he's a Democrat devoted turd. First he does it, then he doesn't own it. You and White should hang out.

Everyone knows you're a Demonicrat Mac.

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.

You disagree with Biden on many issues, but you can't think of any examples, LOL. Well, that's not convincing. You are a funny sheep though
Even if Biden had ambitions of fixing what's wrong with America, he would still be defeated by the power of the establishment.


Biden and his party are too weak to break the hold of the wealthy class.

This communist moment has been brought to you by the Democrat party.

Thanks Karl for that insight ...
Americans need to come to the understanding that they've been taken in by a sick psychopath who still believes in his heart that he was cheated out of his presidency.

There's great danger ahead for America if they don't break free of that fantasy.
Your insistence that I am Democrat, or a leftist, or whatever boogieman you're jerking off to at the moment, tells me all I need to know about your judgement and reasoning skills. They've been consumed by your screeching fear and cowardice. And everyone who doesn't join you in your defeat is reminder of what you've sacrificed. No wonder you hate us so much.
The rule has applied since Escalator Day: You're either an obedient Trumpster or you're an Evil Hitler Deep State Swamp Commie.

They simply don't recognize or understand anything else.

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.

That's hilarious. dblack denies that Democrats are always high fiving him and agreeing with him and you joined the conversation to high five him and you're defending him.

All I can say is THANK YOU for making my point

Indeed it does make your point, but probably not in the way you think.
Say Trump is a buffoon, and the Trumpsters think they know where you stand on every issue.

Talk about projection.

Still acting as dblack's codpiece, huh? It's it smelly there?
Your insistence that I am Democrat, or a leftist, or whatever boogieman you're jerking off to at the moment, tells me all I need to know about your judgement and reasoning skills. They've been consumed by your screeching fear and cowardice. And everyone who doesn't join you in your defeat is reminder of what you've sacrificed. No wonder you hate us so much.
The rule has applied since Escalator Day: You're either an obedient Trumpster or you're an Evil Hitler Deep State Swamp Commie.

They simply don't recognize or understand anything else.

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.

That's hilarious. dblack denies that Democrats are always high fiving him and agreeing with him and you joined the conversation to high five him and you're defending him.

All I can say is THANK YOU for making my point

Indeed it does make your point, but probably not in the way you think.

A leftist coming in and high fiving you and defending you makes my point that Democrats love you, but not in the way I think.

More of your stupid shit. It makes it in exactly the way I think. Not one conservative or libertarian is defending you, but a leftist does totally on cue.

That is EXACTLY for the reason I think

I'm always tempted to prove you wrong in these assertions that Democrats love me and libertarians and conservatives disagree with me - because you are. But it doesn't matter, and that's the whole point of this thread. If you can't see outside of the team-sports mentality, when it comes to politics, then we disagree on something far more fundamental than the issues of the day.

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.

That's hilarious. dblack denies that Democrats are always high fiving him and agreeing with him and you joined the conversation to high five him and you're defending him.

All I can say is THANK YOU for making my point

Indeed it does make your point, but probably not in the way you think.
Say Trump is a buffoon, and the Trumpsters think they know where you stand on every issue.

Talk about projection.

Another leftist Democrat defending dblack. Different day, same result
Waiting. Name some issues.

I asked you to name issues that show you aren't a Democrat. What are you talking about?
Your insistence that I am Democrat, or a leftist, or whatever boogieman you're jerking off to at the moment, tells me all I need to know about your judgement and reasoning skills. They've been consumed by your screeching fear and cowardice. And everyone who doesn't join you in your defeat is reminder of what you've sacrificed. No wonder you hate us so much.
The rule has applied since Escalator Day: You're either an obedient Trumpster or you're an Evil Hitler Deep State Swamp Commie.

They simply don't recognize or understand anything else.

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.

That's hilarious. dblack denies that Democrats are always high fiving him and agreeing with him and you joined the conversation to high five him and you're defending him.

All I can say is THANK YOU for making my point

Indeed it does make your point, but probably not in the way you think.

A leftist coming in and high fiving you and defending you makes my point that Democrats love you, but not in the way I think.

More of your stupid shit. It makes it in exactly the way I think. Not one conservative or libertarian is defending you, but a leftist does totally on cue.

That is EXACTLY for the reason I think
Still waiting.

You've really triggered this Trumpster, dblack.

That deserves a "high five"!
Americans need to come to the understanding that they've been taken in by a sick psychopath who still believes in his heart that he was cheated out of his presidency.

There's great danger ahead for America if they don't break free of that fantasy.

The last two losers believe that. Many (or at least far too many) of their supporters still believe that, hence my first post.

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.

You disagree with Biden on many issues, but you can't think of any examples, LOL. Well, that's not convincing. You are a funny sheep though
Even if Biden had ambitions of fixing what's wrong with America, he would still be defeated by the power of the establishment.


Biden and his party are too weak to break the hold of the wealthy class.

This communist moment has been brought to you by the Democrat party.

Thanks Karl for that insight ...
America's dysfunction has been brought to the American people by both political parties that uphold the failed American way of inequality.

Were Biden initiatives even honest?
You disagree with Biden on many issues, but you can't think of any examples, LOL. Well, that's not convincing. You are a funny sheep though

I can think of plenty - and I've posted about them plenty. But I'm not playing your childish game. For you, it's all about identity, us against them, pick a side and fight, fight, fight! That's exactly what I'm rejecting. That's what's tearing our country apart.

This is a message board, you're perfectly free to respond to any post.

But please stop responding to what I said to Mac as if I said it to you.

I am NOT saying you're a Democrat. Mac is a Democrat. I'm asking about your messaging. You've written 40K posts over a decade on this board. Why do totalitarian leftists think you're one of them? I'm asking why YOU think they do that. Don't you ever think about it?

That you're a Democrat is the only thing that leftists, conservatives and libertarians on the board agree on. Can you think of anything else?
For over 170 years the Republicans and Democrats have ruled over this country, 100% of the time
That's because their party platforms are 180 degree polar opposites.

What do you propose instead of people taking a stand on one side or the other?

I'm 100% not a Democrat and I'm not an EVERYTHING GOES libertarian, so I vote for the best Republican I can

That is the problem, that the 2 parties are actually NOT 180 degree polar opposites, but instead are identical.

For example, the 2 real main choices for health care would be public subsidies, either for individuals to be able to make payments after the treatment, or for government to make the payment collectively for them. Insurance companies should have nothing to do with health care. But yet both democrat and republican parties both only support private health insurance, the one way that does not and can not work.

Another example are wars. Wars are terrible and illegal, and can only be justified in defense against an attack on the US. But all the wars the US has committed were offensive, illegal wars of profits instead, like Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Desert Storm, the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, the destruction of the army of Libya, the US attacks on Syria, the illegal economic sanction against Iran, Russia, etc.
Both parties are criminal in their support of illegal wars or military action.

I respect liberal and conservative positions, but neither party has been liberal or conservative.

But the fix is easy.
All we would have to do is skip the primary election, have just one with all the candidates, and let voters rank them all.
Then parties can be ignored, as they should be.
Americans need to come to the understanding that they've been taken in by a sick psychopath who still believes in his heart that he was cheated out of his presidency.

There's great danger ahead for America if they don't break free of that fantasy.

The last two losers believe that. Many (or at least far too many) of their supporters still believe that, hence my first post.
The last two losers? Are you trying to say something?

From an outsider's POV, I can only see Biden and his party being defeated and becoming irrelevant.

That makes the establishment status quo safe for the foreseeable future.

And that ensures that the working class in America will have its concerns ignored.
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.

That's hilarious. dblack denies that Democrats are always high fiving him and agreeing with him and you joined the conversation to high five him and you're defending him.

All I can say is THANK YOU for making my point

Indeed it does make your point, but probably not in the way you think.

A leftist coming in and high fiving you and defending you makes my point that Democrats love you, but not in the way I think.

More of your stupid shit. It makes it in exactly the way I think. Not one conservative or libertarian is defending you, but a leftist does totally on cue.

That is EXACTLY for the reason I think
Still waiting.

You've really triggered this Trumpster, dblack.

Says dblack's Democrat authoritarian nut protector ...

But seriously Mac, thank you for emphasizing my point to dblack. Whether he opens his eyes and sees it is beyond your control. But you are making my point in spades

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.
The OP initiated a worthwhile topic for discussion. Maybe you should just try to ignore all the ignorant spammers on this board that make discussions impossible.

It's worth rescuing even though he got the basic premise, but then went way too far with his own biased politics.

Worth mentioning though, that so many Americans are looking for some real answers. They must be visualizing some of the worst consequences.

Keep up the good work, you represent the best of this forum.

So you don't think the discussion of agreeing with the parties on some issues and not others making you a blind supporter of the party has anything to do with a thread on the two party system?

I think it does
Americans need to come to the understanding that they've been taken in by a sick psychopath who still believes in his heart that he was cheated out of his presidency.

There's great danger ahead for America if they don't break free of that fantasy.

The last two losers believe that. Many (or at least far too many) of their supporters still believe that, hence my first post.
The last two losers? Are you trying to say something?

From an outsider's POV, I can only see Biden and his party being defeated and becoming irrelevant.

That makes the establishment status quo safe for the foreseeable future.

And that ensures that the working class in America will have its concerns ignored.

Am I trying to say something? Yes, both are losers and that is who the parties decided to offer.
You disagree with Biden on many issues, but you can't think of any examples, LOL. Well, that's not convincing. You are a funny sheep though

I can think of plenty - and I've posted about them plenty. But I'm not playing your childish game. For you, it's all about identity, us against them, pick a side and fight, fight, fight! That's exactly what I'm rejecting. That's what's tearing our country apart.

This is a message board, you're perfectly free to respond to any post.

But please stop responding to what I said to Mac as if I said it to you.
Please accept my sincere apologies. I misread.
I am NOT saying you're a Democrat.
Ahh.. ok. It sure seems like that's what you've been saying. Over and over again. I guess I misread all those other times too.
Mac is a Democrat. I'm asking about your messaging. You've written 40K posts over a decade on this board. Why do totalitarian leftists think you're one of them? I'm asking why YOU think they do that. Don't you ever think about it?
Not much, no. I don't tailor my opinions and values to conform to a specific group.
Your insistence that I am Democrat, or a leftist, or whatever boogieman you're jerking off to at the moment, tells me all I need to know about your judgement and reasoning skills. They've been consumed by your screeching fear and cowardice. And everyone who doesn't join you in your defeat is reminder of what you've sacrificed. No wonder you hate us so much.
The rule has applied since Escalator Day: You're either an obedient Trumpster or you're an Evil Hitler Deep State Swamp Commie.

They simply don't recognize or understand anything else.

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.

You disagree with Biden on many issues, but you can't think of any examples, LOL. Well, that's not convincing. You are a funny sheep though
I can think of many. You didn't ask, because you don't have the balls to.

Pick any issue, and I'll be happy to tell you where and how I disagree with the Dems.

Do you have the balls to do that?


kaz: "Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot?"

Mac1958: "You didn't ask, because you don't have the balls to."

I did ask, jackass
Yeah, I didn't think so.

You just want to BITCH.

Man up, Trumpster.

So no, you can't think of any of your positions that show you're not a Democrat. At least you admitted that, well done. And thanks again for the support with dblack
Your insistence that I am Democrat, or a leftist, or whatever boogieman you're jerking off to at the moment, tells me all I need to know about your judgement and reasoning skills. They've been consumed by your screeching fear and cowardice. And everyone who doesn't join you in your defeat is reminder of what you've sacrificed. No wonder you hate us so much.
The rule has applied since Escalator Day: You're either an obedient Trumpster or you're an Evil Hitler Deep State Swamp Commie.

They simply don't recognize or understand anything else.

False dichotomy. I'm not even a loyal Trumpster, moron. I agree with him only when he's right. Really the only things I agree with him on are fighting back against Democrat tyranny, protecting the border and streamlining business regulations.

But challenge accepted.

I'm not with Trump on that he didn't pull out of Afghanistan, he got us deeper in Syria, he spends too much money, he didn't finish the wall at all costs, he didn't do enough to deregulate business, his trade policies were not based on free trade but warping markets.

Your turn, how are you not a Biden Bigot? You claim you aren't a Democrat, what are they fucking nuts about?
Please try to calm down.

I disagree with Biden and the Democrats on many issues, so I could never be a Democrat.

You are free, however, to continue with the personal attacks, name-calling and Trump defense.

I'm just not required to participate.
The OP initiated a worthwhile topic for discussion. Maybe you should just try to ignore all the ignorant spammers on this board that make discussions impossible.

It's worth rescuing even though he got the basic premise, but then went way too far with his own biased politics.

Worth mentioning though, that so many Americans are looking for some real answers. They must be visualizing some of the worst consequences.

Keep up the good work, you represent the best of this forum.
Much appreciated.

I look at this as a cultural issue. We should be furious at this two party system, but we're more concerned about who won on Dancing with the Stars™.
For over 170 years the Republicans and Democrats have ruled over this country, 100% of the time
That's because their party platforms are 180 degree polar opposites.

What do you propose instead of people taking a stand on one side or the other?

I'm 100% not a Democrat and I'm not an EVERYTHING GOES libertarian, so I vote for the best Republican I can

That is the problem, that the 2 parties are actually NOT 180 degree polar opposites, but instead are identical.

For example, the 2 real main choices for health care would be public subsidies, either for individuals to be able to make payments after the treatment, or for government to make the payment collectively for them. Insurance companies should have nothing to do with health care. But yet both democrat and republican parties both only support private health insurance, the one way that does not and can not work.

Another example are wars. Wars are terrible and illegal, and can only be justified in defense against an attack on the US. But all the wars the US has committed were offensive, illegal wars of profits instead, like Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Desert Storm, the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, the destruction of the army of Libya, the US attacks on Syria, the illegal economic sanction against Iran, Russia, etc.
Both parties are criminal in their support of illegal wars or military action.

I respect liberal and conservative positions, but neither party has been liberal or conservative.

But the fix is easy.
All we would have to do is skip the primary election, have just one with all the candidates, and let voters rank them all.
Then parties can be ignored, as they should be.
Voila! You too understand there's a big problem with the establishment's system.

But here's what you don't understand. Everything that isn't the American establishment isn't socialism or communism.

It's sociallly responsible government that has made them democratic successes.

That's an American made mindset that has to be broken.

And in fact is very slowly being broken in discussions such as this one.

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