An Open Letter to Trump and His Billionaire Buddies


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
As the rational people of the United States and around the world watch Der Gropenfurher’s saber-rattling, the question arises, “Does that idiot understand the true levels of death and destruction WWIII will cause?” His mindless followers obviously do not.

Do Der Gropenfurher and his disciples realize that wars with China, Iran, Mexico, (possibly more) in addition to the current war in Afghanistan will spread the personnel of the U.S. military very, very thin? Not likely.

Are conservatives so confident in the abilities of the U.S. armed forces to believe the use of nuclear weapons can be prevented? Yes, but only because they are stupid.

Most of all, does Der Gropenfurher understand that, should nuclear war occur, he and his billionaire buddies will not find the same profitable world exists when they emerge from their luxurious bunkers? It is obvious conservatives are completely unaware of the meaning of “nuclear winter.”

It’s become quite apparent that alternative facts do, indeed, placate Der Gropenfurher’s dimwitted supporters. But people of reason know lies and flights of fantasy cannot change reality.

The reality Der Gropenfurher must face is that, Steve Bannon, who’s now ensconced in the West Wing as Der Gropenfurher’s closest adviser, has positioned himself as the administration’s main ideas guy. In interviews, speeches, writing and especially in his overwhelming faith in the beliefs of generational theorists William Strauss and Neil Howe and their “Fourth Turning”, Bannon has made clear that he is above all else, an apocalypticist. (For the typically clueless conservative, an apocalypticist believes that the world will come to an end very soon, even within one's own lifetime.)

“In Bannon’s view, we are in the midst of an existential war, and everything is a part of that conflict. Treaties must be torn up, enemies named, culture changed. Global conflagration, should it occur, would only prove the theory correct. For Bannon, the Fourth Turning has arrived. The Grey Champion, a messianic strongman figure, may have already emerged. The apocalypse is now.” Bannon’s assuredness will, of course, please the the Christian crazies, and other suicidal, religious types.

However, the world’s billionaires should not be so eager to die in another needless war started by the Republicans. The extremely wealthy people around the world have a lot more to lose in an apocalypse than the poor schmucks that voted for Der Gropenfurher.

Given the undeniable reality above, the world’s billionaires really should unite and use all of their influence to get Bannon fired. After all, firing people is an activity Der Gropenfurher really enjoys, and the lives getting rid of Bannion saves might belong to those billionaires. Happily, the collateral benefit would be to permit the rest of us to live out our lives.

Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable | The Huffington Post

Living Blue In a Red State.jpg

You do understand that Trump is responsible for none of this, right? He didn't create this mess. Trump has been thrust into Obama's Muslim Spring. He may need more than a month to undo 8 years worth of damage.

Make no mistake, war is imminent but it won't originate with Trump.
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The only real saber rattling I see going on at this point is with Iran, and that has been going on for decades. :dunno:
As the rational people of the United States and around the world watch Der Gropenfurher’s saber-rattling, the question arises, “Does that idiot understand the true levels of death and destruction WWIII will cause?” His mindless followers obviously do not.

Do Der Gropenfurher and his disciples realize that wars with China, Iran, Mexico, (possibly more) in addition to the current war in Afghanistan will spread the personnel of the U.S. military very, very thin? Not likely.

Are conservatives so confident in the abilities of the U.S. armed forces to believe the use of nuclear weapons can be prevented? Yes, but only because they are stupid.

Most of all, does Der Gropenfurher understand that, should nuclear war occur, he and his billionaire buddies will not find the same profitable world exists when they emerge from their luxurious bunkers? It is obvious conservatives are completely unaware of the meaning of “nuclear winter.”

It’s become quite apparent that alternative facts do, indeed, placate Der Gropenfurher’s dimwitted supporters. But people of reason know lies and flights of fantasy cannot change reality.

The reality Der Gropenfurher must face is that, Steve Bannon, who’s now ensconced in the West Wing as Der Gropenfurher’s closest adviser, has positioned himself as the administration’s main ideas guy. In interviews, speeches, writing and especially in his overwhelming faith in the beliefs of generational theorists William Strauss and Neil Howe and their “Fourth Turning”, Bannon has made clear that he is above all else, an apocalypticist. (For the typically clueless conservative, an apocalypticist believes that the world will come to an end very soon, even within one's own lifetime.)

“In Bannon’s view, we are in the midst of an existential war, and everything is a part of that conflict. Treaties must be torn up, enemies named, culture changed. Global conflagration, should it occur, would only prove the theory correct. For Bannon, the Fourth Turning has arrived. The Grey Champion, a messianic strongman figure, may have already emerged. The apocalypse is now.” Bannon’s assuredness will, of course, please the the Christian crazies, and other suicidal, religious types.

However, the world’s billionaires should not be so eager to die in another needless war started by the Republicans. The extremely wealthy people around the world have a lot more to lose in an apocalypse than the poor schmucks that voted for Der Gropenfurher.

Given the undeniable reality above, the world’s billionaires really should unite and use all of their influence to get Bannon fired. After all, firing people is an activity Der Gropenfurher really enjoys, and the lives getting rid of Bannion saves might belong to those billionaires. Happily, the collateral benefit would be to permit the rest of us to live out our lives.

Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable | The Huffington Post

View attachment 111472

As the rational people of the United States and around the world watch Der Gropenfurher’s saber-rattling, the question arises, “Does that idiot understand the true levels of death and destruction WWIII will cause?” His mindless followers obviously do not.

Do Der Gropenfurher and his disciples realize that wars with China, Iran, Mexico, (possibly more) in addition to the current war in Afghanistan will spread the personnel of the U.S. military very, very thin? Not likely.

Are conservatives so confident in the abilities of the U.S. armed forces to believe the use of nuclear weapons can be prevented? Yes, but only because they are stupid.

Most of all, does Der Gropenfurher understand that, should nuclear war occur, he and his billionaire buddies will not find the same profitable world exists when they emerge from their luxurious bunkers? It is obvious conservatives are completely unaware of the meaning of “nuclear winter.”

It’s become quite apparent that alternative facts do, indeed, placate Der Gropenfurher’s dimwitted supporters. But people of reason know lies and flights of fantasy cannot change reality.

The reality Der Gropenfurher must face is that, Steve Bannon, who’s now ensconced in the West Wing as Der Gropenfurher’s closest adviser, has positioned himself as the administration’s main ideas guy. In interviews, speeches, writing and especially in his overwhelming faith in the beliefs of generational theorists William Strauss and Neil Howe and their “Fourth Turning”, Bannon has made clear that he is above all else, an apocalypticist. (For the typically clueless conservative, an apocalypticist believes that the world will come to an end very soon, even within one's own lifetime.)

“In Bannon’s view, we are in the midst of an existential war, and everything is a part of that conflict. Treaties must be torn up, enemies named, culture changed. Global conflagration, should it occur, would only prove the theory correct. For Bannon, the Fourth Turning has arrived. The Grey Champion, a messianic strongman figure, may have already emerged. The apocalypse is now.” Bannon’s assuredness will, of course, please the the Christian crazies, and other suicidal, religious types.

However, the world’s billionaires should not be so eager to die in another needless war started by the Republicans. The extremely wealthy people around the world have a lot more to lose in an apocalypse than the poor schmucks that voted for Der Gropenfurher.

Given the undeniable reality above, the world’s billionaires really should unite and use all of their influence to get Bannon fired. After all, firing people is an activity Der Gropenfurher really enjoys, and the lives getting rid of Bannion saves might belong to those billionaires. Happily, the collateral benefit would be to permit the rest of us to live out our lives.

Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable | The Huffington Post

View attachment 111472


Dear BertramN
Please also CC

* Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and their foreign benefactors and donors.

* Soros and others contributing to political campaigns pitting one side against others

* Obama and all the causes receiving federal funding at taxpayers' expense

If we all started policing corporate entities and influence, and holding these to the same Constitutional standards and ethics (see,
we might see an end to corporate abuse of govt and also media to run amok with no accountability to the public.

I suggest we organize a collective grievance process by PARTY.

The Libertarians I know are ready to set up a Grand Jury system run by the people to check govt directly.

We need to work with States to check Corporations against abuses and violations of due process (including political parties and media).

If the people check ourselves, that isn't govt playing Big Brother. We've got to bring this back to the level of the people for equal empowerment and responsibility, instead of falling into the victimhood pattern of oppression and projecting blame on others viewed as more in power. People do have equal power if we exercise and organize effectively.

This victimhood business of top down management has to stop. Why set ourselves up to fail. Why not set up means of effectively checking govt and corporations, including religious and political party organizations and corporate media. No power should be abused by ANY collective entity to override and oppress individual civil rights. That's what the Bill of Rights was for - to check federal govt against abuses - but now that corporations can effectively act as their own collective authority we need to apply the same standards of 'due process' to ANY such group that threatens to override individual protections.

You may see Trump and his ilk as the threat; but what about all the others that have been complained about for abusing power and connections to violate consent and due process of individual citizens affected?
As the rational people of the United States and around the world watch Der Gropenfurher’s saber-rattling, the question arises, “Does that idiot understand the true levels of death and destruction WWIII will cause?” His mindless followers obviously do not.

Do Der Gropenfurher and his disciples realize that wars with China, Iran, Mexico, (possibly more) in addition to the current war in Afghanistan will spread the personnel of the U.S. military very, very thin? Not likely.

Are conservatives so confident in the abilities of the U.S. armed forces to believe the use of nuclear weapons can be prevented? Yes, but only because they are stupid.

Most of all, does Der Gropenfurher understand that, should nuclear war occur, he and his billionaire buddies will not find the same profitable world exists when they emerge from their luxurious bunkers? It is obvious conservatives are completely unaware of the meaning of “nuclear winter.”

It’s become quite apparent that alternative facts do, indeed, placate Der Gropenfurher’s dimwitted supporters. But people of reason know lies and flights of fantasy cannot change reality.

The reality Der Gropenfurher must face is that, Steve Bannon, who’s now ensconced in the West Wing as Der Gropenfurher’s closest adviser, has positioned himself as the administration’s main ideas guy. In interviews, speeches, writing and especially in his overwhelming faith in the beliefs of generational theorists William Strauss and Neil Howe and their “Fourth Turning”, Bannon has made clear that he is above all else, an apocalypticist. (For the typically clueless conservative, an apocalypticist believes that the world will come to an end very soon, even within one's own lifetime.)

“In Bannon’s view, we are in the midst of an existential war, and everything is a part of that conflict. Treaties must be torn up, enemies named, culture changed. Global conflagration, should it occur, would only prove the theory correct. For Bannon, the Fourth Turning has arrived. The Grey Champion, a messianic strongman figure, may have already emerged. The apocalypse is now.” Bannon’s assuredness will, of course, please the the Christian crazies, and other suicidal, religious types.

However, the world’s billionaires should not be so eager to die in another needless war started by the Republicans. The extremely wealthy people around the world have a lot more to lose in an apocalypse than the poor schmucks that voted for Der Gropenfurher.

Given the undeniable reality above, the world’s billionaires really should unite and use all of their influence to get Bannon fired. After all, firing people is an activity Der Gropenfurher really enjoys, and the lives getting rid of Bannion saves might belong to those billionaires. Happily, the collateral benefit would be to permit the rest of us to live out our lives.

Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable | The Huffington Post

View attachment 111472





What makes you think the war is not already upon us?


It is obvious conservatives are completely unaware of the meaning of “nuclear winter.”

Blast from the past! Haven't heard that nonsense since the '80s. Can we play 'duck and cover' next?
It is obvious conservatives are completely unaware of the meaning of “nuclear winter.”

Blast from the past! Haven't heard that nonsense since the '80s. Can we play 'duck and cover' next?


If it happens at least we won't have to listen to any more global warming crap.


As the rational people of the United States and around the world watch Der Gropenfurher’s saber-rattling, the question arises, “Does that idiot understand the true levels of death and destruction WWIII will cause?” His mindless followers obviously do not.

Do Der Gropenfurher and his disciples realize that wars with China, Iran, Mexico, (possibly more) in addition to the current war in Afghanistan will spread the personnel of the U.S. military very, very thin? Not likely.

Are conservatives so confident in the abilities of the U.S. armed forces to believe the use of nuclear weapons can be prevented? Yes, but only because they are stupid.

Most of all, does Der Gropenfurher understand that, should nuclear war occur, he and his billionaire buddies will not find the same profitable world exists when they emerge from their luxurious bunkers? It is obvious conservatives are completely unaware of the meaning of “nuclear winter.”

It’s become quite apparent that alternative facts do, indeed, placate Der Gropenfurher’s dimwitted supporters. But people of reason know lies and flights of fantasy cannot change reality.

The reality Der Gropenfurher must face is that, Steve Bannon, who’s now ensconced in the West Wing as Der Gropenfurher’s closest adviser, has positioned himself as the administration’s main ideas guy. In interviews, speeches, writing and especially in his overwhelming faith in the beliefs of generational theorists William Strauss and Neil Howe and their “Fourth Turning”, Bannon has made clear that he is above all else, an apocalypticist. (For the typically clueless conservative, an apocalypticist believes that the world will come to an end very soon, even within one's own lifetime.)

“In Bannon’s view, we are in the midst of an existential war, and everything is a part of that conflict. Treaties must be torn up, enemies named, culture changed. Global conflagration, should it occur, would only prove the theory correct. For Bannon, the Fourth Turning has arrived. The Grey Champion, a messianic strongman figure, may have already emerged. The apocalypse is now.” Bannon’s assuredness will, of course, please the the Christian crazies, and other suicidal, religious types.

However, the world’s billionaires should not be so eager to die in another needless war started by the Republicans. The extremely wealthy people around the world have a lot more to lose in an apocalypse than the poor schmucks that voted for Der Gropenfurher.

Given the undeniable reality above, the world’s billionaires really should unite and use all of their influence to get Bannon fired. After all, firing people is an activity Der Gropenfurher really enjoys, and the lives getting rid of Bannion saves might belong to those billionaires. Happily, the collateral benefit would be to permit the rest of us to live out our lives.

Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable | The Huffington Post

View attachment 111472

No signs that Trump is going to war with any country.
An open letter, look fool Trump doesn't even know you are alive let alone care about your irrational manifesto of hate. You need to seek a safe space quickly and stay there until 2020.
It is obvious conservatives are completely unaware of the meaning of “nuclear winter.”

Blast from the past! Haven't heard that nonsense since the '80s. Can we play 'duck and cover' next?


If it happens at least we won't have to listen to any more global warming crap.



I know a safe cave in the woods. Was inhabited during the last ice age.....(OK: jusyt made that up, but I needed a "forest" segue)

An open letter, look fool Trump doesn't even know you are alive let alone care about your irrational manifesto of hate. You need to seek a safe space quickly and stay there until 2020.

And "send you money too" Hillary did?? lmao


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