An outbreak of lawlessness


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Here is an snippet of the article. The only saving grace of what the democrats are doing is that they will have no complaint, legitimate, if the Republicans ever do the same thing.

As of today, the Senate effectively has no rules. Congratulations, Harry Reid. Finally, something you will be remembered for.

Barack Obama may be remembered for something similar. His violation of the proper limits of executive power has become breathtaking. It’s not just making recess appointments when the Senate is in session. It’s not just unilaterally imposing a law Congress had refused to pass — the Dream Act — by brazenly suspending large sections of the immigration laws.

Charles Krauthammer: The Democrats? outbreak of lawlessness - The Washington Post

We’ve now reached a point where a flailing president, desperate to deflect the opprobrium heaped upon him for the false promise that you could keep your health plan if you wanted to, calls a hasty news conference urging both insurers and the states to reinstate millions of such plans.

Except that he is asking them to break the law. His own law. Under Obamacare, no insurer may issue a policy after 2013 that does not meet the law’s minimum coverage requirements. These plans were canceled because they do not.

The law remains unchanged. The regulations governing that law remain unchanged. Nothing is changed except for a president proposing to unilaterally change his own law from the White House press room.

That’s banana republic stuff, except that there the dictator proclaims from the presidential balcony.
Here is an snippet of the article. The only saving grace of what the democrats are doing is that they will have no complaint, legitimate, if the Republicans ever do the same thing.

As of today, the Senate effectively has no rules. Congratulations, Harry Reid. Finally, something you will be remembered for.

Barack Obama may be remembered for something similar. His violation of the proper limits of executive power has become breathtaking. It’s not just making recess appointments when the Senate is in session. It’s not just unilaterally imposing a law Congress had refused to pass — the Dream Act — by brazenly suspending large sections of the immigration laws.

Charles Krauthammer: The Democrats? outbreak of lawlessness - The Washington Post

We’ve now reached a point where a flailing president, desperate to deflect the opprobrium heaped upon him for the false promise that you could keep your health plan if you wanted to, calls a hasty news conference urging both insurers and the states to reinstate millions of such plans.

Except that he is asking them to break the law. His own law. Under Obamacare, no insurer may issue a policy after 2013 that does not meet the law’s minimum coverage requirements. These plans were canceled because they do not.

The law remains unchanged. The regulations governing that law remain unchanged. Nothing is changed except for a president proposing to unilaterally change his own law from the White House press room.

That’s banana republic stuff, except that there the dictator proclaims from the presidential balcony.

This is at least the 4th thread on this same stupid column.

Charles Krauthammer is a stupid jerk.

The president is not breaking any laws. He is administrating. That's what the executive branch does.

The Senate still has rules. It has a 1000 page rule book.

What ridiculous hyperbole.

Conservatives look like 3 year old having a temper tantrum.
Here is an snippet of the article. The only saving grace of what the democrats are doing is that they will have no complaint, legitimate, if the Republicans ever do the same thing.

As of today, the Senate effectively has no rules. Congratulations, Harry Reid. Finally, something you will be remembered for.

Barack Obama may be remembered for something similar. His violation of the proper limits of executive power has become breathtaking. It’s not just making recess appointments when the Senate is in session. It’s not just unilaterally imposing a law Congress had refused to pass — the Dream Act — by brazenly suspending large sections of the immigration laws.

Charles Krauthammer: The Democrats? outbreak of lawlessness - The Washington Post

We’ve now reached a point where a flailing president, desperate to deflect the opprobrium heaped upon him for the false promise that you could keep your health plan if you wanted to, calls a hasty news conference urging both insurers and the states to reinstate millions of such plans.

Except that he is asking them to break the law. His own law. Under Obamacare, no insurer may issue a policy after 2013 that does not meet the law’s minimum coverage requirements. These plans were canceled because they do not.

The law remains unchanged. The regulations governing that law remain unchanged. Nothing is changed except for a president proposing to unilaterally change his own law from the White House press room.

That’s banana republic stuff, except that there the dictator proclaims from the presidential balcony.

This is at least the 4th thread on this same stupid column.

Charles Krauthammer is a stupid jerk.

The president is not breaking any laws. He is administrating. That's what the executive branch does.

The Senate still has rules. It has a 1000 page rule book.

What ridiculous hyperbole.

Conservatives look like 3 year old having a temper tantrum.

I don't think you would like it, if the Repubs take over the Senate and the Dems being in the minority would have no representation.
Here is an snippet of the article. The only saving grace of what the democrats are doing is that they will have no complaint, legitimate, if the Republicans ever do the same thing.

As of today, the Senate effectively has no rules. Congratulations, Harry Reid. Finally, something you will be remembered for.

Barack Obama may be remembered for something similar. His violation of the proper limits of executive power has become breathtaking. It’s not just making recess appointments when the Senate is in session. It’s not just unilaterally imposing a law Congress had refused to pass — the Dream Act — by brazenly suspending large sections of the immigration laws.

Charles Krauthammer: The Democrats? outbreak of lawlessness - The Washington Post

We’ve now reached a point where a flailing president, desperate to deflect the opprobrium heaped upon him for the false promise that you could keep your health plan if you wanted to, calls a hasty news conference urging both insurers and the states to reinstate millions of such plans.

Except that he is asking them to break the law. His own law. Under Obamacare, no insurer may issue a policy after 2013 that does not meet the law’s minimum coverage requirements. These plans were canceled because they do not.

The law remains unchanged. The regulations governing that law remain unchanged. Nothing is changed except for a president proposing to unilaterally change his own law from the White House press room.

That’s banana republic stuff, except that there the dictator proclaims from the presidential balcony.

This is at least the 4th thread on this same stupid column.

Charles Krauthammer is a stupid jerk.

The president is not breaking any laws. He is administrating. That's what the executive branch does.

The Senate still has rules. It has a 1000 page rule book.

What ridiculous hyperbole.

Conservatives look like 3 year old having a temper tantrum.

I don't think you would like it, if the Repubs take over the Senate and the Dems being in the minority would have no representation.

Now that's a stupid statement.

Even if a party is in the minority, they still have representation.

The filibuster was a stupid rule and I'm glad they got rid of it. Sure, I won't like it, if the republicans take the majority, but I'm still glad they got rid of it.

Now, maybe they can get something doen.
Here is an snippet of the article. The only saving grace of what the democrats are doing is that they will have no complaint, legitimate, if the Republicans ever do the same thing.

As of today, the Senate effectively has no rules. Congratulations, Harry Reid. Finally, something you will be remembered for.

Barack Obama may be remembered for something similar. His violation of the proper limits of executive power has become breathtaking. It’s not just making recess appointments when the Senate is in session. It’s not just unilaterally imposing a law Congress had refused to pass — the Dream Act — by brazenly suspending large sections of the immigration laws.

Charles Krauthammer: The Democrats? outbreak of lawlessness - The Washington Post

We’ve now reached a point where a flailing president, desperate to deflect the opprobrium heaped upon him for the false promise that you could keep your health plan if you wanted to, calls a hasty news conference urging both insurers and the states to reinstate millions of such plans.

Except that he is asking them to break the law. His own law. Under Obamacare, no insurer may issue a policy after 2013 that does not meet the law’s minimum coverage requirements. These plans were canceled because they do not.

The law remains unchanged. The regulations governing that law remain unchanged. Nothing is changed except for a president proposing to unilaterally change his own law from the White House press room.

That’s banana republic stuff, except that there the dictator proclaims from the presidential balcony.

This is at least the 4th thread on this same stupid column.

Charles Krauthammer is a stupid jerk.

The president is not breaking any laws. He is administrating. That's what the executive branch does.

The Senate still has rules. It has a 1000 page rule book.

What ridiculous hyperbole.

Conservatives look like 3 year old having a temper tantrum.

I don't think you would like it, if the Repubs take over the Senate and the Dems being in the minority would have no representation.

You do have representation when you're in the minority. You represent the party that doesn't have enough votes to pass anything on a party line vote.
The most astute political thinker in modern times, has this to say, and I believe him. It makes commonsense and from an intellectual, as well.

[ame=]Krauthammer: Obamacare's Demise Will Come at the Hands of Dems - YouTube[/ame]
Republicans use rules in a way they were never intended=good.
Democrats change rules to counter sabotage of the political process=bad.

Republicans brought this on themselves and all I wonder about is why democrats didn't do it sooner.
This is at least the 4th thread on this same stupid column.

Charles Krauthammer is a stupid jerk.

The president is not breaking any laws. He is administrating. That's what the executive branch does.

The Senate still has rules. It has a 1000 page rule book.

What ridiculous hyperbole.

Conservatives look like 3 year old having a temper tantrum.

I don't think you would like it, if the Repubs take over the Senate and the Dems being in the minority would have no representation.

You do have representation when you're in the minority. You represent the party that doesn't have enough votes to pass anything on a party line vote.

Both parties had representation in the Senate as minority. Harry Reid changed that. Now only the majority rules in the Senate.
237 years of the minority having a voice, is out the window.
We were a nation that had majority and minority voices, where the majority ruled with the consent of the minority.
Now it's just the majority mob rule.
I don't think you would like it, if the Repubs take over the Senate and the Dems being in the minority would have no representation.

You do have representation when you're in the minority. You represent the party that doesn't have enough votes to pass anything on a party line vote.

Both parties had representation in the Senate as minority. Harry Reid changed that. Now only the majority rules in the Senate.
237 years of the minority having a voice, is out the window.
We were a nation that had majority and minority voices, where the majority ruled with the consent of the minority.
Now it's just the majority mob rule.

The minority never had a voice under Dirty Harry. He is just making sure of it.
You do have representation when you're in the minority. You represent the party that doesn't have enough votes to pass anything on a party line vote.

Both parties had representation in the Senate as minority. Harry Reid changed that. Now only the majority rules in the Senate.
237 years of the minority having a voice, is out the window.
We were a nation that had majority and minority voices, where the majority ruled with the consent of the minority.
Now it's just the majority mob rule.

The minority never had a voice under Dirty Harry. He is just making sure of it.
Yep, and even though the GOP has the majority in the House, Reid is sitting on a plethora of legislation that won't see daylight until Reid is dethroned.

Reid thinks just by sitting on ideas other than those foisted on us by himself, the Democrats, and Obama is going to keep the populace down and stupid, uninformed....He's got another thing coming. The stunt he pulled last week didn't win him any points. The people are awake now and learning of the misdeeds.
I don't think you would like it, if the Repubs take over the Senate and the Dems being in the minority would have no representation.

You do have representation when you're in the minority. You represent the party that doesn't have enough votes to pass anything on a party line vote.

Both parties had representation in the Senate as minority. Harry Reid changed that. Now only the majority rules in the Senate.
237 years of the minority having a voice, is out the window.
We were a nation that had majority and minority voices, where the majority ruled with the consent of the minority.
Now it's just the majority mob rule.
Indeed. True Democracy.
Looks like Obama likes to pick and choose when he want his own law followed.
Some may call it administering.

How the hell does this administration get away with this.

ObamaCare stipulates insurance companies must drop plans that don't meet Obama's requirement.
Then Obama and the democrats bitch at the insurance companies for following the law of ObamaCare.
This is the best part here....
Now Obama has been caught in a huge lie.He's dropping in the polls like crazy.
So what does he do? He goes back to the insurance companies and he wants the insurance companies
to break his law and sell the same policies that Obama deemed illegal....
Looks like Obama likes to pick and choose when he want his own law followed.
Some may call it administering.

How the hell does this administration get away with this.

ObamaCare stipulates insurance companies must drop plans that don't meet Obama's requirement.
Then Obama and the democrats bitch at the insurance companies for following the law of ObamaCare.
This is the best part here....
Now Obama has been caught in a huge lie.He's dropping in the polls like crazy.
So what does he do? He goes back to the insurance companies and he wants the insurance companies
to break his law and sell the same policies that Obama deemed illegal....
And those companies stated they cannot go backwards because it would send the industry into turmoil...chaos. Isn't that the plan all along with Obama and the Statists in the first place, so they say we have no other recourse but single payer...because the private sector can't do it?

Here is an snippet of the article. The only saving grace of what the democrats are doing is that they will have no complaint, legitimate, if the Republicans ever do the same thing.

As of today, the Senate effectively has no rules. Congratulations, Harry Reid. Finally, something you will be remembered for.

Barack Obama may be remembered for something similar. His violation of the proper limits of executive power has become breathtaking. It’s not just making recess appointments when the Senate is in session. It’s not just unilaterally imposing a law Congress had refused to pass — the Dream Act — by brazenly suspending large sections of the immigration laws.

Charles Krauthammer: The Democrats? outbreak of lawlessness - The Washington Post

We’ve now reached a point where a flailing president, desperate to deflect the opprobrium heaped upon him for the false promise that you could keep your health plan if you wanted to, calls a hasty news conference urging both insurers and the states to reinstate millions of such plans.

Except that he is asking them to break the law. His own law. Under Obamacare, no insurer may issue a policy after 2013 that does not meet the law’s minimum coverage requirements. These plans were canceled because they do not.

The law remains unchanged. The regulations governing that law remain unchanged. Nothing is changed except for a president proposing to unilaterally change his own law from the White House press room.

That’s banana republic stuff, except that there the dictator proclaims from the presidential balcony.

Krauthammer is right. The President cannot re-write laws. He can refuse to enforce them while he is president by directing the DOJ to ignore it when the law is violated, but he cannot re-write them. The trouble he is in with Obamacare is that the law involves both state enforcement entities, civil enforcement courts, and federal enforcement by administrations after he is no longer in office. The insurance companies and healthcare contracts will be around longer than Obamas DOJ will be an authority. His promises mean little in the real world of litigation. The point was made in this NRO piece by a former US Attorney;

"But here is the problem: This “waiver” is irrelevant. Even if it were constitutionally proper for a president to flout Congress in the executive branch’s enforcement practices, all that means is that the Obama administration will give insurers a pass until 2014. The Obama “waiver” does not change what Congress’s law actually says, and therefore it has no bearing on the legal obligations attendant to the relationship between the insurer and the insured."

The Lawlessness of the ?Fix? | National Review Online

As the author points out in the piece, it is an empty promise to insurers because they are still subject to prosecution and regulation by State Executives, and subject to civil action by policy holders under contract law.

I suspect Obama skipped some classes in law school.
Ultimately it's an attack on the 2nd. That's what they're really after. Those 3 commie judges who deserve a traitor's death are what this is all about.
I don't think you would like it, if the Repubs take over the Senate and the Dems being in the minority would have no representation.

You do have representation when you're in the minority. You represent the party that doesn't have enough votes to pass anything on a party line vote.

Both parties had representation in the Senate as minority. Harry Reid changed that. Now only the majority rules in the Senate.
237 years of the minority having a voice, is out the window.
We were a nation that had majority and minority voices, where the majority ruled with the consent of the minority.
Now it's just the majority mob rule.

Majority mob rule. lol, that's quaint. Idiotic, but quaint.
I make fun of this administration all the time.
But maybe I'm wrong about these guys.
Could it be they want all this ObamaCare stuff to blow up in their faces so
they could claim that the only way to fix it is to go single payer.

Obama and the democrats destroy the health care industry.
so they can now fix it to their liking!!!
I make fun of this administration all the time.
But maybe I'm wrong about these guys.
Could it be they want all this ObamaCare stuff to blow up in their faces so
they could claim that the only way to fix it is to go single payer.

Obama and the democrats destroy the health care industry.
so they can now fix it to their liking!!!
Like everything else they touch.
You do have representation when you're in the minority. You represent the party that doesn't have enough votes to pass anything on a party line vote.

Both parties had representation in the Senate as minority. Harry Reid changed that. Now only the majority rules in the Senate.
237 years of the minority having a voice, is out the window.
We were a nation that had majority and minority voices, where the majority ruled with the consent of the minority.
Now it's just the majority mob rule.

The minority never had a voice under Dirty Harry. He is just making sure of it.

He gave the Democratic minority in the House a voice when he blocked all those partisan Republican bills that came over.


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