An Unusual Science Experiment-Jello Shots

Mr. P said:
A HS Science Experiment no doubt. :D :alco:

I think more likely college. HS kids would have a problem with the bottles!
Kathianne said:
I think more likely college. HS kids would have a problem with the bottles!
I'd like to think so too, but.....where theres a will theres a way. :D

Regardless, if they are looking for the most alcohol content why not just drink from a glass or :alco: ? :D
Mr. P said:
I'd like to think so too, but.....where theres a will theres a way. :D

Regardless, if they are looking for the most alcohol content why not just drink from a glass or :alco: ? :D

Me? I don't like Vodka. I do know that jello shots seem to be very popular around college towns.
Kathianne said:
Me? I don't like Vodka. I do know that jello shots seem to be very popular around college towns.
Vodka will make you hit yer Grandmother...nasty stuff!
Jello shots are very popular *everywhere*, and they taste nothing like vodka. :D

...and they'll only make you hit your mother if she steals the last one...
Said1 said:
The last time I had one of those was at a party and they were terrible. The jellow was a bit soft, probably from adding way too much vodka. I haven't seen them since, not even at the university bar where i go to school. They make good Daiquris though. :D

WI must be different than where we live, I've never seen them in any of the places I've been. Other than when I'm visiting my children, I don't hang at university bars, which is the only locales I've seen them at.

Nevertheless, the experiment made me LOL!
I always got a kick out of telling vegatarians that love doing jello shots that jello containes an animal product.
Reviving an old thread...

If the jello shot is made right, the taste of vodka is no problem. The first batch I ever made turned out great. The jello held its consistency, so you can just swallow the sucker whole without tasting vodka.

The next batch was watery. Thus the jello could not be swallowed without some watery mess landing on the tongue. That made them rather disgusting. The vodka my roomate and I use costs about $12 for a gallon. The stuff is like paint thinner. A shot of that is the closest thing to hell on earth.

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