

Jan 30, 2011
a·nach·ro·nism [uh-nak-ruh-niz-uhm]

1. something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, esp. a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time

Well, that pretty much sums who I am up in a single sentence. New here to the board after having frequented a number of different places over the years. We'll see how long it lasts.
Riding horses is harder than it looks. In what ways do you feel out of place or time?

yes we will see how long it lasts. :)

I think my personal record is something like 17 days before being booted/banned. On the other hand I've survived for several years in other places.

Riding horses is harder than it looks. In what ways do you feel out of place or time?

Having taken a long walk off both a short and a tall horse over the years, I can testify to your first comment. I also know that the partnership between a human and a horse can be among the greatest things you can ever experience, when it goes right.

I am totally out of place/time philosophically. My views are very Traditional, Conservative, Old Fashioned, and generally were coming to be considered out-dated by about the time of the War of Northern Aggression. Given my choice, we'd go back to something of a cross between the late Middle Ages and the American Colonial periods.

yes we will see how long it lasts. :)

I think my personal record is something like 17 days before being booted/banned. On the other hand I've survived for several years in other places.

Riding horses is harder than it looks. In what ways do you feel out of place or time?

Having taken a long walk off both a short and a tall horse over the years, I can testify to your first comment. I also know that the partnership between a human and a horse can be among the greatest things you can ever experience, when it goes right.

I am totally out of place/time philosophically. My views are very Traditional, Conservative, Old Fashioned, and generally were coming to be considered out-dated by about the time of the War of Northern Aggression. Given my choice, we'd go back to something of a cross between the late Middle Ages and the American Colonial periods.

New England was a happening place in the latter. If you are in messages boards, your going to get banned somewhere... If your doing it right. Try not to let that happen to you here okay?
New England was a happening place in the latter. If you are in messages boards, your going to get banned somewhere... If your doing it right. Try not to let that happen to you here okay?

Yes it was, as more than a few of my ancestors could attest to if they were still around.

I've been banned probably a half dozen different places over time. Both from sports-related and political boards. It doesn't bother me. We'll see what happens here, and move along down the road The Fates have chosen for me either way.
New England was a happening place in the latter. If you are in messages boards, your going to get banned somewhere... If your doing it right. Try not to let that happen to you here okay?

Yes it was, as more than a few of my ancestors could attest to if they were still around.

I've been banned probably a half dozen different places over time. Both from sports-related and political boards. It doesn't bother me. We'll see what happens here, and move along down the road The Fates have chosen for me either way.

Turns out I had a relative on my Mom's side in the second boat over to Plymouth.
Turns out I had a relative on my Mom's side in the second boat over to Plymouth.

Cool. My family wasn't quite that early, but not terribly far behind. My great-grandmother threw a US Census Bureau worker out of her home in 1980 when he refused to list her ancestory as AMERICAN. Seems she figured if we'd been here for 300+ years already, where we came from before that really didn't matter. He disagreed. The 84 year old woman threw him out of her house over it. :clap2:
a·nach·ro·nism [uh-nak-ruh-niz-uhm]

1. something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, esp. a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time

Well, that pretty much sums who I am up in a single sentence. New here to the board after having frequented a number of different places over the years. We'll see how long it lasts.

But you're not the only one "not in its correct historical or chronological time..."

Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,
Grew lean while he assailed the seasons;
He wept that he was ever born,
And he had reasons.

Miniver loved the days of old
When swords were bright and steeds were prancing;
The vision of a warrior bold
Would set him dancing.

Miniver sighed for what was not,
And dreamed, and rested from his labors;
He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot,
And Priam's neighbors.

Miniver mourned the ripe renown
That made so many a name so fragrant;
He mourned Romance, now on the town,
And Art, a vagrant.

Miniver loved the Medici,
Albeit he had never seen one;
He would have sinned incessantly
Could he have been one.

Miniver cursed the commonplace
And eyed a khaki suit with loathing;
He missed the mediæval grace
Of iron clothing.

Miniver scorned the gold he sought,
But sore annoyed was he without it;
Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,
And thought about it.

Miniver Cheevy, born too late,
Scratched his head and kept on thinking;
Miniver coughed, and called it fate,
And kept on drinking.

Edwin Arlington Robinson
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Turns out I had a relative on my Mom's side in the second boat over to Plymouth.

Cool. My family wasn't quite that early, but not terribly far behind. My great-grandmother threw a US Census Bureau worker out of her home in 1980 when he refused to list her ancestory as AMERICAN. Seems she figured if we'd been here for 300+ years already, where we came from before that really didn't matter. He disagreed. The 84 year old woman threw him out of her house over it. :clap2:

We didn't even let them come in during 2010. Just saying.
We didn't even let them come in during 2010. Just saying.

Same here. Heck, my roommates and I filled out the absolute minimum of the paperwork before sending it back. Number of people living in the residence. That's all.
But you're not the only one "not in its correct historical or chronological time..."

It would seem that Miniver should have done a little more homework....

Since the late 1960's there has been a place for people like me.... The Society for Creative Anachronism; a now nearly 50 year old non-profit organization dedicated to research and re-creation of the Middle Ages, not as they WERE, but as they SHOULD have been.
the war of northern aggression?

g-d make it stop, please? *sigh*

What would you prefer to call it, jillian? There is absolutely nothing "Civil" about what happened during that conflict. "The War of Northern Aggression" is really pretty much the most honest term for what that conflict was. I say that as someone who had family members fight on BOTH sides of the conflict.

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