
Anachronism meet Intense. Intense, Anachronism.

This isn't going to end well. For one of us.
Just say the word. ;) Or, you could just be you. :) We can play Value for Value.

We did one in four minutes just today.

Something tells me I'm not going to be long for this board.

I don't tend to do the "politically correct" thing very well, and as I mention in the OP, my values and philosophies aren't exactly the most agreed with in our current society. If the level of conversation in here so far has me on the edge of banning, I probably ought to just delete the account, because I've actually been trying to be relatively polite so far.
Suicide by cop or put the gun down and walk away. Your choice.

Perhaps you should just use the computer to watch porn.
Suicide by cop or put the gun down and walk away. Your choice.

Hey, I've always figured that getting shot by a cop had a very high probability of being the way I leave this world. You know what they say.... Practice makes perfect.
Same here. They sent 3 different people to the house to "complete" my form. Each time I said "Two" and shut the door.

Good for you. I don't know if they ever tried to show up here. We're on the second floor and the doorbells don't work.
the war of northern aggression?

g-d make it stop, please? *sigh*

You realize it's over, right?

I think its a board game now.


The Battlefield Game. The greatest Civil War battle comes to life with this board game that takes 2-6 players on a competitive "tour" of the famous battlefield at Gettysburg. Union and Confederate players interact along the way, blocking moves or forcing retreats… who will win the day at Gettysburg this time? A game for the whole family, this is a great learning resource and a wonderful introduction to the most decisive battle of the Civil War. Ages 10 to adult.
Your Fate is in your hand's which is as it should be. ;)

No, our lives are in the hands of the Fates/Norns/The Three Sisters/The Spinners, or whatever you wish to call them. There is very little that we get to choose for ourselves in our lives.

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