Anal remark is a Hate Crime!!


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Here in Liberal La-La Land the PC enforcers are marching in lockstep, trampling over our Freedom of Speech. (Yet Democratic Senators can still call our President a Hitler :cuckoo: )

What's rather hypocritical is the gays are all about PROMOTING anal sex in the classrooms and during Pride Parades but they get their backs up over a little anal sex remark?:cuckoo: XGR Anti Gay Comment

The Seattle Times
Official resigns over gay remarks
The Associated Press

OLYMPIA — A businessman who made derogatory comments to an AIDS-awareness group at the Capitol has resigned from his position as first vice president for the Rental Housing Association of Puget Sound.

"Looks like it's anal-sex week," Lou Novak remarked as a group from the Lifelong AIDS Alliance walked though the state House office building.

The group included a 13-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy.

The Rental Housing Association's executive board held an emergency meeting yesterday, after The Associated Press reported on the incident. Board members asked for Novak's resignation as first vice president, and he resigned from the association, which represents 3,500 landlords across Washington state.

Suzie Saxton, executive director of an AIDS advocacy organization in Yakima, said she's sorry it ended badly for Novak, but she believes he should have known better.

Saxton followed Novak into the Capitol's public cafeteria after he made the comment in front of her group on Feb. 23. He repeated his comment about "anal-sex week," according to witnesses, and lectured her about people engaging in irresponsible sex and asking for public money.

"It's not acceptable anywhere and certainly not at the state Capitol," Saxton said. "Certainly people are allowed their private opinions, but what he did actually borders on hate crime. He could be charged, and he's darn lucky that's not happening."

Novak, a Seattle landlord, said Wednesday evening that he regrets his remarks and will apologize to those involved.

"The remark was made in private and they just happened to overhear it, and that's very unfortunate," Novak said. "I'm certainly sorry that anyone was offended by it."

The Rental Housing Association has already written letters of apology to several legislators.

"I would like to assure you that RHA does not endorse or condone any comments which differ from our commitment to diversity," RHA President Cathy Jeney wrote.

RHA attorney Chris Benis said the association will also apologize to Saxton and the other members of the AIDS-awareness group.

Rep. Ed Murray, D-Seattle, said the incident shows the need for his civil-rights measure, House Bill 1515, which would ban discrimination against gays and lesbians in housing, employment and insurance.

It passed in the House and is awaiting a hearing in the Senate. Opponents argued on the House floor that the bill is unnecessary because prejudice against gays and lesbians is dying out.
I guess if non liberals wish to have freedom of speech, we need to talk to oursleves in the shower??
Bonnie said:
I guess if non liberals wish to have freedom of speech, we need to talk to oursleves in the shower??

Right, there is definitely a double standard going on. Think of all the very nasty anti-Bush, anti-conservative remarks made on shows, in movies, etc. And these remarks are being made in PUBLIC, not in PRIVATE conversation like with this guy.

It scares me that ordinary people are being threatened with criminal charges for WHAT THEY SAY. I can see standards being enforced in public venues, but in private conversations?
ScreamingEagle said:
Right, there is definitely a double standard going on. Think of all the very nasty anti-Bush, anti-conservative remarks made on shows, in movies, etc. And these remarks are being made in PUBLIC, not in PRIVATE conversation like with this guy.

It scares me that ordinary people are being threatened with criminal charges for WHAT THEY SAY. I can see standards being enforced in public venues, but in private conversations?

The thought police have waged quite an effective campaign to beat down anyone that disagrees with them, and yet it is them still crying first amendment rights..........It's scary and sickening.

Here's what Sen Byrd gets away withRobert Byrd, on the floor of the United States Senate today, comparing the move by Republicans to change Senate rules to end obstructionism in the judicial confirmation process to the maneuvers of Hitler:

Hitler's originality lay in his realization that effective revolutions in modern conditions are carried out with, and not without, not against, the power of the State. The correct order of events was first to secure access to that power of the State, and then begin his revolution. Hitler never abandoned the cloak of legality. He never abandoned the cloak of legality. He recognized the enormous, psychological value of having the law on his side. Instead, he turned the law inside out and made his illegality legal. And that is what the nuclear option seeks to do. To Rule 22 of the standing rules of the Senate. I said to someone this morning who was shoveling snow in my area. "What does nuclear option mean to you?" He answered, "Oh, you mean with Iran?" The people generally don't know what this is about. The nuclear option seeks to alter the rules by sidestepping the rules, thus making the impermissible the rule."
More from Byrd's remarks at Radioblogger. RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman did not let the sun go down on Byrd's offensive extremism --an extremism matched by the Democrats' tactics on judges:

I suppose if he made jokes about Butt sex it would be wrong!!
Bonnie said:
The thought police have waged quite an effective campaign to beat down anyone that disagrees with them, and yet it is them still crying first amendment rights..........It's scary and sickening.

Here's what Sen Byrd gets away withRobert Byrd, on the floor of the United States Senate today, comparing the move by Republicans to change Senate rules to end obstructionism in the judicial confirmation process to the maneuvers of Hitler:

Bobby Byrd is a Bastard. The only "Hitler manuevers" being made are those by him and the other liberal Dims that use their freedom of speech to suppress the speech of others.

It's just like when the Christians were arrested for picketing/protesting at a homosexual "outfest" - which you posted under Hate Speech in the Religion section. Those people were threatened with years in jail just for protesting the "outfest" because the liberals didn't like to hear it. That was a "Hitler manuever" if there ever was one!

It makes me sick that everybody here has jumped on the bandwagon against this man because they support "diversity". Seems to me that they acted more like a group of Hitleristic liberal lemmings than Americans who allow diversity and freedom of speech. Where is the CHOICE in what we can say anymore?? :mad:

Frankly, I believe that the gay movement is not really about gay concerns - although on the surface that is the picture. In my opinion there are various anti-American forces who guide and support the gay/PC/anti-Christian movement and they are using the gay platform as a front for changing our laws in order to curb our freedoms and control people. When they are finally in power, they will dump the gays like a hot potato but keep the "Hate Speech" laws to prevent any opposition to their viewpoints.
Screaming eagle
Frankly, I believe that the gay movement is not really about gay concerns - although on the surface that is the picture. In my opinion there are various anti-American forces who guide and support the gay/PC/anti-Christian movement and they are using the gay platform as a front for changing our laws in order to curb our freedoms and control people. When they are finally in power, they will dump the gays like a hot potato but keep the "Hate Speech" laws to prevent any opposition to their viewpoints.

We could add the feminist movement, the environmental movement and others to that as well. I think most people that go along with these groups are well intentioned, it's the group leaders that I think have one specific agenda and it's socialism, just as you said.
This is so stupid. Should he have said that? Maybe not, but then again, he has a right to say what he wants. I found this part the most absurd:

"It's not acceptable anywhere and certainly not at the state Capitol," Saxton said.
Not at the state Capitol? Then where? This is the ONE place of all places in each state where the citizens should be able to voice their opinions without fear of retiribution by the thought police. What next, will state assembly members be banned from arguing against ANYTHING the thought police find "upsetting"? This is frigg' stupid and just another example of how the left is RUINING this country.
freeandfun1 said:
This is so stupid. Should he have said that? Maybe not, but then again, he has a right to say what he wants. I found this part the most absurd:

Not at the state Capitol? Then where? This is the ONE place of all places in each state where the citizens should be able to voice their opinions without fear of retiribution by the thought police. What next, will state assembly members be banned from arguing against ANYTHING the thought police find "upsetting"? This is frigg' stupid and just another example of how the left is RUINING this country.

You dont understand. they dont want people to have free speech. They dont want people to be able to voice their points of view. As the person said right there. Free speech isnt acceptable anywhere let alone at the state capitol. Because the state is supposed to be enforcing their immorality on the people.
another disgusting. people can say anit US things, anit Bush things, anti govenment things, and anti black things, but let someone say something anti faggot and its a hate crime? whose cock are they sucking? (do i get charged now??!?!!)
Johnney said:
another disgusting. people can say anit US things, anit Bush things, anti govenment things, and anti black things, but let someone say something anti faggot and its a hate crime? whose cock are they sucking? (do i get charged now??!?!!)

Well said Johnny! Here's the thing........Free speech for PC only........This is an extremely chilling prospect!
William Joyce said:
Someone name me one example of someone getting fired or having to resign their job for saying something from the PC side.
holy shit how did you move the rock
William Joyce said:
Someone name me one example of someone getting fired or having to resign their job for saying something from the PC side.

Why would you be fired for intentionally trying to be inoffensive? :scratch:
Merlin1047 said:
Because those who do that are insufferably BORING dorks?

I agree, but WJ's question was like asking "When was the last time someone was arrested for not committing a crime?" didn't make much sense.
ScreamingEagle said:
Here in Liberal La-La Land the PC enforcers are marching in lockstep, trampling over our Freedom of Speech. (Yet Democratic Senators can still call our President a Hitler :cuckoo: )

What's rather hypocritical is the gays are all about PROMOTING anal sex in the classrooms and during Pride Parades but they get their backs up over a little anal sex remark?:cuckoo: XGR Anti Gay Comment

This, plus the incident that happened at Harvard regarding some innocuous remarks by a dean there, should raise red flags even amongst the most liberal of us.

Since when is political speech a hate crime? I thought the First Amendment covered that.

The real Nazis in this scenario are not the ones who make somewhat unguarded remarks but those who go into hystrionics over innocent remarks.

Actually, my take on this is that the feminists at Harvard and the gay group that took umbrage at the "anal sex week" remarks are not actually offended, but using these incidents to acheive a political agenda. That is, silence anyone who dares speak out, even mildly, against them or disagrees, even slightly, with what they believe. If they are willing to lynch someone (even a supporter of theirs) over something trivial as a single remark, what will they be willing to do over an issue of real substance?

In the past, I would have advocated playing fair and by the rules and let this sort of thing pass. However, doing that just seems to encourage these hyenas. What should people on the right do to counter this? I remember a tactic launched by a southern politician that targetted hate groups like the KKK. He wouldn't criminally charge these organizations, instead he would sue them and force them into bankruptcy. Without money, they can't operate.

I believe that we should do the same. Groups, on campus and off, that violate the free speech rights of individuals who make remarks that are offenseive to them (e.g .as feminists, and gay rights groups) should be sued to the hilt for violating First Amendment rights of individuals. That should get them to take notice. Sue them into bankruptcy, sue them until they stop moving, then step on them like the cockroaches that they are. Maybe then, these Leftist Marxist Communist Enemies of Society will shut their mouths, and re-examine their Gestapo storm trooper tactics that they use to further their political agenda and erode our freedoms at the same time.
Right on Karl! Liberals keep pushing the idea that just because somebody's feeeeelings are hurt by a verbal comment, then it's a verbal "assault" punishable by the law. Whatever happened to the old adage "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names and faces can't hurt me"?

If something is not done to stop it, this insidious mind control crap will just continue to get worse. If anybody's saying the wrong things, it's the PCers. I really like your suggested solution as it might just do the trick. Sue those neo-Nazis! make them pay up or shut up!
Doesn't Byrd have some handler or assistant who said "hey boss, you were a KKK member, so comparing the POTUS to Hitler might be a bad idea" ?
theim said:
Doesn't Byrd have some handler or assistant who said "hey boss, you were a KKK member, so comparing the POTUS to Hitler might be a bad idea" ?

You scared me for a second there, theim. I thought you meant "handler" in the Monica Lewinsky sense.

Oh, God - there's a mental picture none of us needed!
musicman said:
You scared me for a second there, theim. I thought you meant "handler" in the Monica Lewinsky sense.

Oh, God - there's a mental picture none of us needed!
Really!!!!! And right in the middle of my breakfast too!

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