Analysis of Benghazi: Right Wing World Spin & Distortions

so now the Righties want to rat-out clandestine operations by our "you know who" just to score a political point? :eusa_eh: Nice going Darrell & co. (Repubs) :clap2:
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so now the Righties want to rat-out clandestine operations by our "you know who" just to score a political point? :eusa_eh: Nice going Darrell & co. (Repubs) :clap2:

No, I think they want to know why rescue forces weren't allowed to deploy and save these people. They were one hour away and could have saved the ambassador at the very why were they ordered to stand down?

THAT is the question that any thinking American should be asking.
Analysis of Benghazi: Right Wing World Spin & Distortions

The Washington Times pretends to analyze fairly and with balance, the GOP obsession with Benghazi

The GOP promises 'bombshells' and promises to 'expose' things that have supposedly been 'suppressed'. GOP members are 'shocked' (ever watch FOX News commentators who are 'shocked' on a daily basis?) by 'press reports' (from FOX?) about 'whistleblowers' 'intimidation' and possible 'coverups' ---

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, has promised bombshells at the hearing, which he says will “expose new facts and details that the Obama administration has tried to suppress.”

“I strongly urge the Senate to hold new hearings on Benghazi” ...He added that he was “shocked” by press reports that survivors of the attack or other whistleblowers might have been intimidated...

Mr. Issa has publicly accused the State Department of trying to muzzle potential Benghazi witnesses...leading to speculation that his hearing will feature testimony from one or more whistleblowers.

Lawyers Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing, who say they are trying to represent Benghazi witnesses who want to testify publicly about what they know...Mr. diGenova said on Fox News that the hurdles he faced amounted to a “cover-up” and that the Accountability Review Board failed to interview key witnesses for its report, starting with Mrs. Clinton.

--- the Washington Times prints this shit and then covers itself with something most of Right Wing World will magically glide over without really absorbing...

[The accountability review board “interviewed everyone that was there who played a role in the events such that their account was needed to answer the questions they had,” said the source familiar with the review, speaking on the condition of anonymity."

...the person familiar with the investigation by the accountability review board, which published a 40-page report last year, insisted that the board already interviewed 100 witnesses, including all the CIA and State Department personnel involved in the defense of the diplomatic post and of the secret CIA base known as the annex a few miles away.

They also had access to transcripts of all the FBI interviews of those and other witnesses.

“The unclassified report is the best account of the events as they unfolded,” he said, adding that, although the inquiry also issued a longer classified report, its conclusions were the same.

The classified version “amplifies and extends the account the Board gave [in the published version] but doesn’t in any way change the conclusions it came to,” said the person, who had access to both versions.]

Benghazi investigations included CIA activities; personnel had secret base in Libyan city - Washington Times

What is wrong with this picture? Is the Washington Times reporting/spinning anything new, anything that was previously unknown?


Oh? When I want to see deceptive reporting and political gamesmanship I turn to MSNBC the new mantle carriers for the Goebbals propaganda method. Unfortunately for them they get caught all too frequently. I guess they aren't as smart as that scumbag was. And don't even bother to try and pull that Godwins law BS. When it's true, it's true and MSNBC does Goebbals proud....sort of...

Below are two of many...

MSNBC Forced to Apologize After Egregiously Taking Quotes Out of Context for Gun Control Segment

MSNBC Caught Selectively Editing Another Clip ? This Time of Sandy Hook Victim?s Father | Video |

still could not refute a single thing

Still another Benghazi spin by Dante. You gotta wonder why the radical left is at war with information. The radical left wants to limit conservative radio coverage, they hate Fox, and now they are offended by a congressional hearing trying to uncover the truth about the deaths of a US Ambassador and three other Americans including two retired Navy Seals. Just what about the truth offends left wing radicals?
so now the Righties want to rat-out clandestine operations by our "you know who" just to score a political point? :eusa_eh: Nice going Darrell & co. (Repubs) :clap2:

No, I think they want to know why rescue forces weren't allowed to deploy and save these people. They were one hour away and could have saved the ambassador at the very why were they ordered to stand down?

THAT is the question that any thinking American should be asking.

If you had any grasp of the timeline of events, you'd know that Stevens was dead long before any "rescue mission" could have been sent in.
so now the Righties want to rat-out clandestine operations by our "you know who" just to score a political point? :eusa_eh: Nice going Darrell & co. (Repubs) :clap2:

No, I think they want to know why rescue forces weren't allowed to deploy and save these people. They were one hour away and could have saved the ambassador at the very why were they ordered to stand down?

THAT is the question that any thinking American should be asking.

If you had any grasp of the timeline of events, you'd know that Stevens was dead long before any "rescue mission" could have been sent in.

OMFG!!! Facts! Did you have to bring facts into this?:evil::evil:
Still another Benghazi spin by Dante. You gotta wonder why the radical left is at war with information. The radical left wants to limit conservative radio coverage, they hate Fox, and now they are offended by a congressional hearing trying to uncover the truth about the deaths of a US Ambassador and three other Americans including two retired Navy Seals. Just what about the truth offends left wing radicals?

Radical left? Dante did not vote for Obama in 2012.


Still another Benghazi spin by Dante. You gotta wonder why the radical left is at war with information. The radical left wants to limit conservative radio coverage, they hate Fox, and now they are offended by a congressional hearing trying to uncover the truth about the deaths of a US Ambassador and three other Americans including two retired Navy Seals. Just what about the truth offends left wing radicals?

Radical left? Dante did not vote for Obama in 2012.


Say what?
Still another Benghazi spin by Dante. You gotta wonder why the radical left is at war with information. The radical left wants to limit conservative radio coverage, they hate Fox, and now they are offended by a congressional hearing trying to uncover the truth about the deaths of a US Ambassador and three other Americans including two retired Navy Seals. Just what about the truth offends left wing radicals?


Of course the last thing the GOP hearings were about was the ‘truth.’
Still another Benghazi spin by Dante. You gotta wonder why the radical left is at war with information. The radical left wants to limit conservative radio coverage, they hate Fox, and now they are offended by a congressional hearing trying to uncover the truth about the deaths of a US Ambassador and three other Americans including two retired Navy Seals. Just what about the truth offends left wing radicals?


Of course the last thing the GOP hearings were about was the ‘truth.’

Scuse me but the hearings were part of the Constitutional responsibility of Congress. Left wing ignorant paranoid nut cases might characterize the hearings in strange ways but the American public deserves the right to get to the truth. What the hell does the administration have to hide?
Still another Benghazi spin by Dante. You gotta wonder why the radical left is at war with information. The radical left wants to limit conservative radio coverage, they hate Fox, and now they are offended by a congressional hearing trying to uncover the truth about the deaths of a US Ambassador and three other Americans including two retired Navy Seals. Just what about the truth offends left wing radicals?


Of course the last thing the GOP hearings were about was the ‘truth.’

Scuse me but the hearings were part of the Constitutional responsibility of Congress. Left wing ignorant paranoid nut cases might characterize the hearings in strange ways but the American public deserves the right to get to the truth. What the hell does the administration have to hide?
The American public doesn't give two fucks what the GOP Congress wants to do. They voted for Obama in 2012
Once the American public figures out how much this Administration HAS lied to them and continues to lie to them I think they'll "give two fucks".

Nobody likes to be treated like an idiot and that's exactly what the Obama people did when they pushed that YouTube video narrative to explain what happened in Benghazi. They made a calculated decision to lie to the American people.
they did it wiht fast and furious and this is nothing more than that.

when they DO get the national attention on this issue like they claim they want they will be fully imbarrassed by the people finding out they are full of lies and there is no there there.

that is why they DROPPED F and F right after they got the national attention they claimed they wanted.

they always need some FAKE storys of corruption to whip up their stupid base

Fast and Furious was not dropped, it was shut down by President Obama.
We still don't have important answers to this and the family deserves to know what really happened.
They are doing the same thing with Benghazi , it would not have taken so long nor needed so many hearings if the administration had not stalled and withheld information.
Again the families deserve to know what really happened.
Will President Obama do the same thing again and get this shut down with executive privileges like he did with Fast and Ferrous?
We shall see.

Of course the last thing the GOP hearings were about was the ‘truth.’

Scuse me but the hearings were part of the Constitutional responsibility of Congress. Left wing ignorant paranoid nut cases might characterize the hearings in strange ways but the American public deserves the right to get to the truth. What the hell does the administration have to hide?
The American public doesn't give two fucks what the GOP Congress wants to do. They voted for Obama in 2012

They don't ?
Then why did the voters keep the GOP in power in the House?
Maybe because they control the purse stings.
thread fail

ABC dropped a big bombshell on the obama admin this morning

poor dante
What's ironic is that with the support this President has from the Main Stream Media all he REALLY needed to do was admit that they'd miscalculated on security needs in Libya and the strength of Al Queda and this whole thing would have blown over in a matter of weeks. Instead, they hung Susan Rice out to dry by sending her (either knowingly or unknowingly) out to spread disinformation to the American people on 5 Sunday morning talk shows. Jay Carney looks like a complete Bozo standing up at his podium and trying to keep this from spinning out of control. Hilary Clinton looks both incompetent and untrustworthy. And Barack Obama...once again...appears clueless.
Once the American public figures out how much this Administration HAS lied to them and continues to lie to them I think they'll "give two fucks".

Nobody likes to be treated like an idiot and that's exactly what the Obama people did when they pushed that YouTube video narrative to explain what happened in Benghazi. They made a calculated decision to lie to the American people.

Nobody, except American Progressives, likes to be treated like an idiot and that's exactly what the Obama people did when they pushed that YouTube video narrative to explain what happened in Benghazi. They made a calculated decision to lie to the American people
The Issa (R) fluffers are coming out of the woodwork.

As to the OP, yeah- The Washington Times IS the GOP newspaper of Washington so...
The only way you have the power to Gerrymander districts is if you control the local legislatures...which you do by winning the local vote.

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