Anathema Invaded the UK!!!… MAYBE


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
Well folks in the Greater London are, be warned… I may just beee coming to your slice of the world for 7-9 days in Late September or Early October of this year.,

it’s a business trip, but from the schedule they’ve provided to those who are being considered for attendance, there will be several days worth of free time and most evenings appear to be unrestricted. Only about a 30-35% chance I get picked.

They are asking us what sort of activities we would be interested in filling thst time with. I’ve already suggested an EPL match. I’m not the type to enjoy tourist traps or large public gatherings (other than sporting events). My main interests related to England are Celtic History, Medieval History, and The Blitz/Battle of Britain.

Any ideas on other things I should put in my personal agenda or try to get in the agenda for the week?

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