Anatomy Of A great Deception: How Building 7 Woke Me Up...

You're thinking buildings are some great Jenga set. In order for a building to fall in any direction other than straight down requires an outside force to push it to the side. There was no force, only gravity pulling downward. It's covered in any first year Physics class.

Apparently you were absent from class on the day the instructor spoke about the third law of motion. :rolleyes:
Manipulated by whom exactly? If someone is going to go through all that trouble to coordinate the whole thing, don't you think making sure the media stuck to the timeline of reporting?...

In covert operations the doctrine of plausible deniability entails that key figures be kept in the dark, particularly those that can later be discounted or discredited as having mispoken or misacted amid 'the fog of war', which is exactly how the 'real-time' commentaries of Jennings, Rather, and others have been explained away by OCT apologists.

steven_r said:
...Or it's just the newspeople fucked up because it was highly chaotic and getting a story right isn't as important as scooping the competition these days?

The premature report of Building 7's "collapse" indirectly corroborates the nature of the apparent foreknowledge expressed in the testimonies of many firefighters (in that they too were overwhelmingly based on word-of-mouth instruction instead of direct observation). With the Solomon Bros. Building still standing in the background as the reporters spoke of its "collapse" in the past tense, it's difficult to argue that the report could have been based on anything other than hearsay.

As I said in one of my previous posts, though, the MSM's collective MO in the days, weeks, months, and years after the fact has been far more telling of top-down manipulation in order to prop-up and promote the patently ridiculous 'official narrative' before the eyes of millions of hypnotized Americans.

Jeffrey Berwick wrote about Richard Gage's 40-minute interview on C-SPAN back in August of 2014 (full article here).

An excerpt:

"[. . .]C-SPAN is operated by the National Cable Satellite Corporation, the board of directors of which consists primarily of representatives of the largest cable companies. While you can’t call it “mainstream media” per se, it is available in 100 million households in the US and therefore this is significant.

For 40 minutes the truth about 9/11 was represented as not being crazy… instead, it was the exact opposite. It was positioned as highly credible and six of the seven callers thanked both C-SPAN and Richard Gage for finally bringing countless issues with 9/11 forward to the large segment of the US populace, which still thinks something isn’t real unless it is on their television programming.

This is the first time 9/11 has been presented in this way on a US-based network with a significant reach.

Bold emphasis mine.

In light of other current events on the domestic front, I think it's likely that the "monumental shift" Berwick wrote about elsewhere in that linked article has been intentionally initiated to help foment dissent and ratchet up tensions ahead of the Jade Helm exercises. The timing's just a little too convenient, in my very humble opinion. :doubt:
Great post.

Thanks for posting Berwick's article and Gage's interview on C-Span. Most damning.

The controlled demolition of WTC 7 and the documented evidence of molten steel, would seem to indicate that the government's story is total BS...of course there are numerous other inconsistencies.

For one to believe the government's story, one has to be willfully blind or ignorant.

Have to agree, the molten steel is pretty damning. Something else was at play. Especially with WTC 7. And the odds of three buildings collapsing perfectly symmetrically into their own footprints on the same day, are virtually nil. It just doesn't happen. Building collapses don't look like that. They only look like that in cases of controlled demolition.

Please provide a link to 2 other 100+ story skyscrapers that were felled by controlled demo. There is - after 13+ years of your CT silliness - still no evidence of a controlled demo. Zippo.
How do we know- they might have set it to be detonated by explosives if the World Trade Center had ever been hit by jihadists or any one else who is our enemies...

Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

They could have had it set up to be demolished in order to not have all of the other buildings surrounding them destroyed.

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

OK ... perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you're not smarter.
You're thinking buildings are some great Jenga set. In order for a building to fall in any direction other than straight down requires an outside force to push it to the side. There was no force, only gravity pulling downward. It's covered in any first year Physics class.

Apparently you were absent from class on the day the instructor spoke about the third law of motion. :rolleyes:

Go ahead and show me how a multi-kiloton building can fall to the side without damage at the base. Use a free body diagram to illustrate the process.
How do we know- they might have set it to be detonated by explosives if the World Trade Center had ever been hit by jihadists or any one else who is our enemies...

Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

They could have had it set up to be demolished in order to not have all of the other buildings surrounding them destroyed.

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

OK ... perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you're not smarter.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that they could have put in demolition devises in the 90's, in case of an emergency to bring them down straight instead of crashing into other buildings?
Many people at the scene said that they heard explosions.
How do we know- they might have set it to be detonated by explosives if the World Trade Center had ever been hit by jihadists or any one else who is our enemies...

Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

They could have had it set up to be demolished in order to not have all of the other buildings surrounding them destroyed.

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

OK ... perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you're not smarter.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that they could have put in demolition devises in the 90's, in case of an emergency to bring them down straight instead of crashing into other buildings?
Many people at the scene said that they heard explosions.

Aside from the fact that such a process would have had at least some credible documentation and eyewitnesses, why bother? Gravity will do the work for you to bring the buildings straight down every time.
...Most damning. The controlled demolition of WTC 7 and the documented evidence of molten steel, would seem to indicate that the government's story is total BS...

Except there is no evidence of molten steel or a controlled demo but why let a silly thing like the truth interfere with a juicy conspiracy theory, eh?

Check out the film if you have some time. You may be surprised how interesting it is.
How do we know- they might have set it to be detonated by explosives if the World Trade Center had ever been hit by jihadists or any one else who is our enemies...

Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

They could have had it set up to be demolished in order to not have all of the other buildings surrounding them destroyed.

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

OK ... perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you're not smarter.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that they could have put in demolition devises in the 90's, in case of an emergency to bring them down straight instead of crashing into other buildings?
Many people at the scene said that they heard explosions.

Because that's an extraordinary expense to go to "just in case."
Because no demo rigger has come forward to say he did the job (which would have taken a small army months to accomplish).
Because the risk of having skyscrapers rigged for demo just "in case of emergency" is incalculable. Please list a few buildings you know to be rigged years in advance ... I want to stay out of them. Many things could have exploded in those buildings and the compression of those floors falling on the one below would have made loud sounds. No evidence of demo rigging or explosives were found at the scene.
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...Most damning. The controlled demolition of WTC 7 and the documented evidence of molten steel, would seem to indicate that the government's story is total BS...

Except there is no evidence of molten steel or a controlled demo but why let a silly thing like the truth interfere with a juicy conspiracy theory, eh?

Check out the film if you have some time. You may be surprised how interesting it is.

I'd rather watch paint dry than to suffer through 1 more of those silly 9/11 CT "films."
How do we know- they might have set it to be detonated by explosives if the World Trade Center had ever been hit by jihadists or any one else who is our enemies...

Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

They could have had it set up to be demolished in order to not have all of the other buildings surrounding them destroyed.

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

OK ... perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you're not smarter.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that they could have put in demolition devises in the 90's, in case of an emergency to bring them down straight instead of crashing into other buildings?
Many people at the scene said that they heard explosions.

Aside from the fact that such a process would have had at least some credible documentation and eyewitnesses, why bother? Gravity will do the work for you to bring the buildings straight down every time.

How would anyone know what they really did during the renovations after the 1st bombing?
The towers reopened 20 days after the bombing with new security measures in place, including restrictions to parking lot access and electronic identification badges for building tenants. Over the next eight years, the Port Authority spent a total of $700 million on renovations, with safety upgrades like battery-powered stairway lights and a separate emergency command center in each building. Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani set up a high-tech emergency operations command center, dubbed “the Bunker,” at 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story office building adjoining the towers.
World Trade Center - Facts Summary -
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Go ahead and show me how a multi-kiloton building can fall to the side without damage at the base. Use a free body diagram to illustrate the process.

Go ahead and show me, without flying in the face of Newton's Third Law of Motion, how a multi-kiloton building can "collapse" straight down (through the path of greatest resistance) gravitational acceleration for 105+ feet.

Because that's what the NIST group's final report would have us believe happened.
How do we know- they might have set it to be detonated by explosives if the World Trade Center had ever been hit by jihadists or any one else who is our enemies...

Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

They could have had it set up to be demolished in order to not have all of the other buildings surrounding them destroyed.

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

Did you ever consider that it could have been done by little green men? Why don't you do a video exploring that possibility? Presenting the same old disproven claims is getting boring. You need to add something new to spice it up. Perhaps you can tie it in with Vince Foster and Big Foot.
You're thinking buildings are some great Jenga set. In order for a building to fall in any direction other than straight down requires an outside force to push it to the side. There was no force, only gravity pulling downward. It's covered in any first year Physics class.

Apparently you were absent from class on the day the instructor spoke about the third law of motion. :rolleyes:

Third law? That has something to do wit action and reaction. This thread is a perfect example of that. You post some really crazy claims (ACTION) , and everybody laughs at you as what ever small credibility you might have once had quickly swirls down the toilet (REACTION) I think I get it now.
How do we know- they might have set it to be detonated by explosives if the World Trade Center had ever been hit by jihadists or any one else who is our enemies...

Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

They could have had it set up to be demolished in order to not have all of the other buildings surrounding them destroyed.

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

Did you ever consider that it could have been done by little green men? Why don't you do a video exploring that possibility? Presenting the same old disproven claims is getting boring. You need to add something new to spice it up. Perhaps you can tie it in with Vince Foster and Big Foot.

You are talking to me like I have always defended and have always bought into the conspiracy which I never have.
I'm saying that when you add everything up it does not match what we have been told.
This is why many believe that they have lied to us about many things on the WTC.
Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

OK ... perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you're not smarter.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that they could have put in demolition devises in the 90's, in case of an emergency to bring them down straight instead of crashing into other buildings?
Many people at the scene said that they heard explosions.

Aside from the fact that such a process would have had at least some credible documentation and eyewitnesses, why bother? Gravity will do the work for you to bring the buildings straight down every time.

How would anyone know what they really did during the renovations after the 1st bombing?
The towers reopened 20 days after the bombing with new security measures in place, including restrictions to parking lot access and electronic identification badges for building tenants. Over the next eight years, the Port Authority spent a total of $700 million on renovations, with safety upgrades like battery-powered stairway lights and a separate emergency command center in each building. Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani set up a high-tech emergency operations command center, dubbed “the Bunker,” at 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story office building adjoining the towers.
World Trade Center - Facts Summary -

Yup ... not a lick of evidence of demo rigging in your entire post, therefore 9/11 could only have been a controlled demo!
You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

OK ... perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you're not smarter.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that they could have put in demolition devises in the 90's, in case of an emergency to bring them down straight instead of crashing into other buildings?
Many people at the scene said that they heard explosions.

Aside from the fact that such a process would have had at least some credible documentation and eyewitnesses, why bother? Gravity will do the work for you to bring the buildings straight down every time.

How would anyone know what they really did during the renovations after the 1st bombing?
The towers reopened 20 days after the bombing with new security measures in place, including restrictions to parking lot access and electronic identification badges for building tenants. Over the next eight years, the Port Authority spent a total of $700 million on renovations, with safety upgrades like battery-powered stairway lights and a separate emergency command center in each building. Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani set up a high-tech emergency operations command center, dubbed “the Bunker,” at 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story office building adjoining the towers.
World Trade Center - Facts Summary -

Yup ... not a lick of evidence of demo rigging in your entire post, therefore 9/11 could only have been a controlled demo!

Well it doesn't help when this stuff is on the web.
9-11 Review Nanothermite Explosives at the WTC Conclusive Evidence
How do we know- they might have set it to be detonated by explosives if the World Trade Center had ever been hit by jihadists or any one else who is our enemies...

Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

They could have had it set up to be demolished in order to not have all of the other buildings surrounding them destroyed.

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

Did you ever consider that it could have been done by little green men? Why don't you do a video exploring that possibility? Presenting the same old disproven claims is getting boring. You need to add something new to spice it up. Perhaps you can tie it in with Vince Foster and Big Foot.

You are talking to me like I have always defended and have always bought into the conspiracy which I never have.
I'm saying that when you add everything up it does not match what we have been told.
This is why many believe that they have lied to us about many things on the WTC.

Really? What are your thoughts on Benghazi? Jade Helm? Our president being born here? That is one of the few consistent things about conspiracy nuts. You don't fall for just one crazy theory. Your paranoia and fear causes you to fall for almost anything you're told.
Did you ever consider that it could have been done by little green men? Why don't you do a video exploring that possibility? Presenting the same old disproven claims is getting boring. You need to add something new to spice it up. Perhaps you can tie it in with Vince Foster and Big Foot.

I must admit I prefer the invisible ninja demo riggers using silent explosives that can withstand a high speed jet impact and an hour or more of chaotic fires before they explode undetected and leave absolutely no trace ... but that's just me.
How do we know- they might have set it to be detonated by explosives if the World Trade Center had ever been hit by jihadists or any one else who is our enemies...

Wait ... so you are suggesting the Towers and WTC 7 were rigged years In advance just in case 19 Jihadis decided to slam large passenger jets into them? You're kidding, right?

They could have had it set up to be demolished in order to not have all of the other buildings surrounding them destroyed.

How could "they" know how those 100+ story Towers would fall and how did those "silent explosives" survive the impacts and the ensuing hour or more of chaotic and unpredictable fires?

C'mon, Peach ... I know you're smarter than that silliness..

You did not watch the video or the link I put up did you?

Did you ever consider that it could have been done by little green men? Why don't you do a video exploring that possibility? Presenting the same old disproven claims is getting boring. You need to add something new to spice it up. Perhaps you can tie it in with Vince Foster and Big Foot.

You are talking to me like I have always defended and have always bought into the conspiracy which I never have.
I'm saying that when you add everything up it does not match what we have been told.
This is why many believe that they have lied to us about many things on the WTC.

Really? What are your thoughts on Benghazi? Jade Helm? Our president being born here? That is one of the few consistent things about conspiracy nuts. You don't fall for just one crazy theory. Your paranoia and fear causes you to fall for almost anything you're told.

Our President was born in Hawaii
Jade Helm is military training.
Benghazi was botched.
OK ... perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you're not smarter.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that they could have put in demolition devises in the 90's, in case of an emergency to bring them down straight instead of crashing into other buildings?
Many people at the scene said that they heard explosions.

Aside from the fact that such a process would have had at least some credible documentation and eyewitnesses, why bother? Gravity will do the work for you to bring the buildings straight down every time.

How would anyone know what they really did during the renovations after the 1st bombing?
The towers reopened 20 days after the bombing with new security measures in place, including restrictions to parking lot access and electronic identification badges for building tenants. Over the next eight years, the Port Authority spent a total of $700 million on renovations, with safety upgrades like battery-powered stairway lights and a separate emergency command center in each building. Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani set up a high-tech emergency operations command center, dubbed “the Bunker,” at 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story office building adjoining the towers.
World Trade Center - Facts Summary -

Yup ... not a lick of evidence of demo rigging in your entire post, therefore 9/11 could only have been a controlled demo!

Well it doesn't help when this stuff is on the web.
9-11 Review Nanothermite Explosives at the WTC Conclusive Evidence

That is certainly damning evidence for someone who has no idea what that actually means. Using your same reasoning ability, I had the soil from a flower bed in my back yard analyzed. Among many other things, the composition included nitrogen and oxygen. Imagine my shock when I learned that oxygen and nitrogen are what is NEEDED to make NITROGLYCERIN !!! Proof positive that that flower bed was once the site of a massive explosion which must have been caused by some secret government conspiracy. See how that works?

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