Anatomy Of A great Deception: How Building 7 Woke Me Up...

Why do you find it so hard to believe that they could have put in demolition devises in the 90's, in case of an emergency to bring them down straight instead of crashing into other buildings?
Many people at the scene said that they heard explosions.

Aside from the fact that such a process would have had at least some credible documentation and eyewitnesses, why bother? Gravity will do the work for you to bring the buildings straight down every time.

How would anyone know what they really did during the renovations after the 1st bombing?
The towers reopened 20 days after the bombing with new security measures in place, including restrictions to parking lot access and electronic identification badges for building tenants. Over the next eight years, the Port Authority spent a total of $700 million on renovations, with safety upgrades like battery-powered stairway lights and a separate emergency command center in each building. Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani set up a high-tech emergency operations command center, dubbed “the Bunker,” at 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story office building adjoining the towers.
World Trade Center - Facts Summary -

Yup ... not a lick of evidence of demo rigging in your entire post, therefore 9/11 could only have been a controlled demo!

Well it doesn't help when this stuff is on the web.
9-11 Review Nanothermite Explosives at the WTC Conclusive Evidence

That is certainly damning evidence for someone who has no idea what that actually means. Using your same reasoning ability, I had the soil from a flower bed in my back yard analyzed. Among many other things, the composition included nitrogen and oxygen. Imagine my shock when I learned that oxygen and nitrogen are what is NEEDED to make NITROGLYCERIN !!! Proof positive that that flower bed was once the site of a massive explosion which must have been caused by some secret government conspiracy. See how that works?

Which is exactly why I said it doesn't help with this stuff.
Third law? That has something to do wit action and reaction. This thread is a perfect example of that. You post some really crazy claims (ACTION) , and everybody laughs at you as what ever small credibility you might have once had quickly swirls down the toilet (REACTION) I think I get it now.

What a cute non-response to the point. :clap:

There's nothing crazy about suggesting that long-established physical laws can falsify a given theory, yes, even when the theory in question is the one our overlords have insisted we accept without question.

If my "credibility" is to take a hit for saying so, well...then that so-called credibility wasn't based on proper considerations to begin with, so I'll be happy to watch and wave goodbye as it circles the drain. :bye1:
Third law? That has something to do wit action and reaction. This thread is a perfect example of that. You post some really crazy claims (ACTION) , and everybody laughs at you as what ever small credibility you might have once had quickly swirls down the toilet (REACTION) I think I get it now.

What a cute non-response to the point. :clap:

There's nothing crazy about suggesting that long-established physical laws can falsify a given theory, yes, even when the theory in question is the one our overlords have insisted we accept without question.

If my "credibility" is to take a hit for saying so, well...then that so-called credibility wasn't based on proper considerations to begin with, so I'll be happy to watch and wave goodbye as it circles the drain. :bye1:

That's it. embrace the ridicule. Until you admit you have a mental problem, and seek help, there will be a lot of it.
That is certainly damning evidence for someone who has no idea what that actually means. Using your same reasoning ability, I had the soil from a flower bed in my back yard analyzed. Among many other things, the composition included nitrogen and oxygen. Imagine my shock when I learned that oxygen and nitrogen are what is NEEDED to make NITROGLYCERIN !!! Proof positive that that flower bed was once the site of a massive explosion which must have been caused by some secret government conspiracy. See how that works?

Except your hypothetical scenario isn't analogous to the Harrit group's findings. Their multi-stage analysis revealed highly structured matrices with very low atomic weights on the red layers on the r/g chips - findings that are consistent only with a nano-engineered, military-grade form of thermate (not with any commercially availableform of thermite). It wasn't, as your goofy strawman suggests, a discovery of a bunch of randomly thrown together chemicals, so try again.
That's it. embrace the ridicule. Until you admit you have a mental problem, and seek help, there will be a lot of it.

I see such ridicule for what it is - one of history's oldest vehicles for mass dissuasion. That's why it doesn't work on me, BD. My eyes are WIDE open. ;)
That's it. Embrace the ridicule. Until you admit you have a mental problem, and seek help, there will be a lot of it.
I see such ridicule for what it is - one of history's oldest vehicles for mass dissuasion. That's why it doesn't work on me, BD. My eyes are WIDE open. ;)

Yet you need baseless rationalizations like "millions of hypnotized Americans" in order to establish your equally baseless "eyes Wide open" belief ... a common and convenient delusion of superiority among CTs.
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...Most damning. The controlled demolition of WTC 7 and the documented evidence of molten steel, would seem to indicate that the government's story is total BS...

Except there is no evidence of molten steel or a controlled demo but why let a silly thing like the truth interfere with a juicy conspiracy theory, eh?

Check out the film if you have some time. You may be surprised how interesting it is.

I'd rather watch paint dry than to suffer through 1 more of those silly 9/11 CT "films."

Cool, now you can exit the thread. Bye. :)
...Most damning. The controlled demolition of WTC 7 and the documented evidence of molten steel, would seem to indicate that the government's story is total BS...

Except there is no evidence of molten steel or a controlled demo but why let a silly thing like the truth interfere with a juicy conspiracy theory, eh?

Check out the film if you have some time. You may be surprised how interesting it is.

I'd rather watch paint dry than to suffer through 1 more of those silly 9/11 CT "films."

Cool, now you can exit the thread. Bye. :)

WRONG....... the only reason to be on this thread is to laugh at the crazy claims. We've already seen all the claims on those stupid videos, but it's entertaining to see the nuts here try to explain it again.
Aw, now some of you are resorting to being angry trolls. We get it, you hate anyone who questions Government and its Corporate Media. And they're all 'Crazies.' You've already stated you won't be watching the film, and that's fine. You can go ahead and exit the thread now. You don't have anything else to offer. Thanks.
...Most damning. The controlled demolition of WTC 7 and the documented evidence of molten steel, would seem to indicate that the government's story is total BS...

Except there is no evidence of molten steel or a controlled demo but why let a silly thing like the truth interfere with a juicy conspiracy theory, eh?

Check out the film if you have some time. You may be surprised how interesting it is.

I'd rather watch paint dry than to suffer through 1 more of those silly 9/11 CT "films."

Cool, now you can exit the thread. Bye. :)

WRONG....... the only reason to be on this thread is to laugh at the crazy claims. We've already seen all the claims on those stupid videos, but it's entertaining to see the nuts here try to explain it again.

Yeah, you said that. We get it.
Aw, now some of you are resorting to being angry trolls. We get it, you hate anyone who questions Government and its Corporate Media. And they're all 'Crazies.' You've already stated you won't be watching the film, and that's fine. You can go ahead and exit the thread now. You don't have anything else to offer. Thanks.

I already offered to watch that video. You ready to make that deal now?
Aw, now some of you are resorting to being angry trolls. We get it, you hate anyone who questions Government and its Corporate Media. And they're all 'Crazies.' You've already stated you won't be watching the film, and that's fine. You can go ahead and exit the thread now. You don't have anything else to offer. Thanks.

I already offered to watch that video. You ready to make that deal now?

So, are you really gonna go the angry troll route? Thought you were better than that. You've said your peace. You can exit the thread now. Thanks.
Aw, now some of you are resorting to being angry trolls. We get it, you hate anyone who questions Government and its Corporate Media. And they're all 'Crazies.' You've already stated you won't be watching the film, and that's fine. You can go ahead and exit the thread now. You don't have anything else to offer. Thanks.

I already offered to watch that video. You ready to make that deal now?

So, are you really gonna go the angry troll route? Thought you were better than that. You've said your peace. You can exit the thread now. Thanks.

Who the hell do you think you are telling me to leave the thread? Did someone die and name you as king?
There appears to be a segment of the American population that will always believe what the government tells them and will ridicule those who don't. I too thought those who questioned the government's 9-11 story were silly, until I educated myself on the details of what occurred that day. Apparently some people are unwilling to educate themselves.

I suppose these willfully ignorant people also believe the government's story on the Kennedy assassination.
There appears to be a segment of the American population that will always believe what the government tells them and will ridicule those who don't. I too thought those who questioned the government's 9-11 story were silly, until I educated myself on the details of what occurred that day. Apparently some people are unwilling to educate themselves.

I suppose these willfully ignorant people also believe the government's story on the Kennedy assassination.

Then, of course, there are always delusional, self-important, Internet super-heroes who believe they are bigger, stronger, faster and smarter, and more knowledgeable than the mere mortals they encounter here.
It's pathetic how small, weak, slow, dim and ignorant they are in real time.
There appears to be a segment of the American population that will always believe what the government tells them and will ridicule those who don't. I too thought those who questioned the government's 9-11 story were silly, until I educated myself on the details of what occurred that day. Apparently some people are unwilling to educate themselves.

I suppose these willfully ignorant people also believe the government's story on the Kennedy assassination.

Then, of course, there are always delusional, self-important, Internet super-heroes who believe they are bigger, stronger, faster and smarter, and more knowledgeable than the mere mortals they encounter here.
It's pathetic how small, weak, slow, dim and ignorant they are in real time.
Like I said, ridicule is a must.

After all, our government would NEVER lie to us...:dance:
Then, of course, there are always delusional, self-important, Internet super-heroes who believe they are bigger, stronger, faster and smarter, and more knowledgeable than the mere mortals they encounter here.
It's pathetic how small, weak, slow, dim and ignorant they are in real time.
Like I said, ridicule is a must.
After all, our government would NEVER lie to us...

Nothing penetrates the mind of the pompous self-important. The ridicule offers them a reminder to look in the mirror and take their meds. Believe it or not, many have examined the "work" of the "Truther" Movement and found it to be far less plausible than the official explanation.
There appears to be a segment of the American population that will always believe what the government tells them and will ridicule those who don't. I too thought those who questioned the government's 9-11 story were silly, until I educated myself on the details of what occurred that day. Apparently some people are unwilling to educate themselves. ...

Getting over the fear of ridicule seems tougher for the majority of US citizens. I think this is due in large part to the fact that many Americans have been so well-conditioned to groupthink as a cultural norm that their collective ability to wake up to the manufactured nature of The Truman Show in which they strive to live as members of the 'ingroup'...has been completely undermined.

From the linked article:

"Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints, by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints [...]

...Furthermore groupthink can produce dehumanizing actions against the 'outgroup'.

Bold emphasis mine.

As this relates to the rift between some of the participants in this thread, notice how often the ingroup has dehumanized the outgroup as "tinfoil-hat-wearing nutjobs" (ETC.)...

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