Ancient message in Genesis to the world

Can you spell D E F L E C T I O N? Again with the "platitudes" instead of the actual history from Judeo-Christian faith as recorded in the Word of God. In any lanague you wish to discuss.......the truth is easily identified by the content, context and subject matter of every book, chapter and verse.

The priests of Levite served as mediators between God and the people of Israel. They are the ones who took the peoples sacrifices (as described under the Law of Moses..................where is this tribe today to takeup all the sacrifices that existed under the LAW? The people are without a HIGH PRIEST, descended from the blood of Aaron) -- Lev. 4:20, 26, 31, Heb. 8:4) No one in the 1st century knew the history and letters of the law better than Saul of Tarsus, who was educated in Jerusalem by Rabbi Gamaliel...........He had this to declare, ".....Now if He (Jesus) were on earth, He would not be a priest at all, since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law. (clear reference to Levities). They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, He was INSTRUCTED BY GOD, see that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountains....." -- Heb. 8:4-6

When a high priest sinned, he brought guilt upon the entire nation of Israel (Lev. 4:3) This required a special sacrifice under the law. How many "BULLS" has been sacrificed in modern Israel lately? In fact.......where is your High Priest located today?

Does the modern Jew, ...make everything according to the pattern shown to Moses on the mountain? Is so where is the High Priest today directly descended from Aaron? What's your High Priest of Levite's name today? Where is the Temple, erected as instructed by God?

Just one more question..........where exactly in the Torah or the LAW (of Moses) does it state that Laws can be arbitrated by men in replacing the sacrifices from the Tribe of Levite with "SYMBOLISM"?
Inherent in the name of Jacob---ISRAEL---the person who wrestled with God----and in the garden------ PS---your post is idiotic
Inherent in the name of Jacob---ISRAEL---the person who wrestled with God----and in the garden------ PS---your post is idiotic
More platitudes and personal ad hominen attack in place of the actual word of God.............where was there any disagreement concerning Jacob and how he became known as Israel? As the Christ declared, lineage means nothing to God in relation to the promises made to father Abraham, ".......and think not that to say within yourself, We have Abraham as our father; For I say unto you, God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." -- Matthew 3:9

And I am most positive that you are more leaned than Saul/Paul, who was instructed in the Law by Rabbi Gamaliel....(therefore I expect you to declare that Paul was never a real Apostle of must or accept His words as inspired scripture, as did the Apostle Peter -- 2 Peter 3:15). The apostle Paul/Saul clearly stated with no ambiguity whatsoever, "There is neither Jew nor Greek (gentile), there is neither slave nor free, neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise." -- Gal. 3:28-29

Christ also stated with no ambiguity, "I AM the way and the truth and the life; No one comes to the Father except through Me." -- John 14:6

What about the unbeliving Jews of today? Allow the apostle of Christ to explain further, "For you are all sons of God (with a small "s") through faith in Christ Jesus." -- Gal. 3:26

Can a modern Jew go to heaven? Indeed, the same way any man can go to heaven, through faith in Christ Jesus.

"For the LAW (of Moses), having a shadow of the good things to come, AND NOT OF THE VERY IMAGINE OF THE THINGS, can "NEVER" with these same sacrifices (either literal or symoblic for the modern Jew), which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach (God) be perfect. For then they would have ceased (making yearly sacrifices) to make offers? For the worshipers (of the Old Law), once purified, would have no more consciousness of sin. But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. For it is not possible for that the blood of Bulls and Goats could take away sin." -- Heb. 10:1-4

"Therefore my brethren, you have become "dead" to the law, through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another (New Covenant of Christ implied).................we have been delivered from the LAW (of MOSES), having died (through the symbolic act of water baptism...implied) to what was held by, so that we should serve in newness of the Spirit......AND NOT IN THE OLDNESS OF THE LETTER (the literal letter of the old law of Moses)." -- Heb. 9:15

The "Jews" that lived while Jesus was still living, and under the Old Law of Moses did gain salvation though they lived under the Mosaical Law. How? Christ died not only for the present and the future.......He died for the past, "And for this reason......He (Jesus) is mediator of the New Covenant (as prophesied in Jer. 31:31-34) by means of death, also for the redemption of the transgressors under the first covenant (Moses), that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance." -- Heb. 9:15

Jesus went and preached to the dead of Hades (place where the dead go to await the final judgement) "in the spirit" during the 3 days between the crucifixion and resurrection. (2 Peter 3:18-20).

Its clear, a Jew cannot be saved by following the old Law today. He can only be saved by becoming a Christian, just like all others. "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." -- Acts 4:12

Jews are seeking slavation in the wrong place. (Romans 11:7-10)........declares there was remnant, the elect, loyal to the actual Word of God in accepting Jesus as the Messiah of prophecy that obtained salvation. While the rest remain blind to the truth or hardened from accepting the truth (Mark 6:52, John 12:40).

Paul proved that the Law (of Moses) prophesied their reaction to being blinded by the truth that Jesus is the Messiah, He did so by making reference to (Isa. 29:9-10). Paul states that God poured a great sleep, i.e,. stuper or apathetic mindset over the Jews who rejected Jesus.......God had stopped talking to them through the prophets...there are also other passages from the O.T., that address God had stopped talking to them because of their sins in rejecting the righteousness of God (Deut. 29:4, Isa. 6:9-10). "to this day God has not given you a heart to understand, or eyes to see, ears to hear.."

How did this happen to Israel (the Jews)? Sin crept into Israel. Satan blinded them (2 Cor. 4:4)...their sin of "unbelief" was a stumbling block........but there is a method to restore their sight and hearing. God had caused Israel to fall order to make room for the acceptance of the Gentlies (Acts 13:46, 18:6). One stumbles over a stone, but he can get up...while the law (of Moses) stood, it remained a barrier to the gentiles (Eph. 2:12-16). The Jews broke the covenant with God, allowing God to establish another covenant (Heb. 8:7-9) and that covenant included both Jew and Gentile. Their fall (the Jews), the killing of God's son brought salvation to the entire world. (John 12:32), "And when I am lifted up (sacrificed on the cross), I will draw all people to Myself."

Just as the Jews removed the stumbling block in front of them in the 1st century (believing in Jesus as the Christ)........blindness can be removed the same way........accepting Christ Jesus as the only path to salvation. Just as Paul described in comparing the days when the Israelites bowed a knee to Baal with the killing of Christ.........when the majority refused to accept Jesus as the Messiah of prophecy.......God saved a loyal remnant (in the O.T.....that nubmer was 7000 men) from the nation of Israel in Paul's lifetime (Romans 11:1-6). Paul declares that he, himself was a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin...and he was saved through faith in Christ. And the eyes of any Jew can be opened today, through the same faith.
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Judaism without the temple "CAME" very quickly but since the roman pigs were still there it went underground. Even today, every once in awhile---a hidden hideout gets discovered
Do you mean catacombs? They weren't exactly hidden. Everyone knew about them.

You call the Romans pigs. See, this is what I mean by your biases. If you read the New Testament objectively, divested of any emotion, perhaps it will start to make a little more sense to you.
I don't know what that means... monkey on a chain.
You have never seen a "dancing monkey" with its owner playing a squeeze box in order to request money and accolade? I presented it as symbolism, meaning these posts are nothing but posts presented by a "sock puppet", good for entertainment and a laugh. I say.......a good belly laugh is good for the soul.......its (whatever it simply seeking attention), clearly its not well versed on the Holy Scriptures, its been indoctrinated.
You have never seen a "dancing monkey" with its owner playing a squeeze box in order to request money and accolade? I presented it as symbolism, meaning these posts are nothing but posts presented by a "sock puppet", good for entertainment and a laugh. I say.......a good belly laugh is good for the soul.......its (whatever it simply seeking attention), clearly its not well versed on the Holy Scriptures, its been indoctrinated.

You mean rosie?
Do you mean catacombs? They weren't exactly hidden. Everyone knew about them.

You call the Romans pigs. See, this is what I mean by your biases. If you read the New Testament objectively, divested of any emotion, perhaps it will start to make a little more sense to you.
I read it a complete child-----as NO bias at all as I well the VAGHAGAD GITA
You mean rosie?
I mean anyone that "pretends" to find humor when they can't defend their argument while they are burning with anger inside. This is what I find amuzing......the fake, pretentious personalities one encounters exposing their "ID", I call those who pretend, SOCK PUPPETS attempting to project an image other than reality.

ID: One's "inner desire".........protected or disquised by the EGO. A person projects and exposes a great deal about their true presonality, often without realizing they are exposing their own truth......simply by observing the way they communicate and the terms they use. Just like speaking directly with someone.......people often respond to debate, even written communications, before they think about what they are actually communicating. They speak before they think in a reasoned and logical thought process.....exposing themselves, just like pulling back a curtain.

Take me for instance: Do you really assume that my name is "Clyde"? Why did I choose CLYDE to project an image.......the very name projects a common, othen, under educated simple person. The name makes those who oppose any argument feel a sense of "superiority"......

Conclusion: Why a monkey on a chain? Simple..........CLYDE is a puppet.........left turn Clyde. Its a joke......that's why I am here, for the entertainment. There is nothing personal whatsoever addressed with anything that I may or may not responed to.......I pick a topic that is supposed to be serious and attempt to serach for the humor hidden within. I look at it like a game......

A Good Belly Laugh is good for the Soul. "A merry heart does good like a medicine; but a broken spirit dries the bones...." -- Prov. 17:22
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I mean anyone that "pretends" to find humor when they can't defend their argument while they are burning with anger inside. This is what I find amuzing......the fake, pretentious personalities one encounters exposing their "ID", I call those who pretend, SOCK PUPPETS attempting to project an image other than reality.

ID: One's "inner desire".........protected or disquised by the EGO.

Okay.. that's mostly over my head.
Okay.. that's mostly over my head.
See? You are pretending to be something we know you are not........under educated. Its a game. Even God has a sense of humor. Have you taken a good look at a "duck billed platypus" lately? ;) There is hidden symbolism in everything. Clyde was the orangutan in a movie with Eastwood..........years ago, he was always giving turn signals from the truck Eastwood drove........always a LEFT TURN. I oppose left wing politics as being corrupted.......thus CLYDE was born by my EGO.
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The Jewish tribes.
ROFLMAO shethiknds the jewish thinds wiil celtics pisg
Do you mean catacombs? They weren't exactly hidden. Everyone knew about them.

You call the Romans pigs. See, this is what I mean by your biases. If you read the New Testament objectively, divested of any emotion, perhaps it will start to make a little more sense to you.
nope---to catcombs ----I read the NT as a child of about ten. I had NO religious education at all other than a few mornings in protestant sunday school when I colored cartoons of jesus hold a lamb. I read the NT with a completely OPENED mind
suradie did a GRINNING EMOTICON---she does
not know much english either. I have no idea
what she has studied but I did biology as an
undergraduate. -----even the killing of an animal
for study and dissection out of a "gaggle" in a lab
is called a "sacrifice"----the culling of a bunch of
new born chicks is also called "sacrifice"---to get
a bit raunchy----sometimes an induced abortion is
called a "sacrifice"

Yeah? so? it's a symbolic ritual like marching up and down the city streets with a big cross with a miserable looking male figure nailed onto it........
Or-----like dunking people into water
Yeah? so? it's a symbolic ritual like marching up and down the city streets with a big cross with a miserable looking male figure nailed onto it........
Or-----like dunking people into water

I thought you said it was for renewal lunch.

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