Ancient message in Genesis to the world

I speak english----the controlled (that means not
the spraying of a gaggle of ducks with buckshot)
killing of an animal for food is actually called
a sacrifice----in english. The CULLING of an over-
abundance of animals is also called "sacrifice"
suradie did a GRINNING EMOTICON---she does
not know much english either. I have no idea
what she has studied but I did biology as an
undergraduate. -----even the killing of an animal
for study and dissection out of a "gaggle" in a lab
is called a "sacrifice"----the culling of a bunch of
new born chicks is also called "sacrifice"---to get
a bit raunchy----sometimes an induced abortion is
called a "sacrifice" are an "antichirst"? You are in good company, this doctrine has existed since the days of Jesus and the aposltes. There is nothing "NEW" under the sun, there are many such ideologies on earth........JWs, Islam, etc. There is only one thing New Under Sun as far as Judaism is concerned.............. the fake Israel that was appointed by the U.N. instead of God. A nation without tribal ID, no God appointed king, a government and laws established by man instead of God. A nation that does not obey any type of "Orthadoxial Judaism" annual animal sacrifices to carry over sin from one year to the formal royal priesthood that makes law, law is established by politics.....the vast majority of those claiming to be JEWS have not been to temple since Moses....they are social seculars in search of wealth and power. What did Saul (the most learned scholar of his day in relation to Judaism) state about the law?

"For all who are works of the law (of Moses) are under a curse, FOR IT IS WRITTEN (in the O.T.), "CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY ALL THE THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LAW, TO DO THEM......." -- Gal. 3:10 Meaning if you adere to just one point of the law you have to accept and do.......ALL THE LAW.

James had this to say, "For whoever keeps the whole law (of Moses) and stumbles in one point........has become guilty of all." -- James 2:10

We all know what happened to the Jews that were "antichrist" in the 1st century beginning in 66 AD. It came about just as Jesus prophesied when the Jewish leaders continued killing the prophets of God and mistreating the actual word of God, Jesus charged them to their face (Matthew 23:1-32) There was a loyal remnant of Jews that was saved from the total destruction of Jerusalem, those that accepted Christ as the Messiah of prophecy.......history enlightens us, given warning by Jesus, not one Christian was killed when Jerusalem fell, they had fled because they had accepted Jesus' word concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. (Matthew 24)

In Luke we find a warning/prophecy by Jesus to the Jewish leaders, "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize her destolation is near (Roman destroyed Jerusalem around 70 AD......fulfilling the warning and propechy.

Again........Modern Judaism is nothing like the faith practiced by Biblical Israel. 1. They are not governed by the Laws of Moses as described in scripture (Ex. 19:5-7, Deut. 30:1-10, Ez. 7:10, Neh. 8:1-18).....Jews are governed by man made laws.

2. Biblical Israel was governed by a King (1 Sam. 8:4-22) Modern Israel is not govenerd by a Monarachy....but rather a political government.

3. Biblical Israel possessed all the lands promised (1 Kings 4:21).......modern Israel possess only a portion of the land of promise.

4. Biblical Israel had a Temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 8:1-10) Temple in modern Israel in Jerusalem.

5. Levitical Priesthood (Numbers 3:6-10) established by Biblical Israel.........where is the royal priesthood in Modern platitudes, just demonstrate how Israel today has a royal priesthood to establish doctrine....not how you are a symbolic Levite.

6. Tribal Identities (2 Samuel 5:1-3)........the tribes are no longer known, no one claiming to be Jew can trace their Tribal ID into the present and declare themselves of that tribe....except by platitude. The Jews were scattered all over the world just as Jesus prophesied

Again.....God did not authorize anyone to follow the LAW in an arbitrary fashion as decided by man. If you are guilty of not obeying one law under the Law of Moses, you are guilty of all.
suradie agreed with the above idiocy-----for the record---there are still priests and levites. At no
point in Jewish history did the priests DETERMINE
THE LAW. The jewish religion is not DETERMINED
by animal sacrifice-------SCHOLARS interpret the
law and did just that after the roman barbarians destroyed the Temple even before Constantine elaborated the world's MOST DISGUSTING and DISTRUCTIVE CIVIL CODE and a silly SELF-SERVING book
Do any DNA-carrying descendants of Shem still roam the earth? Does anyone today claim any of Jacob's DNA? If any Semites or Israelites exist today, they're suspiciously quiet.

The rabbinic and Talmudic Judaism of today is not the Judaism that ended circa AD 70. I'm not sure why this is so hard to grasp.

The age that ended was the age of the temple, of the Law, of the tribes, the priesthood, the elements, etc. And guess what. This narrative didn't begin with the Roman Catholics; it began with the gospels.
Holocaust Holy Rollers

Another spit-spraying neo-Nazi theory is that all the Jews today are descended from Esau and are illegitimate because Esau was denied the birthright Isaac gave to Jacob. The "true Jews" were killed off by the descendants of Esau, except for the last ones, who were converted to Christianity by Jesus.
In Judaism animal sacrifice seems to be for atonement..

Long ago----I had conversations in the student
center of my college with a divinity student from a
nearby catholic college. He seemed to show up
whenever I was there. He knew about Judaism ---
something like you. Saying "hail-mary" a few thousand times is for atonement. Israel/Judea was
an agrarian society in which the administrators of
the TEMPLE were completely landless----a system
of "CHECKS AND BALANCES". In ancient Rome---
animal sacrifices were a form of conspicuous
consumption. The meat was sold to the hungry
masses from which the leisurely class profited---
eg. the VESTAL "virgins" For fun, read
As I recall, your understanding of the NT is quite biased and distorted.

At any rate, in the Parable of the Wedding Feast, Jesus alluded to God’s army of soldiers (Mt 22:7). The Apocalypse dramatizes the exploits of this army, and the Revelator explicitly reminds us of its relation to the Lord (Rv 19:19-20). The Jews made “war against him who was sitting on the horse and against his army.” Christ's soldiers were Roman soldiers.

But more than that, both history and the New Testament - implicitly and explicitly, respectively - tell us who Christ's adversaries were. Even before the age ended, pagans in Rome began embracing Christ. And in the gospels, Christ told us very clearly who his enemies were.
The Apocalypse Is Apocryphal

According to that, Jesus's best soldier was Sgt. Schultz
No wiggle room Surada, it says what it says.

Ist Thesslonians

13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen [b]asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who [c]sleep in Jesus.

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are [d]asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow....

Paul promises the third appearance of Jesus will happen in Paul's
own lifetime or at least in the lifetime of most of Paul disciples. When that didn't happen, the Church hierarchy assigned John to write the sci-fi spectacular, Revelations, to correct Paul and sucker even more people into believing these promises by preaching that it could happen tomorrow or a million years from now.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow....

Paul promises the third appearance of Jesus will happen in Paul's
own lifetime or at least in the lifetime of most of Paul disciples. When that didn't happen, the Church hierarchy assigned John to write the sci-fi spectacular, Revelations, to correct Paul and sucker even more people into believing these promises by preaching that it could happen tomorrow or a million years from now.
John of the book of revulsions PROVES ----
No wiggle room Surada, it says what it says.

Ist Thesslonians

13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen [b]asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who [c]sleep in Jesus.

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are [d]asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

The message in thessalonians is about those died before the return. It was to comfort the new Christians. It's spiritual not physical.
John of the book of revulsions PROVES ----

Apocalyptic literature was very popular for about 300 years. There are a number of apocalypses among early Christian writing. There's an older, Jewish version of Revelation.
Temple functions have been modified, eh. How so? How are these temple functions modified without a temple?

Do you sacrifice animals on your stoops now? No temple required?
The MODIFICATIONS were introduced in order to
animal sacrifice rites were discontinued----in fact,
rendered ILLEGAL
Apocalyptic literature was very popular for about 300 years. There are a number of apocalypses among early Christian writing. There's an older, Jewish version of Revelation.
SO? if you wish to describe Isaiah, Ezekiel,
or Jeremiah as APOCALYPTIC-----it's ok with
me------most cultures describe an END OF TIMES
Interpretation of scriptural poetry is UP FOR GRABS
In Judaism animal sacrifice seems to be for atonement..

Yes, expiation for sin. Appeasement to a deity.
The message in thessalonians is about those died before the return. It was to comfort the new Christians. It's spiritual not physical.

Wrong again.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow....

Paul promises the third appearance of Jesus will happen in Paul's
own lifetime or at least in the lifetime of most of Paul disciples. When that didn't happen, the Church hierarchy assigned John to write the sci-fi spectacular, Revelations, to correct Paul and sucker even more people into believing these promises by preaching that it could happen tomorrow or a million years from now.

Your Scriptural ignorance is astounding.
really?----from where does the "streets of gold"
derive? I prefer walking on mud paved paths
Mud and Blood

Been there, done that. The primitive dirt roads and the boot-sucking mud after the monsoon rains and always in the rice paddies of Vietnam permanently damaged my legs.
SO? if you wish to describe Isaiah, Ezekiel,
or Jeremiah as APOCALYPTIC-----it's ok with
me------most cultures describe an END OF TIMES
Interpretation of scriptural poetry is UP FOR GRABS
What was the Indian or Peruvian eschatology?

Oh, wait, I think I know Peru. The Incas? Did the Incas know when their culture would collapse?

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