Ancient message in Genesis to the world

Jews and Christians also have messianic narratives.

Answer the question.
Her comments about hatred in the eyes of Shia and Sunni is rather ignorant. You've never been anywhere either. It shows.
My statement regarding hatred in the eyes of
Shia and sunni is 100 % accurate-----
The Shia are very successful in Saudi Arabia. Many work for Saudi ARAMCO and they are very strong in the merchant class. My friend Ali Naimi, president of ARAMCO, was Shia.
you have AGAIN posted a "nothing" Saudi arabia
depends on foreign workers. Your comment is
tantamount in idiocy to that of one of my Bangladeshi colleagues who informed me just
as moronically
"I have a cousin married to a shiite" Jewish
doctors and economists are very successful in
Saudi arabia-----during their short visits, too
My statement regarding hatred in the eyes of
Shia and sunni is 100 % accurate-----

you have AGAIN posted a "nothing" Saudi arabia
depends on foreign workers. Your comment is
tantamount in idiocy to that of one of my Bangladeshi colleagues who informed me just
as moronically
"I have a cousin married to a shiite" Jewish
doctors and economists are very successful in
Saudi arabia-----during their short visits, too

You're every bit as bad as she is.

Gen. 6:3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”​

In Genesis before the Great Flood, men lived to around a thousand years. In fact, the oldest living man in Genesis was Methuselah at 969.

But after the Great Flood men only lived no more than around 120 years. This, according to the text in Genesis.

So what is the message here? God felt the need to destroy mankind because of the great evil man had succumb to over the years. One of the solutions seems to have been to limit the life span of men.

You may not believe the story, but the message is in plain view, and hard to argue. For example, Hillter only lived about 50 years and look at the damage he did to the world.

This seems to have kept things in check in terms of helping to preserve the human race. However, we are warned again in Revelation that evil will again flourish like it did in the days of Noah, and God will again have to directly intervene to save mankind. My guess is that technology will enable evil men to reach beyond the grave to continue their legacy of evil.

So whether you believe the story or not, that is the message being given and one that is hard to argue with. Kings and despots are the man source of suffering and oppression and war and genocide in the world. Our only solace is, they will die very soon.
Had I been there I would have suggested age 24 to Mr. G.
You're probably the only person I have ever run across that takes jinns seriously.
try rereading your PICKTHAL . You know even LESS about islam than you do about Jesus. HOWEVER ---
if the only muslims you have met were EDUCATED
Iranians and Saudis-----your impression of THAT
group might be true.
surada - aka Hezbollah Hannah, is a Muslim, an Islamic extremist. A Muslim supremacist.
not necessarily. She is Episcopalian which is a
fanciful name for Anglican----the religion that
justified King Henry VIII. I grew up in a USA
town founded 'pre-revolutionary' with lots of
persons who styled themselves "daughters of the
american revolution" and gawd help us---"masons" The area was replete with islamo-nazis of the
WASP persuasion and their own peculiar
propaganda----which fluttered in the breeze in
the form of sleazy pamphlets--- H. H. parrots
that "literature"----written by escapees from the
Nuremburg Trials who were welcomed into muslim
Gog and Magog invaded Syria -Palestine 500 years earlier. Some stayed behind and built Scythiopolis. The futuristic ideas came from the Darbyites based on a dream of a teenage girl. Long before the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Wrong war. Again, this is end of earth time after the Millennium.
Wrong war. Again, this is end of earth time after the Millennium.

Keep in mind that Hezbollah Hannah posts nonsense to promote Islam. Very little of what she posts has any foundation.

Take her nonsense here;

"Gog and Magog invaded Syria -Palestine 500 years earlier."

First off, "Palestine" is an invention of the Ottoman empire circa 1200 AD. 500 years prior to John the Revelator, there was no such thing as Palestine. surada throws bits of crap like that around to try and falsify history to justify her demands to crush Israel.

Then let's look at Gog and Magog.

Hezbollah Hannah claims that these "invaded Syria." But there was no Syria, it was Assyria. If we forgive the apparent ignorance of the nation involved, we STILL have the problem of Gog and Magog. You see, in human history there have never been countries or nations with these names. Obviously non-existent nations couldn't invade anyone.

Gog likely was never a country or nation and was from "Magog" - a possible foe of ancient Israel - perhaps Persia.

Ezekiel wrote;

{"Son of man, direct your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince, leader of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy concerning him. Say: Thus said the Lord: Behold, I am against you, Gog, the prince, leader of Meshech and Tubal ... Persia, Cush and Put will be with you ... also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you."[20]}

Notice he mentions Persia, and Tubal was ancient Ethiopia, the place of slaves and the slave markets.

Because Hezbollah Hannah deals in Muslim nonsense, very little of what she claims has any bearing on reality.
Gog and Magog invaded Syria -Palestine 500 years earlier. Some stayed behind and built . The futuristic ideas came from the Darbyites based on a dream of a teenage girl. Long before the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses.
OH!!??? since the John of patmos book is
thought to have been written about 100 AD---
then "500 years earlier) would have been about
400 BC (??? sic)
Keep in mind that Hezbollah Hannah posts nonsense to promote Islam. Very little of what she posts has any foundation.

Take her nonsense here;

"Gog and Magog invaded Syria -Palestine 500 years earlier."

First off, "Palestine" is an invention of the Ottoman empire circa 1200 AD. 500 years prior to John the Revelator, there was no such thing as Palestine. surada throws bits of crap like that around to try and falsify history to justify her demands to crush Israel.

Then let's look at Gog and Magog.

Hezbollah Hannah claims that these "invaded Syria." But there was no Syria, it was Assyria. If we forgive the apparent ignorance of the nation involved, we STILL have the problem of Gog and Magog. You see, in human history there have never been countries or nations with these names. Obviously non-existent nations couldn't invade anyone.

Gog likely was never a country or nation and was from "Magog" - a possible foe of ancient Israel - perhaps Persia.

Ezekiel wrote;

{"Son of man, direct your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince, leader of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy concerning him. Say: Thus said the Lord: Behold, I am against you, Gog, the prince, leader of Meshech and Tubal ... Persia, Cush and Put will be with you ... also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you."[20]}

Notice he mentions Persia, and Tubal was ancient Ethiopia, the place of slaves and the slave markets.

Because Hezbollah Hannah deals in Muslim nonsense, very little of what she claims has any bearing on reality.
SYRIA-PALESTINE is still an islamo nazi meme
All patriots should do Islam to Moslems.

This is what I want for Israel.

Want to discuss?
I am game, rylah. I LIKE THE IDEA. Muslims are
very proud of Shariah law. Muslims I have
encountered here in the USA ---PROUDLY
describe jews as "protected" people in the
absolutely sure that Hezbollah Hannah would
OH!!??? since the John of patmos book is
thought to have been written about 100 AD---
then "500 years earlier) would have been about
400 BC (??? sic)

SYRIA-PALESTINE is still an islamo nazi meme
Which is why I point out that Hezbollah Hannah is purely Muslim Supremacist. She's no Christian, not even a Jack Christian.
Idiot, I'm only referring to what the author of the text was trying to convey.

Now go away.

BTW, what makes us age?

Thats right, you don't know, do you?
Time makes us age and the rest of the world also.
I am game, rylah. I LIKE THE IDEA. Muslims are
very proud of Shariah law. Muslims I have
encountered here in the USA ---PROUDLY
describe jews as "protected" people in the
absolutely sure that Hezbollah Hannah would
You're not very observant. Muslims in this country get their butts kissed by the Democrat machine. The Democrat machine in the U.S. are anti-Israel and anti-Jews. It's Muslims that are the protected group in the U.S. and around the world.
You're not very observant. Muslims in this country get their butts kissed by the Democrat machine. The Democrat machine in the U.S. are anti-Israel and anti-Jews. It's Muslims that are the protected group in the U.S. an

oh ---dayum---sheeesh bear---I KNOW THAT. But
DHIMMIA is a whole other issue-----it is an extension of the very same JUSTINIAN LAW that legalized the
INQUISITION in Europe and progressed to the
NUREMBURG LAWS in Germany --1935. Be brave---
learn all about it----DHIMMIA is fascinating----it's ROOT is in the filth of Constantine-----but it also, very profoundly had an effect on the "BEAUTY OF KORANIC LAW"

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