Ancient message in Genesis to the world

Poor suradie is so CONFUSED that she IMAGINES that the only
way to encounter muslims---as sunnis and shiites is by "LIVING
IN THE MIDDLE EAST" ----well --her sojourn in Saudi arabia may
have confused her. Fact is that one need not live in Iran or SA to encounter FIRST MEETINGS between sunnis and shiites. I have had
lots of such experience right here in the USA (do not live under a rock)
First meetings between sunnis and shiites is likely VERY UNCOMMON
in both Saudi arabia and Iran. Suradie SHOULD know that shiites
have become almost personae non gratis in Saudi arabia and
sunnis are kinda like an oppressed minority in Iran. A person who
wants to know about the RIFT between sunnis and shiites should
have MY USA EXPERIENCE in places in which they are all but THROWN

The Shia are very successful in Saudi Arabia. Many work for Saudi ARAMCO and they are very strong in the merchant class. My friend Ali Naimi, president of ARAMCO, was Shia.
What are you talking about? It's a clear representation prophecy of the last days before Armageddon and the last battle of Gog and Magog after Satan is loosed after his thousand years of Perdition.

Gog and Magog invaded Syria -Palestine 500 years earlier. Some stayed behind and built Scythiopolis. The futuristic ideas came from the Darbyites based on a dream of a teenage girl. Long before the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses.
ENTIRELY rabbinic and Talmudic, you say. Yea, so did I, but I like your emphasis.

Obviously, writings have survived. Customs? What customs? Animal sacrifices? Priestly ministrations?

Have you had your DNA tested? One of those genealogy sites, maybe? You're still a Levite, eh. Still? Might you have been something different at birth? Are you Ashkenazi? Khazarian? Sephardic? Possibly.

Semitic? That's debatable.
Khazarian is a myth. Ashkenzi and Sephardi are both words from a SEMITIC language used by
SEMITIC PEOPLE. Linguistics constitute an excellent
tool in anthropology.
you seem to like the phrase "blood sacrifice"---
as an "appeasement" thing. The severing of the
neurovascular bundle of the neck is a really
Quick execution----actually renders an animal
insensate immediately----just like an occlusion of
the carotid artery but the COPIUS BLOOD itself
is not the issue other than as a marker of
instant death. In some cultures, animals are bled
slowly and the slow drip is "READ" as a
tool of divination <<<< that is "blood sacrifice"


a curious adjective.

thank You, this is exactly to the point.
Neanderthalic Tribes Create a Vacuum on the Earth's Surface, Like Death Valley, California

It was a pit stop for Arab tribal bandits. Pits are hollow places in the ground. One of them, caused by one of our own huge bombs, saved my life in Vietnam. The Marine who passed it by got three AK-47 bullets in the stomach.
Neanderthalic Tribes Create a Vacuum on the Earth's Surface, Like Death Valley, California

It was a pit stop for Arab tribal bandits. Pits are hollow places in the ground. One of them, caused by one of our own huge bombs, saved my life in Vietnam. The Marine who passed it by got three AK-47 bullets in the stomach.

What was a pitstop for Arab tribal bandits?
Do you mean catacombs? They weren't exactly hidden. Everyone knew about them.

You call the Romans pigs. See, this is what I mean by your biases. If you read the New Testament objectively, divested of any emotion, perhaps it will start to make a little more sense to you.
I read the NT --ENTIRELY objectively----just as I read the OT, koran, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Beowulf.......
and uhm....the kama sudtra. I have no formal education or INCULCATION of religion other than
several days in jelly bean school. I also read Greek
and Roman "mythology" ie their "scriptural" stories. The NT represents the roman POV complete with
gods having kids with earth ladies and earth
persons becoming immortal like "the gods" IMO
PAUL was desperate to create a syncretism of
jewish and grecoroman culture and ethos.<<<<
NOT A NEW IDEA----Alexander da grate was into
a ONE WORLD CULTURE too-----like just like
PLATO. The romans worshipped all things GREEK
ENTIRELY rabbinic and Talmudic, you say. Yea, so did I, but I like your emphasis.

Obviously, writings have survived. Customs? What customs? Animal sacrifices? Priestly ministrations?

Have you had your DNA tested? One of those genealogy sites, maybe? You're still a Levite, eh. Still? Might you have been something different at birth? Are you Ashkenazi? Khazarian? Sephardic? Possibly.

Semitic? That's debatable.
Try eating a steak without sacrificing an animal.
Since you love Islam is their Mahdi coming back?

Jews and Christians also have messianic narratives.


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