Tracing the birth of a conspiracy theory.

Yes, so spooooooooooky and sinister. Lurking around every corner. Boooooo!
How do they just all those people onto the basement meetings?

There’s a gazillion of them

Maybe they get marching orders by email…
Imagine thinking the deep state is a theory. What a retard you are berg. Your boy biden is being ass raped by it now.
If it is a reality

Why can’t you identify any members?
Show an organizational chart, who is the leader, how they send information, what is their secret handshake?
Why has no member ever spoke up?
Over the years the deep state conspiracy theory has taken a number of forms.


Behind closed doors (of course), they are meeting this weekend in Lisbon. Some call them "the shadow government," "the Establishment," the "global elite" that runs the world.
They call themselves simply ... the Trilateral Commission. (Chills run up spine.)

Depending on which conspiracy theory you subscribe to -- and the Trilateral Commission has found its way into many -- this 19-year-old organization is anti-American, anti-democratic, anti-Christian or anti-worker, and is scheming ultimately to abolish the sovereignty of nations and establish one world government!

According to Lyndon LaRouche, fringe political candidate and convicted tax cheat, the Trilateral Commission is behind the international drug trade. A writer affiliated with the far-right Liberty Lobby says the commission is forever plotting to raise taxes on Americans, siphoning the money overseas. Evangelist Pat Robertson believes it is somehow linked to Freemasonry and the occult, that it springs "from the depth of something that is evil."

That's not the Deep State, you realize. Deep STATE--as in our nation. Which is not a conspiracy
A great example of the Deep State:

Lockdowns, masks, etc. "You can't be on this beach or you'll be arrested". This was no law no where. It was foisted on people by the unelected idiots who are in "public health", who have now had to go private on all social media because they are so bad at their jobs.

Seriously, how many examples do your thick skulls need?
Do the people around you realize that you’re paranoid and a little bit crazy?
Numbnuts the term deep state has been around a long time even before trump used it
I never said paranoia was ushered in with Trump. It's been around a long time. But if you'd like to prove your assertion the floor is yours.
It is! Where is it? Let me guess. It's everywhere.

Mostly in DC. This is not difficult, you've been proven wrong again but like all leftists will just dig in instead of admitting it.

Look if you want to be ruled by a bunch of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats that's on you. I find it strange, especially for a man to be honest, but you do you

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