Ancient message in Genesis to the world

This is probably accurate. It makes his journey a lot more sensible than the Chaldean claim.

In any case, Jews themselves don't even agree on who is Jewish and who isn't; they were never a race until the Babylonian Jews used their influence on Cyrus and invented themselves as a 'Master Race' and made all other Jews second and third class subjects.


I settled the question of who's a Jew for myself some time ago. If they say they are Jewish, IMO they're Jewish.

Cyrus was Emmanuel.
The Hebrews didn't exist until a thousand years after Sumer.
The First Zionist

Where is Ur then? It was where Abraham was born. The slavish and cowardly oppressed masses are always brainwashed by their piggish leaders to treat High IQs as freaks, losers, and doormats.

It is no coincidence that Jews score higher on intelligence tests than others. It is their real identity. But choosing sissyboy nerds like Woody Allen as their role models puts them in extreme danger.

If Abraham existed he was from Urfa near Haran in Syria. There was no Ur of the Chaldees at the time.
The Holy Land Will Once Again Be Hollow If the Jews Are Forced to Leave It

Ur declined, collapsed, and disappeared exactly because the Jews left it. Other nations will fall because of disrespect for different constructive groups.
The Holy Land Will Once Again Be Hollow If the Jews Are Forced to Leave It

Ur declined, collapsed, and disappeared exactly because the Jews left it. Other nations will fall because of disrespect for different constructive groups.

It was underwater you nincompoop. They were never in the nonexistent Ur of the Chaldees. It's an error.
The First Zionist

Where is Ur then? It was where Abraham was born. The slavish and cowardly oppressed masses are always brainwashed by their piggish leaders to treat High IQs as freaks, losers, and doormats.

It is no coincidence that Jews score higher on intelligence tests than others. It is their real identity. But choosing sissyboy nerds like Woody Allen as their role models puts them in extreme danger.

If Abraham existed he was born in Urfa near Haran.

Gen. 6:3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”​

In Genesis before the Great Flood, men lived to around a thousand years. In fact, the oldest living man in Genesis was Methuselah at 969.

But after the Great Flood men only lived no more than around 120 years. This, according to the text in Genesis.

So what is the message here? God felt the need to destroy mankind because of the great evil man had succumb to over the years. One of the solutions seems to have been to limit the life span of men.

You may not believe the story, but the message is in plain view, and hard to argue. For example, Hillter only lived about 50 years and look at the damage he did to the world.

This seems to have kept things in check in terms of helping to preserve the human race. However, we are warned again in Revelation that evil will again flourish like it did in the days of Noah, and God will again have to directly intervene to save mankind. My guess is that technology will enable evil men to reach beyond the grave to continue their legacy of evil.

So whether you believe the story or not, that is the message being given and one that is hard to argue with. Kings and despots are the man source of suffering and oppression and war and genocide in the world. Our only solace is, they will die very soon.
To Hezbollah Hannah, all history started with Muhammad.
she did not invent that idea---for FUN read the Picthall version of the koran (english) He wrote a
forward to that work that credits muhummad with
all things laudably civilized since Genesis. He even
claims that muhummad invented the notion of freeing
slaves. I read it more than 50 years ago and am still

I settled the question of who's a Jew for myself some time ago. If they say they are Jewish, IMO they're Jewish.

Cyrus was Emmanuel.
Cyrus was Cyrus and your opinion as to who is Jewish
is ......uhm.......described VERY POLITELY as....uhm
verrrry interestingggggg
Cyrus was Cyrus and your opinion as to who is Jewish
is ......uhm.......described VERY POLITELY as....uhm
verrrry interestingggggg
Cyrus was Cyrus and your opinion as to who is Jewish
is ......uhm.......described VERY POLITELY as....uhm
verrrry interestingggggg

Isaiah 45:1 is about Cyrus... Anointed.. Emmanuel.


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