And, AND, at the end of 2011, the War on Iraq is OVER!!!!

So, rather than accelerating it, Boiking sticks to the Bush policy, and you want credit for it.

Your boy is going to have to do better than that.
U.S. military holds ceremony to officially end Iraq mission

So Now, for those who said PRESIDENT Obama could not, or would not,


Maybe NOW there will be needed solutions to HOME problems first....

Or MAYBE----- the REPUBLICANS plan on using troops to KILL US PROTESTERS......

The Seattle PD just allegedly beat a minister while clearing a protest. I dont think repubs run that dept.

I would also add you guys are just doing a bang up job. 99.7 million Americans are now considered poor with 49.7 million being at or below the poverty line. Maybe if you guys killed a few more industries will hiring pick up.
So, rather than accelerating it, Boiking sticks to the Bush policy, and you want credit for it.

Your boy is going to have to do better than that.

I seem to have forgotten, what exactly was the Bush Policy for Iraq?
why do the people on the right never give credit to the people who have to clean up their messes for cleaning up their messes?
the right wing plan for America has resulted in a massive failure.

What does the right do?

Blame the people cleaning up the mess for not cleaning it up fast enough.
You party lead us into this economic mess.

They lead us into the Iraq war.

How can you people claim with a straight face that its all Obamas fault?
Yes it is YAYYYY.

Iran to exploit power vacuum as US quits Iraq: analysts

The US withdrawal from Iraq will leave a power vacuum in the Gulf, analysts say, paving the way for Iran to increase its influence in this economic and politically strategic region, a concern echoed by America's Gulf allies.
"The US withdrawal from Iraq will no doubt create a power vacuum," said Abdulaziz Sager, chairman of the Gulf Research Centre, noting that the US presence in the region empowered Gulf Arab countries with "whom they share interests and are bound by security agreements."

"This (US) presence gave them (Gulf countries) a sense of stability and security due to America's military capabilities," said Sager, adding that the troop withdrawal will "strengthen Iran's military and intelligence influence," in Iraq.
the right wing plan for America has resulted in a massive failure.

What does the right do?

Blame the people cleaning up the mess for not cleaning it up fast enough.

Give your posts some real meaning. Post Barney's statements about housing. We could all use a good laugh.
U.S. military holds ceremony to officially end Iraq mission

So Now, for those who said PRESIDENT Obama could not, or would not,


Maybe NOW there will be needed solutions to HOME problems first....

Or MAYBE----- the REPUBLICANS plan on using troops to KILL US PROTESTERS......

The Seattle PD just allegedly beat a minister while clearing a protest. I dont think repubs run that dept.

I would also add you guys are just doing a bang up job. 99.7 million Americans are now considered poor with 49.7 million being at or below the poverty line. Maybe if you guys killed a few more industries will hiring pick up.

If you would like to know about the total nastiness of Seattle PD, I suggest you read about it in THE NEW JIM CROW by Michelle Alexander. Paramilitary rightwing THUGS run that department. The US is NOT FREE, has NOT been for a while now, and IT IS all about REPUBLICANS.
Yes it is YAYYYY.

Iran to exploit power vacuum as US quits Iraq: analysts

The US withdrawal from Iraq will leave a power vacuum in the Gulf, analysts say, paving the way for Iran to increase its influence in this economic and politically strategic region, a concern echoed by America's Gulf allies.
"The US withdrawal from Iraq will no doubt create a power vacuum," said Abdulaziz Sager, chairman of the Gulf Research Centre, noting that the US presence in the region empowered Gulf Arab countries with "whom they share interests and are bound by security agreements."

"This (US) presence gave them (Gulf countries) a sense of stability and security due to America's military capabilities," said Sager, adding that the troop withdrawal will "strengthen Iran's military and intelligence influence," in Iraq.

Thanks, Dubya. Hope it was worth it. :doubt:
Yes it is YAYYYY.

Iran to exploit power vacuum as US quits Iraq: analysts

The US withdrawal from Iraq will leave a power vacuum in the Gulf, analysts say, paving the way for Iran to increase its influence in this economic and politically strategic region, a concern echoed by America's Gulf allies.
"The US withdrawal from Iraq will no doubt create a power vacuum," said Abdulaziz Sager, chairman of the Gulf Research Centre, noting that the US presence in the region empowered Gulf Arab countries with "whom they share interests and are bound by security agreements."

"This (US) presence gave them (Gulf countries) a sense of stability and security due to America's military capabilities," said Sager, adding that the troop withdrawal will "strengthen Iran's military and intelligence influence," in Iraq.

Thanks, Dubya. Hope it was worth it. :doubt:

We should have left Saddam in Iraq. And Gaddafi in Libya and supported Mubarak in Egypt.
Yes it is YAYYYY.

Iran to exploit power vacuum as US quits Iraq: analysts

The US withdrawal from Iraq will leave a power vacuum in the Gulf, analysts say, paving the way for Iran to increase its influence in this economic and politically strategic region, a concern echoed by America's Gulf allies.
"The US withdrawal from Iraq will no doubt create a power vacuum," said Abdulaziz Sager, chairman of the Gulf Research Centre, noting that the US presence in the region empowered Gulf Arab countries with "whom they share interests and are bound by security agreements."

"This (US) presence gave them (Gulf countries) a sense of stability and security due to America's military capabilities," said Sager, adding that the troop withdrawal will "strengthen Iran's military and intelligence influence," in Iraq.

Thanks, Dubya. Hope it was worth it. :doubt:

We should have left Saddam in Iraq. And Gaddafi in Libya and supported Mubarak in Egypt.

Dubya got the ball rolling. I guess that's what's called "unintended consequences". Not surprising, considering the shocking lack of planning that went into the Iraq invasion.
Thanks, Dubya. Hope it was worth it. :doubt:

We should have left Saddam in Iraq. And Gaddafi in Libya and supported Mubarak in Egypt.

Dubya got the ball rolling. I guess that's what's called "unintended consequences". Not surprising, considering the shocking lack of planning that went into the Iraq invasion.
The whole world was gonna love 'murkin style 'mocracy...even if he had to kill their family to get them to do so.
So, rather than accelerating it, Boiking sticks to the Bush policy, and you want credit for it.

Your boy is going to have to do better than that.

And what about all those Republican candidates who are now saying Obama is WRONG to end the war?


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