And another cop caught lying on Camera.

Didn't say that, did I.......... I simply said it's a tabloid.

I'll tell you what I've told others. I'm a truth whore. I'll take truth from anyone. The truth can come from any source.

No matter where the truth comes from. I'll take it.
You remind me of the open carry guys. If it's legal some like walking down the streets strutting their stuff. Cops get called. They have to look into it and the guy gets detained for a while.
This is SavannahMann's last interaction with a cop.........

Um. No.

My last interaction was a DUI checkpoint two years ago. The cop looked at my license, the plate on the car, didn't ask me a question and sent me on my way.

Before that my interaction was showing the cop my license to go into the court house for a copy of my marriage certificate.

I know. You have a fantasy about what kind of person I am. I'm the asshole you cuss out when you are driving. I go slower than the speed limit. This is for three reasons. First it is safer. Second I have the time. Third I detest giving anyone money for a fine like speeding etc.

While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.

I'm sure glad dui checkpoints are illegal in Texas.

They are??!!! Hell maybe I should take up drinking again!!!!
Didn't say that, did I.......... I simply said it's a tabloid.

I'll tell you what I've told others. I'm a truth whore. I'll take truth from anyone. The truth can come from any source.

No matter where the truth comes from. I'll take it.
You remind me of the open carry guys. If it's legal some like walking down the streets strutting their stuff. Cops get called. They have to look into it and the guy gets detained for a while.
This is SavannahMann's last interaction with a cop.........

Um. No.

My last interaction was a DUI checkpoint two years ago. The cop looked at my license, the plate on the car, didn't ask me a question and sent me on my way.

Before that my interaction was showing the cop my license to go into the court house for a copy of my marriage certificate.

I know. You have a fantasy about what kind of person I am. I'm the asshole you cuss out when you are driving. I go slower than the speed limit. This is for three reasons. First it is safer. Second I have the time. Third I detest giving anyone money for a fine like speeding etc.

While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.

Like I care..... Thanks for the unneeded bio though........ :lmao:

You see I wanted to show that the fantasy you have that I am a whining little dolt running around shouting it is unfair isn't accurate.

And I love watching you Law and order types red faced and shouting that I'm going too slow by not driving over the speed limit.
Didn't say that, did I.......... I simply said it's a tabloid.

I'll tell you what I've told others. I'm a truth whore. I'll take truth from anyone. The truth can come from any source.

No matter where the truth comes from. I'll take it.
You remind me of the open carry guys. If it's legal some like walking down the streets strutting their stuff. Cops get called. They have to look into it and the guy gets detained for a while.
This is SavannahMann's last interaction with a cop.........

Um. No.

My last interaction was a DUI checkpoint two years ago. The cop looked at my license, the plate on the car, didn't ask me a question and sent me on my way.

Before that my interaction was showing the cop my license to go into the court house for a copy of my marriage certificate.

I know. You have a fantasy about what kind of person I am. I'm the asshole you cuss out when you are driving. I go slower than the speed limit. This is for three reasons. First it is safer. Second I have the time. Third I detest giving anyone money for a fine like speeding etc.

While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.

I'm sure glad dui checkpoints are illegal in Texas.

There was an app a while back where you could post the location of the checkpoints. I used to drive around on holidays and post the locations.
How often do you people get pulled over that you think you need to videotape your encounters with cops?
I honestly can't remember the last time I got pulled over
How often do you people get pulled over that you think you need to videotape your encounters with cops?
I honestly can't remember the last time I got pulled over

The problem is that by the time you realize you need to video the encounter, it's too late. Then you are left with the unenviable task of trying to convince the jury you are innocent and the cops planted the drugs.

Without the video it is your word against his. People think the cops are honest and the Jury will believe the cop. Sadly, the truth won't set you free. You need proof.
How often do you people get pulled over that you think you need to videotape your encounters with cops?
I honestly can't remember the last time I got pulled over

The problem is that by the time you realize you need to video the encounter, it's too late. Then you are left with the unenviable task of trying to convince the jury you are innocent and the cops planted the drugs.

Without the video it is your word against his. People think the cops are honest and the Jury will believe the cop. Sadly, the truth won't set you free. You need proof.

I always have my cell phone but to set up cameras in your car?

and really has a cop ever planted drugs in your car when he pulls you over for a speeding ticket?

Here's a tip

Don't speed, make sure all your lights work and you car passes all state inspections
Obey the traffic laws
make sure your plates are up to date
make sure you pay your insurance and you'll never get pulled over
How often do you people get pulled over that you think you need to videotape your encounters with cops?
I honestly can't remember the last time I got pulled over

The problem is that by the time you realize you need to video the encounter, it's too late. Then you are left with the unenviable task of trying to convince the jury you are innocent and the cops planted the drugs.

Without the video it is your word against his. People think the cops are honest and the Jury will believe the cop. Sadly, the truth won't set you free. You need proof.

I always have my cell phone but to set up cameras in your car?

and really has a cop ever planted drugs in your car when he pulls you over for a speeding ticket?

Here's a tip

Don't speed, make sure all your lights work and you car passes all state inspections
Obey the traffic laws
make sure your plates are up to date
make sure you pay your insurance and you'll never get pulled over

You missed an earlier reply. I tend to drive three to five miles an hour under the limit.
While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.
In other words you love fucking with people. Cops like your type too, job security. The fact is most people don't have a problem but those that do go out of their way for it.
While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.
In other words you love fucking with people. Cops like your type too, job security. The fact is most people don't have a problem but those that do go out of their way for it.

Ah so I'm the problem by obeying the law. The Speed Limit means you may not exceed this speed. So if the limit is 70 MPH you can go any speed under that, but not exceed it.

Now I'm the bad guy because I don't take off at 80 MPH down the road. So what crime am I committing by driving at 65 MPH in the right lane? Or by driving at 50 in a 55 MPH two lane road? If I see an ambulance or emergency vehicle with lights flashing I pull over and happily yield the road.

But I see and smile at the hostile looks and shouted insults. You Law and order types are always upset when someone is obeying a law you don't agree with.
While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.
In other words you love fucking with people. Cops like your type too, job security. The fact is most people don't have a problem but those that do go out of their way for it.

Ah so I'm the problem by obeying the law. The Speed Limit means you may not exceed this speed. So if the limit is 70 MPH you can go any speed under that, but not exceed it.

Now I'm the bad guy because I don't take off at 80 MPH down the road. So what crime am I committing by driving at 65 MPH in the right lane? Or by driving at 50 in a 55 MPH two lane road? If I see an ambulance or emergency vehicle with lights flashing I pull over and happily yield the road.

But I see and smile at the hostile looks and shouted insults. You Law and order types are always upset when someone is obeying a law you don't agree with.
The problem is that you've detached yourself from reality. Cops drive around too, on and off duty. They know people push it a bit. It's very seldom you get a ticket unless you are 10 over. 10 under can be a hazard and a warning sign. Means you might be stoned. Pot heads drive slow.

Obviously you live to ruin people's day and people like you often a little more than you bargained for.
While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.
In other words you love fucking with people. Cops like your type too, job security. The fact is most people don't have a problem but those that do go out of their way for it.

Ah so I'm the problem by obeying the law. The Speed Limit means you may not exceed this speed. So if the limit is 70 MPH you can go any speed under that, but not exceed it.

Now I'm the bad guy because I don't take off at 80 MPH down the road. So what crime am I committing by driving at 65 MPH in the right lane? Or by driving at 50 in a 55 MPH two lane road? If I see an ambulance or emergency vehicle with lights flashing I pull over and happily yield the road.

But I see and smile at the hostile looks and shouted insults. You Law and order types are always upset when someone is obeying a law you don't agree with.
The problem is that you've detached yourself from reality. Cops drive around too, on and off duty. They know people push it a bit. It's very seldom you get a ticket unless you are 10 over. 10 under can be a hazard and a warning sign. Means you might be stoned. Pot heads drive slow.

Obviously you live to ruin people's day and people like you often a little more than you bargained for.

So I should exceed the speed limits and break the law, but just not by much. I probably won't be pulled over. Then another veiled suggestion that I will be beaten or something.

I thought breaking the law was bad. I thought only criminals broke the law. I am sure you wrote the old as long as you obey the law you have nothing to fear crap. Now I have to be afraid because I'm obeying the law.

Look. I know you are a twenty star General in the keyboard commandos. But can't you make up your mind?
I'll tell you what I've told others. I'm a truth whore. I'll take truth from anyone. The truth can come from any source.

No matter where the truth comes from. I'll take it.
You remind me of the open carry guys. If it's legal some like walking down the streets strutting their stuff. Cops get called. They have to look into it and the guy gets detained for a while.
This is SavannahMann's last interaction with a cop.........

Um. No.

My last interaction was a DUI checkpoint two years ago. The cop looked at my license, the plate on the car, didn't ask me a question and sent me on my way.

Before that my interaction was showing the cop my license to go into the court house for a copy of my marriage certificate.

I know. You have a fantasy about what kind of person I am. I'm the asshole you cuss out when you are driving. I go slower than the speed limit. This is for three reasons. First it is safer. Second I have the time. Third I detest giving anyone money for a fine like speeding etc.

While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.

Like I care..... Thanks for the unneeded bio though........ :lmao:

You see I wanted to show that the fantasy you have that I am a whining little dolt running around shouting it is unfair isn't accurate.

And I love watching you Law and order types red faced and shouting that I'm going too slow by not driving over the speed limit.

You must be proud of yourself........... Well I guess someone has to be....... :dunno:
While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.
In other words you love fucking with people. Cops like your type too, job security. The fact is most people don't have a problem but those that do go out of their way for it.

Ah so I'm the problem by obeying the law. The Speed Limit means you may not exceed this speed. So if the limit is 70 MPH you can go any speed under that, but not exceed it.

Now I'm the bad guy because I don't take off at 80 MPH down the road. So what crime am I committing by driving at 65 MPH in the right lane? Or by driving at 50 in a 55 MPH two lane road? If I see an ambulance or emergency vehicle with lights flashing I pull over and happily yield the road.

But I see and smile at the hostile looks and shouted insults. You Law and order types are always upset when someone is obeying a law you don't agree with.
The problem is that you've detached yourself from reality. Cops drive around too, on and off duty. They know people push it a bit. It's very seldom you get a ticket unless you are 10 over. 10 under can be a hazard and a warning sign. Means you might be stoned. Pot heads drive slow.

Obviously you live to ruin people's day and people like you often a little more than you bargained for.

So I should exceed the speed limits and break the law, but just not by much. I probably won't be pulled over. Then another veiled suggestion that I will be beaten or something.

I thought breaking the law was bad. I thought only criminals broke the law. I am sure you wrote the old as long as you obey the law you have nothing to fear crap. Now I have to be afraid because I'm obeying the law.

Look. I know you are a twenty star General in the keyboard commandos. But can't you make up your mind?
You said you went well under the speed limit and enjoyed pissing people off now you say I want you to exceed the speed limit? Yep, you're a problem looking for a place to happen.
How often do you people get pulled over that you think you need to videotape your encounters with cops?
I honestly can't remember the last time I got pulled over

The problem is that by the time you realize you need to video the encounter, it's too late. Then you are left with the unenviable task of trying to convince the jury you are innocent and the cops planted the drugs.

Without the video it is your word against his. People think the cops are honest and the Jury will believe the cop. Sadly, the truth won't set you free. You need proof.

I watched the video five times, given the angle and the fact that the video is obviously clipped I find it extremely suspect to say the least, due to the angle and darkness it's inconclusive at best. Unlike "people" (and I use the term lightly) like you I believe in the totality of evidence not just snippets that appear to justify my beliefs or agendas.
This is not saying the cop is innocent, I'm simply saying you provided partial and inconclusive evidence in that video and if you don't know what I mean by that then you really have some serious issues that require psychiatric treatment.
While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.
In other words you love fucking with people. Cops like your type too, job security. The fact is most people don't have a problem but those that do go out of their way for it.

Ah so I'm the problem by obeying the law. The Speed Limit means you may not exceed this speed. So if the limit is 70 MPH you can go any speed under that, but not exceed it.

Now I'm the bad guy because I don't take off at 80 MPH down the road. So what crime am I committing by driving at 65 MPH in the right lane? Or by driving at 50 in a 55 MPH two lane road? If I see an ambulance or emergency vehicle with lights flashing I pull over and happily yield the road.

But I see and smile at the hostile looks and shouted insults. You Law and order types are always upset when someone is obeying a law you don't agree with.
The problem is that you've detached yourself from reality. Cops drive around too, on and off duty. They know people push it a bit. It's very seldom you get a ticket unless you are 10 over. 10 under can be a hazard and a warning sign. Means you might be stoned. Pot heads drive slow.

Obviously you live to ruin people's day and people like you often a little more than you bargained for.

So I should exceed the speed limits and break the law, but just not by much. I probably won't be pulled over. Then another veiled suggestion that I will be beaten or something.

I thought breaking the law was bad. I thought only criminals broke the law. I am sure you wrote the old as long as you obey the law you have nothing to fear crap. Now I have to be afraid because I'm obeying the law.

Look. I know you are a twenty star General in the keyboard commandos. But can't you make up your mind?
You said you went well under the speed limit and enjoyed pissing people off now you say I want you to exceed the speed limit? Yep, you're a problem looking for a place to happen.

Now stop trying to put words in my mouth. I specifically said 3 to 5 miles an hour under the limit. I understand that reading comprehension is not your strongest talent. But really you should try a little harder. Perhaps sound out the big words.
In other words you love fucking with people. Cops like your type too, job security. The fact is most people don't have a problem but those that do go out of their way for it.

Ah so I'm the problem by obeying the law. The Speed Limit means you may not exceed this speed. So if the limit is 70 MPH you can go any speed under that, but not exceed it.

Now I'm the bad guy because I don't take off at 80 MPH down the road. So what crime am I committing by driving at 65 MPH in the right lane? Or by driving at 50 in a 55 MPH two lane road? If I see an ambulance or emergency vehicle with lights flashing I pull over and happily yield the road.

But I see and smile at the hostile looks and shouted insults. You Law and order types are always upset when someone is obeying a law you don't agree with.
The problem is that you've detached yourself from reality. Cops drive around too, on and off duty. They know people push it a bit. It's very seldom you get a ticket unless you are 10 over. 10 under can be a hazard and a warning sign. Means you might be stoned. Pot heads drive slow.

Obviously you live to ruin people's day and people like you often a little more than you bargained for.

So I should exceed the speed limits and break the law, but just not by much. I probably won't be pulled over. Then another veiled suggestion that I will be beaten or something.

I thought breaking the law was bad. I thought only criminals broke the law. I am sure you wrote the old as long as you obey the law you have nothing to fear crap. Now I have to be afraid because I'm obeying the law.

Look. I know you are a twenty star General in the keyboard commandos. But can't you make up your mind?
You said you went well under the speed limit and enjoyed pissing people off now you say I want you to exceed the speed limit? Yep, you're a problem looking for a place to happen.

Now stop trying to put words in my mouth. I specifically said 3 to 5 miles an hour under the limit. I understand that reading comprehension is not your strongest talent. But really you should try a little harder. Perhaps sound out the big words.
You said you enjoyed it and lied when you said I wanted you to break the law. Have someone explain your own words to you.
You remind me of the open carry guys. If it's legal some like walking down the streets strutting their stuff. Cops get called. They have to look into it and the guy gets detained for a while.
This is SavannahMann's last interaction with a cop.........

Um. No.

My last interaction was a DUI checkpoint two years ago. The cop looked at my license, the plate on the car, didn't ask me a question and sent me on my way.

Before that my interaction was showing the cop my license to go into the court house for a copy of my marriage certificate.

I know. You have a fantasy about what kind of person I am. I'm the asshole you cuss out when you are driving. I go slower than the speed limit. This is for three reasons. First it is safer. Second I have the time. Third I detest giving anyone money for a fine like speeding etc.

While you Law and order types drive ten miles over the limit I'm doing three or five below it. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the line of cars all anxious to get past me.

Like I care..... Thanks for the unneeded bio though........ :lmao:

You see I wanted to show that the fantasy you have that I am a whining little dolt running around shouting it is unfair isn't accurate.

And I love watching you Law and order types red faced and shouting that I'm going too slow by not driving over the speed limit.

You must be proud of yourself........... Well I guess someone has to be....... :dunno:

One of those truths I mentioned earlier. The Buddha taught that there were three people in each of us. The person others saw us as. The person we saw ourselves as, and the person we actually were. I disagree. I don't care what the others see. As long as I know who I am then I am satisfied.

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