And FYI for You God Hating Lefties

The plaque left behind by Apollo 11:

View attachment 271836

AD’ stands for ‘Anno Domini.'

Latin for ‘In the Year of our Lord.'

If any of you Leftists would like to vandalize it, you have my permission.


does this mean the moon belongs to you?

Here's the way I see it...

christians demanded that we use AD in our measuring of the years.

and now you say "so that proves god exists!"


They COULD HAVE chosen anything as a designater.....

but christians DEMANDED that we use AD....

proving nothing.
Year of Our Lord

Have a nice day!

and it doesn't prove anything.

I will have a nice secular America! where religious laws are unconstitutional!
In the Year of Our Lord.

Government funded.
The plaque left behind by Apollo 11:

View attachment 271836

AD’ stands for ‘Anno Domini.'

Latin for ‘In the Year of our Lord.'

If any of you Leftists would like to vandalize it, you have my permission.


does this mean the moon belongs to you?

Here's the way I see it...

christians demanded that we use AD in our measuring of the years.

and now you say "so that proves god exists!"


They COULD HAVE chosen anything as a designater.....

but christians DEMANDED that we use AD....

proving nothing.
Year of Our Lord

Have a nice day!

and it doesn't prove anything.

I will have a nice secular America! where religious laws are unconstitutional!
In the Year of Our Lord.

Government funded.

gays are out everywhere

they live in our neighborhoods, work with us, are our friends

they are openly in politics, the military, business

major corporations all over the country endorse, promote and defend gay rights

gays are marrying

pot is being decriminalized

the percentage of Americans claiming to be "christian" is getting smaller every decade

the percent of Americans claiming "no religion" keeps growing

we just had a black president

even you and every other conservative would vote for a black president

women are running for president!

even you and every other conservative would vote for a woman

more and more people are waiting longer to marry

lots of people don't even bother marrying at all

interracial relationships are common

sex outside of marriage is normal

divorce is easy to get (just ask all of those twice and thrice married conservative christian republicans)

NOBODY ever says "a.d."

ask then what year it is and they say "2019".....they do NOT add the AD

I guess nobody really cares

and ultimately it proves nothing.

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