And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized.

Look at what the victim of the crime said after he had two kids with the teacher and married her eventually!

There was never a sit-down chat: ‘Now is the time we're going to talk to our children about this,” Mary said. “They seemed to already know ... because they grew up with it. ... There's just never been a, ‘Wow, we better explain.’”...Audrey graduates from high school this coming June, and will attend community college in the fall. Georgia is a sophomore and a cheerleader. Both sing in their high school choir. Their parents are very protective, and Vili said he has warned his daughters against having boyfriends.....“The reason for me telling them that was just from, out of experience,” he said. “A relationship could lead to something that you think you wanted back then. You don't really want it, maybe, years later.”...If either of their girls did what they did, if they came home one day and said they were sleeping with their teacher, both Mary and Vili said they would be shocked and upset....“I don't support younger kids being married or having a relationship with someone older,” Vili said. “I don't support it.”

This shows you so very clearly how the people engaged in deviant sex behavior have no ability whatsoever to self-reflect. With that level of denial present, a person no longer can be considered sane. Letting insane people call the shots in today's political climate is...INSANE! The victim just said "I don't believe in what was done to me. If it happened to my girls, I'd be shocked and upset" as he sits next to the perp he married!

I swear to God, the lack of honesty present is stunning. The woman is now suppressing even sharing the truth with their daughters. Will it ever end?

Just :cuckoo:
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.
Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.

Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.
Funny to see the morons shooting the messenger. Dimwits.
I could understand an 18 year old boy attracted to a 17 year old girl.....but after that it gets sick.
Americano you make a good point and good thread. I get it. Thanks
This rationale could lead to some disturbing conclusions. If a man or a woman thinks about engaging in sexual activity with their (adult) daughter/niece or son/nephew that should now be acceptable as long as they don't act on it?
Legally, if "marriage equality" passes, they can not only act on it, they can marry them in all 50 states with the US Supreme Court's blessing. Marriage equality means no person or combination left out.

Exactly, once the goal post is moved, there is nothing that could prevent moving it again for some other reason.

Lefties and gay rights advocates argue that is all about equality because heterosexual or homosexual preferences are genetically determined. The counter argument is that, if marriage is redefined and gay marriage passes, it will open door to redefine the marriage again for other sexual preferences.

You can't pick and chose and say, hetero and homo preferences are genetically determined and therefore normal, and leave all other preferences out. If hetero and homo preferences are genetically determined, then pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, etc. are all genetically determined. Lefties then argue that those preferences are different, and wrong, and sick, and will never be accepted by society...

... and than boooom, APA just removed pedophilia from mental disorder list, and left is just loving it.

Here is a good article that can help understanding the issue. Understanding Frame Shifts: Sexual Orientation

But, but, but they love each other. Nothing else matter, right? And we're just suppose to nod and agree with it.

Lefties are pushing for pedophilia and they're not even hiding it anymore. And an article here, then interview there, then doctor who agree, then APA remove it from DSM list, just as Zoom-boing said earlier...
Inch by inch . . . .

Those little "invisible" page 18 stories suppose to prepare us for what's coming. They're checking the pulse before another push. They can't make it official all at once, because of resistance would be too strong and they would have to wait longer before the next one. Here are examples:

CNS News - Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military
Gawker - Born This Way: Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex with Children
DailyDot - It's time to reconsider how we treat pedophiles
Salon - Redefining pedophilia with pedophiles’ help
Salon - Meet pedophiles who mean well
Pastebin - "Minor-attracted persons" say we need to rethink how the mental illness is defined -- and some experts agree
Independent - German ethics council calls for incest between siblings to be legalized by Government

Until we stop complaining, bend over and just take it.
Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

I see lefties were busy during night shift making overtime. They're trying so hard to purge topics that expose them. When I checked in the morning, this thread was at the bottom of the second page. I didn't have time to write much and now i found it at the bottom of third.

Back to what you said.

Liberals love pedophiles. They must love them in order to stay consistent with their own beliefs. here is a book written by leftist academic Judith Levine called Harmful to Minors where she argues that is harmful to prevent children from sexual activities and encouraging adults to accept sex between adults and children. To go little further, her work was published by University of Minnesota Press.

Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.
Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.

There are several lefties that came to this thread saying how "nobody believes in this bullshit", mentioning "fallacy of false comparison", throwing labels, attacking the messenger, but not single one actually denounced pedophilia. I suspect that, in order to denounce pedophilia, they also have to denounce homosexuality, gay and lesbians and ultimately their favorite - adultery.
Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

I see lefties were busy during night shift making overtime. They're trying so hard to purge topics that expose them. When I checked in the morning, this thread was at the bottom of the second page. I didn't have time to write much and now i found it at the bottom of third.

Back to what you said.

Liberals love pedophiles. They must love them in order to stay consistent with their own beliefs. here is a book written by leftist academic Judith Levine called Harmful to Minors where she argues that is harmful to prevent children from sexual activities and encouraging adults to accept sex between adults and children. To go little further, her work was published by University of Minnesota Press.

Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.
Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.

There are several lefties that came to this thread saying how "nobody believes in this bullshit", mentioning "fallacy of false comparison", throwing labels, attacking the messenger, but not single one actually denounced pedophilia. I suspect that, in order to denounce pedophilia, they also have to denounce homosexuality, gay and lesbians and ultimately their favorite - adultery.

"Liberals love pedophiles."

Proof of that is in their heroes ... Like Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

Oh wait ... Those child predators are RW heroes.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

I see lefties were busy during night shift making overtime. They're trying so hard to purge topics that expose them. When I checked in the morning, this thread was at the bottom of the second page. I didn't have time to write much and now i found it at the bottom of third.

Back to what you said.

Liberals love pedophiles. They must love them in order to stay consistent with their own beliefs. here is a book written by leftist academic Judith Levine called Harmful to Minors where she argues that is harmful to prevent children from sexual activities and encouraging adults to accept sex between adults and children. To go little further, her work was published by University of Minnesota Press.

Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.
Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.

There are several lefties that came to this thread saying how "nobody believes in this bullshit", mentioning "fallacy of false comparison", throwing labels, attacking the messenger, but not single one actually denounced pedophilia. I suspect that, in order to denounce pedophilia, they also have to denounce homosexuality, gay and lesbians and ultimately their favorite - adultery.

"Liberals love pedophiles."

Proof of that is in their heroes ... Like Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

Oh wait ... Those child predators are RW heroes.

Bill Clinton?
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.


Try having a few yourself.

If you read what you posted it means the APA is distinguishing between people who have thoughts and people who have thoughts and act on them.

Now, do you suggest that law enforcement across America create a special group called the "Thought Police" to investigate and arrest these people?
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
Just the liberal ones, the conservative gheys are not insane....
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
If I don't feel like spending my day with a bunch of queers, should I be forced to. In the name of discrimination?
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.


As we all know, Mohammad married a 6 year old.

We are constantly being told that Islam is a religion of peace and a religion of God.
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Isn't your title a lie? Looks to me that they aren't trying to normalize anything, just distinguishing between two stages of pedophilia....both still worse than the other tho.......just like distinguishing between someone who has murderous thoughts all the time....and those who act on them.
Those who are old enough to remember 70s may see the pattern in the process.
Those not old enough to remember, but red few books, might also see it.
Of course, there are those who will throw labels for just quoting an article from Huffington Post.
It is sad (and maybe a mental disorder in itself) to be unable to see the clear difference between what consenting adults do....and the willful abuse of a child.
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
If I don't feel like spending my day with a bunch of queers, should I be forced to. In the name of discrimination?

That's not what I asked. I don't care who you spend your meaningless, worthless day with.
I asked if we should round the gays up and kill them. You know, like they do in Iran, Saudi Arabia, et al.
Those who are old enough to remember 70s may see the pattern in the process.
Those not old enough to remember, but red few books, might also see it.
Of course, there are those who will throw labels for just quoting an article from Huffington Post.
It is sad (and maybe a mental disorder in itself) to be unable to see the clear difference between what consenting adults do....and the willful abuse of a child.

It's fear and ignorance. They have no fucking idea what they are talking about, they just knee-jerk if it ain't white, straight and Republican.

Bonus points if they drive a Ford pick up truck.

And of course, kudos if they own one or more guns they barely know how to shoot.
Try having a few yourself.

If you read what you posted it means the APA is distinguishing between people who have thoughts and people who have thoughts and act on them.

Both are still pedophiles, just in different categories. If you're having thoughts of fucking another man and don't act on it, you're still closet homosexual. If you're having thoughts of raping children and don't act on it, you're still pedophile. People that don't act on their hidden sexual desires are most likely just afraid of the consequences. If is not so difficult to be accepted, they wouldn't have problem acting on it.

If pedophilia is not illegal, you think pedophiles would stop on just having "thoughts"?

Now, do you suggest that law enforcement across America create a special group called the "Thought Police" to investigate and arrest these people?

Have you seen me suggesting that? You can have thoughts about anything you want, that's not illegal. You act on those thoughts, better be ready to pay the price. The problem is not in thoughts, but in leftist push to decriminalize acting on those thoughts.
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
If I don't feel like spending my day with a bunch of queers, should I be forced to. In the name of discrimination?

That's not what I asked. I don't care who you spend your meaningless, worthless day with.
I asked if we should round the gays up and kill them. You know, like they do in Iran, Saudi Arabia, et al.
No, just live their lives, without going out of their way to show me they are queer. That's all.

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