And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized.

Try having a few yourself.

If you read what you posted it means the APA is distinguishing between people who have thoughts and people who have thoughts and act on them.

Both are still pedophiles, just in different categories. If you're having thoughts of fucking another man and don't act on it, you're still closet homosexual. If you're having thoughts of raping children and don't act on it, you're still pedophile. People that don't act on their hidden sexual desires are most likely just afraid of the consequences. If is not so difficult to be accepted, they wouldn't have problem acting on it.

If pedophilia is not illegal, you think pedophiles would stop on just having "thoughts"?

Now, do you suggest that law enforcement across America create a special group called the "Thought Police" to investigate and arrest these people?

Have you seen me suggesting that? You can have thoughts about anything you want, that's not illegal. You act on those thoughts, better be ready to pay the price. The problem is not in thoughts, but in leftist push to decriminalize acting on those thoughts.
I've been partial to high school girls since Jr High. Now that I'm 51 I'm still attracted to High school girls, especially cheerleaders. I don't act on it because I'm not an animal I'm a human being who understands the consequences to myself and to them. That and they probably laugh in my face if I tried for being the old geezer that I am.

I THINK you're a homophobe.

And not too bright.

Re-read the article.

They are not "normalizing" anything.

I think you should go to the Middle East and show us all how tolerant your POS religion is toward gays. Throw a gay parade right down the streets in Pakistan. Make sure to webcast it.
Ah...again with the "you should be grateful we don't kill you like they do in the ME" schtick.
Those who are old enough to remember 70s may see the pattern in the process.
Those not old enough to remember, but red few books, might also see it.
Of course, there are those who will throw labels for just quoting an article from Huffington Post.

Yep- reminds me of the '70's when bigots said all homosexuals were pedophiles.

Reminds me of that exactly.

I don't remember it that way. I think the saying was that all pedophiles were homosexuals. Is it not true that if a man has sex with another male, be they 9 or 90, he is a homosexual. The only difference is he would be called a pedophile in the case of the 9 year old.
It always appalled me that little girls are frequently left right out of the equation......even worse when you look at the statistic that 1 in 4 girls will be sexually abused before 18.
Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.

Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.
Funny how your first sentence is a flat out lie. Pedophilia is in NO WAY "no longer being considered a mental disorder". can we be outraged over something that hasn't happened? Explain that, please.
Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

I see lefties were busy during night shift making overtime. They're trying so hard to purge topics that expose them. When I checked in the morning, this thread was at the bottom of the second page. I didn't have time to write much and now i found it at the bottom of third.

Back to what you said.

Liberals love pedophiles. They must love them in order to stay consistent with their own beliefs. here is a book written by leftist academic Judith Levine called Harmful to Minors where she argues that is harmful to prevent children from sexual activities and encouraging adults to accept sex between adults and children. To go little further, her work was published by University of Minnesota Press.

Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.
Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.

There are several lefties that came to this thread saying how "nobody believes in this bullshit", mentioning "fallacy of false comparison", throwing labels, attacking the messenger, but not single one actually denounced pedophilia. I suspect that, in order to denounce pedophilia, they also have to denounce homosexuality, gay and lesbians and ultimately their favorite - adultery.

"Liberals love pedophiles."

Proof of that is in their heroes ... Like Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

Oh wait ... Those child predators are RW heroes.

Bill Clinton?
What child was he predator to?
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
If I don't feel like spending my day with a bunch of queers, should I be forced to. In the name of discrimination?
I'm sure the "bunch of queers" would thank you for not ruining their day.
Those who are old enough to remember 70s may see the pattern in the process.
Those not old enough to remember, but red few books, might also see it.
Of course, there are those who will throw labels for just quoting an article from Huffington Post.

Yep- reminds me of the '70's when bigots said all homosexuals were pedophiles.

Reminds me of that exactly.

I don't remember it that way. I think the saying was that all pedophiles were homosexuals. Is it not true that if a man has sex with another male, be they 9 or 90, he is a homosexual. The only difference is he would be called a pedophile in the case of the 9 year old.
It always appalled me that little girls are frequently left right out of the equation......even worse when you look at the statistic that 1 in 4 girls will be sexually abused before 18.

That is disgraceful and should be severely punished whenever possible. It takes sorry human being to sexually abuse a young girl.
Try having a few yourself.

If you read what you posted it means the APA is distinguishing between people who have thoughts and people who have thoughts and act on them.

Both are still pedophiles, just in different categories. If you're having thoughts of fucking another man and don't act on it, you're still closet homosexual. If you're having thoughts of raping children and don't act on it, you're still pedophile. People that don't act on their hidden sexual desires are most likely just afraid of the consequences. If is not so difficult to be accepted, they wouldn't have problem acting on it.

If pedophilia is not illegal, you think pedophiles would stop on just having "thoughts"?

Now, do you suggest that law enforcement across America create a special group called the "Thought Police" to investigate and arrest these people?

Have you seen me suggesting that? You can have thoughts about anything you want, that's not illegal. You act on those thoughts, better be ready to pay the price. The problem is not in thoughts, but in leftist push to decriminalize acting on those thoughts.
If murder were not illegal, do you think murderers would stop on just having "thoughts"?
Those who are old enough to remember 70s may see the pattern in the process.
Those not old enough to remember, but red few books, might also see it.
Of course, there are those who will throw labels for just quoting an article from Huffington Post.

Yep- reminds me of the '70's when bigots said all homosexuals were pedophiles.

Reminds me of that exactly.

I don't remember it that way. I think the saying was that all pedophiles were homosexuals. Is it not true that if a man has sex with another male, be they 9 or 90, he is a homosexual. The only difference is he would be called a pedophile in the case of the 9 year old.
It always appalled me that little girls are frequently left right out of the equation......even worse when you look at the statistic that 1 in 4 girls will be sexually abused before 18.

That is disgraceful and should be severely punished whenever possible. It takes sorry human being to sexually abuse a young girl.
Unfortunately many are fathers, brothers, other family members and friends.
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
If I don't feel like spending my day with a bunch of queers, should I be forced to. In the name of discrimination?

That's not what I asked. I don't care who you spend your meaningless, worthless day with.
I asked if we should round the gays up and kill them. You know, like they do in Iran, Saudi Arabia, et al.
No, just live their lives, without going out of their way to show me they are queer. That's all.
Like you go out of your way to show you are straight? (I'm assuming here)
Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

I see lefties were busy during night shift making overtime. They're trying so hard to purge topics that expose them. When I checked in the morning, this thread was at the bottom of the second page. I didn't have time to write much and now i found it at the bottom of third.

Back to what you said.

Liberals love pedophiles. They must love them in order to stay consistent with their own beliefs. here is a book written by leftist academic Judith Levine called Harmful to Minors where she argues that is harmful to prevent children from sexual activities and encouraging adults to accept sex between adults and children. To go little further, her work was published by University of Minnesota Press.

Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.
Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.

There are several lefties that came to this thread saying how "nobody believes in this bullshit", mentioning "fallacy of false comparison", throwing labels, attacking the messenger, but not single one actually denounced pedophilia. I suspect that, in order to denounce pedophilia, they also have to denounce homosexuality, gay and lesbians and ultimately their favorite - adultery.

"Liberals love pedophiles."

Proof of that is in their heroes ... Like Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

Oh wait ... Those child predators are RW heroes.

Bill Clinton?
What child was he predator to?
An island full.
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
If I don't feel like spending my day with a bunch of queers, should I be forced to. In the name of discrimination?
I'm sure the "bunch of queers" would thank you for not ruining their day.
No they want to force straight people to come cater their supposedly their best day.
Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
If I don't feel like spending my day with a bunch of queers, should I be forced to. In the name of discrimination?

That's not what I asked. I don't care who you spend your meaningless, worthless day with.
I asked if we should round the gays up and kill them. You know, like they do in Iran, Saudi Arabia, et al.
No, just live their lives, without going out of their way to show me they are queer. That's all.
Like you go out of your way to show you are straight? (I'm assuming here)
Nope, I live my life trying to stay to myself, but queers lately are wanting everyone to know they are gay. At one point they wanted everyone out of their bedroom, not now.
Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

I see lefties were busy during night shift making overtime. They're trying so hard to purge topics that expose them. When I checked in the morning, this thread was at the bottom of the second page. I didn't have time to write much and now i found it at the bottom of third.

Back to what you said.

Liberals love pedophiles. They must love them in order to stay consistent with their own beliefs. here is a book written by leftist academic Judith Levine called Harmful to Minors where she argues that is harmful to prevent children from sexual activities and encouraging adults to accept sex between adults and children. To go little further, her work was published by University of Minnesota Press.

Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.
Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.

There are several lefties that came to this thread saying how "nobody believes in this bullshit", mentioning "fallacy of false comparison", throwing labels, attacking the messenger, but not single one actually denounced pedophilia. I suspect that, in order to denounce pedophilia, they also have to denounce homosexuality, gay and lesbians and ultimately their favorite - adultery.

"Liberals love pedophiles."

Proof of that is in their heroes ... Like Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

Oh wait ... Those child predators are RW heroes.


Just as is expected from lefties and as I said in above post. Shitposting randomly about anything else but the topic, but not denouncing anything.
Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

I see lefties were busy during night shift making overtime. They're trying so hard to purge topics that expose them. When I checked in the morning, this thread was at the bottom of the second page. I didn't have time to write much and now i found it at the bottom of third.

Back to what you said.

Liberals love pedophiles. They must love them in order to stay consistent with their own beliefs. here is a book written by leftist academic Judith Levine called Harmful to Minors where she argues that is harmful to prevent children from sexual activities and encouraging adults to accept sex between adults and children. To go little further, her work was published by University of Minnesota Press.

Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.
Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.

There are several lefties that came to this thread saying how "nobody believes in this bullshit", mentioning "fallacy of false comparison", throwing labels, attacking the messenger, but not single one actually denounced pedophilia. I suspect that, in order to denounce pedophilia, they also have to denounce homosexuality, gay and lesbians and ultimately their favorite - adultery.

"Liberals love pedophiles."

Proof of that is in their heroes ... Like Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

Oh wait ... Those child predators are RW heroes.

Bill Clinton?
What child was he predator to?
An island full.
No name I see.
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?
If I don't feel like spending my day with a bunch of queers, should I be forced to. In the name of discrimination?
I'm sure the "bunch of queers" would thank you for not ruining their day.
No they want to force straight people to come cater their supposedly their best day.
If one is in the wedding business, it would behove you to follow business laws such as PA laws, correct? Why now? When PA laws have been on the books for decades?
So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?

I don't see anyone suggesting that. Do you? Of course not, but lefties reaction to anything that is against their opinion is always the same: rounding up, throwing of the cliff, concentration camps... oh wait, lefties always did that.
Being queer is a mental disorder, but they have normalized it. So eventually all perversions will be normalized. I don't put anything past a liberal.

I see lefties were busy during night shift making overtime. They're trying so hard to purge topics that expose them. When I checked in the morning, this thread was at the bottom of the second page. I didn't have time to write much and now i found it at the bottom of third.

Back to what you said.

Liberals love pedophiles. They must love them in order to stay consistent with their own beliefs. here is a book written by leftist academic Judith Levine called Harmful to Minors where she argues that is harmful to prevent children from sexual activities and encouraging adults to accept sex between adults and children. To go little further, her work was published by University of Minnesota Press.

Funny how none of the progressives here find it outrageous that pedophilia is now no longer being considered a mental disorder.
Progressives are now the champions of homosexuals and pedophiles. It's also no coincidence that they defend Islam too.

There are several lefties that came to this thread saying how "nobody believes in this bullshit", mentioning "fallacy of false comparison", throwing labels, attacking the messenger, but not single one actually denounced pedophilia. I suspect that, in order to denounce pedophilia, they also have to denounce homosexuality, gay and lesbians and ultimately their favorite - adultery.

"Liberals love pedophiles."

Proof of that is in their heroes ... Like Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

Oh wait ... Those child predators are RW heroes.


Just as is expected from lefties and as I said in above post. Shitposting randomly about anything else but the topic, but not denouncing anything.
What exactly are we supposed to denounce?

I denounce pedophilia with all my heart. I am on record for several years that convicted pedophiles should all be dropped on an isolated island somewhere with enough supplies for HALF of them.

What you offer is a lie, and then expect us to be outraged about something that isn't even happening.
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Isn't your title a lie? Looks to me that they aren't trying to normalize anything, just distinguishing between two stages of pedophilia....both still worse than the other tho.......just like distinguishing between someone who has murderous thoughts all the time....and those who act on them.

It's not a lie. It's exactly what it is.

1973 - homosexuality removed from DSM list. Homosexuality is not mental disorder, - "normalized".
2012 - transexuality removed from DSM list. Transsexualism is not mental disorder - "normalized".
2015 - pedophilia removed frm DSM list. Pedophilia is not mental disorder - how do you call that?

Just like... sure, thinking about murdering someone is not crime. Acting on it is. Glad we agree on it.

Now, what happens if murder become legal, or should I say, "normalized"? I still wouldn't kill. Would you?
Those who are old enough to remember 70s may see the pattern in the process.
Those not old enough to remember, but red few books, might also see it.
Of course, there are those who will throw labels for just quoting an article from Huffington Post.
It is sad (and maybe a mental disorder in itself) to be unable to see the clear difference between what consenting adults do....and the willful abuse of a child.

Tell that to 122,500 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants or the APA who just removed pedophilia from metal disorder list. Tell that to liberal media such as Slate, Gawker, Salon, Rolling Stone who just cant wait enough to promote it.
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