And if Cliven Bundy is held to a Jury of his Peers


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
he'll be acquitted (hung jury at worst).

This is why no charges were brought against the WWII veterans in 1946 during the Mckinn County War (Battle of Athens). when they overthrew the local government with armed force (and many shots fired at the uniformed thugs).

I saw several articles today saying that "Cliven Bundy will be brought to justice."

Have fun summoning a jury of his peers that will convict him with the requisite fraction of jurors.

Firearms + Jury Nullification = Liberty
Of course, the feds could use the NDAA to indefinitely imprison Bundy and the Militiamen in Article II courts without trial ("terrorism")...but...I sincerely doubt that any men of such honor would allow themselves to be subjugated without a good last stand.
he'll be acquitted (hung jury at worst).

This is why no charges were brought against the WWII veterans in 1946 during the Mckinn County War (Battle of Athens). when they overthrew the local government with armed force (and many shots fired at the uniformed thugs).

I saw several articles today saying that "Cliven Bundy will be brought to justice."

Have fun summoning a jury of his peers that will convict him with the requisite fraction of jurors.

Firearms + Jury Nullification = Liberty

"Firearms + Jury Nullification = Liberty"?

Are you saying the threat of violence will sway the jury to let him go? Or at least result in a hung jury?
"Firearms + Jury Nullification = Liberty"

More like anarchy.

If he doesn't have to abide by the contracts he signed then, by damn, neither does anyone else.

That'll show 'em.
he'll be acquitted (hung jury at worst).

This is why no charges were brought against the WWII veterans in 1946 during the Mckinn County War (Battle of Athens). when they overthrew the local government with armed force (and many shots fired at the uniformed thugs).

I saw several articles today saying that "Cliven Bundy will be brought to justice."

Have fun summoning a jury of his peers that will convict him with the requisite fraction of jurors.

Firearms + Jury Nullification = Liberty

We'll just have to wait and see.
"Firearms + Jury Nullification = Liberty"

More like anarchy.

If he doesn't have to abide by the contracts he signed then, by damn, neither does anyone else.

That'll show 'em.
Obama only enforces laws he likes.

Can't reply to the OP so you try to derail the thread with lies.

I'm replying to your lie not the OP.

And I'm simply offering relevant facts to refute your lies. Sorry if it pisses you off to see this in it's proper perspective.
ya have to pay your taxes or you should get arrested

unless you are a race baiting pile of human filth that's black and on msn

then it's racist to demand he pony the fuck up

Notice how quickly the media shut up over Bundy owing money to the feds and justifying their bullshit when we hit the boards and made sure everyone knew old Al owed big buckolas?

These boards work. Comment sections work. You get the information out there like what we did on Sharpton and all of a sudden the "main stream media" backs into their corners.

Now it's time to hit them where it hurts. 2015 is going to be a very good year.
ya have to pay your taxes or you should get arrested

unless you are a race baiting pile of human filth that's black and on msn

then it's racist to demand he pony the fuck up

Notice how quickly the media shut up over Bundy owing money to the feds and justifying their bullshit when we hit the boards and made sure everyone knew old Al owed big buckolas?

These boards work. Comment sections work. You get the information out there like what we did on Sharpton and all of a sudden the "main stream media" backs into their corners.

Now it's time to hit them where it hurts. 2015 is going to be a very good year.
here's the thing

bundy owes a lot and should be arrested for owing that much
sharpton owes WAY more and hasn't been arrested for it yet, not even threatened or warned

people see this and know its racism and no one should be arrested for owing less than another person when that person is free
Bundy was a welfare rancher - a moocher who refused to pay his grazing fees like everyone else. Is that now okay with NaziCons?
Bundy was a welfare rancher - a moocher who refused to pay his grazing fees like everyone else. Is that now okay with NaziCons?

What the fuck is wrong with you Injun? Look Lakhota lying in chief don't you know what they did to your sisters?

Of course you don't. Because you aren't first nations and don't have a clue about what's really happening on the rez liar.
Bundy was a welfare rancher - a moocher who refused to pay his grazing fees like everyone else. Is that now okay with NaziCons?
whats a nazicon you America hating leftist shit stain?

Bundy owes $1 million
Sharpton owes $4 million

but it's not b/c the Fed is run by a bunch of America hating racist they went in, massively, against the white guy, it's b/c of...



white privileged

yea, that's it

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