And if Cliven Bundy is held to a Jury of his Peers

Bundy was a welfare rancher - a moocher who refused to pay his grazing fees like everyone else. Is that now okay with NaziCons?
whats a nazicon you America hating leftist shit stain?

Bundy owes $1 million
Sharpton owes $4 million

but it's not b/c the Fed is run by a bunch of America hating racist they went in, massively, against the white guy, it's b/c of...



white privileged

yea, that's it

Does Sharpton also owe grazing fees?
Come on Lakhota. Tell the story of how the Bureau of Land Management went after your sisters.

Oh you can't because you lie about being first nations.
Bundy was a welfare rancher - a moocher who refused to pay his grazing fees like everyone else. Is that now okay with NaziCons?
whats a nazicon you America hating leftist shit stain?

Bundy owes $1 million
Sharpton owes $4 million

but it's not b/c the Fed is run by a bunch of America hating racist they went in, massively, against the white guy, it's b/c of...



white privileged

yea, that's it

Does Sharpton also owe grazing fees?

Get back to me when I see a federal collection agency flying helicopters above his freaking house with snipers and have 200 plus fed agents around the block.

Bundy is nothing more than a homegrown terrorist.

Really like your sisters they beat into the ground.

You scum sucking bastard/bitch who pretends to be first nations. You are disgusting.

You don't know their names do you?Or what tribe they are from do you?
Bundys crime? He let some cows eat some grass out in the middle of nowhere without paying the feds. Send a couple hundred law enforcers after that guy.

Sharpton? Starts and promotes riots and killings, owes 4.5 million in taxes and costs local governments millions more to police the bullshit he promotes and the increases in crime. Get's a white house visit whenever he wants.

Yes one of these two belong in prison. Guess which one?
Bundy is nothing more than a homegrown terrorist.
what riots has he started?
how many people died over what he said?
why is he a bad guy but that vile filth sharpton isn't?

Just be honest: You love white freeloaders and hate Negroes.

You don't know the Dann sisters lying son of a bitch do you?

You are the liar Lakhota. How dare you hold the name. How dare you try to pretend every day of your life to be first nations.
If there is one reason I can hate Lakhota, Harry Reid and others it is over the Danns.

Long before Bundy. I want to hurt people who did this to these women. I swear Lord forgive me for what I want to do to people over the Danns.

Same people who have the balls to walk into this message board and claim that conservatives are the problem.
Liberals claim they care. Notice how none of them want to back the Dann sisters because OMG they would have to back Bundy then.
What I find stunning is that liberals will actually throw over first nations for their "cause".

First nations take note. White idiot liberals will ditch you in a heartbeat.
Juries are unpredictable at best. Assuming you know the outcome of any case is foolish
Juries are unpredictable at best. Assuming you know the outcome of any case is foolish

I would hope all of us learned that lesson over OJ. I remember the moment. Exactly where I was praying we had booted it past all the Atlanta over passes when the verdict was read. We were coming north from Florida back to home in Tennessee.

I was terrified.
Interesting. I just looked at what I posted. Never ever up here did I fear a black. Ever.

This is years ago. How odd. How real. I have to think on this. How strange.
he'll be acquitted (hung jury at worst).

This is why no charges were brought against the WWII veterans in 1946 during the Mckinn County War (Battle of Athens). when they overthrew the local government with armed force (and many shots fired at the uniformed thugs).

I saw several articles today saying that "Cliven Bundy will be brought to justice."

Have fun summoning a jury of his peers that will convict him with the requisite fraction of jurors.

Firearms + Jury Nullification = Liberty
Christ. Just because dumbass gun nuts got together and decided the federal government was oppressing them it doesn't mean they were actually correct and had a just cause. They were just a bunch of dumb rednecks who hate the governemt regardless of what it actually does.

If the Founding Fathers were alive to see that crap they would have had those gun nuts arrested for obstruction and reckless behavior on the spot.
he'll be acquitted (hung jury at worst).

This is why no charges were brought against the WWII veterans in 1946 during the Mckinn County War (Battle of Athens). when they overthrew the local government with armed force (and many shots fired at the uniformed thugs).

I saw several articles today saying that "Cliven Bundy will be brought to justice."

Have fun summoning a jury of his peers that will convict him with the requisite fraction of jurors.

Firearms + Jury Nullification = Liberty
Christ. Just because dumbass gun nuts got together and decided the federal government was oppressing them it doesn't mean they were actually correct and had a just cause. They were just a bunch of dumb rednecks who hate the governemt regardless of what it actually does.

If the Founding Fathers were alive to see that crap they would have had those gun nuts arrested for obstruction and reckless behavior on the spot.
Hey asswipe.

Tell that to the Dann sisters. The fucking feds want to rape those women for their property. Shoshone. Same deal as Bundy fuck face. You don't have a clue what you are talking about at the best of times but this time you really step in in asshole.

Check it out mother fucker.

Range War in Nevada Pits U.S. Against 2 Shoshone Sisters -
Look assholes. The feds rape tribes all the time and you guys seem to care when it comes to rez people. But now because Bundy is white his case doesn't matter? Bigots you are you fucking liberals. You show it every day.

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