And Interesting Explanation of Marxism


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I've long been aware of the tenets of socialism and communism but had never looked at the roots – Marxism. This explains a lot and I found it well worthwhile reading @ Does Francis Really Have a Marxism Problem? | Crisis Magazine

The following really hits home when I read some of the posts here by those who are clearly atheists:

Economics even provides the foundation for religion. Marx, an atheist, believed religion is foisted on society by the wealthy in an effort to propagate false consciousness. He called religion the opium of the masses because it distracts us from the harsh realities of life. In one of his earliest works, On the Jewish Question, Marx declared that money had become the jealous God of Israel, before whom no other God was allowed. Christianity is no better. The ruling classes propagate Christianity, rationalizing that the hardships of this world as merely preparation for the next one. Christianity condones capitalism and exploitation by promising us something better in the next world.

The basis are claims that Pope Francis is a Marxist and makes a lot of sense. :eusa_whistle:
you would be much better off reading Marx itself, not the articles about him.

you might start here.
Manifesto of the Communist Party

Chapter II is the most important.
(bourgeois are the middle class - just to let you know ;) )
Yes.. the new Pope does seem to have a lot of socialist and marxist tendencies.. which is troubling

Calling upon the flock to voluntarily give of themselves is one thing... supporting government forced economic policy to bring about forced charity and societal wealth redistribution, is another
Yes.. the new Pope does seem to have a lot of socialist and marxist tendencies.. which is troubling

Calling upon the flock to voluntarily give of themselves is one thing... supporting government forced economic policy to bring about forced charity and societal wealth redistribution, is another

why? even if it is true - why should it be troubling?

American Catholics vote dimocrap for generations already - so who really cares?

p.s. He does not, but that is not the point.

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