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And Israel is an apartheid state

My husband was born in a CLASSICALLY shariah society----thru him
and his family I have encountered hundreds of people who carry
the family legacies of life for non muslims in islamic countries----
and thru my work I have encountered christians----either born in
or with family backgrounds in islamic lands----

thus I have discussed some issues in intricate detail out of my
own curiosity as to how DAILY life is affected by such a situation.

Eg---I was curious to know if regular friendships developed
between jews and muslims or---informal friendly relationships--
during routine encounters like "have you ever had a cup of tea
in the home of a muslim?" The answers are fascinating---it turns
out the muslims have no problem entering the homes of jews but in
answer to "did you ever go to the home of a muslim'?


it turns out the in strict islamic observance--
such an interaction on a friendly basis
would be ILLEGAL and dangerous
Now Palestinian's are not allowed to ride in public buses.

Here's a first hand account of what apartheid is like in Israel.

‘You’re Not Allowed to Use Public Transportation At All’: A Report from Israel’s Segregated Buses

i arrived at 4 PM at the bus terminal (near what is called the “Shomron Gate Junction”). Until five it looked like nothing was going to happen. Blessed boredom. Travellers get on and get off, including some who look like Palestinians. A military vehicle behind the bus honked with pointless violence and suddenly activated a siren, surely that was nothing more than the simple boorishness of the soldiers who are the lords of the land.

At five o’clock sharp the action begins: a policeman, First Sergeant Shai Zecharia, portentiously boards Bus 286, which is stopped at the station. Soldiers order all the Palestinians to get off. Right away they collect their ID cards upon their exit from the bus. That way they can’t go anywhere until they get permission. Nearly thirty workers, ages 30-50, obediently file out. The soldier/officer roars: “Udrub!” (Move!) And then: “Sit on your butts! On your butts!” They are then marched to the terminal fence and made to stand along it in a line, then to sit on the cold ground and wait. The soldiers check the green IDs (Arabic: hawwiye) and demand to see their “tasrih” (work permits). A lucky few get their IDs back and board another bus – complaining only about having to pay twice for the same trip. But our forces immediately block this channel: one by one the workers are told to leave the terminal and walk to the Azoun-Atme checkpoint, 2.5 kilometres from the Shomron Gate junction. By now it’s cold; the sun has set. Most of them got up at three in the morning for the trip to work. Their homes are only a few kilometres from nearby Ariel. All they ask is to be allowed to ride the bus for another two or three stops. They paid for the trip. And by the way, a “tasrih” costs 8,000 shekels. You have to work hard to cover that sum before you earn your first shekel.

The soldiers nabbed four workers who had dared to work without a “tasrih”. The short one venomously says, “They can spend some time in the Yoav fortress.” Then the next consignment arrives, about another 25 workers. The armed and heroic little guy is soon shoving them with both hands. The procedure is repeated: “Udrub”, on your butts, hawiyye, tasrih. Now move it to Azoun-Atme. Within half an hour about eighty men have been subjected to this humiliation by a few armed soldiers and one policeman. They all responded with restraint and dismay, at most asking the obvious questions and now and then getting enlightening replies, such as:

“You’re not allowed to be on Highway 5.” At long last: official confirmation that there are apartheid highways in Israel, despite all the denials.

“You’re not allowed to use public transportation at all.”
Fuck Israel and fuck the IDF.

You first.
My husband was born in a CLASSICALLY shariah society-

Not if he was born in Yemen he wasn't. Yemen is an extreme society, and always has been.

I'd go further and say that there can be no such thing as a "classical" Shariah society because only five countries utilise it as the basis of law. If we were to choose the kind of 'medium' incarnation it might be something like Jordan.
What is "extreme shariah" other than --SHARIAH?
shariah as described by strict islamicists is
and as is practiced in saudi arabia where--
sitting on a park bench and reading a bible
in public is a CRIME ?
Are you suggesting that SAUDI shariah is
Yemen is essentially a clone of the saudi
system ----
in fact it has been called "arabia"

there is no question that TURKEY never adhered
to strict shariah and ----
had a profound effect on all of the "CALIPHATE"

Your statement makes no sense, saigon.
Sunni islam is interpreted by the "scholars"
of AL AZHAR U-----not by you.
Unfortunately their web site
which listed FARTWAHS seems to have disappeared
so it is not easy for me to dispute your idiotic
statement with citations from that PRESTIGIOUS
institution of islamic intellect
understand it to be-----
the taliban are the CREAM OF PAKISTANI
INTELLECTUAL YOUTH----the top of the class
kids from engineering and medical schools.
Go right ahead and ask me how I know

your statement that strict
adherence to shariah law is not "classic"
islam is tantamount to saying that
since most jews do not engage in strict
adherence to jewish law----that ORTHODOX
adherence is not classical judaism.

as to Jordan---also not classical---
there are BARS in AMMAN---ask
me how I know----
The Russell Tribunal On Palestine made a finding of Israel being an Apartheid Regime and this was a very broad finding of Apartheid

The Crime of Apartheid

The most controversial, and at the same time far reaching feature, of the RToP finding was to conclude that Israeli responsibility for establishing an apartheid regime applied not only to Palestinians living under occupation, but also to the Palestinians minority living with discriminatory regulations in Israel and to the Palestinian diaspora consisting of 4-5 million refugees and exiles. Seen in isolation it seems like an unconvincing extension of the meaning of apartheid, even if separated from its South African connection, to consider Palestinian citizens of Israel, even if victims of severe and humbling discrimination, as living under an apartheid regime or even more so to view diaspora Palestinians in this manner. But there is moral and psychopolitical weight to the unanimous view of the RToP jurors that the core right of self-determination applies to the Palestinian people as a whole, including those not living under direct Israeli military control. It challenges various Israeli efforts to split the Palestinian people, once a unity prior to the establishment of Israel, into a series of fragmentary realities, pitting against one another.The radical fragmentation of the West Bank, with its hundreds of checkpoints and restrictions on mobility and access, is a metaphor for this wider Israelipolicy of undermining Palestinian identity as a sequel to Palestinian dispossession associated with the nakba, conceived of as an ongoing process rather than an event frozen in time

Israel and Apartheid? Reflections on the Russell Tribunal on Palestine Session in South Africa |

I don't know much about you, Sherri, and have no clue if what you are saying is just a hearsay or from experience, but seems like many other pro-Palestinians you have a tendency to throw words (accusations) around. Palestinian genocide/Holocaust, for example or starvation of Palestinian children and now apartheid.
Trust me, you don't know what apartheid is. I have seen signs at various establishments warning non Muslims not to enter, and witnessed those who dared to go into a tea house to get a drink beaten up (in a Muslim country) and heard stories that would make Israel's treatment of Palestinians like a day in Disneyland.
I admire those who stand with the underdog but you folks are being selective. Scores being beheaded/hanged/crucified in Saudi Arabia and you wouldn't waste a word but Israel's implantation of a policy to insure security of its citizens brings your blood to boil. Why?

Apartheid is a term with a specific meaning under intl law, and I agree with these many legal experts whose writings I am addressing that Israel is an Apartheid Regime.

You will not hear any Pro- Palestinians posting or protesting about this. They are all a bunch of Hypocrites

Pro-Palestinian is really a pretext for anti-Semitism.

true----a fact that has been so for decades but only
recently VERY APPARENT ---the early nazi literature
was clearly "anti zionist"----from the arabist/islamic POV.
Any information suggesting that NAZISM precludes
arabism-----is a very silly lie. Nazism was, from its
inception PRO-ARABIST. The silly lie seems to work
for people who see arabs as "not white" or believe that
NAZIS saw arabs as "not white" ----a concept which
present nazi-islamicists and arabists EXPLOIT as a defense
against the charge of being correctly designated as NAZIS.
Pro-Palestinian is really a pretext for anti-Semitism.
Anti-semitism has been redefined as anyone who doesn't have their tongue at least 14 inches up an Israeli ass.

anti semite is what anti semite has always been----a notion
that exists amongst the spawn of constantine----and
the rapist of arabia ----it is related to the ideology of
constantine and the rapist of arabia ---
Gaza marathon cancelled by UN agency over Hamas ban on women runners
Associated Press

Mar 5, 2013


JERUSALEM // A United Nations aid agency has cancelled the marathon in Gaza following a ban on women runners imposed by the territory's Hamas rulers.

UNWRA, which assists Palestinian refugees and also sponsors and organises the event, announced today that plans for the April race have been scrapped.

A statement from agency said that "this disappointing decision follows discussions with the authorities in Gaza who have insisted that no women should participate" in the marathon.

Hamas is cracking down on behaviour it deems contrary to Islam and has already
banned women from riding on the backs of motorbikes, smoking shisha, and men from working in hair salons.

Indeed, the Muslims do have a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot.

Although many of these Islamic decrees have fallen to popular opposition. The requirement for dress codes for girls in high school is out. The requirement for the hijab in court is out. Male hairdressers are still in business. Etc.

islamicism follows a SIN WAVE PATTERN-----even turkey is falling into
the trough mode. Any suggestion that recovery can be expected
to be progressive or even maintained is wishful thinking Tunisia
is an excellent example of the inevitable DROP INTO THE TROUGH

Egypt is on the way too.

Syria??? sit tight---
anti semite is what anti semite has always been----a notion
that exists amongst the spawn of constantine----and
the rapist of arabia ----it is related to the ideology of
constantine and the rapist of arabia ---
It's also the most popular response to attack someone criticizing Israel.
anti semite is what anti semite has always been----a notion
that exists amongst the spawn of constantine----and
the rapist of arabia ----it is related to the ideology of
constantine and the rapist of arabia ---
It's also the most popular response to attack someone criticizing Israel.

so? the fact is that the ideologies of constantine and
the rapist of arabia ARE----basically anti-zionist.

you should learn a bit of history. The ideologies of
both the rapist and constantine galvanized genocide
of the jews of the middle east and kept jews OUT
of "palestine" for 1700 years ---- a fact which you
and your fellows exploit in your "ISRAEL NEVER
EXISTED" propaganda------ask sherri
anti semite is what anti semite has always been----a notion
that exists amongst the spawn of constantine----and
the rapist of arabia ----it is related to the ideology of
constantine and the rapist of arabia ---
It's also the most popular response to attack someone criticizing Israel.

I wear such criticisms as a badge of Honor. Jesus says we shall be hated for following Him, and speaking truth and being hated for it shows Christians they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. I say bring on the hate, the more hate, the more Blessings Christians reap.
anti semite is what anti semite has always been----a notion
that exists amongst the spawn of constantine----and
the rapist of arabia ----it is related to the ideology of
constantine and the rapist of arabia ---
It's also the most popular response to attack someone criticizing Israel.

I wear such criticisms as a badge of Honor. Jesus says we shall be hated for following Him, and speaking truth and being hated for it shows Christians they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. I say bring on the hate, the more hate, the more Blessings Christians reap.

I feel the same way as a Jew. Jews have been hated and persecuted since the dawn of time. Where has the hate gotten them ? Well, nowhere !! We have an incredible country called Israel, our military is the strongest in the Middle East, and Jews have excelled in every field including medicine and law. You mad, Frau Sherri?

You always talk about what Jesus said. Just curious, what did he say about Palestine?
It's also the most popular response to attack someone criticizing Israel.

I wear such criticisms as a badge of Honor. Jesus says we shall be hated for following Him, and speaking truth and being hated for it shows Christians they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. I say bring on the hate, the more hate, the more Blessings Christians reap.

I feel the same way as a Jew. Jews have been hated and persecuted since the dawn of time. Where has the hate gotten them ? Well, nowhere !! We have an incredible country called Israel, our military is the strongest in the Middle East, and Jews have excelled in every field including medicine and law. You mad, Frau Sherri?

You always talk about what Jesus said. Just curious, what did he say about Palestine?

Jesus says it is the meek who shall inherit the land.
I wear such criticisms as a badge of Honor. Jesus says we shall be hated for following Him, and speaking truth and being hated for it shows Christians they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. I say bring on the hate, the more hate, the more Blessings Christians reap.

I feel the same way as a Jew. Jews have been hated and persecuted since the dawn of time. Where has the hate gotten them ? Well, nowhere !! We have an incredible country called Israel, our military is the strongest in the Middle East, and Jews have excelled in every field including medicine and law. You mad, Frau Sherri?

You always talk about what Jesus said. Just curious, what did he say about Palestine?

Jesus says it is the meek who shall inherit the land.

Are you saying he never mentioned the word Palestine ? Just yesterday , you said Jesus was born and lived in Palestine ??
You need to get you stories straight!
The Russell Tribunal On Palestine made a finding of Israel being an Apartheid Regime and this was a very broad finding of Apartheid

The Crime of Apartheid

The most controversial, and at the same time far reaching feature, of the RToP finding was to conclude that Israeli responsibility for establishing an apartheid regime applied not only to Palestinians living under occupation, but also to the Palestinians minority living with discriminatory regulations in Israel and to the Palestinian diaspora consisting of 4-5 million refugees and exiles. Seen in isolation it seems like an unconvincing extension of the meaning of apartheid, even if separated from its South African connection, to consider Palestinian citizens of Israel, even if victims of severe and humbling discrimination, as living under an apartheid regime or even more so to view diaspora Palestinians in this manner. But there is moral and psychopolitical weight to the unanimous view of the RToP jurors that the core right of self-determination applies to the Palestinian people as a whole, including those not living under direct Israeli military control. It challenges various Israeli efforts to split the Palestinian people, once a unity prior to the establishment of Israel, into a series of fragmentary realities, pitting against one another.The radical fragmentation of the West Bank, with its hundreds of checkpoints and restrictions on mobility and access, is a metaphor for this wider Israelipolicy of undermining Palestinian identity as a sequel to Palestinian dispossession associated with the nakba, conceived of as an ongoing process rather than an event frozen in time

Israel and Apartheid? Reflections on the Russell Tribunal on Palestine Session in South Africa |

So tell us, Frau Sherri, does this group ever deal in the apartheid in the Muslim countries or is it just concerned because the Jews are involved? Perhaps this group should talk to the Arab Muslim journalists who says that the Arabs have it so much better in Israel than they do in the Arab world. And no doubt the Blacks in South Africa would have preferred living in Israel than under the conditions they had in South Africa. To them, Israel would be Paradise. By the way, are the Israelis running around in white sheets and pointy hates lynching the Blacks as was down in your area of our country?
The Russell Tribunal On Palestine made a finding of Israel being an Apartheid Regime and this was a very broad finding of Apartheid

Israel and Apartheid? Reflections on the Russell Tribunal on Palestine Session in South Africa |

I don't know much about you, Sherri, and have no clue if what you are saying is just a hearsay or from experience, but seems like many other pro-Palestinians you have a tendency to throw words (accusations) around. Palestinian genocide/Holocaust, for example or starvation of Palestinian children and now apartheid.
Trust me, you don't know what apartheid is. I have seen signs at various establishments warning non Muslims not to enter, and witnessed those who dared to go into a tea house to get a drink beaten up (in a Muslim country) and heard stories that would make Israel's treatment of Palestinians like a day in Disneyland.
I admire those who stand with the underdog but you folks are being selective. Scores being beheaded/hanged/crucified in Saudi Arabia and you wouldn't waste a word but Israel's implantation of a policy to insure security of its citizens brings your blood to boil. Why?

Apartheid is a term with a specific meaning under intl law, and I agree with these many legal experts whose writings I am addressing that Israel is an Apartheid Regime.
Perhaps Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," should contact the Rev. Heddings, a good Christian pastor who himself fought apartheid in South Africa and who now lives in Israel and tell him her thoughts on apartheid in Israel. Of course he would wonder why she, who considers herself a "good Christian woman" is not concerning herself with the real apartheid going on in Muslim countries.

Still Fighting Apartheid | ICEJ International
Gaza marathon cancelled by UN agency over Hamas ban on women runners
Associated Press

Mar 5, 2013


JERUSALEM // A United Nations aid agency has cancelled the marathon in Gaza following a ban on women runners imposed by the territory's Hamas rulers.

UNWRA, which assists Palestinian refugees and also sponsors and organises the event, announced today that plans for the April race have been scrapped.

A statement from agency said that "this disappointing decision follows discussions with the authorities in Gaza who have insisted that no women should participate" in the marathon.

Hamas is cracking down on behaviour it deems contrary to Islam and has already
banned women from riding on the backs of motorbikes, smoking shisha, and men from working in hair salons.

Indeed, the Muslims do have a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot.

Although many of these Islamic decrees have fallen to popular opposition. The requirement for dress codes for girls in high school is out. The requirement for the hijab in court is out. Male hairdressers are still in business. Etc.

islamicism follows a SIN WAVE PATTERN-----even turkey is falling into
the trough mode. Any suggestion that recovery can be expected
to be progressive or even maintained is wishful thinking Tunisia
is an excellent example of the inevitable DROP INTO THE TROUGH

Egypt is on the way too.

Syria??? sit tight---
Since apparently Tinnie gets the word from his Hamas friends about what is going on there via his Magic Computer which really isn't there, perhaps he can lead a group to Gaza and do the Harlem snake and see how big it goes over there. Practice shaking your booty, Tinnie.



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