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And Israel is an apartheid state

It's not propaganda, it's recorded history!

There was no major incidents of violence between arabs and jews in Palestine before the zionists showed up.
Have you ever thought that there were no incidents before because the Arabs showed up afterwards in droves (as reported by Winston Churchill) from their poor surrounding countries when the Jews had jobs for them? Why do you think you see so many Hispanics in your own area? They had come from their poorer countries for jobs, and it is the same reason you see many Muslims from the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia moving to Europe.

because the Arabs showed up afterwards in droves (as reported by Winston Churchill)

The Arab population in Palestine declined from about 93% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1948.

Where were the "droves" that this clown was talking about?
Are you calling Winston Churchill and the British officials in that area liars, Tinnie, for reporting on what was happening? You weren't around to see it happening, but nowadays do you even have to be any kind of official here in the U.S. to see that the population has changed from what it was before?
That is really not a good answer. They probably were not even thinking about a state as long as other Muslims were in charge. Meanwhile, when the Jews started administering the territories, schools, hospitals and clinics were built for these Arabs, infrastructure was put in, inoculations against infectious diseases were given, their life expectancy was increased, and they then had one of the highest standards of living in the Middle East. I wonder why Egypt and Jordan couldn't have done the same for their fellow Arabs. However, if it makes you happy to believe what you want to, go for it.
Your problem is a basic one.

You refuse to take any responsibility over situations you helped to create.
And your problem is that you will never admit that these Arabs have caused a lot of their own problems. So now tell us why Egypt and Jordan didn't help out their fellow Arabs when they were administering the territories?
Now the question is.... Why didn't these Palestinian Arabs clamor for a state when Jordan and Egypt were administering the territories?

This depends when and where you mean, obviously.

Certainly in the 1960's there were violent protests against the idea of Jordanian rule, leading up to the events of Black September.

The fact that you do not know about the protests doesn't mean they did not happen.

It's also worth noting that many Palestinians felt any rule from Jordan and Egypt would only be temporary (even after the annexation), which lessened the extent of the protests to ome extent, and of course given the choice, Palestinians would prefer to be ruled from Amman than a Jewish state. I don't see why anyone would think otherwise.
Surely if there were such violent protests, you can pull up some articles of these events. As far as Black September goes, I think most of us realize that it occurred because Arafat and his gang wanted to take over Jordan; and with the help of the Pakistani Army, the King of Jordan was able to stop this.
Wrong again Israel provides the care-----Israeli hospitals
have been chock full of gazan and west bank patients
for decades--------its ok go on lying sherri -----your filth makes
an even better impact when it is uncovered in significant
episodes----something like the impact the nuremburg trials made
---it is very sad that bomb on ass sluts have put a bar
in the way of medical care to gazans-----blocking of medical
care is a constant bar to the filth you so love.-----it happened
even 9-11-01---and the several days thereafter-----women ended
up being delivered of their babies in the streets

Innoculations of children were introduced by Israel in

1967----my gazan patients told me----if you knew anything
about law-----you would know I cannot name them

No sources means your allegations are false.

LOL try again magda----no sources means I have
no reason to do your googling for you and that I understand
the HIPAA rules and you don't

No sources means you make a lot of claims and no one can verify the truth of your claims.

Kind of like a politician who says "just trust me"...ya know?
yeah I know all about the allegations------guess why I know---
I cannot comment----doing so would be a violation of my oath

Wow, that's certainly convenient...:eusa_whistle:
In the US military, if you have a top secret clearance, and you are discharged or retire, you sign papers that you will never discuss the material.This agreement is for life.
Have you ever thought that there were no incidents before because the Arabs showed up afterwards in droves (as reported by Winston Churchill) from their poor surrounding countries when the Jews had jobs for them? Why do you think you see so many Hispanics in your own area? They had come from their poorer countries for jobs, and it is the same reason you see many Muslims from the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia moving to Europe.

because the Arabs showed up afterwards in droves (as reported by Winston Churchill)

The Arab population in Palestine declined from about 93% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1948.

Where were the "droves" that this clown was talking about?
Are you calling Winston Churchill and the British officials in that area liars, Tinnie, for reporting on what was happening? You weren't around to see it happening, but nowadays do you even have to be any kind of official here in the U.S. to see that the population has changed from what it was before?

Are you calling Winston Churchill and the British officials in that area liars,

Yep, some things never change.
Israel is a lot more liberal than any country they border, I'd say. I mean, yes, Israel plays fast and loose with international guidelines, bombing a reactor here, assaulting a shipping vessel there, but this is nothing compared to the acts and theocratic nature of the the Islamic states, or most obviously the terrorist groups which tend to target Israel.
"...fast and loose with international guidelines..."?

They're in violation of over 200 UN Resolutions.
They've illegally "occupied" territory for over 45 years.
You have to go all the way back to Nazi Germany to find a government that treated a certain segment of the population anything close to that bad.

Bombing civilian infrastructure is a "war crime".
Assaulting ships in international waters is an "act of piracy".
Summarily executing people in possession of "illegal food" is just plain evil.

Why people give Israel a pass over some of the most dispicable actions in human history, is beyond me?

Listing off number of rules broken isn't really meaningful, I'd say.

And that territory is, according to Israel, theirs and theirs alone. And it's not as though Israel bombs civilian infrastructure to even just slightly weaken their enemy, this isn't WW2 where you're destroying the enemy's infrastructure because it might slightly shift the balance of the conflict to you.

If you're referring to Gaza, the strip also has a huge terrorist population, who actively bombard other Israeli territories. They are the ones hiding behind civilians, and Israel if they want to destroy this particular enemy, is therefore forced to possibly kill civilians.

But frankly I don't know much about the other incidents.

But their enemies do far worse (in my knowledge). Both the enemy states and secretive organizations.
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The Arab population in Palestine declined from about 93% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1948.

Where were the "droves" that this clown was talking about?
Are you calling Winston Churchill and the British officials in that area liars, Tinnie, for reporting on what was happening? You weren't around to see it happening, but nowadays do you even have to be any kind of official here in the U.S. to see that the population has changed from what it was before?

Are you calling Winston Churchill and the British officials in that area liars,

Yep, some things never change.
Of course you would call Winston Churchill (along with the other British officals in the area who noted what was going on) a liar because it doesn't fit what you want said. You would much rather believe your Arab propaganda sites that you get on your magic computer that really isn't there. I wonder if Tinnie can tell us why his Muslim friends are flooding into Europe if not because they want to leave their impoverished countries, the same way his Arabs friends wanted to leave their impoverished countries to have jobs that were made available by the Jews. So what's the latest that your friends in Hamas have sent you via your magic computer, Tinnie? Are they planning another rocket attack and then blame it on the Jews for starting up?
yeah I know all about the allegations------guess why I know---
I cannot comment----doing so would be a violation of my oath

Wow, that's certainly convenient...:eusa_whistle:
In the US military, if you have a top secret clearance, and you are discharged or retire, you sign papers that you will never discuss the material.This agreement is for life.

Anyone can say anything on the internet. They can claim to be anything. Rosie makes a lot of claims she stops short of ever being able to verify but conveniently always support her narrative. If she truly had a clearance she had to honor - why all the hinting around at stuff she "knows" but can't support?

Why exactly should I believe what she says? Do you see what I mean?

I could claim to be anything and who would know?
Wow, that's certainly convenient...:eusa_whistle:
In the US military, if you have a top secret clearance, and you are discharged or retire, you sign papers that you will never discuss the material.This agreement is for life.

Anyone can say anything on the internet. They can claim to be anything. Rosie makes a lot of claims she stops short of ever being able to verify but conveniently always support her narrative. If she truly had a clearance she had to honor - why all the hinting around at stuff she "knows" but can't support?

Why exactly should I believe what she says? Do you see what I mean?

I could claim to be anything and who would know?

sherri endorsed the above-----comically she claims to be a
"LAWYER" maybe she is a lawyer in SHARIAH LAW----
United states lawyers from ALL OF THE STATE BARS---do understand
the notion of privileged communications and also the HIPAA laws.
Of course sheeri also claims she is a christian---she did mention
BAPTIST" but insists that the word "zion" was invented in 1897
and she also claimed to be a "SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER"--
well---I took that to be in a church----but there are places
where muslim kids memorize the koran on the weekends.

In any case-----most literate persons in the USA know
"" privileged communication" "confidential information" ---
even if they do not know that even without "TOP
SECURITY CLEARANCE" former US military
officers cannot discuss the details of past or
ongong military investigations to which they were
privy. -----gee sherri is stupid
Wow, that's certainly convenient...:eusa_whistle:
In the US military, if you have a top secret clearance, and you are discharged or retire, you sign papers that you will never discuss the material.This agreement is for life.

Anyone can say anything on the internet. They can claim to be anything. Rosie makes a lot of claims she stops short of ever being able to verify but conveniently always support her narrative. If she truly had a clearance she had to honor - why all the hinting around at stuff she "knows" but can't support?

Why exactly should I believe what she says? Do you see what I mean?

I could claim to be anything and who would know?
You can believe or not believe whatever you want to, Coyote. I happen to believe IRosie, and I certainly don't believe a lot of this Arab propaganda about how terribly bad Israel is that other readers seem to think is the Gospel truth.. However, whomever wants to believe the Arab propaganda is, of course, free to do so and on the same hand you are certainly free to disbelieve anything IRosie says. That is your prerogative in a free country, the same as we all have the prerogative to either believe or disbelieve anything posted here.
Rosie -

Saigon check the medical literature----and if you can---talk to
a gazan who remembers PRE 1967. Gazan life expectancy has
markely increased since 1967----as has the standard of medical care --
mostly because so much of it is supplied by Israel---prior to 1967
gazan kids did not get even standard innoculations---

Then let's see the evidence.

I don't have stats on this - if you do, let's see them.
Al Queda wasn't taken seriously enough and then Sept 11 happened.
al Qaeda was a CIA creation. If we would've just been fair to Israel and the Palestinian's both, treated them the same, not kept our military in Saudi and stopped bombing the shit out of brown people, 9/11 might not ever have happened.

*****9/11 was the culmination of prior terror attacks against us which largely went unanswered. According to the voluminous material found at AQ's destroyed HQ in Afghanistan, OBL took our lack of response to prior attacks as a sign of weakness on our part and repeated that claim on recruitment videos.
*****9/11 was the culmination of prior terror attacks against us which largely went unanswered. According to the voluminous material found at AQ's destroyed HQ in Afghanistan, OBL took our lack of response to prior attacks as a sign of weakness on our part and repeated that claim on recruitment videos.
I wasn't talking about "how" it happened, I was referring to "why" it happened.

And a lot of that has to do with our military interference in ME country's.
In the US military, if you have a top secret clearance, and you are discharged or retire, you sign papers that you will never discuss the material.This agreement is for life.

Anyone can say anything on the internet. They can claim to be anything. Rosie makes a lot of claims she stops short of ever being able to verify but conveniently always support her narrative. If she truly had a clearance she had to honor - why all the hinting around at stuff she "knows" but can't support?

Why exactly should I believe what she says? Do you see what I mean?

I could claim to be anything and who would know?
You can believe or not believe whatever you want to, Coyote. I happen to believe IRosie, and I certainly don't believe a lot of this Arab propaganda about how terribly bad Israel is that other readers seem to think is the Gospel truth.. However, whomever wants to believe the Arab propaganda is, of course, free to do so and on the same hand you are certainly free to disbelieve anything IRosie says. That is your prerogative in a free country, the same as we all have the prerogative to either believe or disbelieve anything posted here.

I don't automatically believe ANYONE who claims to have inside information on something and can't support it. When you have no idea who that person is in real life - it's silly to base your opinions of "truth" on what could be nothing more then yet another version of propaganda that happens to correlate with your own view. I just happen to be very cynical but when someone starts to claim special knowledge and use that to make arguments, red flags go up.

But you are right - we are free to believe or disbelieve what ever we wish :)
Anyone can say anything on the internet. They can claim to be anything. Rosie makes a lot of claims she stops short of ever being able to verify but conveniently always support her narrative. If she truly had a clearance she had to honor - why all the hinting around at stuff she "knows" but can't support?

Why exactly should I believe what she says? Do you see what I mean?

I could claim to be anything and who would know?
You can believe or not believe whatever you want to, Coyote. I happen to believe IRosie, and I certainly don't believe a lot of this Arab propaganda about how terribly bad Israel is that other readers seem to think is the Gospel truth.. However, whomever wants to believe the Arab propaganda is, of course, free to do so and on the same hand you are certainly free to disbelieve anything IRosie says. That is your prerogative in a
free country, the same as we all have the prerogative to either believe or disbelieve anything posted here.

I don't automatically believe ANYONE who claims to have inside information on something and can't support it. When you have no idea who that person is in real life - it's silly to base your opinions of "truth" on what could be nothing more then yet another version of propaganda that happens to correlate with your own view. I just happen to be very cynical but when someone starts to claim special knowledge and use that to make arguments, red flags go up.

But you are right - we are free to believe or disbelieve what ever we wish :)

try again COYOTE---I did not claim to have "INSIDE INFORMATION'---
what I know is PUBLIC KNOWLEGE----if you want to know about
studies on AGENT ORANGE----look in the medical literature---
avoid the politicians-----what I discussed was not the OUTCOME
of real studies-----I discussed that which "victims" claim---
confidential stuff sheeesh you are stupid

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