25% of American Jewish Voters think Israel is an Apartheid State

That's what Truman said. He lamented that the bullied had become bullies in his correspondence with Eleanor Roosevelt.
and of course most American Jews did not want the embassy to move to Jerusalem at this time. It is easy to forget on this site that how Israel acts goes increasingly against the wishes of most American Jews especially the young. Same in the UK until they frightened the shit out of people by suggesting wrongly that Corbyn was making Labour 'antisemetic'. Research showed that contrary to the propaganda antisemitism had gone down in the UK during Corbyn's leadership. Prior to that young Jews in the UK were saying they would support some form of sanctions against Israel to get them to behave. Now to say a word against Israel is antisemetic.
and of course most American Jews did not want the embassy to move to Jerusalem at this time. It is easy to forget on this site that how Israel acts goes increasingly against the wishes of most American Jews especially the young. Same in the UK until they frightened the shit out of people by suggesting wrongly that Corbyn was making Labour 'antisemetic'. Research showed that contrary to the propaganda antisemitism had gone down in the UK during Corbyn's leadership. Prior to that young Jews in the UK were saying they would support some form of sanctions against Israel to get them to behave. Now to say a word against Israel is antisemetic.

You see it here too.. a few are completely obsessed with antisemitism and cataloguing their persecutions... Attacking all Arabs... and "jelly bean" Christians whatever that means.
You see it here too.. a few are completely obsessed with antisemitism and cataloguing their persecutions... Attacking all Arabs... and "jelly bean" Christians whatever that means.
never heard the one about jellybean Christians! Hmmmm no idea what it could mean.
Rosie talks about jelly bean Christians all the time.
Yes, and islamo nazis but these are just her inventions are they not though I haven't heard the jelly bean christian one? Is she a Christian?
Yes, and islamo nazis but these are just her inventions are they not though I haven't heard the jelly bean christian one? Is she a Christian?

I never heard either term before. Hitler considered Arabs mud people so it doesn't make much sense.
I never heard either term before. Hitler considered Arabs mud people so it doesn't make much sense.
I think the Islamo nazi one is just to abuse. Possibly jellybean Christians are left wing ones who genuinely try to give to people and are often critical of Israel.

25% of American Jewish Voters think Israel is an Apartheid State​

The Israeli government is accused by international, Israeli and Palestinian rights groups of committing the crime of apartheid.

In December 2019, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination determined that it has jurisdiction over the complaint the State of Palestine has filed against Israel for breaches of its obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) and would commence a review of the Palestinian complaint that Israel's policies in the West Bank amount to apartheid.

Israel and apartheid - Wikipedia

1. An official policy of racial segregation involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.

2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.

American Heritage Dictionary Entry: apartheid (ahdictionary.com)

In my view of things, many Israelis feel that they are a special race above all others. They justify this based on biblical verses. Only their egos have distorted the truth.

They, (Israelis), have become egotistical and it is this egotism that will destroy them.

the practice of talking and thinking about oneself excessively because of an undue sense of self-importance.
egotism definition - Google Search

The truth Will Set You Free

The Israeli government is accused by international, Israeli and Palestinian rights groups of committing the crime of apartheid.

In December 2019, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination determined that it has jurisdiction over the complaint the State of Palestine has filed against Israel for breaches of its obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) and would commence a review of the Palestinian complaint that Israel's policies in the West Bank amount to apartheid.

Israel and apartheid - Wikipedia

1. An official policy of racial segregation involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.

2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.

American Heritage Dictionary Entry: apartheid (ahdictionary.com)

In my view of things, many Israelis feel that they are a special race above all others. They justify this based on biblical verses. Only their egos have distorted the truth.

They, (Israelis), have become egotistical and it is this egotism that will destroy them.

the practice of talking and thinking about oneself excessively because of an undue sense of self-importance.
egotism definition - Google Search

The truth Will Set You Free

Not surprisingly, you can't identify any ''apartheid'' practices.

The truth Escapes You.
Not surprisingly, you can't identify any ''apartheid'' practices.
What sickens me the most is the Israeli government sniper teams shooting children. This in itself, is a war crime

IDF shooting children
idf shooting children - Google Search

Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats
Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats - Google Search

illegal settlements
israel illegal settlements un - Google Search

I was once a devoted believer in Israel and defended them whenever/wherever I could.

Now I am a bit confused, should I ignore the above or not?
You tell me? :)-
Your not being impressed at Arabs holding positions in the Israeli Parliament is to be expected from the leftist entity.

On the other and, would you be impressed at Israelis holding positions in the quasi-governments of the Islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza or the PA?

Gee, whiz. Are there any Israelis holding positions in the quasi-governments of the Islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza or the PA?

Are Israelis allowed in Gaza?
Were Germans allowed in the Warsaw ghetto?
I can only give you a 3/10 for that melodramatic "There were no people in Palestine before the Zionists got there", it just goes beyond belief.

As I never wrote that, it is profoundly dishonet to attribute something to me I never wrote. Actually, it doesn't go beyond belief you're befuddled and confused.

The juvenile comparison that resolves to, "we're no worse than they were" is an odd endorsement for a religion.

Just to educate you on the fraudulent claim "The Islamic world pretty much stopped expanding in 1500", we know that's pretty much false. We have that hoped for islamic caliphate that slaughtered and enslaved its way across Iraq and Syria; "The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham". You never read about that? It was on the news.

Have you read the Hamas Charter? It harkens back to those halcyon days of islamist times of conquest by war and rapine.

I suspect you are the one "whining like little bitches". As penance for your history of colonization and exploitation, I'll expect a formal, written apology on my desk and the measures you intend to pursue as compensation for your behavior.
In 1924 the Emir of Mecca declared himself caliph and Arabia a caliphate. Ibn Saud immediately chased him off the Arabian Peninsula.

There's not going to be another caliphate.
Were Germans allowed in the Warsaw ghetto?
I knew you were stupid but not quite as much as you just displayed? That Ghetto was the LARGEST Ghetto during the Holocaust It’s peak capacity at one time was over 460,000 and over 300,000 died there

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