...and January 6th just won't leave the public's conscience....


So, poster WeGo, let's parse that a bit, OK?

"We've been calling"?
Who is 'we'? Can you show us what you specifically have done? Who have you contacted? Who else is partnered with you in this 'we' identity?

"Silence from the left" ??
Who is this 'left' you speak of?
Can you name the names of who you have contacted about Ray Epps?
And how you can identify them as "the left"?
How would you know?

Have you followed up on this 'silence"?
Meaning, just what have you done specifically?

And too, do you have credible evidence, vettable evidence, for whatever it is that you are alleging this man 'Ray Epps' has done?

So, poster WeGo, let's parse that a bit, OK?

"We've been calling"?
Who is 'we'? Can you show us what you specifically have done? Who have you contacted? Who else is partnered with you in this 'we' identity?

"Silence from the left" ??
Who is this 'left' you speak of?
Can you name the names of who you have contacted about Ray Epps?
And how you can identify them as "the left"?
How would you know?

Have you followed up on this 'silence"?
Meaning, just what have you done specifically?

And too, do you have credible evidence, vettable evidence, for whatever it is that you are alleging this man 'Ray Epps' has done?

Are saying you dont know who he is?
As far as who's been calling for his arrest pretty much every conservative in the country.
Stop wasting my time with your word salad and look him up.
"Stop wasting my time ....... look him up."

My avatar did not insert Ray Epps in the conversation. Yours did.
Accordingly, tote your own bale. Make your own bed.
It is up to you to vet the stories or the allegations that you yourself introduce.

That is Adult Swim 101.
Good luck.
My avatar did not insert Ray Epps in the conversation. Yours did.
Accordingly, tote your own bale. Make your own bed.
It is up to you to vet the stories or the allegations that you yourself introduce.

That is Adult Swim 101.
Good luck.

And you can go fuck yourself.
Ray Epps has been discussed on this board for months on end.
Not my fault you didnt read about him,in fact I find it hard to believe you didnt.
Let me guess, Hunter? come on man, if there was really anything to Epps, the repubs would have went after him day 1. There isn't, it is make believe in Trump world.

What are you even doing on a political board?
You dont know jack shit about anything regarding politics,or anything else for that matter.
Is there some reason congress could not immediately go after Epps? Congress can subpoena private citizens. I mean, if he is as guilty of all kinds of traitorous activity, it is their duty.

I'll say it again....
Who's running the investigation?
I don't give a big hoot about Nancy, if she did something illegal let her spend her last years in prison. I just want my country to quit being a laughing stock with a cult running the place.
Progress was made in the house in 2022.
You're wrong. Most Americans are against what trump did on January 6th. All democrats and quite a few republicans.

He didnt do a damn thing.
Nancy was the one who said no to the National Guard and it's her job to provide security.
Which video?
The one of the unarmed woman getting shot by a cop?
Or the one where Rosanne Boyland was beaten unconscious as a woman cop broke her club over her back right before Rosanne was pronounced dead?
How about the videos of the cops letting people inside & high-fiving them?
There's also the videos of the other 2 unarmed protestors killed by the police "non-lethal" measures.

Or is this all fake news to the progbots?

When you try to violently overthrow the goverment, you're going to get hurt. The violent riots have no one to blame but themselves.

As for the rest of your bullshit, the whole world watched this, and it wasn't ANYTHING like you claimed.

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