and Libs wondered why we doubted the Arab Spring.

Then there are the fools who thought that democracy in Iraq and Afganistan would make them just like us and actually like us.

At least in those 2 cases, we attempted to give it a chance to work, Made them adopt a constitution, and had boots on the ground to try and prop it up and make it work.

This outcome in Egypt was predictable, and inevitable if you ask me. Mubarak was a scum bag, but he kept a lid on the fucking wacktards like Morsi and his bunch, and kept the peace with Israel.

Obama tried to point to Egypt and Libya both as proof his FP is working, now they both appear to be Proof that it's not. Our Power, and influence in the region is at an all time low, and frankly they simply do not take us seriously right now.

Don't kid yourself. The only countries we had a chance at democracy with was Iraq and Afghanistan.....a lot of progress was being made until obama screwed that up when he forced our soldiers to use ridiculous and dangerous ROE, publicly announced our timeline to leave those countries, took away most of our security in those countries so we could "train" Iraqi/Afghan soliders....and they kill us in the process, just to name a few. Egypt and Libya never took us seriously....all they wanted was to throw out a dictator they couldn't manipulate and have one put in that was sympathetic to their causes (muslim brotherhood). obama helped them to do it.

You need to turn off your radio.
Then there are the fools who thought that democracy in Iraq and Afganistan would make them just like us and actually like us.

At least in those 2 cases, we attempted to give it a chance to work, Made them adopt a constitution, and had boots on the ground to try and prop it up and make it work.

This outcome in Egypt was predictable, and inevitable if you ask me. Mubarak was a scum bag, but he kept a lid on the fucking wacktards like Morsi and his bunch, and kept the peace with Israel.

Obama tried to point to Egypt and Libya both as proof his FP is working, now they both appear to be Proof that it's not. Our Power, and influence in the region is at an all time low, and frankly they simply do not take us seriously right now.

Don't kid yourself. The only countries we had a chance at democracy with was Iraq and Afghanistan.....a lot of progress was being made until obama screwed that up when he forced our soldiers to use ridiculous and dangerous ROE, publicly announced our timeline to leave those countries, took away most of our security in those countries so we could "train" Iraqi/Afghan soliders....and they kill us in the process, just to name a few. Egypt and Libya never took us seriously....all they wanted was to throw out a dictator they couldn't manipulate and have one put in that was sympathetic to their causes (muslim brotherhood). obama helped them to do it.

I don't think there was any chance of democracy in Afghanistan. I don't think we should ever have put a boot on the ground there. We should have leveled the Taliban strongholds and let them know that if they ever allowed another attack on our nation to originate there that we'd be back to level the rest of the country.
Then there are the fools who thought that democracy in Iraq and Afganistan would make them just like us and actually like us.

At least in those 2 cases, we attempted to give it a chance to work, Made them adopt a constitution, and had boots on the ground to try and prop it up and make it work.

This outcome in Egypt was predictable, and inevitable if you ask me. Mubarak was a scum bag, but he kept a lid on the fucking wacktards like Morsi and his bunch, and kept the peace with Israel.

Obama tried to point to Egypt and Libya both as proof his FP is working, now they both appear to be Proof that it's not. Our Power, and influence in the region is at an all time low, and frankly they simply do not take us seriously right now.

So should we have sent troops into Egypt, Lybia, Syria...etc? Because that is what it would have taken.

Is Egyptian stability worth that price to you? And if it is, can you please quote yourself making the statement a year ago when it was taking place?
So the soon to be Dictator of Egypt was elected in a very close election, and guess what he just did, or is trying to do, make himself Dictator. He is now saying his Decrees have the weight of law, and are not subject to Judicial Review.

This is what happens when you try and characteristic a shame of an election in a country with no real Constitution as democracy.

In the middle east--citizens are used to dictators--they have never lived free--had the opportunity to speak their minds--much less vote. While we Americans and others feel that every place on earth should be governed democratically--maybe we should start to realize that maybe there are places on earth that are just not ready for that type of government--and it ends up in much more violence and death than just staying out of it.
They're learning....This is temporary, and he's learning lol...But thanks for the Pub gloom and doom, dupe.
Then there are the fools who thought that democracy in Iraq and Afganistan would make them just like us and actually like us.

At least in those 2 cases, we attempted to give it a chance to work, Made them adopt a constitution, and had boots on the ground to try and prop it up and make it work.

This outcome in Egypt was predictable, and inevitable if you ask me. Mubarak was a scum bag, but he kept a lid on the fucking wacktards like Morsi and his bunch, and kept the peace with Israel.

Obama tried to point to Egypt and Libya both as proof his FP is working, now they both appear to be Proof that it's not. Our Power, and influence in the region is at an all time low, and frankly they simply do not take us seriously right now.

Saddam did a good job of keeping the lid on wackos also, see how he was treated by a republican. The state of Iraqi politics is bad for freedom for women, but you say nothing.
Then there are the fools who thought that democracy in Iraq and Afganistan would make them just like us and actually like us.

At least in those 2 cases, we attempted to give it a chance to work, Made them adopt a constitution, and had boots on the ground to try and prop it up and make it work.

This outcome in Egypt was predictable, and inevitable if you ask me. Mubarak was a scum bag, but he kept a lid on the fucking wacktards like Morsi and his bunch, and kept the peace with Israel.

Obama tried to point to Egypt and Libya both as proof his FP is working, now they both appear to be Proof that it's not. Our Power, and influence in the region is at an all time low, and frankly they simply do not take us seriously right now.

Don't kid yourself. The only countries we had a chance at democracy with was Iraq and Afghanistan.....a lot of progress was being made until obama screwed that up when he forced our soldiers to use ridiculous and dangerous ROE, publicly announced our timeline to leave those countries, took away most of our security in those countries so we could "train" Iraqi/Afghan soliders....and they kill us in the process, just to name a few. Egypt and Libya never took us seriously....all they wanted was to throw out a dictator they couldn't manipulate and have one put in that was sympathetic to their causes (muslim brotherhood). obama helped them to do it.

The president does not make the ROE. The general in command does. As far as Kaddafi, I am sorry that Boosh's fav terrorist got overthrown.
Many doubted the American Revolution too. There were many defeats before eventual victory.

please name the time in the American Revolution when our newly elected President, decided he did not need any other branch of government to rule?

Egypt Traded a Secular Dictator, for a radical Islamic Dictator.


shit soon after the revolution we had another Mini outburst that almost lead to a second revolution. I really dont feel like looking up the rebellion right now.

I mean thats besides the point of Abraham suspending rights......
Many doubted the American Revolution too. There were many defeats before eventual victory.

please name the time in the American Revolution when our newly elected President, decided he did not need any other branch of government to rule?

Egypt Traded a Secular Dictator, for a radical Islamic Dictator.

What does that statement have to do with your question?

The Egyptians are now protesting against their new dictator. You should be applauding that, not trying to resurrect the old one. ALL dictators are bad.

Not trying to bring back Mubarak, I am just trying to point out the fallacy of the Obama admin Narrative that the Arab Spring was great news, and his smaller foot print FP is working.
please name the time in the American Revolution when our newly elected President, decided he did not need any other branch of government to rule?

Egypt Traded a Secular Dictator, for a radical Islamic Dictator.

What does that statement have to do with your question?

The Egyptians are now protesting against their new dictator. You should be applauding that, not trying to resurrect the old one. ALL dictators are bad.

Not trying to bring back Mubarak, I am just trying to point out the fallacy of the Obama admin Narrative that the Arab Spring was great news, and his smaller foot print FP is working.

Why can't it still be great news? The story isn't over yet. The Egyptians are back in the streets.
Many doubted the American Revolution too. There were many defeats before eventual victory.

please name the time in the American Revolution when our newly elected President, decided he did not need any other branch of government to rule?

Egypt Traded a Secular Dictator, for a radical Islamic Dictator.


Is this a trick question? There was no president during the American Revolution nor was there one when our first federal government came to be. No federal courts either.

Egypt has no Constitution yet. That I think is what this fight is all about. Who gets to decide what is in their constitution.
we were better off with Mubarak. He was an SOB we got along with.

A far as the fellaheen go, they will be in worse shape- I think you'll find the economy will worsen if they go full Sharia, tourism accounts for over 10% of their GDP and considering their underground economy you can probably add another 3-4% in real terms as well. Those Ritzy resorts along Sharm El Sheikh etc. serve plenty of alcohol and the poolside is surrounded by skin.....;) We'll see how that would hold up.
#32-That and the Supreme Court is all Mubarak, and they refuse to try anyone from that era...
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The UN (and the Hussein administration) supported the muslem takeover in Egypt and the use of the military to pave the way for the muslem brotherhood in Libya and what did we get for it? Riots and the murder of a US Ambassador. Obama's foreign policy is so incoherent that it looks like it was made up by a former community activist.
The UN (and the Hussein administration) supported the muslem takeover in Egypt and the use of the military to pave the way for the muslem brotherhood in Libya and what did we get for it? Riots and the murder of a US Ambassador. Obama's foreign policy is so incoherent that it looks like it was made up by a former community activist.

Hussein was executed and did not support anything in the Arab Spring.
Morsi is backing up, Libya was a tragedy- they're learning. It would be easier without the Pub World Depression, idiotic videos, and RW demagogues EVERYWHERE LOL.
Then there are the fools who thought that democracy in Iraq and Afganistan would make them just like us and actually like us.

there big problem is that we have a Republic, not a Democracy. Don't tell TM:)
So the soon to be Dictator of Egypt was elected in a very close election, and guess what he just did, or is trying to do, make himself Dictator. He is now saying his Decrees have the weight of law, and are not subject to Judicial Review.

This is what happens when you try and characteristic a shame of an election in a country with no real Constitution as democracy.

Egyptian president Morsi just brokered a truce between Hamas and Israel, preventing a wider war with a greater loss of life that likely would have insured that any future peace accord would have been delayed for years.

But thanks for looking on the dark side of current events just the same.

Yeah. That Truce is going to last lol
So the soon to be Dictator of Egypt was elected in a very close election, and guess what he just did, or is trying to do, make himself Dictator. He is now saying his Decrees have the weight of law, and are not subject to Judicial Review.

This is what happens when you try and characteristic a shame of an election in a country with no real Constitution as democracy.

Egyptian president Morsi just brokered a truce between Hamas and Israel, preventing a wider war with a greater loss of life that likely would have insured that any future peace accord would have been delayed for years.

But thanks for looking on the dark side of current events just the same.

Yeah. That Truce is going to last lol

I figured if it got past 24 hours, that would be an amazing sign. How long HAS it been now?

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