And now, for the rest of the story.....


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Ahmed's Dad just happens to love the limelight, having run for President of Sudan, not once but twice. Also he was the guy who stepped up to defend the Koran when Rev Jones publicly condemned and burned the book in 2012. He knew full well what would happen when his kid took the suitcase clock to school. And apparently our brilliant young Ahmed who designed the clock didn't know that the alarm was going to go off in the middle of class which started the hub bub.
And finally to my amazement all of you Liberals including Obama and Hillary are bomb experts and can immediately recognize the difference between an explosive timer circuit and a clock! Wow you guys are smart! My degree is in Electrical Engineering and I can tell you it isn't missing much from being capable of making a block of C4 go BOOOOM. If it can make an alarm go off, then it can set off an electronic detonator. The scariest thing is now every domestic terrorist in the US, whatever color he is, is thinking "Cool! I can get some kid to take my bomb into a classroom and no one will challenge him." Of course things are going to be great for Ahmed and I'm happy for him. A WH visit, and he is a shoo in for an MIT scholarship when the time comes, and the lawsuit ought to bring a tidy settlement sum for the family. Well worth a couple hours in custody, eh? Ah the wonderful world of Liberalism.
Ahmed's Dad just happens to love the limelight, having run for President of Sudan, not once but twice. Also he was the guy who stepped up to defend the Koran when Rev Jones publicly condemned and burned the book in 2012. He knew full well what would happen when his kid took the suitcase clock to school. And apparently our brilliant young Ahmed who designed the clock didn't know that the alarm was going to go off in the middle of class which started the hub bub.
And finally to my amazement all of you Liberals including Obama and Hillary are bomb experts and can immediately recognize the difference between an explosive timer circuit and a clock! Wow you guys are smart! My degree is in Electrical Engineering and I can tell you it isn't missing much from being capable of making a block of C4 go BOOOOM. If it can make an alarm go off, then it can set off an electronic detonator. The scariest thing is now every domestic terrorist in the US, whatever color he is, is thinking "Cool! I can get some kid to take my bomb into a classroom and no one will challenge him." Of course things are going to be great for Ahmed and I'm happy for him. A WH visit, and he is a shoo in for an MIT scholarship when the time comes, and the lawsuit ought to bring a tidy settlement sum for the family. Well worth a couple hours in custody, eh? Ah the wonderful world of Liberalism.

Irving resident makes his second bid for election as President of Sudan

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