And now you know why I always called them the lawless ones.

the lawless -

Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not learn from our history (thus those dead sea scrolls commentary). Today we see the socialist needing to whitewash history so they can report their own fake news rendition (own new narrative) like they recreate what's happening in radical protest rioting cities. The Roman rewrite= NT,
created an "IMAGE OF A MAN" -one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
Cherub=guardian[Nazarene in Hebrew]
Read the Whole chapter.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not
-one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle ...
all three desert religions are corrupt and for one from another to criticize the others is no different than assuming a selective qualified seating arrangement on the titanic's maiden voyage.
I'm sorry, did they not turn the barren desert and through this ethos and as stated in scripture, made the land fruitful and abundant?
The Bible says of our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.
We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

To keep peace you borrow the methods of
King Solomon who married into each kingdom.
Our civilization took ideas of councils, ideas of checks and balances, ideas of laws and justice and making ammends (Teshuva).
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precepts
Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
the consequences are not attributed to the desert religions but inspire of their acquiescence. for the record. recorded history.

what is your point - are you being delusional that somehow you are any different than the roman empire ... your legacy in the middle east.

and by reading your book of forgeries and fallacies is your empowerment rather than from correcting the errors for both.

View attachment 367546

As of 2013, approximately half a million Israelis did not have access to proper sewage infrastructure and waste disposal. In other areas, rapid improvements in the standard of living has resulted in a 4-5% annual increase in solid waste, with the average quantity reaching approximately 11,300 tons per year.

stewards of Garden Earth - think again ... havshev
One man’s poison or waste is another man’s gold... Besides all types of waste are being Broken down and recycled and in the future these places where waste is placed will be mined for their resources.. The wood, plastics, rubber etc etc will be separated and turned into other more valuable items.. Your quotation did not say how much of that waste was being recycled. Israel is at the forefront of using what little resources they have in a very efficient and clever manner I find it suspicious that no mention is made of how they deal with the waste and you only bring it up in a negative manner... There are always two sides to a story ...
The Irony is he had no idea that he's talking to the 1 person who has the solution to all major city's waste disposal problems. *L*
Yes it is humorous ... I know you have been in the forefront over the years and have shared some of your ideas with me....I have seen some incredible technology dealing with waste such as tires where the rubber is reused on children’s playgrounds or burned in the process of making concrete and the steel fibres used in the pouring of cement to increase its strength...I have seen waste wood turned into sawdust and reprocessed into pressboard so that trees don’t have to be cut down to produce plywood...The list is endless esp plastics being recycled back to oil which is then used in a variety of ways.. I know the Israelishave come up with a variety of ways to help other nations and I am sure waste is one of them or will be if Israel feels they must make an effort in this way...
View attachment 368641
View attachment 368642 still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
- still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
the humanitarian jewish state -

View attachment 369079

giving them their discards for a swing set their children may play on, blessed be the providers.
As I stated before one mans poison is another’s gold...The discarded rubber tires can also be used to create a bouncy safe surface instead of rock or gravel or concrete that can keep the children safe from harming themselves or others... However the tires can also be used as necklaces to burn people like they were in areas such as South Africa or set on fire like the Palestinians can do to disrupt other people’s lives who just want to live life and provide for their families.... There is always a two edged sword.... Bitter recentfull vindictive and angry people ... Notice I did not use the word evil but it does truly apply can take the same products and turn them into weapons and harmful objects... There is no end to the evil they can do because their minds are turned that way... Hence you shall know THEM by their fruits....In other words by their actions and deeds...Israel is not perfect but it tries to give freely as much as it can can the same be said for others....
the lawless -

Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not learn from our history (thus those dead sea scrolls commentary). Today we see the socialist needing to whitewash history so they can report their own fake news rendition (own new narrative) like they recreate what's happening in radical protest rioting cities. The Roman rewrite= NT,
created an "IMAGE OF A MAN" -one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
Cherub=guardian[Nazarene in Hebrew]
Read the Whole chapter.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not
-one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle ...
all three desert religions are corrupt and for one from another to criticize the others is no different than assuming a selective qualified seating arrangement on the titanic's maiden voyage.
I'm sorry, did they not turn the barren desert and through this ethos and as stated in scripture, made the land fruitful and abundant?
The Bible says of our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.
We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

To keep peace you borrow the methods of
King Solomon who married into each kingdom.
Our civilization took ideas of councils, ideas of checks and balances, ideas of laws and justice and making ammends (Teshuva).
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precepts
Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
the consequences are not attributed to the desert religions but inspire of their acquiescence. for the record. recorded history.

what is your point - are you being delusional that somehow you are any different than the roman empire ... your legacy in the middle east.

and by reading your book of forgeries and fallacies is your empowerment rather than from correcting the errors for both.

View attachment 367546

As of 2013, approximately half a million Israelis did not have access to proper sewage infrastructure and waste disposal. In other areas, rapid improvements in the standard of living has resulted in a 4-5% annual increase in solid waste, with the average quantity reaching approximately 11,300 tons per year.

stewards of Garden Earth - think again ... havshev
One man’s poison or waste is another man’s gold... Besides all types of waste are being Broken down and recycled and in the future these places where waste is placed will be mined for their resources.. The wood, plastics, rubber etc etc will be separated and turned into other more valuable items.. Your quotation did not say how much of that waste was being recycled. Israel is at the forefront of using what little resources they have in a very efficient and clever manner I find it suspicious that no mention is made of how they deal with the waste and you only bring it up in a negative manner... There are always two sides to a story ...
The Irony is he had no idea that he's talking to the 1 person who has the solution to all major city's waste disposal problems. *L*
Yes it is humorous ... I know you have been in the forefront over the years and have shared some of your ideas with me....I have seen some incredible technology dealing with waste such as tires where the rubber is reused on children’s playgrounds or burned in the process of making concrete and the steel fibres used in the pouring of cement to increase its strength...I have seen waste wood turned into sawdust and reprocessed into pressboard so that trees don’t have to be cut down to produce plywood...The list is endless esp plastics being recycled back to oil which is then used in a variety of ways.. I know the Israelishave come up with a variety of ways to help other nations and I am sure waste is one of them or will be if Israel feels they must make an effort in this way...
View attachment 368641
View attachment 368642 still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
- still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
the humanitarian jewish state -

View attachment 369079

giving them their discards for a swing set their children may play on, blessed be the providers.
So you admit when terrorists hide behind social activism and use citizens as shield it's wrong otherwise your pictures of rocket manufacturer bldgs and launch areas for sake of propaganda serves you as good as pictures of combayah moms in front of terrorized Portland.
By the way the war torn area the playground was for was Afghanistan, there's a whole list of benefits to the communities, that your angry mind could never ponder.
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
the lawless -

Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not learn from our history (thus those dead sea scrolls commentary). Today we see the socialist needing to whitewash history so they can report their own fake news rendition (own new narrative) like they recreate what's happening in radical protest rioting cities. The Roman rewrite= NT,
created an "IMAGE OF A MAN" -one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
Cherub=guardian[Nazarene in Hebrew]
Read the Whole chapter.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not
-one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle ...
all three desert religions are corrupt and for one from another to criticize the others is no different than assuming a selective qualified seating arrangement on the titanic's maiden voyage.
I'm sorry, did they not turn the barren desert and through this ethos and as stated in scripture, made the land fruitful and abundant?
The Bible says of our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.
We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

To keep peace you borrow the methods of
King Solomon who married into each kingdom.
Our civilization took ideas of councils, ideas of checks and balances, ideas of laws and justice and making ammends (Teshuva).
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precepts
Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
the consequences are not attributed to the desert religions but inspire of their acquiescence. for the record. recorded history.

what is your point - are you being delusional that somehow you are any different than the roman empire ... your legacy in the middle east.

and by reading your book of forgeries and fallacies is your empowerment rather than from correcting the errors for both.

View attachment 367546

As of 2013, approximately half a million Israelis did not have access to proper sewage infrastructure and waste disposal. In other areas, rapid improvements in the standard of living has resulted in a 4-5% annual increase in solid waste, with the average quantity reaching approximately 11,300 tons per year.

stewards of Garden Earth - think again ... havshev
One man’s poison or waste is another man’s gold... Besides all types of waste are being Broken down and recycled and in the future these places where waste is placed will be mined for their resources.. The wood, plastics, rubber etc etc will be separated and turned into other more valuable items.. Your quotation did not say how much of that waste was being recycled. Israel is at the forefront of using what little resources they have in a very efficient and clever manner I find it suspicious that no mention is made of how they deal with the waste and you only bring it up in a negative manner... There are always two sides to a story ...
The Irony is he had no idea that he's talking to the 1 person who has the solution to all major city's waste disposal problems. *L*
Yes it is humorous ... I know you have been in the forefront over the years and have shared some of your ideas with me....I have seen some incredible technology dealing with waste such as tires where the rubber is reused on children’s playgrounds or burned in the process of making concrete and the steel fibres used in the pouring of cement to increase its strength...I have seen waste wood turned into sawdust and reprocessed into pressboard so that trees don’t have to be cut down to produce plywood...The list is endless esp plastics being recycled back to oil which is then used in a variety of ways.. I know the Israelishave come up with a variety of ways to help other nations and I am sure waste is one of them or will be if Israel feels they must make an effort in this way...
View attachment 368641
View attachment 368642 still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
- still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
the humanitarian jewish state -

View attachment 369079

giving them their discards for a swing set their children may play on, blessed be the providers.
So you admit when terrorists hide behind social activism and use citizens as shield it's wrong otherwise your pictures of rocket manufacturer bldgs and launch areas for sake of propaganda serves you as good as pictures of combayah moms in front of terrorized Portland.
By the way the war torn area the playground was for was Afghanistan, there's a whole list of benefits to the communities, that your angry mind could never ponder.
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
how innocent, thinking of others - shimone.


that's what they are doing, n y jews their concern for others so obvious - remindful those times prior where they are so unjustly turned on - the criminals throughout history, immemorial for so long as they have just kept to themselves, irreproachable. so sad.
Note: Israel does not target civilians, Hamas and Hezbollah does, but civilian casualties will be inevitable when people hide behind them and they are allowed to by those civilians.
Once again a problem of terrorists hiding behind social activism makes people support evil things, and vote leaders in that are radical, but attractive because they give freebies out with those "activist" donations. Sound familiar? It's the very thing that which Breeze will not discuss, therefore the deflective smokescreening.
Once again context is Israel does not target civilians, on the other hand Breeze has no trouble with rioters targeting innocent people including those suuposedly supporting the same cause and of the minority group they pretend to be fighting rights for.-go figure, they see what's wrong, but deflect it when it's in house.
Other hypocracies: in requesting obolishment of Police brutality they took over policing themselves and beat the hell out of thieves and criminals including killing people. Didn't take long to become that which they hate.
Now I said for years, (it's on a teachable video for community leaders to use) what a MN reporter just stated: "the protesting made MN worse"
"The businesses never came back, don't intend to, and others closed up and are leaving, new businesses decided to scratch MN intentions, insurance rates are helping other closures=less hobs, less conveniences, less investment qnd tax dollars, less R.E. values, higher car insurance and gas pump prices, less protection, more crime, soon to be a depressed area from a thriving respected city to a stain in American history. Bravo!
I once again, told you so, again.
the lawless -

Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not learn from our history (thus those dead sea scrolls commentary). Today we see the socialist needing to whitewash history so they can report their own fake news rendition (own new narrative) like they recreate what's happening in radical protest rioting cities. The Roman rewrite= NT,
created an "IMAGE OF A MAN" -one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
Cherub=guardian[Nazarene in Hebrew]
Read the Whole chapter.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not
-one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle ...
all three desert religions are corrupt and for one from another to criticize the others is no different than assuming a selective qualified seating arrangement on the titanic's maiden voyage.
I'm sorry, did they not turn the barren desert and through this ethos and as stated in scripture, made the land fruitful and abundant?
The Bible says of our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.
We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

To keep peace you borrow the methods of
King Solomon who married into each kingdom.
Our civilization took ideas of councils, ideas of checks and balances, ideas of laws and justice and making ammends (Teshuva).
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precepts
Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
the consequences are not attributed to the desert religions but inspire of their acquiescence. for the record. recorded history.

what is your point - are you being delusional that somehow you are any different than the roman empire ... your legacy in the middle east.

and by reading your book of forgeries and fallacies is your empowerment rather than from correcting the errors for both.

View attachment 367546

As of 2013, approximately half a million Israelis did not have access to proper sewage infrastructure and waste disposal. In other areas, rapid improvements in the standard of living has resulted in a 4-5% annual increase in solid waste, with the average quantity reaching approximately 11,300 tons per year.

stewards of Garden Earth - think again ... havshev
One man’s poison or waste is another man’s gold... Besides all types of waste are being Broken down and recycled and in the future these places where waste is placed will be mined for their resources.. The wood, plastics, rubber etc etc will be separated and turned into other more valuable items.. Your quotation did not say how much of that waste was being recycled. Israel is at the forefront of using what little resources they have in a very efficient and clever manner I find it suspicious that no mention is made of how they deal with the waste and you only bring it up in a negative manner... There are always two sides to a story ...
The Irony is he had no idea that he's talking to the 1 person who has the solution to all major city's waste disposal problems. *L*
Yes it is humorous ... I know you have been in the forefront over the years and have shared some of your ideas with me....I have seen some incredible technology dealing with waste such as tires where the rubber is reused on children’s playgrounds or burned in the process of making concrete and the steel fibres used in the pouring of cement to increase its strength...I have seen waste wood turned into sawdust and reprocessed into pressboard so that trees don’t have to be cut down to produce plywood...The list is endless esp plastics being recycled back to oil which is then used in a variety of ways.. I know the Israelishave come up with a variety of ways to help other nations and I am sure waste is one of them or will be if Israel feels they must make an effort in this way...
View attachment 368641
View attachment 368642 still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
- still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
the humanitarian jewish state -

View attachment 369079

giving them their discards for a swing set their children may play on, blessed be the providers.
So you admit when terrorists hide behind social activism and use citizens as shield it's wrong otherwise your pictures of rocket manufacturer bldgs and launch areas for sake of propaganda serves you as good as pictures of combayah moms in front of terrorized Portland.
By the way the war torn area the playground was for was Afghanistan, there's a whole list of benefits to the communities, that your angry mind could never ponder.
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
how innocent, thinking of others - shimone.

View attachment 369317

that's what they are doing, n y jews their concern for others so obvious - remindful those times prior where they are so unjustly turned on - the criminals throughout history, immemorial for so long as they have just kept to themselves, irreproachable. so sad.
Let me get this straight Breezewood the greater New York area has upwards of roughly two million Jews and you put up a picture of a sect of Judaism that although is extremely visible by the way they dress outwardly make up only a small portion of this population... Then you make some rather general statement and brushstroke the whole group with it...Talk about steriotyping no wonder you are so full of hatred and your bigotry is showing through for all of us to see...By the way thanks for showing us all your true colours and taking us off the topic at hand you are a true propagandist in the same vein as a goebels hope you are proud of yourself...
the lawless -

Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not learn from our history (thus those dead sea scrolls commentary). Today we see the socialist needing to whitewash history so they can report their own fake news rendition (own new narrative) like they recreate what's happening in radical protest rioting cities. The Roman rewrite= NT,
created an "IMAGE OF A MAN" -one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
Cherub=guardian[Nazarene in Hebrew]
Read the Whole chapter.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not
-one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle ...
all three desert religions are corrupt and for one from another to criticize the others is no different than assuming a selective qualified seating arrangement on the titanic's maiden voyage.
I'm sorry, did they not turn the barren desert and through this ethos and as stated in scripture, made the land fruitful and abundant?
The Bible says of our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.
We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

To keep peace you borrow the methods of
King Solomon who married into each kingdom.
Our civilization took ideas of councils, ideas of checks and balances, ideas of laws and justice and making ammends (Teshuva).
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precepts
Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
the consequences are not attributed to the desert religions but inspire of their acquiescence. for the record. recorded history.

what is your point - are you being delusional that somehow you are any different than the roman empire ... your legacy in the middle east.

and by reading your book of forgeries and fallacies is your empowerment rather than from correcting the errors for both.

View attachment 367546

As of 2013, approximately half a million Israelis did not have access to proper sewage infrastructure and waste disposal. In other areas, rapid improvements in the standard of living has resulted in a 4-5% annual increase in solid waste, with the average quantity reaching approximately 11,300 tons per year.

stewards of Garden Earth - think again ... havshev
One man’s poison or waste is another man’s gold... Besides all types of waste are being Broken down and recycled and in the future these places where waste is placed will be mined for their resources.. The wood, plastics, rubber etc etc will be separated and turned into other more valuable items.. Your quotation did not say how much of that waste was being recycled. Israel is at the forefront of using what little resources they have in a very efficient and clever manner I find it suspicious that no mention is made of how they deal with the waste and you only bring it up in a negative manner... There are always two sides to a story ...
The Irony is he had no idea that he's talking to the 1 person who has the solution to all major city's waste disposal problems. *L*
Yes it is humorous ... I know you have been in the forefront over the years and have shared some of your ideas with me....I have seen some incredible technology dealing with waste such as tires where the rubber is reused on children’s playgrounds or burned in the process of making concrete and the steel fibres used in the pouring of cement to increase its strength...I have seen waste wood turned into sawdust and reprocessed into pressboard so that trees don’t have to be cut down to produce plywood...The list is endless esp plastics being recycled back to oil which is then used in a variety of ways.. I know the Israelishave come up with a variety of ways to help other nations and I am sure waste is one of them or will be if Israel feels they must make an effort in this way...
View attachment 368641
View attachment 368642 still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
- still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
the humanitarian jewish state -

View attachment 369079

giving them their discards for a swing set their children may play on, blessed be the providers.
So you admit when terrorists hide behind social activism and use citizens as shield it's wrong otherwise your pictures of rocket manufacturer bldgs and launch areas for sake of propaganda serves you as good as pictures of combayah moms in front of terrorized Portland.
By the way the war torn area the playground was for was Afghanistan, there's a whole list of benefits to the communities, that your angry mind could never ponder.
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
how innocent, thinking of others - shimone.

View attachment 369317

that's what they are doing, n y jews their concern for others so obvious - remindful those times prior where they are so unjustly turned on - the criminals throughout history, immemorial for so long as they have just kept to themselves, irreproachable. so sad.
Let me get this straight Breezewood the greater New York area has upwards of roughly two million Jews and you put up a picture of a sect of Judaism that although is extremely visible by the way they dress outwardly make up only a small portion of this population... Then you make some rather general statement and brushstroke the whole group with it...Talk about steriotyping no wonder you are so full of hatred and your bigotry is showing through for all of us to see...By the way thanks for showing us all your true colours and taking us off the topic at hand you are a true propagandist in the same vein as a goebels hope you are proud of yourself...
Then you make some rather general statement and brushstroke the whole group with it...Talk about steriotyping no wonder you are so full of hatred and your bigotry is showing through for all of us to see...
And now you know why I always called them the lawless ones.

who's them shimoni ... sorry, not everyone is impressed with the jews or your religious state in the middle east too bad you returned no different than when you left.

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
denial of the photo is nothing new nor uninterrupted throughout history by any of the desert religions their subliminal persuasions.

there is no fruition for your claim to be a religion from antiquity - books of forgeries and fallacies the same as the other two - denial of Garden Earth for their particular selfish ambitions. antithetical to beings in solitude.
the lawless -

Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not learn from our history (thus those dead sea scrolls commentary). Today we see the socialist needing to whitewash history so they can report their own fake news rendition (own new narrative) like they recreate what's happening in radical protest rioting cities. The Roman rewrite= NT,
created an "IMAGE OF A MAN" -one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
Cherub=guardian[Nazarene in Hebrew]
Read the Whole chapter.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not
-one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle ...
all three desert religions are corrupt and for one from another to criticize the others is no different than assuming a selective qualified seating arrangement on the titanic's maiden voyage.
I'm sorry, did they not turn the barren desert and through this ethos and as stated in scripture, made the land fruitful and abundant?
The Bible says of our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.
We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

To keep peace you borrow the methods of
King Solomon who married into each kingdom.
Our civilization took ideas of councils, ideas of checks and balances, ideas of laws and justice and making ammends (Teshuva).
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precepts
Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
the consequences are not attributed to the desert religions but inspire of their acquiescence. for the record. recorded history.

what is your point - are you being delusional that somehow you are any different than the roman empire ... your legacy in the middle east.

and by reading your book of forgeries and fallacies is your empowerment rather than from correcting the errors for both.

View attachment 367546

As of 2013, approximately half a million Israelis did not have access to proper sewage infrastructure and waste disposal. In other areas, rapid improvements in the standard of living has resulted in a 4-5% annual increase in solid waste, with the average quantity reaching approximately 11,300 tons per year.

stewards of Garden Earth - think again ... havshev
One man’s poison or waste is another man’s gold... Besides all types of waste are being Broken down and recycled and in the future these places where waste is placed will be mined for their resources.. The wood, plastics, rubber etc etc will be separated and turned into other more valuable items.. Your quotation did not say how much of that waste was being recycled. Israel is at the forefront of using what little resources they have in a very efficient and clever manner I find it suspicious that no mention is made of how they deal with the waste and you only bring it up in a negative manner... There are always two sides to a story ...
The Irony is he had no idea that he's talking to the 1 person who has the solution to all major city's waste disposal problems. *L*
Yes it is humorous ... I know you have been in the forefront over the years and have shared some of your ideas with me....I have seen some incredible technology dealing with waste such as tires where the rubber is reused on children’s playgrounds or burned in the process of making concrete and the steel fibres used in the pouring of cement to increase its strength...I have seen waste wood turned into sawdust and reprocessed into pressboard so that trees don’t have to be cut down to produce plywood...The list is endless esp plastics being recycled back to oil which is then used in a variety of ways.. I know the Israelishave come up with a variety of ways to help other nations and I am sure waste is one of them or will be if Israel feels they must make an effort in this way...
View attachment 368641
View attachment 368642 still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
- still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
the humanitarian jewish state -

View attachment 369079

giving them their discards for a swing set their children may play on, blessed be the providers.
So you admit when terrorists hide behind social activism and use citizens as shield it's wrong otherwise your pictures of rocket manufacturer bldgs and launch areas for sake of propaganda serves you as good as pictures of combayah moms in front of terrorized Portland.
By the way the war torn area the playground was for was Afghanistan, there's a whole list of benefits to the communities, that your angry mind could never ponder.
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
how innocent, thinking of others - shimone.

View attachment 369317

that's what they are doing, n y jews their concern for others so obvious - remindful those times prior where they are so unjustly turned on - the criminals throughout history, immemorial for so long as they have just kept to themselves, irreproachable. so sad.
Let me get this straight Breezewood the greater New York area has upwards of roughly two million Jews and you put up a picture of a sect of Judaism that although is extremely visible by the way they dress outwardly make up only a small portion of this population... Then you make some rather general statement and brushstroke the whole group with it...Talk about steriotyping no wonder you are so full of hatred and your bigotry is showing through for all of us to see...By the way thanks for showing us all your true colours and taking us off the topic at hand you are a true propagandist in the same vein as a goebels hope you are proud of yourself...
Then you make some rather general statement and brushstroke the whole group with it...Talk about steriotyping no wonder you are so full of hatred and your bigotry is showing through for all of us to see...
And now you know why I always called them the lawless ones.

who's them shimoni ... sorry, not everyone is impressed with the jews or your religious state in the middle east too bad you returned no different than when you left.

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
denial of the photo is nothing new nor uninterrupted throughout history by any of the desert religions their subliminal persuasions.

there is no fruition for your claim to be a religion from antiquity - books of forgeries and fallacies the same as the other two - denial of Garden Earth for their particular selfish ambitions. antithetical to beings in solitude.
Breezewood I have noticed something about you and you seem to have a problem with looking at or grasping one idea.Youlove to paint everything With the same brush.....I will give you an example you took what I said and you took what Michael said and you placed it on me and directed your question at me... They were two different responses and two different people yet you focussed on me and threw everything in my direction... You seem to do the same thing with and I quote” the desert religions” and you have done that with your little pictures that do not tell a thousand words because you didn’t start the story at the beginning you started it at the end which is silly and ludicrous...You are selling propaganda even though you claim “ the desert religions” are...Quite frankly I really don’t care if some people are not impressed with what Israel has accomplished... It is supposed to be a ” light” to other nations showing them a way to improve themselves and better their own people.... It is not perfect and sometimes it’s light is not so bright but it is adapting , overcoming and showing others that they too can leap forward to improve themselves even with their flaws... That is what you dont get every person mentioned in the Jewish scriptures was flawed they were human with all their frailties and yet they lived their lives as best they could under each different and difficult circumstance.. They were human beings just like we are today and yet they lived, loved and did what they did... They are lessons there to teach us How we should conduct ourselves and behave and try to emulate flaws and all...
the lawless -

Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not learn from our history (thus those dead sea scrolls commentary). Today we see the socialist needing to whitewash history so they can report their own fake news rendition (own new narrative) like they recreate what's happening in radical protest rioting cities. The Roman rewrite= NT,
created an "IMAGE OF A MAN" -one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
Cherub=guardian[Nazarene in Hebrew]
Read the Whole chapter.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not
-one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle ...
all three desert religions are corrupt and for one from another to criticize the others is no different than assuming a selective qualified seating arrangement on the titanic's maiden voyage.
I'm sorry, did they not turn the barren desert and through this ethos and as stated in scripture, made the land fruitful and abundant?
The Bible says of our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.
We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

To keep peace you borrow the methods of
King Solomon who married into each kingdom.
Our civilization took ideas of councils, ideas of checks and balances, ideas of laws and justice and making ammends (Teshuva).
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precepts
Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
the consequences are not attributed to the desert religions but inspire of their acquiescence. for the record. recorded history.

what is your point - are you being delusional that somehow you are any different than the roman empire ... your legacy in the middle east.

and by reading your book of forgeries and fallacies is your empowerment rather than from correcting the errors for both.

View attachment 367546

As of 2013, approximately half a million Israelis did not have access to proper sewage infrastructure and waste disposal. In other areas, rapid improvements in the standard of living has resulted in a 4-5% annual increase in solid waste, with the average quantity reaching approximately 11,300 tons per year.

stewards of Garden Earth - think again ... havshev
One man’s poison or waste is another man’s gold... Besides all types of waste are being Broken down and recycled and in the future these places where waste is placed will be mined for their resources.. The wood, plastics, rubber etc etc will be separated and turned into other more valuable items.. Your quotation did not say how much of that waste was being recycled. Israel is at the forefront of using what little resources they have in a very efficient and clever manner I find it suspicious that no mention is made of how they deal with the waste and you only bring it up in a negative manner... There are always two sides to a story ...
The Irony is he had no idea that he's talking to the 1 person who has the solution to all major city's waste disposal problems. *L*
Yes it is humorous ... I know you have been in the forefront over the years and have shared some of your ideas with me....I have seen some incredible technology dealing with waste such as tires where the rubber is reused on children’s playgrounds or burned in the process of making concrete and the steel fibres used in the pouring of cement to increase its strength...I have seen waste wood turned into sawdust and reprocessed into pressboard so that trees don’t have to be cut down to produce plywood...The list is endless esp plastics being recycled back to oil which is then used in a variety of ways.. I know the Israelishave come up with a variety of ways to help other nations and I am sure waste is one of them or will be if Israel feels they must make an effort in this way...
View attachment 368641
View attachment 368642 still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
- still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
the humanitarian jewish state -

View attachment 369079

giving them their discards for a swing set their children may play on, blessed be the providers.
So you admit when terrorists hide behind social activism and use citizens as shield it's wrong otherwise your pictures of rocket manufacturer bldgs and launch areas for sake of propaganda serves you as good as pictures of combayah moms in front of terrorized Portland.
By the way the war torn area the playground was for was Afghanistan, there's a whole list of benefits to the communities, that your angry mind could never ponder.
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
how innocent, thinking of others - shimone.

View attachment 369317

that's what they are doing, n y jews their concern for others so obvious - remindful those times prior where they are so unjustly turned on - the criminals throughout history, immemorial for so long as they have just kept to themselves, irreproachable. so sad.
Let me get this straight Breezewood the greater New York area has upwards of roughly two million Jews and you put up a picture of a sect of Judaism that although is extremely visible by the way they dress outwardly make up only a small portion of this population... Then you make some rather general statement and brushstroke the whole group with it...Talk about steriotyping no wonder you are so full of hatred and your bigotry is showing through for all of us to see...By the way thanks for showing us all your true colours and taking us off the topic at hand you are a true propagandist in the same vein as a goebels hope you are proud of yourself...
Then you make some rather general statement and brushstroke the whole group with it...Talk about steriotyping no wonder you are so full of hatred and your bigotry is showing through for all of us to see...
And now you know why I always called them the lawless ones.

who's them shimoni ... sorry, not everyone is impressed with the jews or your religious state in the middle east too bad you returned no different than when you left.

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
denial of the photo is nothing new nor uninterrupted throughout history by any of the desert religions their subliminal persuasions.

there is no fruition for your claim to be a religion from antiquity - books of forgeries and fallacies the same as the other two - denial of Garden Earth for their particular selfish ambitions. antithetical to beings in solitude.
Breezewood I have noticed something about you and you seem to have a problem with looking at or grasping one idea.Youlove to paint everything With the same brush.....I will give you an example you took what I said and you took what Michael said and you placed it on me and directed your question at me... They were two different responses and two different people yet you focussed on me and threw everything in my direction... You seem to do the same thing with and I quote” the desert religions” and you have done that with your little pictures that do not tell a thousand words because you didn’t start the story at the beginning you started it at the end which is silly and ludicrous...You are selling propaganda even though you claim “ the desert religions” are...Quite frankly I really don’t care if some people are not impressed with what Israel has accomplished... It is supposed to be a ” light” to other nations showing them a way to improve themselves and better their own people.... It is not perfect and sometimes it’s light is not so bright but it is adapting , overcoming and showing others that they too can leap forward to improve themselves even with their flaws... That is what you dont get every person mentioned in the Jewish scriptures was flawed they were human with all their frailties and yet they lived their lives as best they could under each different and difficult circumstance.. They were human beings just like we are today and yet they lived, loved and did what they did... They are lessons there to teach us How we should conduct ourselves and behave and try to emulate flaws and all...
They were two different responses and two different people yet you focussed on me and threw everything in my direction...
there are no illusions distinct for jews any more than those of the other desert religions they all three have abandoned the religion of antiquity prescribed by the Almighty, it is the two of you that there is no difference in whose response is given.

They are lessons there to teach us How we should conduct ourselves and behave and try to emulate flaws and all...
the untimely death of the religious itinerant, the 1st century a lesson yet told - your books are dead and have been for centuries you too saw that in the caption yet they remain as they have always been.
the lawless -

Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precept of stable functioning balance of responsibility and accountability with those pleasures thus weighing out what's good and bad to make right(righteous) choices.
The Dead Sea Scrolls shows us at this time of knowledge being spread that the battle, as in the ages of old, will be of Light (meaning Knowledge and Truth) VS Darkness (meaning ignorance, lies, and folly).

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not learn from our history (thus those dead sea scrolls commentary). Today we see the socialist needing to whitewash history so they can report their own fake news rendition (own new narrative) like they recreate what's happening in radical protest rioting cities. The Roman rewrite= NT,
created an "IMAGE OF A MAN" -one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
Cherub=guardian[Nazarene in Hebrew]
Read the Whole chapter.
In their recording records of sucessions of Kings, High Priests, Rabbis they meticulously recorded history as is dirty laundry and all, so by not whitewashing history we learn where we progressed from and where we did not
-one whitewashed and made perfect and they called that image the anointed (Christ)
there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle ...
all three desert religions are corrupt and for one from another to criticize the others is no different than assuming a selective qualified seating arrangement on the titanic's maiden voyage.
I'm sorry, did they not turn the barren desert and through this ethos and as stated in scripture, made the land fruitful and abundant?
The Bible says of our time now:
Give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.
We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

To keep peace you borrow the methods of
King Solomon who married into each kingdom.
Our civilization took ideas of councils, ideas of checks and balances, ideas of laws and justice and making ammends (Teshuva).
Rome's do whatever feels good without consequences vs a Judaic precepts
Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations and our water restricted irrigation ideas.
the consequences are not attributed to the desert religions but inspire of their acquiescence. for the record. recorded history.

what is your point - are you being delusional that somehow you are any different than the roman empire ... your legacy in the middle east.

and by reading your book of forgeries and fallacies is your empowerment rather than from correcting the errors for both.

View attachment 367546

As of 2013, approximately half a million Israelis did not have access to proper sewage infrastructure and waste disposal. In other areas, rapid improvements in the standard of living has resulted in a 4-5% annual increase in solid waste, with the average quantity reaching approximately 11,300 tons per year.

stewards of Garden Earth - think again ... havshev
One man’s poison or waste is another man’s gold... Besides all types of waste are being Broken down and recycled and in the future these places where waste is placed will be mined for their resources.. The wood, plastics, rubber etc etc will be separated and turned into other more valuable items.. Your quotation did not say how much of that waste was being recycled. Israel is at the forefront of using what little resources they have in a very efficient and clever manner I find it suspicious that no mention is made of how they deal with the waste and you only bring it up in a negative manner... There are always two sides to a story ...
The Irony is he had no idea that he's talking to the 1 person who has the solution to all major city's waste disposal problems. *L*
Yes it is humorous ... I know you have been in the forefront over the years and have shared some of your ideas with me....I have seen some incredible technology dealing with waste such as tires where the rubber is reused on children’s playgrounds or burned in the process of making concrete and the steel fibres used in the pouring of cement to increase its strength...I have seen waste wood turned into sawdust and reprocessed into pressboard so that trees don’t have to be cut down to produce plywood...The list is endless esp plastics being recycled back to oil which is then used in a variety of ways.. I know the Israelishave come up with a variety of ways to help other nations and I am sure waste is one of them or will be if Israel feels they must make an effort in this way...
View attachment 368641
View attachment 368642 still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
- still had the diagrams and pics to the war torn areas recycle playground project.
the humanitarian jewish state -

View attachment 369079

giving them their discards for a swing set their children may play on, blessed be the providers.
So you admit when terrorists hide behind social activism and use citizens as shield it's wrong otherwise your pictures of rocket manufacturer bldgs and launch areas for sake of propaganda serves you as good as pictures of combayah moms in front of terrorized Portland.
By the way the war torn area the playground was for was Afghanistan, there's a whole list of benefits to the communities, that your angry mind could never ponder.
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
I guess by the same logic as Breezewood everyone who has a baby that grows out of his toys and clothing should throw out these items as they are discards and they should not give them to someone less fotunate who could very easily use them and pass them down to the next family....
how innocent, thinking of others - shimone.

View attachment 369317

that's what they are doing, n y jews their concern for others so obvious - remindful those times prior where they are so unjustly turned on - the criminals throughout history, immemorial for so long as they have just kept to themselves, irreproachable. so sad.
Let me get this straight Breezewood the greater New York area has upwards of roughly two million Jews and you put up a picture of a sect of Judaism that although is extremely visible by the way they dress outwardly make up only a small portion of this population... Then you make some rather general statement and brushstroke the whole group with it...Talk about steriotyping no wonder you are so full of hatred and your bigotry is showing through for all of us to see...By the way thanks for showing us all your true colours and taking us off the topic at hand you are a true propagandist in the same vein as a goebels hope you are proud of yourself...
Then you make some rather general statement and brushstroke the whole group with it...Talk about steriotyping no wonder you are so full of hatred and your bigotry is showing through for all of us to see...
And now you know why I always called them the lawless ones.

who's them shimoni ... sorry, not everyone is impressed with the jews or your religious state in the middle east too bad you returned no different than when you left.

the desert religions collectively in their progressions similarly abandoned cohesion for their own self interest as their primary objective.

there are no judaic precepts, not that moses lied claiming etched commandments from the Almighty but that the precepts to life are a sectarian struggle that can only culminate for humanities benefit without self interest religious indoctrination but when those trappings are finally removed.
denial of the photo is nothing new nor uninterrupted throughout history by any of the desert religions their subliminal persuasions.

there is no fruition for your claim to be a religion from antiquity - books of forgeries and fallacies the same as the other two - denial of Garden Earth for their particular selfish ambitions. antithetical to beings in solitude.
Breezewood I have noticed something about you and you seem to have a problem with looking at or grasping one idea.Youlove to paint everything With the same brush.....I will give you an example you took what I said and you took what Michael said and you placed it on me and directed your question at me... They were two different responses and two different people yet you focussed on me and threw everything in my direction... You seem to do the same thing with and I quote” the desert religions” and you have done that with your little pictures that do not tell a thousand words because you didn’t start the story at the beginning you started it at the end which is silly and ludicrous...You are selling propaganda even though you claim “ the desert religions” are...Quite frankly I really don’t care if some people are not impressed with what Israel has accomplished... It is supposed to be a ” light” to other nations showing them a way to improve themselves and better their own people.... It is not perfect and sometimes it’s light is not so bright but it is adapting , overcoming and showing others that they too can leap forward to improve themselves even with their flaws... That is what you dont get every person mentioned in the Jewish scriptures was flawed they were human with all their frailties and yet they lived their lives as best they could under each different and difficult circumstance.. They were human beings just like we are today and yet they lived, loved and did what they did... They are lessons there to teach us How we should conduct ourselves and behave and try to emulate flaws and all...
They were two different responses and two different people yet you focussed on me and threw everything in my direction...
there are no illusions distinct for jews any more than those of the other desert religions they all three have abandoned the religion of antiquity prescribed by the Almighty, it is the two of you that there is no difference in whose response is given.

They are lessons there to teach us How we should conduct ourselves and behave and try to emulate flaws and all...
the untimely death of the religious itinerant, the 1st century a lesson yet told - your books are dead and have been for centuries you too saw that in the caption yet they remain as they have always been.
That is absolute nonsense.. As I stated before that sect has only been around a very short while not that it matters.....You are tarring everyone with the same brush and you have a tendency to broad stroke everyone into the same basket...Mighty judgeMENTAL aren’t you for someone who has not brought forth any proof... Besides we wandered a long time in the wilderness( the nations)and picked up a lot of dust( along the way) it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
Actually he really believes what he says regarding the Torah or the tree of son forget not my instruction and may your heart keep my commandments proverbs 3 :1 and later on 18( which symbolizes life in Hebrew) It is a tree of life for those who grasp it and those who draw near are fortunate...... F
Finally Kotvenu b’sefer he ayim ... Inscribe us in the book of life.... Does that sound like the Jewish scriptures are dead and that the people that hold onto it or follow it are dead as well... Hardly but the Breeze coming from Breezewood is an ill wind full of hot air but lacking in any substance or truth.....
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting is less than one sentence, yours is a 10000 page document written in a language no one understands by an unknown collective without a shred of physical representation ...

Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, written on two stone tablets.



it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
so sorry shimoni, the interloper and liar is your (religion's) idol not mine - the same similarities, motivations exist for all three desert religion writings. the 1st century religious itinerant is the exception, not the transformed image by the crucifiers in the 4th century but through the spoken religions interpretations to this day. being still alive for a few ... as found in those books concealed by treachery.

provide the document shimon - or strike it from your book.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting is less than one sentence, yours is a 10000 page document written in a language no one understands by an unknown collective without a shred of physical representation ...

Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, written on two stone tablets.

View attachment 369903


it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
so sorry shimoni, the interloper and liar is your (religion's) idol not mine - the same similarities, motivations exist for all three desert religion writings. the 1st century religious itinerant is the exception, not the transformed image by the crucifiers in the 4th century but through the spoken religions interpretations to this day. being still alive for a few ... as found in those books concealed by treachery.

provide the document shimon - or strike it from your book.
Not true, many many times I have stated that the name/meaning of the Holy City alone is a becon focus of attention because even if you could not read the Mikra(Bible), it's like a cliff note to the whole good messenger (Michael) vs evil messenger(Lucifer) story.
So it's one city name verses your Biden garbled sentence.:blues:
Now unlike your religious and political arguments and news /information sources never having sources nor legit data, I usually back my comments or at least provide when requested.
So Since you avoided the dead book alive book argument, I'm guessing you forfeited the argument YOU MADE.
I WILL PROVE WHAT I SAID, pick one or the other,
Where do you want me to place an example of my commentary about always changing book.
1)I WILL PLACE Proof of MYSELF IN A movie so it's undeniable what I say is true.
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting is less than one sentence, yours is a 10000 page document written in a language no one understands by an unknown collective without a shred of physical representation ...

Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, written on two stone tablets.

View attachment 369903


it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
so sorry shimoni, the interloper and liar is your (religion's) idol not mine - the same similarities, motivations exist for all three desert religion writings. the 1st century religious itinerant is the exception, not the transformed image by the crucifiers in the 4th century but through the spoken religions interpretations to this day. being still alive for a few ... as found in those books concealed by treachery.

provide the document shimon - or strike it from your book.
Not true, many many times I have stated that the name/meaning of the Holy City alone is a becon focus of attention because even if you could not read the Mikra(Bible), it's like a cliff note to the whole good messenger (Michael) vs evil messenger(Lucifer) story.
So it's one city name verses your Biden garbled sentence.:blues:
Now unlike your religious and political arguments and news /information sources never having sources nor legit data, I usually back my comments or at least provide when requested.
So Since you avoided the dead book alive book argument, I'm guessing you forfeited the argument YOU MADE.
I WILL PROVE WHAT I SAID, pick one or the other,
Where do you want me to place an example of my commentary about always changing book.
1)I WILL PLACE Proof of MYSELF IN A movie so it's undeniable what I say is true.
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
I'm a little lost ...


the etchings in stone by the Almighty would suffice as proof for your 10000 page book - of forgeries and fallacies ...

oh, are they lost and a copy just happened to find its way in your book. a miracle. did moses write them from memory. . :abgg2q.jpg:
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting is less than one sentence, yours is a 10000 page document written in a language no one understands by an unknown collective without a shred of physical representation ...

Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, written on two stone tablets.

View attachment 369903


it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
so sorry shimoni, the interloper and liar is your (religion's) idol not mine - the same similarities, motivations exist for all three desert religion writings. the 1st century religious itinerant is the exception, not the transformed image by the crucifiers in the 4th century but through the spoken religions interpretations to this day. being still alive for a few ... as found in those books concealed by treachery.

provide the document shimon - or strike it from your book.
Not true, many many times I have stated that the name/meaning of the Holy City alone is a becon focus of attention because even if you could not read the Mikra(Bible), it's like a cliff note to the whole good messenger (Michael) vs evil messenger(Lucifer) story.
So it's one city name verses your Biden garbled sentence.:blues:
Now unlike your religious and political arguments and news /information sources never having sources nor legit data, I usually back my comments or at least provide when requested.
So Since you avoided the dead book alive book argument, I'm guessing you forfeited the argument YOU MADE.
I WILL PROVE WHAT I SAID, pick one or the other,
Where do you want me to place an example of my commentary about always changing book.
1)I WILL PLACE Proof of MYSELF IN A movie so it's undeniable what I say is true.
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
I'm a little lost ...

View attachment 369952

the etchings in stone by the Almighty would suffice as proof for your 10000 page book - of forgeries and fallacies ...

oh, are they lost and a copy just happened to find its way in your book. a miracle. did moses write them from memory. . :abgg2q.jpg:
THAT WAS EASY, even though that was not a choice you can't say I lead you to that request.
The stone they found with the PROPER ORIGINAL Canaanite transliteration of the name Shalem (yeruShalem means city of Shalem)
Christianity:REV 3:12 “....and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” 2:17 “I will give him a white pebble, and upon the the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.” The Gospel of Truth “He receives a certain name.”

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &

in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)

The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities. You 88%darkness (always wrong -mistaken, lies, and ignorance) and me 88% light (truth, knowledge, mostly always right before you even catch up to realize it or not).
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting is less than one sentence, yours is a 10000 page document written in a language no one understands by an unknown collective without a shred of physical representation ...

Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, written on two stone tablets.

View attachment 369903


it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
so sorry shimoni, the interloper and liar is your (religion's) idol not mine - the same similarities, motivations exist for all three desert religion writings. the 1st century religious itinerant is the exception, not the transformed image by the crucifiers in the 4th century but through the spoken religions interpretations to this day. being still alive for a few ... as found in those books concealed by treachery.

provide the document shimon - or strike it from your book.
Not true, many many times I have stated that the name/meaning of the Holy City alone is a becon focus of attention because even if you could not read the Mikra(Bible), it's like a cliff note to the whole good messenger (Michael) vs evil messenger(Lucifer) story.
So it's one city name verses your Biden garbled sentence.:blues:
Now unlike your religious and political arguments and news /information sources never having sources nor legit data, I usually back my comments or at least provide when requested.
So Since you avoided the dead book alive book argument, I'm guessing you forfeited the argument YOU MADE.
I WILL PROVE WHAT I SAID, pick one or the other,
Where do you want me to place an example of my commentary about always changing book.
1)I WILL PLACE Proof of MYSELF IN A movie so it's undeniable what I say is true.
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
I'm a little lost ...

View attachment 369952

the etchings in stone by the Almighty would suffice as proof for your 10000 page book - of forgeries and fallacies ...

oh, are they lost and a copy just happened to find its way in your book. a miracle. did moses write them from memory. . :abgg2q.jpg:
THAT WAS EASY, even though that was not a choice you can't say I lead you to that request.
The stone they found with the PROPER ORIGINAL Canaanite transliteration of the name Shalem (yeruShalem means city of Shalem)
Christianity:REV 3:12 “....and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” 2:17 “I will give him a white pebble, and upon the the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.” The Gospel of Truth “He receives a certain name.”

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &

in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)

The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities. You 88%darkness (always wrong -mistaken, lies, and ignorance) and me 88% light (truth, knowledge, mostly always right before you even catch up to realize it or not).
Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities.
in so far as religion that is correct yours is made up and moreso a bleak historical event. replicating the same dismal results generation after generation to the present, an impediment against the fruition as prescribed through the religion of antiquity. humanity as a collective yours will never be.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting is less than one sentence, yours is a 10000 page document written in a language no one understands by an unknown collective without a shred of physical representation ...

Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, written on two stone tablets.

View attachment 369903


it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
so sorry shimoni, the interloper and liar is your (religion's) idol not mine - the same similarities, motivations exist for all three desert religion writings. the 1st century religious itinerant is the exception, not the transformed image by the crucifiers in the 4th century but through the spoken religions interpretations to this day. being still alive for a few ... as found in those books concealed by treachery.

provide the document shimon - or strike it from your book.
Not true, many many times I have stated that the name/meaning of the Holy City alone is a becon focus of attention because even if you could not read the Mikra(Bible), it's like a cliff note to the whole good messenger (Michael) vs evil messenger(Lucifer) story.
So it's one city name verses your Biden garbled sentence.:blues:
Now unlike your religious and political arguments and news /information sources never having sources nor legit data, I usually back my comments or at least provide when requested.
So Since you avoided the dead book alive book argument, I'm guessing you forfeited the argument YOU MADE.
I WILL PROVE WHAT I SAID, pick one or the other,
Where do you want me to place an example of my commentary about always changing book.
1)I WILL PLACE Proof of MYSELF IN A movie so it's undeniable what I say is true.
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
I'm a little lost ...

View attachment 369952

the etchings in stone by the Almighty would suffice as proof for your 10000 page book - of forgeries and fallacies ...

oh, are they lost and a copy just happened to find its way in your book. a miracle. did moses write them from memory. . :abgg2q.jpg:
THAT WAS EASY, even though that was not a choice you can't say I lead you to that request.
The stone they found with the PROPER ORIGINAL Canaanite transliteration of the name Shalem (yeruShalem means city of Shalem)
Christianity:REV 3:12 “....and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” 2:17 “I will give him a white pebble, and upon the the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.” The Gospel of Truth “He receives a certain name.”

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &

in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)

The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities. You 88%darkness (always wrong -mistaken, lies, and ignorance) and me 88% light (truth, knowledge, mostly always right before you even catch up to realize it or not).
Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities.
in so far as religion that is correct yours is made up and moreso a bleak historical event. replicating the same dismal results generation after generation to the present, an impediment against the fruition as prescribed through the religion of antiquity. humanity as a collective yours will never be.
Calling our survival and progression
"Dismal results" validated my point on your majority darkness (lies ignorance and folly) and your constant need to avoid and smokescreen when you lost your case.
Everything your lawless party does has turned "dismal results", so we can conclude you are deflecting as a means of progressive strategy again.
Plus your round about way of talking shows you are neither tolerant nor void of prejudices as you literally are saying Jews don't have equal rights, that Jewish lives don't matter.

Your method would be fun in a court of law which is probably why your party always opposes the law -(see on topic).
Care double or nothing: place more proof of what I'm saying about in Movie or song?
Loser has to vote for the winner's candidate.
Last edited:
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting is less than one sentence, yours is a 10000 page document written in a language no one understands by an unknown collective without a shred of physical representation ...

Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, written on two stone tablets.

View attachment 369903


it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
so sorry shimoni, the interloper and liar is your (religion's) idol not mine - the same similarities, motivations exist for all three desert religion writings. the 1st century religious itinerant is the exception, not the transformed image by the crucifiers in the 4th century but through the spoken religions interpretations to this day. being still alive for a few ... as found in those books concealed by treachery.

provide the document shimon - or strike it from your book.
Not true, many many times I have stated that the name/meaning of the Holy City alone is a becon focus of attention because even if you could not read the Mikra(Bible), it's like a cliff note to the whole good messenger (Michael) vs evil messenger(Lucifer) story.
So it's one city name verses your Biden garbled sentence.:blues:
Now unlike your religious and political arguments and news /information sources never having sources nor legit data, I usually back my comments or at least provide when requested.
So Since you avoided the dead book alive book argument, I'm guessing you forfeited the argument YOU MADE.
I WILL PROVE WHAT I SAID, pick one or the other,
Where do you want me to place an example of my commentary about always changing book.
1)I WILL PLACE Proof of MYSELF IN A movie so it's undeniable what I say is true.
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
I'm a little lost ...

View attachment 369952

the etchings in stone by the Almighty would suffice as proof for your 10000 page book - of forgeries and fallacies ...

oh, are they lost and a copy just happened to find its way in your book. a miracle. did moses write them from memory. . :abgg2q.jpg:
THAT WAS EASY, even though that was not a choice you can't say I lead you to that request.
The stone they found with the PROPER ORIGINAL Canaanite transliteration of the name Shalem (yeruShalem means city of Shalem)
Christianity:REV 3:12 “....and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” 2:17 “I will give him a white pebble, and upon the the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.” The Gospel of Truth “He receives a certain name.”

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &

in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)

The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities. You 88%darkness (always wrong -mistaken, lies, and ignorance) and me 88% light (truth, knowledge, mostly always right before you even catch up to realize it or not).
Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities.
in so far as religion that is correct yours is made up and moreso a bleak historical event. replicating the same dismal results generation after generation to the present, an impediment against the fruition as prescribed through the religion of antiquity. humanity as a collective yours will never be.
Calling our survival and progression
"Dismal results" validated my point on your majority darkness (lies ignorance and folly) and your constant need to avoid and smokescreen when you lost your case.
Everything your lawless party does has turned "dismal results", so we can conclude you are deflecting as a means of progressive strategy again.
Plus your round about way of talking shows you are neither tolerant nor void of prejudices as you literally are saying Jews don't have equal rights, that Jewish lives don't matter.

Your method would be fun in a court of law which is probably why your party always opposes the law -(see on topic).
Care double or nothing: place more proof of what I'm saying about in Movie or song?
Loser has to vote for the winner's candidate.
Everything your lawless party does has turned "dismal results" ...
curious what party that might be - certainly not that of the crucifiers that much you have correct with little to nothing else to show in your winded response.

Loser has to vote for the winner's candidate.
the loser is who votes for the devil ... south florida jews, so sad. nothing new there. speaking of law how's that going for bibi. another great leader.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting is less than one sentence, yours is a 10000 page document written in a language no one understands by an unknown collective without a shred of physical representation ...

Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, written on two stone tablets.

View attachment 369903


it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
so sorry shimoni, the interloper and liar is your (religion's) idol not mine - the same similarities, motivations exist for all three desert religion writings. the 1st century religious itinerant is the exception, not the transformed image by the crucifiers in the 4th century but through the spoken religions interpretations to this day. being still alive for a few ... as found in those books concealed by treachery.

provide the document shimon - or strike it from your book.
Not true, many many times I have stated that the name/meaning of the Holy City alone is a becon focus of attention because even if you could not read the Mikra(Bible), it's like a cliff note to the whole good messenger (Michael) vs evil messenger(Lucifer) story.
So it's one city name verses your Biden garbled sentence.:blues:
Now unlike your religious and political arguments and news /information sources never having sources nor legit data, I usually back my comments or at least provide when requested.
So Since you avoided the dead book alive book argument, I'm guessing you forfeited the argument YOU MADE.
I WILL PROVE WHAT I SAID, pick one or the other,
Where do you want me to place an example of my commentary about always changing book.
1)I WILL PLACE Proof of MYSELF IN A movie so it's undeniable what I say is true.
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
I'm a little lost ...

View attachment 369952

the etchings in stone by the Almighty would suffice as proof for your 10000 page book - of forgeries and fallacies ...

oh, are they lost and a copy just happened to find its way in your book. a miracle. did moses write them from memory. . :abgg2q.jpg:
THAT WAS EASY, even though that was not a choice you can't say I lead you to that request.
The stone they found with the PROPER ORIGINAL Canaanite transliteration of the name Shalem (yeruShalem means city of Shalem)
Christianity:REV 3:12 “....and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” 2:17 “I will give him a white pebble, and upon the the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.” The Gospel of Truth “He receives a certain name.”

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &

in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)

The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities. You 88%darkness (always wrong -mistaken, lies, and ignorance) and me 88% light (truth, knowledge, mostly always right before you even catch up to realize it or not).
Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities.
in so far as religion that is correct yours is made up and moreso a bleak historical event. replicating the same dismal results generation after generation to the present, an impediment against the fruition as prescribed through the religion of antiquity. humanity as a collective yours will never be.
Calling our survival and progression
"Dismal results" validated my point on your majority darkness (lies ignorance and folly) and your constant need to avoid and smokescreen when you lost your case.
Everything your lawless party does has turned "dismal results", so we can conclude you are deflecting as a means of progressive strategy again.
Plus your round about way of talking shows you are neither tolerant nor void of prejudices as you literally are saying Jews don't have equal rights, that Jewish lives don't matter.

Your method would be fun in a court of law which is probably why your party always opposes the law -(see on topic).
Care double or nothing: place more proof of what I'm saying about in Movie or song?
Loser has to vote for the winner's candidate.
Everything your lawless party does has turned "dismal results" ...
curious what party that might be - certainly not that of the crucifiers that much you have correct with little to nothing else to show in your winded response.

Loser has to vote for the winner's candidate.
the loser is who votes for the devil ... south florida jews, so sad. nothing new there. speaking of law how's that going for bibi. another great leader.
IT'S pretty funny an admission when you refuse to take that bet.
You and everyone else knows that you in being of darkness can't lose such a bet that you would have no intention of keeping upon losing, sort of like the 2016 election. :auiqs.jpg:
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
:hhello:People who do not understand prophecy & time dilation nor
David Bohm's or Kohn's theorems that combine to prove interconectivity of cause and affect do not comprehend that a book that is used to change our course can never be dead unless you do not learn from it nor change your path it's stearing you away from. This is because our choice of changes is like one of those books where you can change the outcome of the story depending on which portion (path) you chose in continued reading = (is alive).
The Butterfly affect.
:auiqs.jpg:Breeze called THE BOOK dead.
the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting is less than one sentence, yours is a 10000 page document written in a language no one understands by an unknown collective without a shred of physical representation ...

Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, written on two stone tablets.

View attachment 369903


it will be cleansed when we have a central authority or platform to do so your thinking is flawed and that is why you stoop down to insults by referring to my name incorrectly and in a derogatory manner because you can’t refute what I say...
so sorry shimoni, the interloper and liar is your (religion's) idol not mine - the same similarities, motivations exist for all three desert religion writings. the 1st century religious itinerant is the exception, not the transformed image by the crucifiers in the 4th century but through the spoken religions interpretations to this day. being still alive for a few ... as found in those books concealed by treachery.

provide the document shimon - or strike it from your book.
Not true, many many times I have stated that the name/meaning of the Holy City alone is a becon focus of attention because even if you could not read the Mikra(Bible), it's like a cliff note to the whole good messenger (Michael) vs evil messenger(Lucifer) story.
So it's one city name verses your Biden garbled sentence.:blues:
Now unlike your religious and political arguments and news /information sources never having sources nor legit data, I usually back my comments or at least provide when requested.
So Since you avoided the dead book alive book argument, I'm guessing you forfeited the argument YOU MADE.
I WILL PROVE WHAT I SAID, pick one or the other,
Where do you want me to place an example of my commentary about always changing book.
1)I WILL PLACE Proof of MYSELF IN A movie so it's undeniable what I say is true.
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
Which example proof data would you care to review? Or do you want both?
I'm a little lost ...

View attachment 369952

the etchings in stone by the Almighty would suffice as proof for your 10000 page book - of forgeries and fallacies ...

oh, are they lost and a copy just happened to find its way in your book. a miracle. did moses write them from memory. . :abgg2q.jpg:
THAT WAS EASY, even though that was not a choice you can't say I lead you to that request.
The stone they found with the PROPER ORIGINAL Canaanite transliteration of the name Shalem (yeruShalem means city of Shalem)
Christianity:REV 3:12 “....and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” 2:17 “I will give him a white pebble, and upon the the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.” The Gospel of Truth “He receives a certain name.”

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &

in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)

The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities. You 88%darkness (always wrong -mistaken, lies, and ignorance) and me 88% light (truth, knowledge, mostly always right before you even catch up to realize it or not).
Sorry for the overload of data, but I have to make up for your lack of facts, being we are opposite entities.
in so far as religion that is correct yours is made up and moreso a bleak historical event. replicating the same dismal results generation after generation to the present, an impediment against the fruition as prescribed through the religion of antiquity. humanity as a collective yours will never be.
Calling our survival and progression
"Dismal results" validated my point on your majority darkness (lies ignorance and folly) and your constant need to avoid and smokescreen when you lost your case.
Everything your lawless party does has turned "dismal results", so we can conclude you are deflecting as a means of progressive strategy again.
Plus your round about way of talking shows you are neither tolerant nor void of prejudices as you literally are saying Jews don't have equal rights, that Jewish lives don't matter.

Your method would be fun in a court of law which is probably why your party always opposes the law -(see on topic).
Care double or nothing: place more proof of what I'm saying about in Movie or song?
Loser has to vote for the winner's candidate.
Everything your lawless party does has turned "dismal results" ...
curious what party that might be - certainly not that of the crucifiers that much you have correct with little to nothing else to show in your winded response.

Loser has to vote for the winner's candidate.
the loser is who votes for the devil ... south florida jews, so sad. nothing new there. speaking of law how's that going for bibi. another great leader.
IT'S pretty funny an admission when you refuse to take that bet.
You and everyone else knows that you in being of darkness can't lose such a bet that you would have no intention of keeping upon losing, sort of like the 2016 election. :auiqs.jpg:
Lawless to the bitter end and anything goes to see their vain vision and cannot take any criticism or guidance guys like BreezeWood are stuck in a time loop spewing out their thoughts but they are like a one trick pony that cannot change their tactics And when they have been exposed and shown the error of their ways they still will not change their course....Hmm sort of like the democrats and the media since early 2015 ... It didn’t work then and five years later it will not work now...If you feel like it Michael one of my favourite songs is Hotel California by the Eagles... I am curious what you can come up with either here or in an email is fine... Thankyou...

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