And she would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!!

Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

And her vote did commit us to war. Much unlike her husband going to war in Serbia or Obama in Libya and elsewhere.

Yeah? How big was the invasion force Clinton sent into Serbia. How long did the US occupation of Serbia last? How many soldiers lost their lives in Serbia?

President Bush committed us to war in Iraq. Senator Clinton's vote gave him the option/authority to use military force if......
How many people died as a result of the U.S. government's actions in Serbia? U.S. troops aren't the only lives that matter.
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

And her vote did commit us to war. Much unlike her husband going to war in Serbia or Obama in Libya and elsewhere.

Yeah? How big was the invasion force Clinton sent into Serbia. How long did the US occupation of Serbia last? How many soldiers lost their lives in Serbia?

President Bush committed us to war in Iraq. Senator Clinton's vote gave him the option/authority to use military force if......
How many people died as a result of the U.S. government's actions in Serbia? U.S. troops aren't the only lives that matter.

Who was the last president to kill Chinese nationals? That's right WJC.
If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

Or she just accepted the lies Bush told. The point is, there's a big difference between suspecting something is so and acting on something because you think it is so. ANd before you act, you need to know for sure. That was the obligation Bush had before thousands of people died.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

Oh, bullshit. You guys on the right wanted a lie about a hummer to be the end of his presidency. When it wasn't, you dropped it. Fuck all the lives you ruined.

Paula Jones didn't have a right to ask the man about his personal life that had nothing to do with her complaint that she was supposedly traumitized by seeing a dick.
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

And her vote did commit us to war. Much unlike her husband going to war in Serbia or Obama in Libya and elsewhere.

Yeah? How big was the invasion force Clinton sent into Serbia. How long did the US occupation of Serbia last? How many soldiers lost their lives in Serbia?

President Bush committed us to war in Iraq. Senator Clinton's vote gave him the option/authority to use military force if......
How many people died as a result of the U.S. government's actions in Serbia? U.S. troops aren't the only lives that matter.

A lot less than if President Clinton had pulled a President Bush style invasion and occupation like was done in Iraq while ignoring the UN. To me yes, US troops are more important than other countries troops. Especially those who are committing war crimes and atrocities.
Bush didn't lie, that was debunked years ago.

The entire push to war was a lie. That is everything that they claim Iraq was doing that could be a viable threat to the United States was a lie. Everything. They had not restarted any WMD program. The aluminum tubes were not for centrifuges. There were no mobile weapons labs, nothing.
Bush didn't lie, that was debunked years ago.

The entire push to war was a lie. That is everything that they claim Iraq was doing that could be a viable threat to the United States was a lie. Everything. They had not restarted any WMD program. The aluminum tubes were not for centrifuges. There were no mobile weapons labs, nothing.
Bill Clinton, and just about every high ranked democrat was saying the same as Bush. Were they all liars too?
Bush didn't lie, that was debunked years ago.

The entire push to war was a lie. That is everything that they claim Iraq was doing that could be a viable threat to the United States was a lie. Everything. They had not restarted any WMD program. The aluminum tubes were not for centrifuges. There were no mobile weapons labs, nothing.
Bill Clinton, and just about every high ranked democrat was saying the same as Bush. Were they all liars too?

Yes, it was based on the same flimsy evidence that Iraq couldn't account for all the pre-cursor chemical they had purchased from Western Counties back in the 1980's. They of course were trying justifying their cruise missile strikes in 1998, not to justify a US led ground invasion and nation building occupation. Just under half the democrats were war-hawks too, the vote in 2002 proved it. Furthermore they didn't have the power to decide, that was all on President Bush.
Unfortunately, her brazen law-breaking doesn't seem to matter all that much. The only people who seem to care are those of us who were never going to vote for her in the first place. And, frankly, there are more important issues that completely disqualify her before we even get to this one. The destruction of Libya, and attempted destruction of Syria come to mind.

What Law did she break Kevin? the Secretary of State, Colin Powell did not use government servers when he was Secretary of State either, he used is own personal account. She DID NOT BREAK THE LAW on this...

it's simply a lie saying she did.
Bush didn't lie, that was debunked years ago.

The entire push to war was a lie. That is everything that they claim Iraq was doing that could be a viable threat to the United States was a lie. Everything. They had not restarted any WMD program. The aluminum tubes were not for centrifuges. There were no mobile weapons labs, nothing.
Bill Clinton, and just about every high ranked democrat was saying the same as Bush. Were they all liars too?

Yes, it was based on the same flimsy evidence that Iraq couldn't account for all the pre-cursor chemical they had purchased from Western Counties back in the 1980's. They of course were trying justifying their cruise missile strikes in 1998, not to justify a US led ground invasion and nation building occupation. Just under half the democrats were war-hawks too, the vote in 2002 proved it. Furthermore they didn't have the power to decide, that was all on President Bush.
They had the power to vote for it and they did. Bush executed the war legally. He even gave Saddam more time to stop us from invading.
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Clinton had already resigned when Issa sent her this letter and Kerry was announced as her replacement just a week later and she was hospitalized at the time of this Issa letter right?

edit: read the letter in the link...

WHAT does this have to do with Clinton again???
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The Federal Records Act

Clinton did not use an official government email account while serving as the country's top diplomat. Instead, she used a private email account and kept all of her emails on a private server in her home.

At a news conference last month, she cited "convenience" as the reason. She said she did not want to carry around two mobile devices, though she acknowledged it "might have been smarter" to have done so.

Addressing the Federal Records Act, NPR's Scott Horsley reported last month on the question of whether Clinton's exclusive reliance on a private email account violated it. Here's some of what he reported:

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office. Watchdog groups conceded that she may not have violated the text of the law...

Fact Check Hillary Clinton Those Emails And The Law It s All Politics NPR
Clinton had already resigned when Issa sent her this letter and Kerry was announced as her replacement just a week later and she was hospitalized at the time of this Issa letter right?

So? She can't just ignore an inquiry from Congress. Stop making excuses for her. You can't just have her say "The dog ate my subpoena!"

The Federal Records Act

Clinton did not use an official government email account while serving as the country's top diplomat. Instead, she used a private email account and kept all of her emails on a private server in her home.

At a news conference last month, she cited "convenience" as the reason. She said she did not want to carry around two mobile devices, though she acknowledged it "might have been smarter" to have done so.

Addressing the Federal Records Act, NPR's Scott Horsley reported last month on the question of whether Clinton's exclusive reliance on a private email account violated it. Here's some of what he reported:

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office. Watchdog groups conceded that she may not have violated the text of the law...

Fact Check Hillary Clinton Those Emails And The Law It s All Politics NPR

And a fact check by NPR hardly qualifies as objective. Notice in your citation that it doesn't list what "Watchdog groups" conceded what. Given that she conducted official business on a personal server, any email communications between her and her staffers, or other government officials automatically becomes government property under the Federal Records Act of 1950.

Taking a State Department Spokeswoman at her word is lazy. She did nothing wrong by having the server and conducting business with it, but she broke the law when she purged that server and all documentation on it. There is a high probability that there were emails between her and government officials on it. Fact is there has been law on the books since Bill Clinton's first term in office regarding e-mail communications.

From State Department Foreign Affairs Manual, 1995 Edition:

Another important modern improvement is the ease of communication now afforded to the Department world-wide through the use of E-mail....All employees must be aware that some of the variety of the messages being exchanged on E-mail are important to the Department and must be preserved; such messages are considered Federal records under the law. (5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1)

Valerie and Care4all , your attempts at objectivity are disappointing.
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Unfortunately, her brazen law-breaking doesn't seem to matter all that much. The only people who seem to care are those of us who were never going to vote for her in the first place. And, frankly, there are more important issues that completely disqualify her before we even get to this one. The destruction of Libya, and attempted destruction of Syria come to mind.

The fact that it doesn't matter all that much just confirms how corrupt her supporters are. They wallow in a culture of corruption and expect that no one notices.
By the way, Care4all Clinton's official term as Secretary of State ended on February 1, 2013. The letter was sent on December 13, 2012. She had in fact not left office when that letter was sent, and she was still acting in her capacity as Secretary of State. She had a full month and three weeks to reply to that email. You know what that means? She ignored a congressional inquiry while holding office.

Hillary Rodham Clinton s tenure as Secretary of State - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Bush didn't lie, that was debunked years ago.

The entire push to war was a lie. That is everything that they claim Iraq was doing that could be a viable threat to the United States was a lie. Everything. They had not restarted any WMD program. The aluminum tubes were not for centrifuges. There were no mobile weapons labs, nothing.
Bill Clinton, and just about every high ranked democrat was saying the same as Bush. Were they all liars too?

Yes, it was based on the same flimsy evidence that Iraq couldn't account for all the pre-cursor chemical they had purchased from Western Counties back in the 1980's. They of course were trying justifying their cruise missile strikes in 1998, not to justify a US led ground invasion and nation building occupation. Just under half the democrats were war-hawks too, the vote in 2002 proved it. Furthermore they didn't have the power to decide, that was all on President Bush.
They had the power to vote for it and they did. Bush executed the war legally. He even gave Saddam more time to stop us from invading.

So how does that prove what they claimed was not a lie? Hindsight is 20/20 of course but Saddam said he didn't have any new stockpiles or new production capabilities and was co-operating completely with the UN. Guess what they found? Guess what we found after Saddam fell. Nothing, not one thing that that the Bush Administration claimed Iraq was producing, nothing.
Clinton had already resigned when Issa sent her this letter and Kerry was announced as her replacement just a week later and she was hospitalized at the time of this Issa letter right?

So? She can't just ignore an inquiry from Congress. Stop making excuses for her. You can't just have her say "The dog ate my subpoena!"

The Federal Records Act

Clinton did not use an official government email account while serving as the country's top diplomat. Instead, she used a private email account and kept all of her emails on a private server in her home.

At a news conference last month, she cited "convenience" as the reason. She said she did not want to carry around two mobile devices, though she acknowledged it "might have been smarter" to have done so.

Addressing the Federal Records Act, NPR's Scott Horsley reported last month on the question of whether Clinton's exclusive reliance on a private email account violated it. Here's some of what he reported:

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office. Watchdog groups conceded that she may not have violated the text of the law...

Fact Check Hillary Clinton Those Emails And The Law It s All Politics NPR

And a fact check by NPR hardly qualifies as objective. Notice in your citation that it doesn't list what "Watchdog groups" conceded what. Given that she conducted official business on a personal server, any email communications between her and her staffers, or other government officials automatically becomes government property under the Federal Records Act of 1950.

Taking a State Department Spokeswoman at her word is lazy. She did nothing wrong by having the server and conducting business with it, but she broke the law when she purged that server and all documentation on it. There is a high probability that there were emails between her and government officials on it. Fact is there has been law on the books since Bill Clinton's first term in office regarding e-mail communications.

From State Department Foreign Affairs Manual, 1995 Edition:

Another important modern improvement is the ease of communication now afforded to the Department world-wide through the use of E-mail....All employees must be aware that some of the variety of the messages being exchanged on E-mail are important to the Department and must be preserved; such messages are considered Federal records under the law. (5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1)

Valerie and Care4all , your attempts at objectivity are disappointing.
yes, this is correct and Hillary turned them what is your issue????
Unfortunately, her brazen law-breaking doesn't seem to matter all that much. The only people who seem to care are those of us who were never going to vote for her in the first place. And, frankly, there are more important issues that completely disqualify her before we even get to this one. The destruction of Libya, and attempted destruction of Syria come to mind.

What Law did she break Kevin? the Secretary of State, Colin Powell did not use government servers when he was Secretary of State either, he used is own personal account. She DID NOT BREAK THE LAW on this...

it's simply a lie saying she did.
So now Colin Powell is somehow the benchmark of legality? Mr. Yellow Cake himself? Seriously? Regardless, not turning over all of the emails and then deleting them when she turns over the ones she wanted to turn over is breaking the law. Of course, it doesn't matter. She won't lose any votes on it, and she certainly won't have to answer for it.

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