And she would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!!

Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

And her vote did commit us to war. Much unlike her husband going to war in Serbia or Obama in Libya and elsewhere.
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Oh please. You people are manufacturing scandals already. All this is going to do is turn voters against you, not her. They want a good president, and she is the only viable candidate, and they are not going to want to spend the next 8 years spending billions of tax paper dollars trying to burn her for some minor scandal. You're so pathetic You don't care a wit about the welfare of the country; you only want to cause trouble for Democrats. You're turning the voting public against the GOP. Stop it.
Other than her airline mileage, what are her accomplishment on behalf of the people?

This is the one "scandal" that got my interest, and she played it perfectly.

"I only deleted personal emails. No State Department emails. No, really. You can trust me."

Some level of doubt. That's all her sycophants need.


The popularity that she enjoys with liberals proves that there really is one born every minute. Though I believe that to be a conservative estimate. Way too many fools in this country.
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Oh please. You people are manufacturing scandals already. All this is going to do is turn voters against you, not her. They want a good president, and she is the only viable candidate, and they are not going to want to spend the next 8 years spending billions of tax paper dollars trying to burn her for some minor scandal. You're so pathetic You don't care a wit about the welfare of the country; you only want to cause trouble for Democrats. You're turning the voting public against the GOP. Stop it.
Other than her airline mileage, what are her accomplishment on behalf of the people?
Let me think.........I'm drawing a blank.
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

Did they? Bush won in 2000.

This is the one "scandal" that got my interest, and she played it perfectly.

"I only deleted personal emails. No State Department emails. No, really. You can trust me."

Some level of doubt. That's all her sycophants need.


The popularity that she enjoys with liberals proves that there really is one born every minute. Though I believe that to be a conservative estimate. Way too many fools in this country.
The meme is now set, the rules are in place.

The Left can point to the tiny doubt. The media can ignore the whole story. If Fox says "uh, you're really believing this?", they'll say "well, it's just Fox".

Over and over. Rinse and repeat.

It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Oh please. You people are manufacturing scandals already. All this is going to do is turn voters against you, not her. They want a good president, and she is the only viable candidate, and they are not going to want to spend the next 8 years spending billions of tax paper dollars trying to burn her for some minor scandal. You're so pathetic You don't care a wit about the welfare of the country; you only want to cause trouble for Democrats. You're turning the voting public against the GOP. Stop it.
Can I say, idiot?
Dishonesty is quite the issue, Mr. Kennedy. That should immediately disqualify her.

The fact she so brazenly ignores the law should also disqualify her.

Yup. Just remember. Lying about a blow job is bad.

Lying about a war is good.
You are such an idiot, going on over a decade old debunked talking point. You do remember Hillary voted for that war?
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.
Obama successfully ended the Iraq war, before he fucked it up.
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

And her vote did commit us to war. Much unlike her husband going to war in Serbia or Obama in Libya and elsewhere.

Yeah? How big was the invasion force Clinton sent into Serbia. How long did the US occupation of Serbia last? How many soldiers lost their lives in Serbia?

President Bush committed us to war in Iraq. Senator Clinton's vote gave him the option/authority to use military force if......
It appears the e-mail scandal just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary Clinton as she gallivants about in her Scooby machine. A bombshell report broke last night that Hillary flatly ignored questions about her conducting her business on her private server by Darrell Issa in 2012. One can only imagine the consequences... well, off comes the mask. Everyone is shocked (not) to find out the real Hillary Clinton underneath.

"And I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" She'll yell.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly asked by congressional investigators in a December 2012 letter whether she had used a private email account while serving as secretary of state, according to letters obtained by The New York Times.

But Mrs. Clinton did not reply to the letter. And when the State Department answered in March 2013, nearly two months after she left office, it ignored the question and provided no response.

The query was posed to Mrs. Clinton in a Dec. 13, 2012, letter from Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. Issa was leading an investigation into how the Obama administration handled its officials’ use of personal email.

“Have you or any senior agency official ever used a personal email account to conduct official business?” Mr. Issa wrote to Mrs. Clinton. “If so, please identify the account used.”

The letter from Issa is here:

Issa Letter Dec. 13 2012
Oh please. You people are manufacturing scandals already. All this is going to do is turn voters against you, not her. They want a good president, and she is the only viable candidate, and they are not going to want to spend the next 8 years spending billions of tax paper dollars trying to burn her for some minor scandal. You're so pathetic You don't care a wit about the welfare of the country; you only want to cause trouble for Democrats. You're turning the voting public against the GOP. Stop it.

Yes, she's viable because she's a woman.
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

And her vote did commit us to war. Much unlike her husband going to war in Serbia or Obama in Libya and elsewhere.

Yeah? How big was the invasion force Clinton sent into Serbia. How long did the US occupation of Serbia last? How many soldiers lost their lives in Serbia?

President Bush committed us to war in Iraq. Senator Clinton's vote gave him the option/authority to use military force if......
Obozo only solves problems he causes. If he didn't start it...he ignores it.....till it bites him in the ass.....then gives a speech and his followers think it's all better again.
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

And her vote did commit us to war. Much unlike her husband going to war in Serbia or Obama in Libya and elsewhere.

Yeah? How big was the invasion force Clinton sent into Serbia. How long did the US occupation of Serbia last? How many soldiers lost their lives in Serbia?

President Bush committed us to war in Iraq. Senator Clinton's vote gave him the option/authority to use military force if......
Obozo only solves problems he causes. If he didn't start it...he ignores it.....till it bites him in the ass.....then gives a speech and his followers think it's all better again.

Contrary to known reality.

Then there is this, from the GOP itself.

THE FACTS: "Obama Sought To Negotiate A Status Of Forces Agreement That Would Have Allowed United States Troops To Stay In Iraq After 2011."

Debate Fact Check Obama Would Have Kept Thousands Of Troops In Iraq Under The Status Of Forces Agreement GOP

But ultimately, the Iraqis did insist that a new SOFA had to go through their parliament and they would not budge on the immunities issue, which made an extension of U.S. forces there impossible, Jeffrey said. He said the insistence on immunity was uniform inside the Obama administration.

Iraqi politicians backed into a corner on a Status of Forces Agreement The Long War Journal

Iraq s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence
Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

And her vote did commit us to war. Much unlike her husband going to war in Serbia or Obama in Libya and elsewhere.

Yeah? How big was the invasion force Clinton sent into Serbia. How long did the US occupation of Serbia last? How many soldiers lost their lives in Serbia?

President Bush committed us to war in Iraq. Senator Clinton's vote gave him the option/authority to use military force if......
Obozo only solves problems he causes. If he didn't start it...he ignores it.....till it bites him in the ass.....then gives a speech and his followers think it's all better again.

Contrary to known reality.

Then there is this, from the GOP itself.

THE FACTS: "Obama Sought To Negotiate A Status Of Forces Agreement That Would Have Allowed United States Troops To Stay In Iraq After 2011."

Debate Fact Check Obama Would Have Kept Thousands Of Troops In Iraq Under The Status Of Forces Agreement GOP

But ultimately, the Iraqis did insist that a new SOFA had to go through their parliament and they would not budge on the immunities issue, which made an extension of U.S. forces there impossible, Jeffrey said. He said the insistence on immunity was uniform inside the Obama administration.

Iraqi politicians backed into a corner on a Status of Forces Agreement The Long War Journal

Iraq s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

Yeah...we know....Obozo is powerless....
Ha, and people are getting sued for sexual harassment all the time. The worse part of the situation is that you don't realize that Clinton, being a lawyer, is sworn to tell the truth ALL THE TIME, but especially under oath. If he just would have lied to us, as he did on TV, there would have been on issue. But he lied under oath and he paid the price.

Yes, he paid the price. He left office with a 67% approval rating and the voters bitchslapped the Republicans, so they had to steal the 2000 election they clearly lost.

Most Americans realized that Clinton never should have been asked those questions. It was a personal matter between him and his wife.

Do you really care about Bush and alleged lies about Iraq? Yet you don't give a shit about Mrs. Clinton who more or less said she would do the same? Seems awful hypocritical of the left wing to whine about lying then support perhaps the biggest liar of them all.

Big difference. Mr. Clinton didn't commit us to a course of action that killed 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis and put the whole region in turmoil. Your Boy Bush did that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

If Bush lied, as you said, then Hillary lied, she wasn't in the position to actually send our troops in. YOU ignore her LYING, you are a hypocrite.

W. Clinton paid a heavy civil penalty for his lying. He lost his law license for 5 years and was impeached. My opinion that is penalty enough. I can not help it if 67 percent doesn't have a problem with lying under oath. And yes he should have been asked those questions to not asked, and to lie about it, denied a woman of her rights. Something the hypocrites on the left SAY they give a crap about.

And her vote did commit us to war. Much unlike her husband going to war in Serbia or Obama in Libya and elsewhere.

Yeah? How big was the invasion force Clinton sent into Serbia. How long did the US occupation of Serbia last? How many soldiers lost their lives in Serbia?

President Bush committed us to war in Iraq. Senator Clinton's vote gave him the option/authority to use military force if......

So now wars are only wars if we comitt ground troops? Tell that to the ethnic Serbs that stood on a bridge defying Clinton to bomb it, he did, no report from the press on what happened to the Serbs. 72 days of terror bombing without congressional approval. Every bridge over the Danube blown to pieces and we paid to rebuild them. And what protection did it give the US? The Muslims attacked us on 9/11, quite the bargin.

The left screams about how taking out the sadistic Saddam and sons destabilized the area, BS. What really is destabilizing the area is Obama bombing Libya and supplying arms to the Syrian rebels that spawned ISIS.

I think we can have some agreement on this. If either of us would have had a vote on the Iraq war we would have be a no. I would have and I assume you would have been. In that way, and it is the only way, we show we did NOT support a war with Iraq. A yes vote would mean just the opposite. So don't be a hypocrite if it wasn't for Mrs. Clinton and others either Bush would have violated the law going against congress, as did Clinton and Obama, or he would not have removed Saddam from power. Don't be a hypocrite you know Mr.s Clinto is complicit.
Yes, there is a big difference in the types of military actions.

It was radical extremest of al Qaeda who called themselves Muslims that attacked us on 9-11.

The left screams about how taking out the sadistic Saddam and sons destabilized the area, BS. What really is destabilizing the area

It was the Occupation that destabilized Iraq and jump started their ongoing civil war.

All Representatives and Senators who voted to give President Bush the deciding power should have resigned in disgrace, including her majesty, opps I mean Hillary.

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