And so it begins FINALLY. House Sues Obama over Obamacare

I wish I had a dollar for every time some idiot USMB nutter began a thread with the phrase "And so it begins".

You fucking unoriginal losers.
I don't know which would make me richer quicker; a dollar for every time someone said Obama has gotten his mojo back or a dollar for every time someone said, "And so it begins." :laugh:

WOW one irony impaired far left drone agreeing with another irony impaired far left drone..

But as they continue to show they would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

Far left Obama drone irony in paired far left Obama drone drone drone far left Obama drone you far leftist Obama drone ironing impaired far left Obama drone draw oh

And the irony impaired far left drone proves my comments!
I wish I had a dollar for every time some idiot USMB nutter began a thread with the phrase "And so it begins".

You fucking unoriginal losers.
I don't know which would make me richer quicker; a dollar for every time someone said Obama has gotten his mojo back or a dollar for every time someone said, "And so it begins." :laugh:

WOW one irony impaired far left drone agreeing with another irony impaired far left drone..

But as they continue to show they would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

Far left Obama drone irony in paired far left Obama drone drone drone far left Obama drone you far leftist Obama drone ironing impaired far left Obama drone draw oh

And the irony impaired far left drone proves my comments!
Far left Obama drone blah far left your own Obama blah blab blah far you left Obama drawn for lab blah blah
Way back in the mists of time, the Republican Congress passed the "Bush tax cuts". Those tax cuts had an expiration date.

When that deadline rolled around, it became the meme of the day that the Bush tax cut deadline had been a little too optimistic and that we could not handle going back to the tax rates we used to have. So Congress extended the tax cut deadline. They did this more than once!

As the employer insurance mandate deadline rolled around, it became obvious that the legislation had been a little too optimistic. The business world said it would cause too much pain to try to get in under that wire so soon.

So Congress extended the deadline.


When the deadline for the employer insurance mandate rolled around, the GOP House somehow found it impossible to extend that deadline.

Someone must have lost the instructions for how to extend deadlines between the time the Bush tax cuts deadline was extended and the time the employer mandate deadline was set to expire.

This was going to cause a world of pain for the business world, and so the "corporations are people, too" Republicans really, really, really wanted to extend that deadline. After all, corporations are job creators!

The poor bastards turned the Capitol upside down looking for those damned deadline extension instructions, but it was all to no avail.

So you can understand they had no choice but to let the deadline come and go, even though it was going to cause grievous harm to the country.

Then...holy fuck...Obama extended the deadline. Thank God, right?

Nope. How dare that Kenyan Muslim BASTARD do that? He has no right! We need to let the business world go down the tubes, man. We need them to start uninsuring 93 million people!

That's the figure the Right claims is going to be disenrolled when the mandate finally kicks in. 93 million. Don't forget that prediction. Do NOT allow amnesia to kick in when it does not happen.

The GOP House could not wait for 93 million people to be disenrolled. That's why they didn't extend the deadline. They wanted that shit to go down as soon as possible. There simply is no other rational explanation.

But then, Barry SADDAM Soeoeoetereo illegally extended the deadline and ruined the whole fucking plan. For this, he is finally going to get it. Oh boy!

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Pointless and partisan:

“The central flaw in the lawsuit is that presidents have discretion in choosing when and how to enforce a law. Countless federal laws exist that presidents and their attorneys general decide not to enforce, or fully enforce, for a host of reasons. The same is true at the state and local level. Resources are scarce, and prosecutorial discretion is always exercised as to which laws to enforce.


President Obama did nothing illegal or unconstitutional when he said that the ACA’s employer mandate would not be enforced for a year. In fact, it is for this reason that courts have consistently held that members of Congress lack the legal authority even to go to court to sue a president.

The leading Supreme Court case about this is Raines v. Byrd in 1997. President Bill Clinton, exercising power under a law passed by Congress, attempted to veto parts of appropriation bills, while signing the rest of the bills into law. Members of Congress sued, arguing that the president had acted unconstitutionally.

The Supreme Court ordered the case dismissed, ruling that Congress could not sue. The court said that this was a dispute to be resolved through the political process, not in the courts.”

Erwin Chemerinsky House lacks standing to sue Obama - The Orange County Register

See also:

On Obama lawsuit Boehner should listen to Justice Scalia - The Washington Post

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