And so it starts...Our New Muslim Representatives-Sharia, corruption, & Jew-hatred come to the House

Answer the question and I'll answer yours. What do you like about Islam?
I don't like anything about any religion you dunce....

and guess what, according to the constitution, I don't have to...

Now, what do you hate about the constitution?

You don't like ANYTHING?!?!?! LMAO. This is too funny.
No, I am not a worshipper of any religion -- NEITHER do I think God cares much about any religion -- religion is man's attempt to be God on Earth..

Now again....what do you hate about the constitution?

I don't "hate" anything. I think the 2nd amendment is outdated and needs to be revisited. When written guns took like 30 seconds to reload. Now you can fire 200 bullets in 30 seconds. I think the 14th amendment needs to be reviewed as well. Only Canada and the US have the birthright law (out of developed countries). I would be more inclined to follow the laws in Switzerland or GB. Other than that I do not have any issues with the US Constitution. I agree with you in terms of dogma with religion but there are some good things that come from it such as historical writings and chariities.

Pardon me, but your idiocy is showing!

Eh? How
Oregon is blue hell, but I would take it over the idiot state of Minnesota.
Yep. I don't want to live in a state with any Muslim trash in office. They're not American in any sense of the word.
Should this NavySeal have his medal of honor snatched away? Since he is all muslim and stuff....

That's NOT a SEAL!

Don't you recognize a US Army officer uniform?
Bigger threat? 8mil Jews in Israel or 800mil Radical Muslims worldwide? Can your racist ass even do simple math?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

So racial Muslims are your friend? Whacko.
Friend? Not yes.

You cannot do simple math eh? Please run into me on the street someday. I will Pray for it. You Nazi loser.
I sure can. Muh 6 million....:21:

Shit happens. You’re case in point.
I don't like anything about any religion you dunce....

and guess what, according to the constitution, I don't have to...

Now, what do you hate about the constitution?

You don't like ANYTHING?!?!?! LMAO. This is too funny.
No, I am not a worshipper of any religion -- NEITHER do I think God cares much about any religion -- religion is man's attempt to be God on Earth..

Now again....what do you hate about the constitution?

I don't "hate" anything. I think the 2nd amendment is outdated and needs to be revisited. When written guns took like 30 seconds to reload. Now you can fire 200 bullets in 30 seconds. I think the 14th amendment needs to be reviewed as well. Only Canada and the US have the birthright law (out of developed countries). I would be more inclined to follow the laws in Switzerland or GB. Other than that I do not have any issues with the US Constitution. I agree with you in terms of dogma with religion but there are some good things that come from it such as historical writings and chariities.

Pardon me, but your idiocy is showing!

Eh? How

Name a gun that fires 400 rounds per minute that you can go to the gun store and buy right now.
Didn’t take long for the right to rip into the Muslim candidates with their usual disinformation.
You don't like ANYTHING?!?!?! LMAO. This is too funny.
No, I am not a worshipper of any religion -- NEITHER do I think God cares much about any religion -- religion is man's attempt to be God on Earth..

Now again....what do you hate about the constitution?

I don't "hate" anything. I think the 2nd amendment is outdated and needs to be revisited. When written guns took like 30 seconds to reload. Now you can fire 200 bullets in 30 seconds. I think the 14th amendment needs to be reviewed as well. Only Canada and the US have the birthright law (out of developed countries). I would be more inclined to follow the laws in Switzerland or GB. Other than that I do not have any issues with the US Constitution. I agree with you in terms of dogma with religion but there are some good things that come from it such as historical writings and chariities.

Pardon me, but your idiocy is showing!

Eh? How

Name a gun that fires 400 rounds per minute that you can go to the gun store and buy right now.

I was exaggerating. I am not anti 2nd amendment but I do think it needs to be revisited.
Trump supporters are pathetic....

Apparently they think it is illegal to be muslim Moslem and hold office...

my My Dhimmi cult's proof is all of the racist cucks on this post fainting over the idea of a "Muslim" being elected
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

How can White Pride and Self-Defense be "racist" when Muzzies are not part of the human race any more than the similarly unevolved species, Neanderthals, were? Outside of a few decadent nations that had lost their will because of full-blown rule by the Nobility With No Ability, the androids who took to Islam were located in (literally, as any objective anthropologist would admit, if there were any left) "No Man's Land."

No prehistoric tribe chose to settle down in the desert, jungle, or mountains. So any logical professional opinionator, if there were any left, would have to conclude that these Islamic-destined tribes originated in bandit gangs driven out by a species of evolved races. So their "homelands" were chosen as hideouts.

With the decadent, prideless, apathetic, and suicidal West surrendering its petroleum intellectual property to these Low IQ savages, the Nazislami criminal gangs took a break from their incessant intertribal-bloodbath thrill-killing, as they were once again drawn to easy pickings in the nations weakened and blood-sucked by the terminal illness posing today as the New Age.
its It's a damn shame you had to type all them those words when you could have just said you are a racist and saved yourself a lot of typing...
The Neanderthals Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

There is nothing automatically wrong with Racism. It is an informed judgment about the general character of certain ethnicities. It was too shallow and class-biased when applied to the advanced Jews and Japanese, but highly rational when applied to Arabs, Southeast Asians, American Indians, Gypsies, and Africans. Only the powerful anti-racist elite, because of their slumming degeneracy and pompous disrespect for reality, have decided to submit to their overwhelming "A Punk Is a Hunk" preference.

Postmodern anthropologists practice Pre-Emptive Perversion. They admit there were inferior humanoids at one time, the Neanderthals, which would lead a rational person to expect that there are still unfit groups around. But the academented students are not allowed their own opinions and must obey their father-figures professors in coming to conclusions. Our captive youth are also too lazy to think for themselves, which is painful to them, so they take the easy way out by accepting the quick answers supplied by their demented mentors.

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