And The Congress is once again on vacation!

Whenever they're gone, america wins.
This ^^^^^

The trouble with lawmakers is that, once they gather, they feel obliged to make laws.

We have enough laws already.

Too many laws, quite honestly.

Leaving the US Constitution untouched, there are times when I think we'd be better off reviewing our entire 200+ year-old body of law, with an eye towards performing a metaphorical liposuction on our corpus juris.

Afterwards, perhaps we can send the Congress home, and convert them into a full-time responsibility / part-time sitting-in-session kind of role, so that they aren't sitting there all year long, dreaming-up more and more restrictive laws to obstruct and choke our daily lives.

A silly and irresponsible daydream, to be sure, but mine own.
My Congressman is doing exactly what I want him to do---block every socialist policy advocated by the unadulterated Liar & Marxist in the White House.

My Congressman is helping the Country ride out the last 2 years and four months of the worst misgovernmence in our history...after which we will have to try to rebuild from the damage the damn Fool has done.


Obama a marxist. You people are a riot. Name some marxists he's appointed or met with since being in office.
Congress has a lower approval rating that root canals and cockroaches. Apparently the GOP likes it that way.

You are aware, of course, that "congress" includes 535 people....including senators....

So you can say it is all the GOP led house....but it also includes the Democratic lead Senate.

So there goes your "GOP likes it that way" theory...

Apparently, the democrats like it as well.
Considering how Harry Reid is refusing to have the Senate vote on the enormous pile of bills the House has passed, the House might as well go on vacation for the next two years.
Considering how Harry Reid is refusing to have the Senate vote on the enormous pile of bills the House has passed, the House might as well go on vacation for the next two years.

Still pushing that canard? Look up the Hastert rule. The House is passing bills they know have no chance of getting past the Senate or being signed into law by the President.

Immigration reform? The Senate Bill would pass in the House if put up for a full vote. Why won't the Boehner do that?
Congress has a lower approval rating that root canals and cockroaches. Apparently the GOP likes it that way.

You are aware, of course, that "congress" includes 535 people....including senators....

So you can say it is all the GOP led house....but it also includes the Democratic lead Senate.

So there goes your "GOP likes it that way" theory...

Apparently, the democrats like it as well.

Funny, it's not Dems saying "that's what they're supposed to do, nothing". That would be the "conservatives" here at USMB saying that. Wait...the Boehner said that didn't he? He said they shouldn't be judged by what they do, but what they repeal? Failed there too didn't he? :lol:
Considering how Harry Reid is refusing to have the Senate vote on the enormous pile of bills the House has passed, the House might as well go on vacation for the next two years.

Hackneyed half-truth ^^^

BTW, the H. of Rep. is on vacation, this time for five weeks, while real issues and problems remain undebated and festering.

Some of you will know me as one of the most lefty liberal progressives you'll ever meet on USMB. Last night someone who works for Kerry came to my house. The entire place got dead silent when they heard him tell me he was a Republican and then he tells me he's working for the tea bagging Kerry B? OMG!

Anyways, this is proof we can all get along. We didn't get too into politics, I made a few jokes throughout the night, he made a few jokes and we had a good time.

But I do hate his boss. LOL.

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