And the dems are off to fast track infrastructure with the message to the gop get on the bus or jump aside

There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years.
You do know that Mississippi is still without water don't you? Their water mains hadn't been upgraded in 75 years.
Water mains are usually repaired one break or several blocks at a time because it costs millions to dig them up and replace.
You have to be able to repair/replace pipes that are anywhere between 6"-20" as well as repair/replace the roads.
Making the pipes accessible without breaking the roads is near impossible because there's only about a foot or so of road between the pipes and the top of the road.
A major city like NYC can somewhat afford to have underground worlds like sewers but many smaller cities and towns can't.
Jackson MS is a mess..they are a Democratic ran city in a Republican state. They get starvation wages from the State..and infrastructure is at 1960 standards in many places.
There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years.
You do know that Mississippi is still without water don't you? Their water mains hadn't been upgraded in 75 years.
Water mains are usually repaired one break or several blocks at a time because it costs millions to dig them up and replace.
You have to be able to repair/replace pipes that are anywhere between 6"-20" as well as repair/replace the roads.
Making the pipes accessible without breaking the roads is near impossible because there's only about a foot or so of road between the pipes and the top of the road.
A major city like NYC can somewhat afford to have underground worlds like sewers but many smaller cities and towns can't.
Jackson MS is a mess..they are a Democratic ran city in a Republican state. They get starvation wages from the State..and infrastructure is at 1960 standards in many places.
Municipalities that are being told that businesses are headed their way are more likely to get more tax money because commercial taxes will be coming in.
I don't know if Jackson, MS is a business magnet.
Democrats debate fast-track for infrastructure package | TheHill

I wonder how much bipartisan the dems will pursue. And how much Manchin and Sinema will require before backing reconcilliation again.

I hope they pursue bipartisan help with this bill.

The way things are supposed to work is everyone works together. Everyone has input. The best suggestions are supposed to rise to the top with bipartisan support.

Unfortunately those days ended years ago.
I just don't see ten republicans voting to roll back the marginal rates on the .1% and 1%. And there's long term gains. I think Romney and Collins and others could support raising the corp tax.

No republican is ever going to support repealing tax cuts for business and the rich.
There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years.
You do know that Mississippi is still without water don't you? Their water mains hadn't been upgraded in 75 years.
Water mains are usually repaired one break or several blocks at a time because it costs millions to dig them up and replace.
You have to be able to repair/replace pipes that are anywhere between 6"-20" as well as repair/replace the roads.
Making the pipes accessible without breaking the roads is near impossible because there's only about a foot or so of road between the pipes and the top of the road.
A major city like NYC can somewhat afford to have underground worlds like sewers but many smaller cities and towns can't.
Cool, you have reasons and explanations as to why your quote: "There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years." is completely wrong.

Check and see if you live on the downside of any major dams. If you do, move to higher ground while the getting is good.
I have noticed Dems first destroy jobs, BEFORE they deliver the promised pie in the sky 'green' jobs. I predict this shovel ready jobs money will go right into the pockets of the Dem shills just like the last shovel ready jobs money did.
There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years.
You do know that Mississippi is still without water don't you? Their water mains hadn't been upgraded in 75 years.
Water mains are usually repaired one break or several blocks at a time because it costs millions to dig them up and replace.
You have to be able to repair/replace pipes that are anywhere between 6"-20" as well as repair/replace the roads.
Making the pipes accessible without breaking the roads is near impossible because there's only about a foot or so of road between the pipes and the top of the road.
A major city like NYC can somewhat afford to have underground worlds like sewers but many smaller cities and towns can't.
Cool, you have reasons and explanations as to why your quote: "There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years." is completely wrong.

Check and see if you live on the downside of any major dams. If you do, move to higher ground while the getting is good.
You are correct...there is no major commercial city that has not undergone infrastructure improvement to coerce businesses to move in.
It is a simple reality that small, non-commercial towns and cities do not have the political clout to get money from the Feds or their state.
Jackson MS is a mess..they are a Democratic ran city in a Republican state. They get starvation wages from the State..and infrastructure is at 1960 standards in many places.
Jackson is the state capital. You'd think that they might consider sprucing it up for appearances.
I have noticed Dems first destroy jobs, BEFORE they deliver the promised pie in the sky 'green' jobs. I predict this shovel ready jobs money will go right into the pockets of the Dem shills just like the last shovel ready jobs money did.
I know a good numbers of Rs who have found many clever ways to pocket funds targeted towards infrastructure improvement,.
I have noticed Dems first destroy jobs, BEFORE they deliver the promised pie in the sky 'green' jobs. I predict this shovel ready jobs money will go right into the pockets of the Dem shills just like the last shovel ready jobs money did.
I know a good numbers of Rs who have found many clever ways to pocket funds targeted towards infrastructure improvement,.

Biden and lying Dems are claiming the BILLIONS they are gifting to the teachers unions will pay for supplies. What a load of crap that is, that money will go right into their pockets students won't see shit.
How many corporations are headquartered in Jackson?
I'm not going to look that up, and I don't care. If you can't get your infrastructure upgraded without having major corporations headquartered in your city limits; fuck capitalism. It's the root of all evil.
I have noticed Dems first destroy jobs, BEFORE they deliver the promised pie in the sky 'green' jobs. I predict this shovel ready jobs money will go right into the pockets of the Dem shills just like the last shovel ready jobs money did.
These are not shovel ready jobs to tweak the economy, they are long term major infrastructure projects
I have noticed Dems first destroy jobs, BEFORE they deliver the promised pie in the sky 'green' jobs. I predict this shovel ready jobs money will go right into the pockets of the Dem shills just like the last shovel ready jobs money did.
These are not shovel ready jobs to tweak the economy, they are long term major infrastructure projects

If by that you mean a slush fund to fuel Dem coffers yes.
Jackson MS is a mess..they are a Democratic ran city in a Republican state. They get starvation wages from the State..and infrastructure is at 1960 standards in many places.
Jackson is the state capital. You'd think that they might consider sprucing it up for appearances.
It's Mississippi.....the Capital is spruced..but the underlying water and sewer has totally collapsed..with no help or end in sight.
I have noticed Dems first destroy jobs, BEFORE they deliver the promised pie in the sky 'green' jobs. I predict this shovel ready jobs money will go right into the pockets of the Dem shills just like the last shovel ready jobs money did.
These are not shovel ready jobs to tweak the economy, they are long term major infrastructure projects

If by that you mean a slush fund to fuel Dem coffers yes.
I starts already

Republicans block infrastructure funding because other than red states may receive it.

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