And the dems are off to fast track infrastructure with the message to the gop get on the bus or jump aside

I have noticed Dems first destroy jobs, BEFORE they deliver the promised pie in the sky 'green' jobs. I predict this shovel ready jobs money will go right into the pockets of the Dem shills just like the last shovel ready jobs money did.
These are not shovel ready jobs to tweak the economy, they are long term major infrastructure projects

If by that you mean a slush fund to fuel Dem coffers yes.
I starts already

Republicans block infrastructure funding because other than red states may receive it.
Both parties do it.
Both parties do it.
The famous Bond movie title song was written with dems in mind

Nobody Does It Better

the first recovery bill by obama and pelosi contained infastructure money to teach african men how to clean their penis

They werent even patrotic enough to teach black guys in the hood, but went out of the country
I have noticed Dems first destroy jobs, BEFORE they deliver the promised pie in the sky 'green' jobs. I predict this shovel ready jobs money will go right into the pockets of the Dem shills just like the last shovel ready jobs money did.
These are not shovel ready jobs to tweak the economy, they are long term major infrastructure projects

If by that you mean a slush fund to fuel Dem coffers yes.

AKA California's "high speed rail" project.
I have noticed Dems first destroy jobs, BEFORE they deliver the promised pie in the sky 'green' jobs. I predict this shovel ready jobs money will go right into the pockets of the Dem shills just like the last shovel ready jobs money did.
These are not shovel ready jobs to tweak the economy, they are long term major infrastructure projects

If by that you mean a slush fund to fuel Dem coffers yes.

AKA California's "high speed rail" project.

BINGO! Just the kickbacks are probably over $1 billion.
Democrats debate fast-track for infrastructure package | TheHill

I wonder how much bipartisan the dems will pursue. And how much Manchin and Sinema will require before backing reconcilliation again.
I doubt that reconciliation will apply on this bill. I imagine they might try to stretch it into a budget thing..but I doubt that it will fly, as such.
Perhaps the Dems would be better served to keep all the culture war bs out of the bill and make it a straight infrastructure bill..with no earmarks or 'woke' provisions. Specifically, i think they need to keep the min. wage deal out of this package. Present that as a simple up and down vote in it's own bill..instead of trying to sneak it in.
Best chance for some bipartisan support--slim chance, I get it..but at least they might get the fence-sitters in their own party on board.

Dumping the filibuster is dead in the water.
Why are the conservatives against infrastructure improvement? Almost all infrastructure was built with massive help from the feds, I hear. And ours is in need of repair/replacement and upgrades.
There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years.
You do know that Mississippi is still without water don't you? Their water mains hadn't been upgraded in 75 years.
Water mains are usually repaired one break or several blocks at a time because it costs millions to dig them up and replace.
You have to be able to repair/replace pipes that are anywhere between 6"-20" as well as repair/replace the roads.
Making the pipes accessible without breaking the roads is near impossible because there's only about a foot or so of road between the pipes and the top of the road.
A major city like NYC can somewhat afford to have underground worlds like sewers but many smaller cities and towns can't.
Jackson MS is a mess..they are a Democratic ran city in a Republican state. They get starvation wages from the State..and infrastructure is at 1960 standards in many places.
Municipalities that are being told that businesses are headed their way are more likely to get more tax money because commercial taxes will be coming in.
I don't know if Jackson, MS is a business magnet.
Nothing in MS is a magnet. Have you been to the state.
There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years.
You do know that Mississippi is still without water don't you? Their water mains hadn't been upgraded in 75 years.
Water mains are usually repaired one break or several blocks at a time because it costs millions to dig them up and replace.
You have to be able to repair/replace pipes that are anywhere between 6"-20" as well as repair/replace the roads.
Making the pipes accessible without breaking the roads is near impossible because there's only about a foot or so of road between the pipes and the top of the road.
A major city like NYC can somewhat afford to have underground worlds like sewers but many smaller cities and towns can't.
Cool, you have reasons and explanations as to why your quote: "There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years." is completely wrong.

Check and see if you live on the downside of any major dams. If you do, move to higher ground while the getting is good.
You are correct...there is no major commercial city that has not undergone infrastructure improvement to coerce businesses to move in.
It is a simple reality that small, non-commercial towns and cities do not have the political clout to get money from the Feds or their state.

And some of us small, non-commercial town/city dwellers are cool with that.
There is no where in the US where infrastructure has not been upgraded in years.
You do know that Mississippi is still without water don't you? Their water mains hadn't been upgraded in 75 years.
Water mains are usually repaired one break or several blocks at a time because it costs millions to dig them up and replace.
You have to be able to repair/replace pipes that are anywhere between 6"-20" as well as repair/replace the roads.
Making the pipes accessible without breaking the roads is near impossible because there's only about a foot or so of road between the pipes and the top of the road.
A major city like NYC can somewhat afford to have underground worlds like sewers but many smaller cities and towns can't.
Jackson MS is a mess..they are a Democratic ran city in a Republican state. They get starvation wages from the State..and infrastructure is at 1960 standards in many places.
Municipalities that are being told that businesses are headed their way are more likely to get more tax money because commercial taxes will be coming in.
I don't know if Jackson, MS is a business magnet.
Nothing in MS is a magnet. Have you been to the state.
No reason to go there.
Both parties do it.
The famous Bond movie title song was written with dems in mind

Nobody Does It Better

the first recovery bill by obama and pelosi contained infastructure money to teach african men how to clean their penis

They werent even patrotic enough to teach black guys in the hood, but went out of the country
There is a certain validity to Republican stinginess.
Both parties do it.
The famous Bond movie title song was written with dems in mind

Nobody Does It Better

the first recovery bill by obama and pelosi contained infastructure money to teach african men how to clean their penis

They werent even patrotic enough to teach black guys in the hood, but went out of the country
There is a certain validity to Republican stinginess.
I don't see why anyone could possibly use "validity" with McConnell Trump and infrastructure all in one sentence. But imo dems sometimes view infrastructure funding as "free money" that "comes from Washington."
Both parties do it.
The famous Bond movie title song was written with dems in mind

Nobody Does It Better

the first recovery bill by obama and pelosi contained infastructure money to teach african men how to clean their penis

They werent even patrotic enough to teach black guys in the hood, but went out of the country
There is a certain validity to Republican stinginess.
I don't see why anyone could possibly use "validity" with McConnell Trump and infrastructure all in one sentence. But imo dems sometimes view infrastructure funding as "free money" that "comes from Washington."
You should have left your basement once in a while.
Don't type McConnell and Trump in the same sentence.
Democrats debate fast-track for infrastructure package | TheHill

I wonder how much bipartisan the dems will pursue. And how much Manchin and Sinema will require before backing reconcilliation again.

President Trump tried to get Dems to vote for infrastructure spending for 4 years dumb ass. They refused.
Infrastructure was the Trump era’s running joke, but Democrats are serious about it (
Where do you live where nothing was happening?
Both parties do it.
The famous Bond movie title song was written with dems in mind

Nobody Does It Better

the first recovery bill by obama and pelosi contained infastructure money to teach african men how to clean their penis

They werent even patrotic enough to teach black guys in the hood, but went out of the country
There is a certain validity to Republican stinginess.
I don't see why anyone could possibly use "validity" with McConnell Trump and infrastructure all in one sentence. But imo dems sometimes view infrastructure funding as "free money" that "comes from Washington."
You should have left your basement once in a while.
Don't type McConnell and Trump in the same sentence.
LOL. Go fuck yourself with your basement

How Mitch McConnell Became Trump’s Enabler-in-Chief | The New Yorker

You're no more an independent than AOC
But imo dems sometimes view infrastructure funding as "free money" that "comes from Washington
Pelosi used the obama infrastructure bill as her chance to finally teach african men how to clean their penis
ummmmm. I think some african americans view infrastructure the same way they do reparations. "Water is a necessity" therefore someone needs to provide it. Someone meaning someone other than them.

AOC is more just a run of the mill socialist. And she might even verge on communist if she was ever elected supreme leader.
Both parties do it.
The famous Bond movie title song was written with dems in mind

Nobody Does It Better

the first recovery bill by obama and pelosi contained infastructure money to teach african men how to clean their penis

They werent even patrotic enough to teach black guys in the hood, but went out of the country
There is a certain validity to Republican stinginess.
I don't see why anyone could possibly use "validity" with McConnell Trump and infrastructure all in one sentence. But imo dems sometimes view infrastructure funding as "free money" that "comes from Washington."
You should have left your basement once in a while.
Don't type McConnell and Trump in the same sentence.
LOL. Go fuck yourself with your basement

How Mitch McConnell Became Trump’s Enabler-in-Chief | The New Yorker

You're no more an independent than AOC
Where do you live that no one wants to invest in a business?
Democrats debate fast-track for infrastructure package | TheHill

I wonder how much bipartisan the dems will pursue. And how much Manchin and Sinema will require before backing reconcilliation again.
I doubt that reconciliation will apply on this bill. I imagine they might try to stretch it into a budget thing..but I doubt that it will fly, as such.
Perhaps the Dems would be better served to keep all the culture war bs out of the bill and make it a straight infrastructure bill..with no earmarks or 'woke' provisions. Specifically, i think they need to keep the min. wage deal out of this package. Present that as a simple up and down vote in it's own bill..instead of trying to sneak it in.
Best chance for some bipartisan support--slim chance, I get it..but at least they might get the fence-sitters in their own party on board.

Dumping the filibuster is dead in the water.
Why are the conservatives against infrastructure improvement? Almost all infrastructure was built with massive help from the feds, I hear. And ours is in need of repair/replacement and upgrades.
Imo its an outgrowth of Mitch's determination to make Obama a one termer, because Obama treated him like he was an idiot which was not rare for Obama, and Mitch's embrace of Trump as his fellow traveler who would sign every tax bill designed to benefit the 1%. It just accelerated the trend beginning roughly with W, and now 1% controls about as much wealth as the 50%.

• Chart: The Top 10 Percent Own 70 Percent of U.S. Wealth | Statista

If a local govt wants to raise money to build something, it's citizens may say "but we can't pay more than we do now for X." And there's probably some justification for that. People in the bottom 50% may be qualifying for govt assistance, and there just aren't that many billionaries. We don't have 800 of them in the whole country. A local govt isn't gonna touch them.

So any significant infrastructure upgrade is a national problem.

AOC sees wealth disparity and an issue of "fairness." But life in America has never been fair. But the effect is that there's really only one place to get the revenue.

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