And the slanderous attacks on Amy Coney Barrett begin...


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2019
This is just too low. I wondered how they were going to one-up their baseless attacks on Kavanaugh, but never could have predicted anything this low. Aspersions of child trafficking & illegal adoption, and baselessly speculating that her Haitian children may have been snatched from their parents? Utterly despicable. Her adopted daughter was 11 lbs at 14 months old and it was believed she would never walk or speak. She is now a track star and chatterbox.

This is just too low. I wondered how they were going to one-up their baseless attacks on Kavanaugh, but never could have predicted anything this low. Aspersions of child trafficking & illegal adoption, and baselessly speculating that her Haitian children may have been snatched from their parents? Utterly despicable. Her adopted daughter was 11 lbs at 14 months old and it was believed she would never walk or speak. She is now a track star who talks all the time.

I agree...they have taken a good thing..and tried to make it seem bad. Hell..if they did get snatched from their was the best thing that happened to them!

OK..she is a bit spooky religious---but I really don't think it's going to matter all that much.
Let anyone try and go that low. Even if somehow something wasn't done in the proper manner, what are they suggesting that would prevent her from sitting on the courts?

I think the Dems focus will be on trying to get her to recuse herself from the 2020 election if it has to go to the S.C. Just as they strong armed Jeff Sessions to recuse himself, now he is unemployed. I think that is the "win" they want, they can't stop the nomination, they must have a plan B.
Whatever garbage they make up is patently false.....and every radical Leftists will proclaim it scripture.

Whatever happens, we MUSt not let these jackals steal our nation.

Our nation has already been stolen, Basic. COVID-19 WAS the revolution and it was a successful revolution. Did you see the video of the Ohio woman tased for not wearing a mask by the school resource officer? No man or woman present lifted a finger to aid her. This is but one of thousands of instances of Americans surrendering to COVID tyranny on an almost daily basis. So yeah, the revolution already happened and the second "civil" war has already been lost. Cheers . . . I guess?
Kavanaugh is Catholic.
Barrett is Catholic.
William Barr, the attorney general, is Catholic.

There are too many DEMOCRAT gun control sermons enforced by Catholic cops straight from the pulpit on Sunday.

A more or less exclusive Roman Catholic majority not only on the Supreme Court and throughout the entire judicial system is more than a little disconcerting to me. I am not a member of the Roman Catholic Church; on the contrary, I have repeatedly been subjected to arbitrary punishment, extreme torture and religious persecution through the legal system at the instigation of Roman Catholic police officers, Roman Catholic attorneys, and Roman Catholic judges.

Freemasons have also been involved in the religious persecution I have experienced, although their role is unclear to me, because Freemasonry is apparently forbidden under Catholicism — Freemasonry requires some belief in God, but Catholicism forbids association with such foreign deities.

Then the Catholics on top of that have the temerity to run the NSA as a foreign white nationalist Swiss Guard with too much access to all our personal and private information. It is unclear regarding the new foreign surveillance data center placed in Utah to what extent Mormons and those of the LDS denomination have been admitted to the inner sanctum of Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information at the Catholic-dominated National Security Agency. We have not received media reports of FISA court activity lately, although we know such activity takes place, and the public has the right to be fully informed of all such court proceedings.
Kavanaugh is Catholic.
Barrett is Catholic.
William Barr, the attorney general, is Catholic.

There are too many DEMOCRAT gun control sermons enforced by Catholic cops straight from the pulpit on Sunday.

A more or less exclusive Roman Catholic majority not only on the Supreme Court and throughout the entire judicial system is more than a little disconcerting to me. I am not a member of the Roman Catholic Church; on the contrary, I have repeatedly been subjected to arbitrary punishment, extreme torture and religious persecution through the legal system at the instigation of Roman Catholic police officers, Roman Catholic attorneys, and Roman Catholic judges.

Freemasons have also been involved in the religious persecution I have experienced, although their role is unclear to me, because Freemasonry is apparently forbidden under Catholicism — Freemasonry requires some belief in God, but Catholicism forbids association with such foreign deities.

Then the Catholics on top of that have the temerity to run the NSA as a foreign white nationalist Swiss Guard with too much access to all our personal and private information. It is unclear regarding the new foreign surveillance data center placed in Utah to what extent Mormons and those of the LDS denomination have been admitted to the inner sanctum of Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information at the Catholic-dominated National Security Agency. We have not received media reports of FISA court activity lately, although we know such activity takes place, and the public has the right to be fully informed of all such court proceedings.
So I guess that's a no vote?
This is just too low. I wondered how they were going to one-up their baseless attacks on Kavanaugh, but never could have predicted anything this low. Aspersions of child trafficking & illegal adoption, and baselessly speculating that her Haitian children may have been snatched from their parents? Utterly despicable. Her adopted daughter was 11 lbs at 14 months old and it was believed she would never walk or speak. She is now a track star and chatterbox.

The Leftists aka Communists are literally lower than slug shit.
There is no satan, Dumbass #5. We’re not surprised, #8. You already had a line on Antifa. Thanks for the post.
Maybe the worst thing about her is her willingness to participate in this shit show. If she can't take being used as a political weapon she should withdraw herself from consideration now.
Maybe the worst thing about her is her willingness to participate in this shit show. If she can't take being used as a political weapon she should withdraw herself from consideration now.

That's an insane tactic and you know it

Translation: we'll make up shit about any nominee (see Kavanaugh) take it or bow out

I despise left Ioons

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